Zone1 Blacks and Crime


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2022
This is very interesting concerning blacks and crime. What is the solution?

This is very interesting concerning blacks and crime. What is the solution?

It is the same reason as to why white people commit 60% of white-collar crime.
Facts are facts and subcultures are subcultures.

We are allowed to discuss neither in a truly open fashion at the national level, so look the other way regarding the former and attack anybody willing to discuss the latter.
Facts are facts and subcultures are subcultures.

We are allowed to discuss neither in a truly open fashion at the national level, so look the other way regarding the former and attack anybody willing to discuss the latter.
The problem is everyone seems afraid to address this issue. It is a serious matter but a person is called racist if he or she dares to talk about it.
It is the same reason as to why white people commit 60% of white-collar crime.
Assuming that’s true, you miss the point. One would expect 60% of white-collar crime from whites since they are 60% (more, actually) of the population.

Blacks are around 13% of the population and commit half of all violent crime. Clearly, there is a cultural problem - and it starts with the shameful out-of-wedlock birth rate.
The problem is everyone seems afraid to address this issue. It is a serious matter but a person is called racist if he or she dares to talk about it.
It's addressed every day.

Whitey is racist!!!

There, that was easy.

The problem is everyone seems afraid to address this issue. It is a serious matter but a person is called racist if he or she dares to talk about it.
1. Maybe one is a "racist" if one wants to discuss things in terms of race.

2. Maybe the brutal truth is so hurtful that nice people keep their mouths shut for moral and practical reasons.

3. We have been taught that all human beings are the same and that skin color or eye shape makes no difference whatsoever.

4. Some perfectly nice people explain that slavery and segregation are the reasons why a large percentage of young African American men commit so much violent crime.

5. Some perfectly nice people explain that a basically racist society is responsible for the generally poor performance of African American students.

6. Are those "perfectly nice people" right? Could they be wrong?
1. Maybe one is a "racist" if one wants to discuss things in terms of race.

2. Maybe the brutal truth is so hurtful that nice people keep their mouths shut for moral and practical reasons.

3. We have been taught that all human beings are the same and that skin color or eye shape makes no difference whatsoever.

4. Some perfectly nice people explain that slavery and segregation are the reasons why a large percentage of young African American men commit so much violent crime.

5. Some perfectly nice people explain that a basically racist society is responsible for the generally poor performance of African American students.

6. Are those "perfectly nice people" right? Could they be wrong?
Racist, racist, racist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is very interesting concerning blacks and crime. What is the solution?

I would think a good bulk is gang related ..even a lot of this shop lifting phenomenon we have seen is gang related as well.. not all of it but a lot. So while these statistical numbers are what they are... it means that those stats go DOWN when you're talking about black people who are not involved in gangs. And plus recidivism is also a part of those numbers.

And that is important, because for all the stats we look at that my be true. we shouldnt judge people based soley by their looks. In my day to day experiences I have had MANY conversations with black people who are just as appalled by the state of things.

The bigger question still is what do we do about it? because although white collar crime IS bad as well.... Violent crime usually effects communities directly and as we have seen drives away businesses and investment when it reaches a certain level and guts communities from the inside out.

There's probably some long term solutions.... but because they are addressing long term problems like too many fatherless kids.... those societal fixes will take quite a while... but in addressing shorter term solutions, the quickest thing would be to give the power and support back to police departments that have been taken away.... do away with these District attorneys who are letting people out of jail immediately and refusing to prosecute, and then focus on eliminating gangs. I would be for forcing them into labor camps where they had to work and actually learn a skill as well.
Assuming that’s true, you miss the point. One would expect 60% of white-collar crime from whites since they are 60% (more, actually) of the population.

Blacks are around 13% of the population and commit half of all violent crime. Clearly, there is a cultural problem - and it starts with the shameful out-of-wedlock birth rate.
Crime is not a cultural problem since all cultures have crime, when the Jews stop committing crimes you can talk about the blacks and their crime.
I would think a good bulk is gang related ..even a lot of this shop lifting phenomenon we have seen is gang related as well.. not all of it but a lot. So while these statistical numbers are what they are... it means that those stats go DOWN when you're talking about black people who are not involved in gangs. And plus recidivism is also a part of those numbers.

And that is important, because for all the stats we look at that my be true. we shouldnt judge people based soley by their looks. In my day to day experiences I have had MANY conversations with black people who are just as appalled by the state of things.

The bigger question still is what do we do about it? because although white collar crime IS bad as well.... Violent crime usually effects communities directly and as we have seen drives away businesses and investment when it reaches a certain level and guts communities from the inside out.

There's probably some long term solutions.... but because they are addressing long term problems like too many fatherless kids.... those societal fixes will take quite a while... but in addressing shorter term solutions, the quickest thing would be to give the power and support back to police departments that have been taken away.... do away with these District attorneys who are letting people out of jail immediately and refusing to prosecute, and then focus on eliminating gangs. I would be for forcing them into labor camps where they had to work and actually learn a skill as well.
Adolph Hitler and Joe Stalin had parents and fathers in the home , yet...
Adolph Hitler and Joe Stalin had parents and fathers in the home , yet...

blah blah eyou really going to ignore the stats when they are right in front of you? REGARDLESS OF RACE... families who have both parents in general have kids better adapted to the world. the numbers dont lie. It doesnt have to be a racial thing.
It is the same reason as to why white people commit 60% of white-collar crime.

Check this out. Many white Republicans try to commit voter fraud and they all got slaps on the wrists. Compared to

Texas’ Crystal Mason, who cast a provisional ballot in the 2016 elections while on supervised release for a federal conviction. She didn’t know she was ineligible to vote, and her ballot was never counted, but Mason — a Black woman — was convicted of illegal voting and sentenced to five years in prison.

How can you give all these whites a slap on the wrist and send this black woman away for 5 years and say this country isn't racist?
I see a lot of folks try to Dave away what are essentually choices to commit widespread crime by espousing irrelevant outliers.

Which basically equates to ''placate our group claims or this is what we're gonna keep doing.''

Cloward-Piven 101...
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blah blah eyou really going to ignore the stats when they are right in front of you? REGARDLESS OF RACE... families who have both parents in general have kids better adapted to the world. the numbers dont lie. It doesnt have to be a racial thing.
I tend to agree with moon but I agree with you here.
Whites commit the majority of physical(violent) crime. All crime is violent and white collar crime robs people of everything they have.

So let's review facts and not links from racist websites. Time to face reality.

In 2020, Whites were fifty-one percent of the offenders for all crimes committed in America. A white offender committed fifty-four percent of the crimes against persons. Whites committed the most property crimes (42%) and crimes against society (65%).

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States, Offenders by Race and Ethnicity, 2020,

Seven out of every ten arrests for crimes in America is on someone white. Whites have a history of criminal behavior that started at the very beginning of this country. Whites have elected numerous criminals to make laws in this country. Whites organized crime and made it a corporate business.

Whites control the manufacturing, shipment, and distribution of drugs in this country. Whites made two of the most destructive drugs legal, creating millions of addicted citizens. I am talking about alcohol and nicotine. Whites have embezzled and scammed people out of trillions of dollars in the years America has been a country. Whites control the manufacturing, shipping, sales, and distribution of deadly weapons in this country.

It's time for racist whites to STFU about blacks and crime.
And when the leading candidate in a major political party is a white man, supported by the majority of whites in this country, facing 91 felony counts, and many whites still want to elect him president, once again, white racists should STFU about blacks and crime.

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