Blackrock is the new Halliburton.

Actually they make Haliburton look like EF Hutton.


When you think about it ... Blackrock is just the folks that stepped up and are playing hardball ...
When the Politicians and Government started throwing money at a problem ... And said ... "I'll do that for you".

Kind of like Haliburton ... If you do like what they are doing ... Quit electing the people that pay them.

If your Politicians keep putting piles of money ... We don't have ... Into the mix ...
Don't get pissed off because someone picks it up and does something with it.

Before folks start bitching about their desire to regulate others ...
Maybe they need to start regulating the folks spending the money we don't have.

Blackrock would look a lot different ... If the People started handling their own crap better.

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When you think about it ... Blackrock is just the folks that stepped up and are playing hardball ...
When the Politicians and Government started throwing money at a problem ... And said ... "I'll do that for you".
Kind of like Haliburton ... If you do like what they are doing ... Quit electing the people that pay them.

If your Politicians keep putting piles of money ... We don't have ... Into the mix ...
Don't get pissed off because someone picks it up and does something with it.

Before folks start bitching about their desire to regulate others ...
Maybe they need to start regulating the folks spending the money we don't have.

Blackrock would look a lot different ... If the People started handling their own crap better.

Blackrock is basically the IMF, WEF, ....and secretly CCP probably.
Blackrock is basically the IMF, WEF, ....and secretly CCP probably.

There really isn't much "secret" about them.
Anti-Green Energy folks piss and whine when Blackrock says they want to go to a net zero carbon footprint in Industrial Farming.

You could tie yourself in knots trying to figure out what all that is about and who is pushing what ... But it isn't that complicated.

Blackrock pools its assets and buys a shitload of Industrial Farmland ...
Getting in the way of a lot of Chinese Corporations that are attempting to do the same thing within the United States currently.

Are they Saints saving America ... Not really ... And they will make a crapload of money off Green Initiatives ...
Financed by the Federal Government ... If they can get all the farmland they just bought to a zero net carbon footprint.

It's an Investment Group ... It's what they do ... And who is paying them to do it ... :auiqs.jpg:


There really isn't much "secret" about them.
Anti-Green Energy folks piss and whine when Blackrock says they want to go to a net zero carbon footprint in Industrial Farming.

You could tie yourself in knots trying to figure out what all that is about and who is pushing what ... But it isn't that complicated.

Blackrock pools its assets and buys a shitload of Industrial Farmland ...
Getting in the way of a lot of Chinese Corporations that are attempting to do the same thing within the United States currently.

Are they Saints saving America ... Not really ... And they will make a crapload of money off Green Initiatives ...
Financed by the Federal Government ... If they can get all the farmland they just bought to a zero net carbon footprint.

It's an Investment Group ... It's what they do ... And who is paying them to do it ... :auiqs.jpg:

So either way we lose our sovereignty in less than 200 years while destroying the environment at the same time.

Better us than them right but at least with China we would get high speed rail and not have all these airport clusterfucks.
The top 1% don't care ......they'll be living in islands in the South Pacific.
The problem is that their minions are weaseling their way into government itself.

Here, Biden's economic advisor, for instance, and champion of the so-called ''liberal world order,'' speaks on the wonders of sticking it to you nice and good in the name of the WEF's globalist utopia...

Democrats are doubling down on the lies and it's going to totally backfire on them just watch.
By the way they're about to impeach Joe Biden and it's actually going to be president Harris like he's been continually telling us and it also means that Kevin McCarthy will be the vice president going into 2024
So either way we lose our sovereignty in less than 200 years while destroying the environment at the same time.

That's exactly what will happen ... And exactly why I am blaming the People who would rather just piss and whine ...
Than do what is necessary to regulate their own actions ... Seize back their own Power ... And actually do something more than piss and whine ... :thup:

Lefties and democrats and the media hated Haliburton. Why do they like Blackrock?
The problem is that their minions are weaseling their way into government itself.

They can only weasel into the government if there is an open door ...
But ... Okay ... If you want to have a "what came first, the chicken or the egg" conversation ... :auiqs.jpg:

We are not going to stop them at the door ... We can fire the person who opens it for them.
Won't be easy ... But if they were not profiting then they wouldn't be there.

It's not that I am saying they are doing the right thing ...
I am just saying that the Government is the problem and who keeps paying them to do the wrong thing ...
Not to mention we don't have the money.

The Government isn't going to fix it ... It's who they are paying to "fix" everything ...
We the People need to be better at telling those fools to stop.

Why do people want to get upset with Blackrock ... For picking up a pile of money and doing whatever they want?
Start holding the people with the purse strings accountable for what they are doing ... That's why it is happening.


They can only weasel into the government if there is an open door ...
But ... Okay ... If you want to have a "what came first, the chicken or the egg" conversation ... :auiqs.jpg:

We are not going to stop them at the door ... We can fire the person who opens it for them.
Won't be easy ... But if they were not profiting then they wouldn't be there.

It's not that I am saying they are doing the right thing ...
I am just saying that the Government is the problem and who keeps paying them to do the wrong thing ...
Not to mention we don't have the money.

The Government isn't going to fix it ... It's who they are paying to "fix" everything ...
We the People need to be better at telling those fools to stop.

Why do people want to get upset with Blackrock ... For picking up a pile of money and doing whatever they want?
Start holding the people with the purse strings accountable for what they are doing ... That's why it is happening.


I don't disagree with your sentiment.

But we're at a point now to where they've got their hooks sunk so far into things, combined with the fact that nobody's actually doing anything to distrupt it, that all you can really do is acknowledge that they do have their hooks sunk into everything.

Just the fact that one of their former executives is now the President's Economic Advisor and openly stating that sticking it to the electorate is about doing what is right for some liberal world order speaks volumes for the state of affairs.

It's not so much about being upset with BlackRock.

It's just telling it like it is.

For all of the discussion about them, I haven't seen anyone mention that one of their former Executives happens to now be the President's Economic Advisor.

So I said it. Somebody has to or else nobody will know how far ahead they actually are in sticking it to us nice and good.
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You have to know who you're fighting. And how the playing field is set for or against you.

If you don't at least know that, you might as well just be peeing into the wind.
Just the fact that one of their former executives is now the President's Economic Advisor and openly stating that sticking it to the electorate is about doing what is right for some liberal world order speaks volumes for the state of affairs.

Kind of reminds of when Former German Chancellor Schroeder ... Ended with Nord Stream 1 and then the Chinese Investment Corportation.
I mean he has been on just about every International Advisory Board ... This isn't anything new ... But I get your point.

If you don't at least know that, you might as well just be peeing into the wind.

I don't see how that could be much different than what we are doing already.
Why don't you head downwind from me ... Please ... :auiqs.jpg:

Stop the Money ... Quit fighting windmills.

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Kind of reminds of when Former German Chancellor Schroeder ... Ended with Nord Stream 1 and then the Chinese Investment Corportation.
I mean he has been on just about every International Advisory Board ... This isn't anything new ... But I get your point.


I'm not insinuating that you're justifying it or anything, but ''this isn't anything new'' are historically tried and true weasel words which are almost universally invoked into dialogue for the pointed purpose of training people not to question things that they absolutely should be questioning.
Well sure. I don't disagree with that.

But you have to know the windmills are there regardless.

You can't just ignore them. Collectively speaking.

Okay ... My point there is that the windmills don't matter as much.

Figuratively Speaking ...
When you can kill the rats that you know where they are ... And they aren't hard to find ...
Then the other rats don't prosper.

I am not looking for every target ... We need to pick a target we can hit.
We need to stop pretending it will go away ... Or that we cannot make a difference.

It won't be easy ... But I feel it would be more effective.


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