Blacks Are The Most Racist Group In America

“I got a new movie coming out, Django, check it out…Django Unchained, I play a slave. How black is that? In the movie, I have to wear chains. How whack is that? But don’t be worried about it, because I get out [of] the chains, I save my wife, and I kill all the white people in the movie. How ​great is that? And how black is that?”
~Jamie Foxx~

More evidence that most blacks are racist.

That's the dream of all blacks. They did it in Haiti, Zimbabwe and now are doing it in South Africa. It's a'ok for blacks to threaten and be as racist as they damn well please....Just don't be white when you point it out as the left will scream you down.

ROFLMBAO! You and the rest of your cartoon pals can barely assemble a sentence consisting of more than 3 words.

How could you possibly know what "all blacks are dreaming?"
“I got a new movie coming out, Django, check it out…Django Unchained, I play a slave. How black is that? In the movie, I have to wear chains. How whack is that? But don’t be worried about it, because I get out [of] the chains, I save my wife, and I kill all the white people in the movie. How ​great is that? And how black is that?”
~Jamie Foxx~

More evidence that most blacks are racist.

Say white boy how does it feel to get racism thrown back into your faces.
Will you get non-violent now and parade down streets advertising how you feel.Are you a "MAN".:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:. Its a beotch aint it.
Do you know calling a white man a white boy is the same as calling a black man a ******!
“I got a new movie coming out, Django, check it out…Django Unchained, I play a slave. How black is that? In the movie, I have to wear chains. How whack is that? But don’t be worried about it, because I get out [of] the chains, I save my wife, and I kill all the white people in the movie. How ​great is that? And how black is that?”
~Jamie Foxx~

More evidence that most blacks are racist.

That's the dream of all blacks. They did it in Haiti, Zimbabwe and now are doing it in South Africa. It's a'ok for blacks to threaten and be as racist as they damn well please....Just don't be white when you point it out as the left will scream you down.

ROFLMBAO! You and the rest of your cartoon pals can barely assemble a sentence consisting of more than 3 words.

How could you possibly know what "all blacks are dreaming?"
This is getting stupid or weird now (non-productive)... How about a straight answer from all in just one word for the OP, and then we all just move right along to something else new or that is more in tune ? Just a thought maybe !
“I got a new movie coming out, Django, check it out…Django Unchained, I play a slave. How black is that? In the movie, I have to wear chains. How whack is that? But don’t be worried about it, because I get out [of] the chains, I save my wife, and I kill all the white people in the movie. How ​great is that? And how black is that?”
~Jamie Foxx~

More evidence that most blacks are racist.

Say white boy how does it feel to get racism thrown back into your faces.
Will you get non-violent now and parade down streets advertising how you feel.Are you a "MAN".:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:. Its a beotch aint it.
Do you know calling a white man a white boy is the same as calling a black man a ******!

Look at how many whites voted for lil bush twice,and they are the most racist and stupid in this country.
Poor white boys can give but cant take it being given back to them.
I'll make you a deal - you call me white boy, and I'll call you ****** - Would you like that?
Maybe if you wrote something pertinent, and slightly intelectual someone would respond.
I don't think your capable. My assertions have been proven with simple math - anyone who has opposed them has had an untenable position or no position at all. :trolls::night:
That's the dream of all blacks. They did it in Haiti, Zimbabwe and now are doing it in South Africa. It's a'ok for blacks to threaten and be as racist as they damn well please....Just don't be white when you point it out as the left will scream you down.

ROFLMBAO! You and the rest of your cartoon pals can barely assemble a sentence consisting of more than 3 words.

How could you possibly know what "all blacks are dreaming?"
This is getting stupid or weird now (non-productive)... How about a straight answer from all in just one word for the OP, and then we all just move right along to something else new or that is more in tune ? Just a thought maybe !

This is a public forum for "individuals" to post in. I post what I want to, when I want to. That being said. If one does not want to read what another posts, the option to skip what one wants to is open to all.
Do you honestly not realize what an amazingly stupid thing to say that is? Are you taking lessons in illogic from lonestar?

it's not illogical to think that blacks want revenge for slavery and Jim Crow.

They mention it all the time.

hell, look at the black on white murder rate

It most certainly IS illogical to think you can justify one ridiculous statement by diverting to another.

You're not just illogical, you're flat-out stupid.

I have facts to support my claim

What do you have?
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“I got a new movie coming out, Django, check it out…Django Unchained, I play a slave. How black is that? In the movie, I have to wear chains. How whack is that? But don’t be worried about it, because I get out [of] the chains, I save my wife, and I kill all the white people in the movie. How ​great is that? And how black is that?”
~Jamie Foxx~

More evidence that most blacks are racist.

Say white boy how does it feel to get racism thrown back into your faces.
Will you get non-violent now and parade down streets advertising how you feel.Are you a "MAN".:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:. Its a beotch aint it.
Wow, so to you it's all about reverse racism and/or vengence finally eh ?

Say it ain't so man, or are these just knee jerk reactions trying to counter while in defensive mode.

No such thing as "reverse racism". But just for sake of entertainment, let's humor you for a second.

Assuming that you really believe in this Utopian pipe dream that you post about where all are "equal" (which i think is a game you are playing on your part) why do you always selectively direct all of your "righteous" moralizing towards those who "you think" are black, (even the most moderate) while ignoring all of the Skinhead, Aryan Supremacist, KKK, Neo Nazi types?
The truth is both sides want to rule over each other...There's a reason that the world was divided up by race. The question is can we get over it? Can whites trust blacks with power and can blacks trust whites with the same???? Can we treat each other equally under the law.

Until we do then this experiment is in trouble. South Africa is my case in point.
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Thank you. And yes, I call you that because that is what you are.

No you call me that and other people on this board names because you do not possess the intelligence to argue a point without hurling insults. And it probably makes you feel superior. When in fact it does just the opposite.

I describe you in the terms that best suit you. If you are not satisfied with an accurate description, maybe you should think about getting your act together.

No you call names because you think your tough and it makes you feel tough when in fact you are nothing and you will always be nothing.
it's not illogical to think that blacks want revenge for slavery and Jim Crow.

They mention it all the time.

hell, look at the black on white murder rate

It most certainly IS illogical to think you can justify one ridiculous statement by diverting to another.

You're not just illogical, you're flat-out stupid.

I have facts to support my claim

What do you have?

You jumped in to defend matthew's stupid claim that it is "the dream of all blacks" to kill all white people. You think you have 'facts' to support that claim? Even you can't be that stupid.
No you call me that and other people on this board names because you do not possess the intelligence to argue a point without hurling insults. And it probably makes you feel superior. When in fact it does just the opposite.

I describe you in the terms that best suit you. If you are not satisfied with an accurate description, maybe you should think about getting your act together.

No you call names because you think your[sic] tough and it makes you feel tough when in fact you are nothing and you will always be nothing.


Learn the language or get out of my country, fool.
lonestar_illogical rides again! :rolleyes:

You gotta stop making your own booze at home, champ.

Unlike weaklings like yourself, I don't drink alcohol.

Then you should stop abusing prescription drugs.

Listen you retarded puke. You are nothing but a pissy little troll trying to act like a tough guy. I seen your kind all the time in the joint. You're the type that's always somebody's bitch.

I don't need drugs are alcohol like you weak fuckers do.

You never have anything to offer to the discussion but snide remarks and insults. You think your clever but you're not. You are a pathetic little coward trying to be a tough guy. You are a big joke!

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