Black woman murdered by Capitol Police. Will there be a hearing on it?

Here is the story from a credable source

As opposed to the Gateway Pundit

View attachment 519357
Backwards Bobby once again is quick with his failed attempt to use Marxist Fake News fact checker sites to discredit a video that we all can see with our own eyes.

Any questions about Leftism being a Mental Disorder?
Right. See, i am not a racist freak like you and don't have to substitute blowing the dog whistle for actual, cogent points.
Yes you are a racist. As you’ve shown multiple times toward blacks who don’t follow your massa asshole. Projecting racism at me doesn’t work loser. You’ve haven’t had a cogent point your whole life.
Knowingly pushing people onto the pile and not letting them up as they’re crushed? Sounds like murder. Or at a minimum manslaughter.

At about 7:15 p.m., the situation began to escalate.

At that point, the entire crowd surged and pushed toward the two doors which had been opened. This caused many people to get trampled while some suffered more serious injuries. Eleven people were unable to escape the dense crowd pushing toward them and died by asphyxiation. Twenty-six other people reported injuries
They were defending the capital and the woman who died, like the one who was shot were rioting and breaking the law. I won't say that they deserved to die, but they put themselves at risk.
How dare we expect Capitol police to do their jobs and aid people in trouble, not add to the problem.
Here is the story from a credable source

As opposed to the Gateway Pundit

View attachment 519357
Yep...the "Don't Tread On Me" ironic....she gets trampled to death by her fellow trump thugs.
Police pushing protesters back, essentially trampling her. They did nothing to help her, they caused it and let her die.

But no BLM protests for her. the Capitol cops were doing their job pushing the trump thugs back instead of shooting them and you blame their for that too.................................figures. trump thugs will be trump thugs.
Hey stupid, read the OP and the posts from the man involved. The police were FULLY responsible for her death by shoving people on top of her. And not allowing her to get up. Beating people and not allowing them to rise.
Your fellow trump thugs trampled the "Don't Tread on Me" woman.....if that isn't karma, I don't know what it is. the Capitol cops were doing their job pushing the trump thugs back instead of shooting them and you blame their for that too.................................figures. trump thugs will be trump thugs.
They're the blame anybody else originators. Trump didn't lose because he screwed up the COVID response. Biden had to cheat to get 81 million people want to replace Trump.

And of course it wasn't Trump's fault he caught COVID, even though he held large maskless gatherings at the white house.
It sickens me that RWI will go to this extent to LIE.
For once theHawk step up and ADMIT you were wrong. Just ONCE

Will the OP come back and admit he was wrong, or will he double down.

I'm betting he ignores the entire thread from this point forward, because there is no way he will admit he is wrong.
Oh whoopty doo, I mis-racialized her. What difference does it make what race she is? So she’s a Latina fattie. Did she deserve to be killed?

Is the black guy who has there saying she was murdered lying?
Oh whoopty doo, I mis-racialized her. What difference does it make what race she is? So she’s a Latina fattie. Did she deserve to be killed?
Yep, same as your beloved Ashli deserved to die.
Bad idea to hang out with ginned up Rump Humpers.

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