Black woman murdered by Capitol Police. Will there be a hearing on it?

The pulmonary specialist said that Floyd died after 7 minutes. And Chauvin continued to choke the corpse for an additional 2 1/2 mintues.

Yea, he died of an overdose while he was being held down. Shit happens when you have 19ng/ml of methamphetamine and 11ng/ml of Fentanyl.

The average level of overdose for methamphetamine is 9ng/ml.
Of course not. These cultists have no use for facts or for making up their own minds or for reading. They scour the gateway pundit headlines to be told what to think.
Yea sure.

Hey, how about you pump 19ng/ml of meth and 11ng of Fentanyl into your system. I’ll let a cop hold me down to the ground with his knee on my neck. We’ll see who comes out in better shape.

Calling me stupid does not makeyou sound smart. Quite the contrarry. Neither of us were there and we really don't knowwhat happened but it appears that the cops did what they had to do to try to stop the mob which that woman was part of. Whatever they did , it was not nearly as agregious as what was done to George Floyd, Werer were you on that?

I thought that you right wingers were all for law and order. I guess that ends when it comes to Trump supporters.
That poster....she's just for laughing at.
Because it can take 9 minutes to die from lack of oxygen. What a duuuumb question.
Actually the pulmonary specialist said Floyd died after 7 minutes.

That's why Chauvin was convicted of murder because to choke a corpse for 2 1/2 minutes means Floyd certainly wasn't a threat, yet he kept choking him.
Did you read the toxicology report?

No testimony can change the science.
Didn't the "Black" lady from Georgia's autopsy say she died of an overdose.

You sure have a problem with cause of death based on the persons race.
Hey, how about you pump 19ng/ml of meth and 11ng of Fentanyl into your system. I’ll let a cop hold me down to the ground with his knee on my neck. We’ll see who comes out in better shape.
Yet the experts determined Floyd was killed by the officer, who is now in prison for it.

So either you managed to outsmart them despite being an uneducated slob, or you don't know what you are talking about. Tough one.
Yet the experts determined Floyd was killed by the officer, who is now in prison for it.

So either you managed to outsmart them despite being an uneducated slob, or you don't know what you are talking about. Tough one.
The REAL question is, if he knows what REALLY happened, why didn't he report his "factual evidence" to the Minneapolis District Attorney or even better, to Chauvin's defense attorney so he could use it?
Yet the experts determined Floyd was killed by the officer, who is now in prison for it.

So either you managed to outsmart them despite being an uneducated slob, or you don't know what you are talking about. Tough one.
Chauvin is in jail. Convicted of murder, and sentenced to 22 years.

Yet he's still in denial.
The REAL question is, if he knows what REALLY happened, why didn't he report his "factual evidence" to the Minneapolis District Attorney or even better, to Chauvin's defense attorney so he could use it?
Same reason he hasn't taken his stolen election evidence to authorities.
Same reason he hasn't taken his stolen election evidence to authorities.
A federal judge recently reviewed the "affidavits" the lawyers submitted. Laughing at them. Now we're waiting to see if the judge recommends sanctions against the Trump lawyers.

July 12 (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Monday appeared likely to reprimand Sidney Powell, a former campaign lawyer for Donald Trump, and other attorneys over a lawsuit they filed in Michigan seeking to overturn Democratic President Joe Biden's election victory.

U.S. District Judge Linda Parker in Detroit suggested the pro-Trump lawyers should have investigated the Republican former president's voter fraud claims more carefully before suing.

"Should an attorney be sanctioned for his or her failure to withdraw allegations the attorney came to know were untrue?," Parker said during a court hearing via video conference. "Is that sanctionable behavior?"

She said she thought affidavits in the case had been submitted in "bad faith."
A federal judge recently reviewed the "affidavits" the lawyers submitted. Laughing at them. Now we're waiting to see if the judge recommends sanctions against the Trump lawyers.

July 12 (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Monday appeared likely to reprimand Sidney Powell, a former campaign lawyer for Donald Trump, and other attorneys over a lawsuit they filed in Michigan seeking to overturn Democratic President Joe Biden's election victory.

U.S. District Judge Linda Parker in Detroit suggested the pro-Trump lawyers should have investigated the Republican former president's voter fraud claims more carefully before suing.

"Should an attorney be sanctioned for his or her failure to withdraw allegations the attorney came to know were untrue?," Parker said during a court hearing via video conference. "Is that sanctionable behavior?"

She said she thought affidavits in the case had been submitted in "bad faith."
yes, i believe the judge asked the carnival barkers: "Have any of you actually read any of these?", with complete incredulity. And the judge also surmised that they were abusing official legal channels to spread political propaganda. They absolutely have to be sanctioned. Else why even have rules?
And yet...they sat there and heard all the evidence and experts and did not. But you know so much more, right? :heehee:
Well in a world where half the people believe that males can be women do you think facts matter to such people?

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