Blacks Are The Most Racist Group In America

There are numerous Asian owned banks, mortgage brokerage businesses, investment firms etc...that are Asian funded and Asian owned on nearly every block in the community that I live in in Southern California.

I know quite a few of them personally, personally enough that I have even been asked by some neighbors who have come to this country and started businesses that have thrived:

1. "Why haven't BLACK citizens done the same thing? There is money to be made here"

2. And when I drive past their office parks, and their banks, there is one common denominator...they work TOGETHER, and they KEEP THE RESOURCES IN THEIR COMMUNITIES.

3. Now, answer this question, does that make THEM racist?

In a capitalist economy, what earns respect as well as grants access is monetary wealth. Nothing more and nothing less.

You should know that. Or is YOUR problem that YOU have an issue with black people who do?

Answer to number one....... They have done the same thing, just maybe not as many as their could or should be, but that is all due to personal choices made in life, just like it is with the whites or any other who have not been successfull in America as of yet, and so they all still have to work for a living while working for the other man, but if you will define success for me now, I would appreciate that also ?.. Should all blacks be successful per their skin color in America, and this I ask in pertaining to the first question in which mentions blacks as a group based upon their skin color, and why havn't they been more successful was the question posed as based upon their skin color ? Hec why havn't all whites been more successful or any other group in this nation the same for whom are not yet successful ?

In a nutshell. You should research the percentage of black owned businesses that reside in predominately black neighbohoods. There may be some things for you to learn there.

2 & 3 can be answered together... These people could be considered seperatist or isolationist and racist against others in America, because when the whites try and suggest or go anywhere near this kind of thinking in America, they are quickly called racist, seperatist, bad people as a group, wrong, wrong headed, evil, discriminators and etc. and this by the blacks who don't want to ever see whitey go this route in America again, but you advocate this position from your point of view now for blacks ? :confused:

You have to be joking.
Can't get by the (((all being just American)) thinking can ya ?
Can't get by the (((all being just American)) thinking can ya ?

Building generational wealth within ones immediate family and circle of influence is about as "American" as it gets.
Could your motivations be steeped in you overcoming "whitey" someday, and this with your black generational wealth building ideology or thinking in which is based upon a skin color, in which you tout here like you do ?

Like I say again and again, what is wrong with being American and building family wealth for your namesake, and letting others do the same under their name for their namesake, and if they are not successful, and you feel like lending them a hand on your own then so be it, but watch out for the "Hammer Time" (can't touch this) syndrone, because you see what happened to him when he tried to help everyone who became like vampires around him. Ya reckon they were looking at him as "hey you are a black success story now, and now you must lift the black people up with your success, and if you don't, well shame on you. Remember that story ? I think it's just one in many that ended up like boat anchors around these people's legs eventually, so your theory or ideals on this way of thinking could be flawed. Just sayin is all...

Oh wait a minute, you did say in this post "around one's immediate family" as I re-read your words, so does this mean you see the black race as one big immediate family connected to you by race or are you talking about your immediate family under your name ?
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So, there is no way to have "an honest discussion" unless the other party agrees to allow you to set the parameters and accepts whatever you demand as the basic premise? Is that what you consider "an honest discussion"? Again we see that you have no concept of reason or logic. You're just stupid, insistent, and obstinant. That's no way to go through life, kid, and it's certainly not conducive to any "honest discussion."

In order to have an honest discussion both parties have to be honest..

And being "honest" means accepting your premise and your parameters, right?

Hey stupid, honesty is a two way street.

If asking for honesty is setting up MY parameters then the answer to your stupid question is YES.
What the hell would you know about it, moron? You can't even begin to grasp basic logic.

It's basic not "basci".

And you call me a moron. :cuckoo:

Thank you. And yes, I call you that because that is what you are.

No you call me that and other people on this board names because you do not possess the intelligence to argue a point without hurling insults. And it probably makes you feel superior. When in fact it does just the opposite.
“I got a new movie coming out, Django, check it out…Django Unchained, I play a slave. How black is that? In the movie, I have to wear chains. How whack is that? But don’t be worried about it, because I get out [of] the chains, I save my wife, and I kill all the white people in the movie. How ​great is that? And how black is that?”
~Jamie Foxx~

More evidence that most blacks are racist.
“I got a new movie coming out, Django, check it out…Django Unchained, I play a slave. How black is that? In the movie, I have to wear chains. How whack is that? But don’t be worried about it, because I get out [of] the chains, I save my wife, and I kill all the white people in the movie. How ​great is that? And how black is that?”
~Jamie Foxx~

More evidence that most blacks are racist.

That's the dream of all blacks. They did it in Haiti, Zimbabwe and now are doing it in South Africa. It's a'ok for blacks to threaten and be as racist as they damn well please....Just don't be white when you point it out as the left will scream you down.
“I got a new movie coming out, Django, check it out…Django Unchained, I play a slave. How black is that? In the movie, I have to wear chains. How whack is that? But don’t be worried about it, because I get out [of] the chains, I save my wife, and I kill all the white people in the movie. How ​great is that? And how black is that?”
~Jamie Foxx~

More evidence that most blacks are racist.

Say white boy how does it feel to get racism thrown back into your faces.
Will you get non-violent now and parade down streets advertising how you feel.Are you a "MAN".:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:. Its a beotch aint it.
“I got a new movie coming out, Django, check it out…Django Unchained, I play a slave. How black is that? In the movie, I have to wear chains. How whack is that? But don’t be worried about it, because I get out [of] the chains, I save my wife, and I kill all the white people in the movie. How ​great is that? And how black is that?”
~Jamie Foxx~

More evidence that most blacks are racist.

Say white boy how does it feel to get racism thrown back into your faces.
Will you get non-violent now and parade down streets advertising how you feel.Are you a "MAN".:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:. Its a beotch aint it.

I've always known most blacks were racist. There's no suprise here.

I don't parade down the streets like you faggots do.
“I got a new movie coming out, Django, check it out…Django Unchained, I play a slave. How black is that? In the movie, I have to wear chains. How whack is that? But don’t be worried about it, because I get out [of] the chains, I save my wife, and I kill all the white people in the movie. How ​great is that? And how black is that?”
~Jamie Foxx~

More evidence that most blacks are racist.

Say white boy how does it feel to get racism thrown back into your faces.
Will you get non-violent now and parade down streets advertising how you feel.Are you a "MAN".:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:. Its a beotch aint it.
Wow, so to you it's all about reverse racism and/or vengence finally eh ?

Say it ain't so man, or are these just knee jerk reactions trying to counter while in defensive mode maybe?
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It's basic not "basci".

And you call me a moron. :cuckoo:

Thank you. And yes, I call you that because that is what you are.

No you call me that and other people on this board names because you do not possess the intelligence to argue a point without hurling insults. And it probably makes you feel superior. When in fact it does just the opposite.

I describe you in the terms that best suit you. If you are not satisfied with an accurate description, maybe you should think about getting your act together.
“I got a new movie coming out, Django, check it out…Django Unchained, I play a slave. How black is that? In the movie, I have to wear chains. How whack is that? But don’t be worried about it, because I get out [of] the chains, I save my wife, and I kill all the white people in the movie. How ​great is that? And how black is that?”
~Jamie Foxx~

More evidence that most blacks are racist.

Ah, more of that ILLOGIC you are so famous for.
“I got a new movie coming out, Django, check it out…Django Unchained, I play a slave. How black is that? In the movie, I have to wear chains. How whack is that? But don’t be worried about it, because I get out [of] the chains, I save my wife, and I kill all the white people in the movie. How ​great is that? And how black is that?”
~Jamie Foxx~

More evidence that most blacks are racist.

That's the dream of all blacks.

Do you honestly not realize what an amazingly stupid thing to say that is? Are you taking lessons in illogic from lonestar?
“I got a new movie coming out, Django, check it out…Django Unchained, I play a slave. How black is that? In the movie, I have to wear chains. How whack is that? But don’t be worried about it, because I get out [of] the chains, I save my wife, and I kill all the white people in the movie. How ​great is that? And how black is that?”
~Jamie Foxx~

More evidence that most blacks are racist.

That's the dream of all blacks.

Do you honestly not realize what an amazingly stupid thing to say that is? Are you taking lessons in illogic from lonestar?

it's not illogical to think that blacks want revenge for slavery and Jim Crow.

They mention it all the time.

hell, look at the black on white murder rate
That's the dream of all blacks.

Do you honestly not realize what an amazingly stupid thing to say that is? Are you taking lessons in illogic from lonestar?

it's not illogical to think that blacks want revenge for slavery and Jim Crow.

They mention it all the time.

hell, look at the black on white murder rate

It most certainly IS illogical to think you can justify one ridiculous statement by diverting to another.

You're not just illogical, you're flat-out stupid.

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