Blacks Are The Most Racist Group In America

In searching the net for a forum, I found this one. I understand you feel that Blacks are stupid.

Now, what would cause you to say that? We see life thru a much different perspective than most, and have many different opinions about what this nation is facing.

I don't recall anyone saying blacks were stupid (though I may be mistaken). But according to test scores such as SAT's, blacks do not perform at the same level as whites or asians. And I think that when you have civil exams dumbed down because blacks can't pass them it's another example of blacks not performing at the same level as their white counterparts.

With that said, I'll concede that there is exceptions to every rule.

What interest me is why there is such a discrepancy. Is it cultural? Genetic?
Both - if your dad was a cannibal witch doctor you would be predisposed differently than if your dad was an astronaut!

I don't play "what if " games.
Hello? Come on, champ. You said you had never been afraid of ashamed of anything in your so-called life. So, out with it already.
Hello? Come on, champ. You said you had never been afraid of ashamed of anything in your so-called life. So, out with it already.

I hate to see people beg.

When I was 17 I was sentenced to five years in the Texas Department of Corrections on the charge of aggravated assault with intent. I did half of that and was paroled. In 1982 I was granted a full pardon from Gov. Mark White and had my records expunged. I owe much of that to Red Adair who was my employer at the time.
Hello? Come on, champ. You said you had never been afraid of ashamed of anything in your so-called life. So, out with it already.

I hate to see people beg.

When I was 17 I was sentenced to five years in the Texas Department of Corrections on the charge of aggravated assault with intent. I did half of that and was paroled. In 1982 I was granted a full pardon from Gov. Mark White and had my records expunged. I owe much of that to Red Adair who was my employer at the time.

So YOU were trying to insult ME by referencing the fact that YOU are a criminal? That might not be the best approach. Well, you paid your debt to society, so there's no need to mention it again. Watch me not use this to ridicule you mercilessly or as a 'weapon' against you when we disagree on some topic, though I'm quite sure if the tables were turned you would not show such restraint. I won't bring it up again if you don't.
Hello? Come on, champ. You said you had never been afraid of ashamed of anything in your so-called life. So, out with it already.

I hate to see people beg.

When I was 17 I was sentenced to five years in the Texas Department of Corrections on the charge of aggravated assault with intent. I did half of that and was paroled. In 1982 I was granted a full pardon from Gov. Mark White and had my records expunged. I owe much of that to Red Adair who was my employer at the time.

So YOU were trying to insult ME by referencing the fact that YOU are a criminal? That might not be the best approach. Well, you paid your debt to society, so there's no need to mention it again. Watch me not use this to ridicule you mercilessly or as a 'weapon' against you when we disagree on some topic, though I'm quite sure if the tables were turned you would not show such restraint. I won't bring it up again if you don't.

See this is what I expected.

Now you call me a criminal.

I beat a man half to death for sexually assaulting my niece and yes I was trying to kill the SOB and I would have suceeded if the deputies would have gotten there ten minutes later than they did.

And since you apparently don't understand the law. My records were expunged, that means the charge against me had been erased. That was the only crime I've committed in my life other than a few speeding tickets. I'm hardly a criminal.
I'm still waiting for Lonestar to come to California, most particularly Los Angeles.
I hate to see people beg.

When I was 17 I was sentenced to five years in the Texas Department of Corrections on the charge of aggravated assault with intent. I did half of that and was paroled. In 1982 I was granted a full pardon from Gov. Mark White and had my records expunged. I owe much of that to Red Adair who was my employer at the time.

So YOU were trying to insult ME by referencing the fact that YOU are a criminal? That might not be the best approach. Well, you paid your debt to society, so there's no need to mention it again. Watch me not use this to ridicule you mercilessly or as a 'weapon' against you when we disagree on some topic, though I'm quite sure if the tables were turned you would not show such restraint. I won't bring it up again if you don't.

See this is what I expected.

Now you call me a criminal.

Hey, like I said, I won't bring it up again if you don't. I'm trying to give you a break here.
I hate to see people beg.

When I was 17 I was sentenced to five years in the Texas Department of Corrections on the charge of aggravated assault with intent. I did half of that and was paroled. In 1982 I was granted a full pardon from Gov. Mark White and had my records expunged. I owe much of that to Red Adair who was my employer at the time.

So YOU were trying to insult ME by referencing the fact that YOU are a criminal? That might not be the best approach. Well, you paid your debt to society, so there's no need to mention it again. Watch me not use this to ridicule you mercilessly or as a 'weapon' against you when we disagree on some topic, though I'm quite sure if the tables were turned you would not show such restraint. I won't bring it up again if you don't.

See this is what I expected.

Now you call me a criminal.

I beat a man half to death for sexually assaulting my niece and yes I was trying to kill the SOB and I would have suceeded if the deputies would have gotten there ten minutes later than they did.

And since you apparently don't understand the law. My records were expunged, that means the charge against me had been erased. That was the only crime I've committed in my life other than a few speeding tickets. I'm hardly a criminal.
They should of gave you a medal :confused:
Look at how many whites voted for lil bush twice,and they are the most racist and stupid in this country.

So voting for Bush now makes white people racist eh ? Was there a choice in which you make this claim upon ? How about maybe people thought Bush was the answer to the economy or the economic woe's in this nation, but got their clocks cleaned because Bush ignored the economy, while focussing on the wars to much instead. He paid for it in the end, because his party wasn't voted in again as a punisment.

And last I checked they are still being punished, but as with anything they will get their act together again, because the nation depends on it. One party in charge for to long, begins to make that party feel invinsible and irreplaceble (to powerful), so every now and then a good shake up is needed, so everyone should just look at all of this as normal cycles, and nothing more.

The only question is now, how big a shake up will this be, and will it go beyond the normal cycle, and on into something and/or taken somewhere that this nation didnot want to go ? :eusa_eh:
97% of blacks voted for Obama! If that was reversed, we would never here the end of it -like slavery. It proves that blacks are indeed the most racist group in America, and therefore the dumbest !

Great Blue herons and Great White Egrets are almost indistinguishable genetically. However, the Great whites prefer other Great whites, and Blue herons prefer their own color, too. Occasionally there is an exception, but for the most part, these birds are color-specific to their breed.

Human beings aren't so simple as that.

The very first library among human beings is said to have been at Timbuktu, an historically black community.

One of America's finest intellectuals who ever graced this continent was born a slave in 1864, and his name was George Washington Carver.

In my lifetime, one of the most intelligent and accomplished athletes who ever lived played winning games with the Chicago Bulls with fluid grace whose name was Michael Jordan.

Black people are good people and quite capable intellectually.

One thing about most blacks I've noticed is they have quite advanced diplomatic skills few whites ever dream of having, although it's not unheard of, considering Dolly Madison.

I hope I never see another hugely disparaging post about black is bad again for the duration of my life. If you can't say something nice about the nice people that the vast majority of blacks are, there is quite an acceptable alternative in saying nothing.


/lectio divinia
Say white boy how does it feel to get racism thrown back into your faces. Will you get non-violent now and parade down streets advertising how you feel.Are you a "MAN".:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:. Its a beotch aint it.

Wow, so to you it's all about reverse racism and/or vengence finally eh ?

Say it ain't so man, or are these just knee jerk reactions trying to counter while in defensive mode.

No such thing as "reverse racism". But just for sake of entertainment, let's humor you for a second.

Assuming that you really believe in this Utopian pipe dream that you post about where all are "equal" (which i think is a game you are playing on your part) why do you always selectively direct all of your "righteous" moralizing towards those who "you think" are black, (even the most moderate) while ignoring all of the Skinhead, Aryan Supremacist, KKK, Neo Nazi types?

HUH! :confused: Kats, how did you write in my word box, where as it was hard to seperate our comments when reading them back ? You can go back and look where you had done this on the above correction, but anyway here is how it is all suppose to look for any future reference my fellow poster..

Oh PS. If this was a topic on skinheads, aryan supremist, kkk or neo-nazi types, you would see that I have no quams about calling them out also, and this when they do things that become the topic of the news where they had done something weird, interesting, confusing, wrong, stupid bad or worse. No one is off limits to people looking into maybe why people do the things in which they do, and especially things that affect so many when they do them.

No such thing as reverse racism kats ?

I said I believe in a pipe dream where all are equal kats ? Where did I ever write that Kats ? No one is equal except when they are born as human beings into this world, now once they begin to grow, and all depending on who raises them up or who they are from their genes that are strong within them, doth the seperation begin, and this is found in their character, skill sets, personality traits and excetra excetra, so no I am not of this all are "equal" train of thought no matter what, but I'm more about having enough about us that we each are American as defined by our nations culture over the years, and that we are American enough to jook and jive together respectfully, decently and honorably. Any questions ?
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Look at how many whites voted for lil bush twice,and they are the most racist and stupid in this country.

So voting for Bush now makes white people racist eh ?

Sounds about as ignorant as "black people voted for Obama because they are racist"......doesn't it?

Most candidates who win, win because they flat out do a better job of campaigning than their opponents.

Even loyal Republicans as of late are now conceding that there were "too many stupid statements" made during Romneys campaign, statements that ended up costing him votes from women and minorities, and young first time voters.

As far as Bush goes....that's old news. He failed, and he will go down in history as a failure, who wasted his terms and the nations surplus resources trying to "take care of his Daddy's unfinished business".

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