blacks are not murdered by cops

first MBrown
now Lamar Smith
cops all innocent
in the latest incident, Obama's own DOJ didn't prosecute because there wasn't enough evidence for a civil rights trial--which is easier to win than a murder trial !!
they decided this a year ago!!
Department of Justice won't prosecute Stockley for civil rights violation

but the blacks protest for what? o--they know more than the DOJ??!!
their protesting is a protest for lies--for criminals
if you have evidence on these cases, please speak up-.....-o--you don't, DO YOU??!!
the cops are NOT murdering blacks everyday
Police got away with manslaughter in each of those cases.

Just because the system favors them it does not mean they did not illegally take a life.

I've seen the videos.

How many of those killed complied with the police? How many did what the police officers said? How many of those killed were criminals with long criminal histories? How many resisted arrest or attacked the police officers?
just about all of them
The DOJ case about about civil rights.

The cops are supposed to be trained. Yet, they just say they felt threatened & they get to kill whomever they want.

If they are so chickenshit, they need to take up something else.

Self defense is not killing someone running away. Self defense should require something other than fear.

If the thugs they shoot would stop being thugs, they wouldn't get shot.

I get it, black people are thugs. That 12 year old kid with a toy gun was a thug?

You assholes need to move to the Philippines where justice is carried out by cop because I have news for you dumbasses, America does NOT work that way.
If you are referring to the 12 year old Tamir Rice, the officer was not informed that the perp was probably a child or that it may be a fake gun. Perhaps the stupid parents should have taught their stupid child to not wave a real looking gun around in public.
yes, exactly ...a toy gun that looks real
almost everyone of these shootings are justified
and --again--they are not shooting them because of their skin color
I think a lot of people forget that black officers also shoot perps, black and white, where is the outrage?
don't forget blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate
(sigh), if you think you and I are gonna go back and forth on talking about fuckin murdering white cops, your wrong...find your black boyfriend and have at it, toots!!
so we both know, cops have a right to self most of these cases, the cops were using self defense or there is not enough evidence to prove otherwise
and they were shooting a criminal.....which everyone has to agree would be very likely to threaten a cop
so, without a doubt, you people have NO case at all--your arguments are baseless and without evidence--as we see in the Stockley case where Obama's DOJ said there was INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE

The DOJ case about about civil rights.

The cops are supposed to be trained. Yet, they just say they felt threatened & they get to kill whomever they want.

If they are so chickenshit, they need to take up something else.

Self defense is not killing someone running away. Self defense should require something other than fear.

If the thugs they shoot would stop being thugs, they wouldn't get shot.

I get it, black people are thugs. That 12 year old kid with a toy gun was a thug?

You assholes need to move to the Philippines where justice is carried out by cop because I have news for you dumbasses, America does NOT work that way.

No.....the guys the police shot and killed were thugs. The 12 year old was a tragedy, but he wasn't murdered.

If it is true that more whites are killed by police, and it is, then how is skin color an issue? Behavior at the time of the attempeted arrest is a better predictor for getting shot, not skin color.
so we both know, cops have a right to self most of these cases, the cops were using self defense or there is not enough evidence to prove otherwise
and they were shooting a criminal.....which everyone has to agree would be very likely to threaten a cop
so, without a doubt, you people have NO case at all--your arguments are baseless and without evidence--as we see in the Stockley case where Obama's DOJ said there was INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE

The DOJ case about about civil rights.

The cops are supposed to be trained. Yet, they just say they felt threatened & they get to kill whomever they want.

If they are so chickenshit, they need to take up something else.

Self defense is not killing someone running away. Self defense should require something other than fear.

If the thugs they shoot would stop being thugs, they wouldn't get shot.

I get it, black people are thugs. That 12 year old kid with a toy gun was a thug?

You assholes need to move to the Philippines where justice is carried out by cop because I have news for you dumbasses, America does NOT work that way.

No.....the guys the police shot and killed were thugs. The 12 year old was a tragedy, but he wasn't murdered.

If it is true that more whites are killed by police, and it is, then how is skin color an issue? Behavior at the time of the attempeted arrest is a better predictor for getting shot, not skin color.

You people are sofa king dumb. You don't even get what this is all about.

This is about cops killing unarmed black men without repercussion. They should have been charged with murder but rather manslaughter. That is part of the scam.
If the thugs they shoot would stop being thugs, they wouldn't get shot.

I get it, black people are thugs. That 12 year old kid with a toy gun was a thug?

You assholes need to move to the Philippines where justice is carried out by cop because I have news for you dumbasses, America does NOT work that way.
If you are referring to the 12 year old Tamir Rice, the officer was not informed that the perp was probably a child or that it may be a fake gun. Perhaps the stupid parents should have taught their stupid child to not wave a real looking gun around in public.
yes, exactly ...a toy gun that looks real
almost everyone of these shootings are justified
and --again--they are not shooting them because of their skin color
I think a lot of people forget that black officers also shoot perps, black and white, where is the outrage?
don't forget blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate
What a total dumbass you are.

Crimes against whites equals small percentage of hate crimes, FBI statistics show
I get it, black people are thugs. That 12 year old kid with a toy gun was a thug?

You assholes need to move to the Philippines where justice is carried out by cop because I have news for you dumbasses, America does NOT work that way.
If you are referring to the 12 year old Tamir Rice, the officer was not informed that the perp was probably a child or that it may be a fake gun. Perhaps the stupid parents should have taught their stupid child to not wave a real looking gun around in public.
yes, exactly ...a toy gun that looks real
almost everyone of these shootings are justified
and --again--they are not shooting them because of their skin color
I think a lot of people forget that black officers also shoot perps, black and white, where is the outrage?
don't forget blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate
What a total dumbass you are.

Crimes against whites equals small percentage of hate crimes, FBI statistics show
yes I saw that article--you are the dumbass and/or trying to deny the undeniable
1. your link says crimes against whites--that means anti-white meaning they are not counting hate crimes against white gays as anti-white--as those are anti-gay
2.they are not talking about offenders--dumbass--blacks are over 24% of the offenders as my link states
3. you also need to look up what per capita means
..... blacks make up only about 12.7% of the population --duh--whites over 60%--
you just made yourself look like you are at a 3rd grade math level
4. some of the anti-black hate crimes were committed by blacks!

blacks commit over 24% of hate crimes--you can't twist or turn this fact
they are more racist per capita--

Definition of per capita
:equally to each individual
2:per unit of population :by or for each person
The DOJ case about about civil rights.

The cops are supposed to be trained. Yet, they just say they felt threatened & they get to kill whomever they want.

If they are so chickenshit, they need to take up something else.

Self defense is not killing someone running away. Self defense should require something other than fear.

If the thugs they shoot would stop being thugs, they wouldn't get shot.

I get it, black people are thugs. That 12 year old kid with a toy gun was a thug?

You assholes need to move to the Philippines where justice is carried out by cop because I have news for you dumbasses, America does NOT work that way.

No.....the guys the police shot and killed were thugs. The 12 year old was a tragedy, but he wasn't murdered.

If it is true that more whites are killed by police, and it is, then how is skin color an issue? Behavior at the time of the attempeted arrest is a better predictor for getting shot, not skin color.

You people are sofa king dumb. You don't even get what this is all about.

This is about cops killing unarmed black men without repercussion. They should have been charged with murder but rather manslaughter. That is part of the scam.

Please....which ones were manslaughter.....the one where they put the guy on the ground and he died from a bad heart, asthma and diabetes....after he refused to be handcuffed? That guy? Or the one who tried to grab the cops gun, punched the cop and then charged him? That guy? Or the one where the guy said he had a concealed handgun permit, was told not to reach for it....repeatedly...and still reached for it? Do you mean that one?

I am waiting for the one that qualifies for manslaughter....
I get it, black people are thugs. That 12 year old kid with a toy gun was a thug?

You assholes need to move to the Philippines where justice is carried out by cop because I have news for you dumbasses, America does NOT work that way.
If you are referring to the 12 year old Tamir Rice, the officer was not informed that the perp was probably a child or that it may be a fake gun. Perhaps the stupid parents should have taught their stupid child to not wave a real looking gun around in public.
yes, exactly ...a toy gun that looks real
almost everyone of these shootings are justified
and --again--they are not shooting them because of their skin color
I think a lot of people forget that black officers also shoot perps, black and white, where is the outrage?
don't forget blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate
What a total dumbass you are.

Crimes against whites equals small percentage of hate crimes, FBI statistics show
and this is the comment from your link--as I said your math skills are woefully lacking---

Let's try to make sense of this story, Chicago Tribune. You wrote, "In contrast, of the 2,125 reported offenses committed against blacks, 58 percent of those who committed by whites." Non-Hispanic Whites are 63% of the population, so that would indicate they're committing LESS hate crimes against blacks than their share of the population. Are blacks themselves, along with hispanics and Asians, combining for the other 42 percent?

You report, "The 2015 FBI data showed that of the 734 total reported offenses committed against whites — a single incident could have multiple offenses like assault or theft — 46 percent of those were committed by blacks." Here, blacks are assaulting whites at a rate three times HIGHER than their rate of the population, which is 13%.
According to the U.S. Justice Department’s Hate Crime Victimization Report: “Whites, blacks, and Hispanics had similar rates of violent hate crime victimization in 2007–11.” Said another way, no single racial group receives a disproportionate amount of hate crime violence. Is that common knowledge? Why can't The Tribune add that information. (Here's the link:

Recommended reading where I break down what Hate Crimes mean:

HELP: I’m Trying to Document All Verifiable Acts of Hate-Based Battery Violence (political, race…

EXCERPT: "In terms of official numbers—for apples to apples comparisons and to get a percentage—that’s still 700 hate crime acts of battery violence out of 390,233 FBI reported violent crimes. Thus, I calculate only .2% of total violent crimes are hate crime-related (or 1 in 500)."
The DOJ case about about civil rights.

The cops are supposed to be trained. Yet, they just say they felt threatened & they get to kill whomever they want.

If they are so chickenshit, they need to take up something else.

Self defense is not killing someone running away. Self defense should require something other than fear.

If the thugs they shoot would stop being thugs, they wouldn't get shot.

I get it, black people are thugs. That 12 year old kid with a toy gun was a thug?

You assholes need to move to the Philippines where justice is carried out by cop because I have news for you dumbasses, America does NOT work that way.

No.....the guys the police shot and killed were thugs. The 12 year old was a tragedy, but he wasn't murdered.

If it is true that more whites are killed by police, and it is, then how is skin color an issue? Behavior at the time of the attempeted arrest is a better predictor for getting shot, not skin color.

You people are sofa king dumb. You don't even get what this is all about.

This is about cops killing unarmed black men without repercussion. They should have been charged with murder but rather manslaughter. That is part of the scam.
you just unwittingly discredited yourself and BLM/etc
it is NOT about a black man--he was not shot because he was BLACK--there is no way jesus/you/anyone can prove that
this is about a cop killing a CRIMINAL--not a black man

if you can prove he was shot because of his skin color--I will totally agree with you, and withdraw all my posts
(sigh), if you think you and I are gonna go back and forth on talking about fuckin murdering white cops, your wrong...find your black boyfriend and have at it, toots!!
so we both know, cops have a right to self most of these cases, the cops were using self defense or there is not enough evidence to prove otherwise
and they were shooting a criminal.....which everyone has to agree would be very likely to threaten a cop
so, without a doubt, you people have NO case at all--your arguments are baseless and without evidence--as we see in the Stockley case where Obama's DOJ said there was INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE

The DOJ case about about civil rights.

The cops are supposed to be trained. Yet, they just say they felt threatened & they get to kill whomever they want.

If they are so chickenshit, they need to take up something else.

Self defense is not killing someone running away. Self defense should require something other than fear.

If the thugs they shoot would stop being thugs, they wouldn't get shot.

I get it, black people are thugs. That 12 year old kid with a toy gun was a thug?

You assholes need to move to the Philippines where justice is carried out by cop because I have news for you dumbasses, America does NOT work that way.
If you are referring to the 12 year old Tamir Rice, the officer was not informed that the perp was probably a child or that it may be a fake gun. Perhaps the stupid parents should have taught their stupid child to not wave a real looking gun around in public.

If I recall correctly, reports indicated that the orange tip that's on the gun to distinguish it from the real thing had been removed. I have the Airsoft M83 electric rifle with all the accessories (scope, laser, etc.). It has an orange tip to distinguish it from the real thing, something I also have. Take off the orange tip and unless you get close or have them side by side, you can't tell the difference.
The DOJ case about about civil rights.

The cops are supposed to be trained. Yet, they just say they felt threatened & they get to kill whomever they want.

If they are so chickenshit, they need to take up something else.

Self defense is not killing someone running away. Self defense should require something other than fear.

If the thugs they shoot would stop being thugs, they wouldn't get shot.

I get it, black people are thugs. That 12 year old kid with a toy gun was a thug?

You assholes need to move to the Philippines where justice is carried out by cop because I have news for you dumbasses, America does NOT work that way.
If you are referring to the 12 year old Tamir Rice, the officer was not informed that the perp was probably a child or that it may be a fake gun. Perhaps the stupid parents should have taught their stupid child to not wave a real looking gun around in public.
yes, exactly ...a toy gun that looks real
almost everyone of these shootings are justified
and --again--they are not shooting them because of their skin color
I think a lot of people forget that black officers also shoot perps, black and white, where is the outrage?

They can't use that. It has to be white cop/black perp in order for it to fit the narrative.
first MBrown
now Lamar Smith
cops all innocent
in the latest incident, Obama's own DOJ didn't prosecute because there wasn't enough evidence for a civil rights trial--which is easier to win than a murder trial !!
they decided this a year ago!!
Department of Justice won't prosecute Stockley for civil rights violation

but the blacks protest for what? o--they know more than the DOJ??!!
their protesting is a protest for lies--for criminals
if you have evidence on these cases, please speak up-.....-o--you don't, DO YOU??!!
the cops are NOT murdering blacks everyday
Police got away with manslaughter in each of those cases.

Just because the system favors them it does not mean they did not illegally take a life.

I've seen the videos.

How many of those killed complied with the police? How many did what the police officers said? How many of those killed were criminals with long criminal histories? How many resisted arrest or attacked the police officers?

Isn't it funny how those pushing the killed because of being black agenda totally ignore the actions and history of those that were killed? How many times does a family member get on TV and say "he was a good boy"?
The DOJ case about about civil rights.

The cops are supposed to be trained. Yet, they just say they felt threatened & they get to kill whomever they want.

If they are so chickenshit, they need to take up something else.

Self defense is not killing someone running away. Self defense should require something other than fear.

If the thugs they shoot would stop being thugs, they wouldn't get shot.

I get it, black people are thugs. That 12 year old kid with a toy gun was a thug?

You assholes need to move to the Philippines where justice is carried out by cop because I have news for you dumbasses, America does NOT work that way.

No.....the guys the police shot and killed were thugs. The 12 year old was a tragedy, but he wasn't murdered.

If it is true that more whites are killed by police, and it is, then how is skin color an issue? Behavior at the time of the attempeted arrest is a better predictor for getting shot, not skin color.

You people are sofa king dumb. You don't even get what this is all about.

This is about cops killing unarmed black men without repercussion. They should have been charged with murder but rather manslaughter. That is part of the scam.

They weren't. Tough shit on your part.
Alton was a good family man

View attachment 149900View attachment 149901View attachment 149903View attachment 149902

Big difference between the blacks and the whites. The blacks are holding the gun pointed at the camera in a threatening (and incorrect) manner. Whites are simply holding guns, their constitutional right.

If you fail to see the difference then you really are a stupid niggerr.

Big difference between the blacks and the whites. The blacks are holding the gun pointed at the camera in a threatening (and incorrect) manner. Whites are simply holding guns, their constitutional right.

If you fail to see the difference then you really are a stupid niggerr.

Big difference between the blacks and the whites. The blacks are holding the gun pointed at the camera in a threatening (and incorrect) manner. Whites are simply holding guns, their constitutional right.

If you fail to see the difference then you really are a stupid niggerr.
Wow, the true racist fucks comes shining through.

There are plenty of pictures of whites pointing a gun at the camera.

Only a fucking idiot gives their 10 year old an assault like rifle to hold.
If you are referring to the 12 year old Tamir Rice, the officer was not informed that the perp was probably a child or that it may be a fake gun. Perhaps the stupid parents should have taught their stupid child to not wave a real looking gun around in public.
yes, exactly ...a toy gun that looks real
almost everyone of these shootings are justified
and --again--they are not shooting them because of their skin color
I think a lot of people forget that black officers also shoot perps, black and white, where is the outrage?
don't forget blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate
What a total dumbass you are.

Crimes against whites equals small percentage of hate crimes, FBI statistics show
yes I saw that article--you are the dumbass and/or trying to deny the undeniable
1. your link says crimes against whites--that means anti-white meaning they are not counting hate crimes against white gays as anti-white--as those are anti-gay
2.they are not talking about offenders--dumbass--blacks are over 24% of the offenders as my link states
3. you also need to look up what per capita means
..... blacks make up only about 12.7% of the population --duh--whites over 60%--
you just made yourself look like you are at a 3rd grade math level
4. some of the anti-black hate crimes were committed by blacks!

blacks commit over 24% of hate crimes--you can't twist or turn this fact
they are more racist per capita--

Definition of per capita
:equally to each individual
2:per unit of population :by or for each person
You said hate crimes, Quit running away from your stupid posts like a little girl.

And you never said per capita.

No wonder you kiss Trump's ass every day of your miserable little lives.
If the thugs they shoot would stop being thugs, they wouldn't get shot.

I get it, black people are thugs. That 12 year old kid with a toy gun was a thug?

You assholes need to move to the Philippines where justice is carried out by cop because I have news for you dumbasses, America does NOT work that way.

No.....the guys the police shot and killed were thugs. The 12 year old was a tragedy, but he wasn't murdered.

If it is true that more whites are killed by police, and it is, then how is skin color an issue? Behavior at the time of the attempeted arrest is a better predictor for getting shot, not skin color.

You people are sofa king dumb. You don't even get what this is all about.

This is about cops killing unarmed black men without repercussion. They should have been charged with murder but rather manslaughter. That is part of the scam.

Please....which ones were manslaughter.....the one where they put the guy on the ground and he died from a bad heart, asthma and diabetes....after he refused to be handcuffed? That guy? Or the one who tried to grab the cops gun, punched the cop and then charged him? That guy? Or the one where the guy said he had a concealed handgun permit, was told not to reach for it....repeatedly...and still reached for it? Do you mean that one?

I am waiting for the one that qualifies for manslaughter....

The one they killed because they suspected he was selling illegal cigarettes.

No, the cops are not God & people have rights not to be harassed by stupids asshole cops lie the one that choked him to death.

A cop shoots a man with his family in car because he THOUGHT he was reaching for a gun that he told the officer he had? Was he reaching for his ID???? But hey, kill the man whose gun did not have f his DNA on it. I wonder how that happened.

Big difference between the blacks and the whites. The blacks are holding the gun pointed at the camera in a threatening (and incorrect) manner. Whites are simply holding guns, their constitutional right.

If you fail to see the difference then you really are a stupid niggerr.
Wow, the true racist fucks comes shining through.

There are plenty of pictures of whites pointing a gun at the camera.

Only a fucking idiot gives their 10 year old an assault like rifle to hold.

The black kid and his baby daddy aren't just holding guns, they're doing the gangsta pose. The white kids are simply posing WITH a gun.

Big difference between the blacks and the whites. The blacks are holding the gun pointed at the camera in a threatening (and incorrect) manner. Whites are simply holding guns, their constitutional right.

If you fail to see the difference then you really are a stupid niggerr.

It's the difference between the gansta pose and being in a picture WITH a gun.

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