Blacks Are The Most Racist Group In America

WHY is it that everyone on this thread doesn't mention the fact that Obama IS HALF WHITE?
He's from both sides of the track...the best (or worse) of both worlds?

b/c he identifies himself as black ?

decades ago?
I remember him throwing his white grandmother under the bus, so his need to seperate himself was interesting at that point.

he drags her back out again over Obamacare. It's pitiful, but hey, it's Obama :D
WHY is it that everyone on this thread doesn't mention the fact that Obama IS HALF WHITE?
He's from both sides of the track...the best (or worse) of both worlds?
Doesn't matter about color, all that matters is about his character and who influenced his character over the years, and/or for whom molded it in life. Now this is all people should be mindful of with Obama, and they should not be concernend about his color unless he is found to be a racist underneath his skin, and therefore uses his skin color for racist reasons or racist activities, but it should always be more about his actions that surrounds his character only, and never his skin color.

This is what matters most to Americans..
I am thoroughly disgusted with his actions, and unimpressed with his skin color.
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I hate it when blacks today act like they went through slavery, but I also hate it when whites today try to take credit for ending it. I appreciate the thousands of brave men(and them only) who risked and gave their lives, you use "we" as if you had anything to do with it.

Why is it that I always see whites bringing up slavery and rarely see a black ever bring it up. The Civil war was not fighting about slavery it was about the 2 sides fighting over what they wanted for the country(slavery just happened to be one of them). I find it very hard to believe that they had a problem fighting other whites who betrayed their own country.

Seeing that it was so long ago, I thought AA ended when it became unnecessary. I don't know why its still around today.:confused:
What do you mean " betrayed their own country " ?
The civil war was an American one. General Lee was an American general. The flag he flew was an American one.
The blacks did not free themselves. It was a white man who signed the emancipation proclamation - promulgated on the sacrifise of many more whites than blacks.
When I refer to " we" I mean we whites, and since I am white, and my decendants fought on both sides of the equation - it is a vicarious term.

That's like saying whites as a race should take blame for many other mistakes in history and I don't mean slavery, things other whites started. Who do you expect to sign the emancipation proclamation, since when did slaves anywhere have authority/power to sign anything or free themselves. I never saw the logic in any race taking credit of any kind from the achievements and hard-work of those in the past. This is not "the" American flag, this is rebellion toward it.

After witnessing a black woman screaming "Obama gave me a phone" I don't care anymore over pc.

Let's be honest. Every black but with a few exceptions voted for their messiah. Be honest. Every black voted for Obama.

So if they are going to do that, we should have no shame whatsoever for voting white.

They vote black. We should vote white then. Makes sense to me.
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WHY is it that everyone on this thread doesn't mention the fact that Obama IS HALF WHITE?
He's from both sides of the track...the best (or worse) of both worlds?
Doesn't matter about color, all that matters is about his character and who influenced his character over the years, and/or for whom molded it in life. Now this is all people should be mindful of with Obama, and they should not be concernend about his color unless he is found to be a racist underneath his skin, and therefore uses his skin color for racist reasons or racist activities, but it should always be more about his actions that surrounds his character only, and never his skin color.

This is what matters most to Americans..
I am thoroughly discusted with his actions, and unimpressed with his skin color.

Even he isn't black enough for some and never forget he is not brought up to be American.
I'm not a birther. I am talking about his true upbringing .
Doesn't matter about color, all that matters is about his character and who influenced his character over the years, and/or for whom molded it in life. Now this is all people should be mindful of with Obama, and they should not be concernend about his color unless he is found to be a racist underneath his skin, and therefore uses his skin color for racist reasons or racist activities, but it should always be more about his actions that surrounds his character only, and never his skin color.

This is what matters most to Americans..
I am thoroughly discusted with his actions, and unimpressed with his skin color.

Even he isn't black enough for some and never forget he is not brought up to be American.
I'm not a birther. I am talking about his true upbringing .
He was brought up to be anti colonialism, anti white; he was brought up black!
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What do you mean " betrayed their own country " ?
The civil war was an American one. General Lee was an American general. The flag he flew was an American one.
The blacks did not free themselves. It was a white man who signed the emancipation proclamation - promulgated on the sacrifise of many more whites than blacks.
When I refer to " we" I mean we whites, and since I am white, and my decendants fought on both sides of the equation - it is a vicarious term.

That's like saying whites as a race should take blame for many other mistakes in history and I don't mean slavery, things other whites started. Who do you expect to sign the emancipation proclamation, since when did slaves anywhere have authority/power to sign anything or free themselves. I never saw the logic in any race taking credit of any kind from the achievements and hard-work of those in the past. This is not "the" American flag, this is rebellion toward it.

After witnessing a black woman screaming "Obama gave me a phone" I don't care anymore over pc.

Let's be honest. Every black but with a few exceptions voted for their messiah. Be honest. Every black voted for Obama.

So if they are going to do that, we should have no shame whatsoever for voting white.

They vote black. We should vote white then. Makes sense to me.

I don't care who other blacks vote for or like. I believe that race should take no part in politics, like religion nothing goes well. The fact that there are people who vote based on race tells me this country is screwed.

I hate blacks that do get me labeled and those who label me with them without my consent. I don't know which bothers me more so I just I hate them both as equals.:cool:
Regardless of the percentage of blacks who voted for Obama, he wouldn't have become president without voters from other races (hold your breath....whites included) picking him. I have no doubt that many blacks voted for Obama, simply because he was black, just as many whites voted for Romney, simply because he wasn't black and are so racist, that it is horrendous to them that a black man is sitting in the white house.
In my case, voting for Romney would have meant voting for a candidate backed by ridiculously far-right religious zealots. That automatically removed him as a contender for me.
Regardless of the percentage of blacks who voted for Obama, he wouldn't have become president without voters from other races (hold your breath....whites included) picking him. I have no doubt that many blacks voted for Obama, simply because he was black, just as many whites voted for Romney, simply because he wasn't black and are so racist, that it is horrendous to them that a black man is sitting in the white house.
In my case, voting for Romney would have meant voting for a candidate backed by ridiculously far-right religious zealots. That automatically removed him as a contender for me.
How rediculous was it to blame Romney for something that he couldnot control, nor did he claim he would represent ? Did he indicate to you that he was going to agressively represent extremist as you sort of refer to them as ? I don't think that he did.... Obama on the other hand, well he has the profile & actions from his past for us to go by, in which tells many of us that he does or did represent extremist views and/or radicals that were around him. Lets see how many did he have to throw under the bus in his first 4 years already ?
WHY is it that everyone on this thread doesn't mention the fact that Obama IS HALF WHITE?
He's from both sides of the track...the best (or worse) of both worlds?
Doesn't matter about color, all that matters is about his character and who influenced his character over the years, and/or for whom molded it in life. Now this is all people should be mindful of with Obama, and they should not be concernend about his color unless he is found to be a racist underneath his skin, and therefore uses his skin color for racist reasons or racist activities, but it should always be more about his actions that surrounds his character only, and never his skin color.

This is what matters most to Americans..

Americans don't even know that his main mentor was a pedophile sex crazy dude.

They just don't care. All the blacks care about is getting the free phone apparently.

invariably the mixed race person chooses to identify with the race that gets them the most free Obama phones
I guess I can't blame people for wanting free stuff, but our leadership should know better about tempting people with such, and then to do it just for votes ? So did Obama and crew use the free stuff platform as a way to get votes or not ? Pelosi said that foodstamps and welfare was a great stimulous for the economy, and that we needed to do more of that sort of thing right ?
Obama is president because all the blacks voted for him and no other reason if blacks were not racist and even 25% of them would have voted the other way Romney would be president.
Now we get real mean and nasty. Once you go black you can never go back..The Dems have locked themselves into a position where they will have to stay away from nominating a White male for many many years in order to stay in power...
As the white man says the Nig--- always comes out so just wait and see how messed up this country is going to be with all your Wall Martt jobs because you cant see how the USA's politics have destroyed all good jobs and this President is going to finish us off by subsidizing people and business just like they do in all Socialized countries but it is only enough for you to eat rice and beans. Not the American way but so Dems can get votes they have to give it away. Problem is there will not be that much to give away.
And what I get is that you selectively highlighted in bold A PORTION of what I stated but for the the sake of conveinience left out the actual point that I was making, which illustrates two possibilities:

a) You have underdeveloped critical thinking skills, and could not comprehend what I was actually stating.

b) You are a textbook example of the confused segment of the white collective that only feels comfortable when a black citizen is pictured on the 11 pm news for committing a crime, thereby fulfilling your stereotypical views of the vast majority of the black population.

But to have a black individual voice support of self reliance, and stopping the endless cycle of dependence? Too much for you to fathom?

With that, I have no more time to waste teaching the obvious. If you consider my logic to be racist, that is your choice to do so.

Teaching ? A person who thinks like you do, and then trying to "teach" someone else just might be a scary

Indeed it IS scary, when one is wasting time trying to teach the OBVIOUS to an adult who should have a grasp on reality.
Most blacks think of Obama as BLACK. That's all that comes into their minds and how much more free stuff he will give them...

I think that's kind of sad.

I find it sad you still believe you can tell people how they think and read minds.

Actually I think it is scary..........reminicent of the kind of individual who would walk into a public establishment with an assault weapon, shoot everyone in sight, and then say "God told him to do it".
Whatever the Black gets thats free,the whites get it too.Foodstamps,welfare,everything.So stop all this damn crying.Whats wrong you feel that Blacks dont deserve to get anything from this govt.They served in the armed forces,fought the same wars as whites.They worked at jobs just like you lazy whites.They attended schools also. So whats your problem whitey ?
Obama is president because all the blacks voted for him and no other reason if blacks were not racist and even 25% of them would have voted the other way Romney would be president.
Now we get real mean and nasty. Once you go black you can never go back..The Dems have locked themselves into a position where they will have to stay away from nominating a White male for many many years in order to stay in power...
As the white man says the Nig--- always comes out so just wait and see how messed up this country is going to be with all your Wall Martt jobs because you cant see how the USA's politics have destroyed all good jobs and this President is going to finish us off by subsidizing people and business just like they do in all Socialized countries but it is only enough for you to eat rice and beans. Not the American way but so Dems can get votes they have to give it away. Problem is there will not be that much to give away.

The black population being a small percentage of the electorate, in no way could have been the deciding votes that won the election or could have lost it.

Obama won the election on the votes he captured from latino, black, female and predominately young voters...and he also got some unexpected help from Romney making tactical errors such as that stupid statement he made about the "47%" during his campaign.
What do you mean " betrayed their own country " ?
The civil war was an American one. General Lee was an American general. The flag he flew was an American one.
The blacks did not free themselves. It was a white man who signed the emancipation proclamation - promulgated on the sacrifise of many more whites than blacks.
When I refer to " we" I mean we whites, and since I am white, and my decendants fought on both sides of the equation - it is a vicarious term.

That's like saying whites as a race should take blame for many other mistakes in history and I don't mean slavery, things other whites started. Who do you expect to sign the emancipation proclamation, since when did slaves anywhere have authority/power to sign anything or free themselves. I never saw the logic in any race taking credit of any kind from the achievements and hard-work of those in the past. This is not "the" American flag, this is rebellion toward it.

After witnessing a black woman screaming "Obama gave me a phone" I don't care anymore over pc.

Let's be honest. Every black but with a few exceptions voted for their messiah. Be honest. Every black voted for Obama.

So if they are going to do that, we should have no shame whatsoever for voting white.

They vote black. We should vote white then. Makes sense to me.

So you forgo being politically correct because you saw one person talking about a free phone? Really?

By the way let me ask you: Who are you to judge the reasons of a citizen on their personal reason why they've voted for a presidential candidate?
Most blacks think of Obama as BLACK. That's all that comes into their minds and how much more free stuff he will give them...

I think that's kind of sad.

Well, is sad. my own personal experience, born and raised on the south side of a fairly big city (only two and a half hours from Chicago), the black folk were not only racist towards whites...they were racist against mixed boys and girls who had white mamas and black baby daddy's as well. What was even worse, if a black girl from my neighborhood hooked up with a white guy and they had a baby? That girl was shunned worse than a black boy with a white baby mama.

I will say, that as the years have doesn't seem that important now, and white baby mama's are more accepted now because of the President being HALF WHITE.

I am not sure what one is supposed to put down for 'race' when asked of a bi-racial person. I was told that it was the mother's race, whether she was white, black, hispanic, asian, etc.
So, if that is indeed true, then the President is technically 'white'...

I, myself have a WHITE mother and a MEXICAN father...I was told it was the fathers race I had to 'take' all my life I put down Hispanic...yet I do looked 'mixed' with fair skin and a 'tint', and I have black hair and brown eyes...truthfully I could pass for any 'race' except for asian, but my eyes are almond shaped and do slant up just a bit, in pix I could pass for asian...but not in RL.
Yet, I digress...sorry...
My point, is that Obama's mama is a WHITE woman with a WHITE family which Obama was raised around...he speaks of his grandmother and his mother often...I know how that goes because of my own mother being white...we grew up around BOTH sides of our families...the white side and the 'colored' side.

So those voters out there that voted for Obama because of his race? They also voted for his WHITE side.

This has to be one of the dumbest responses (and racist) I've read. You've firstly riddled the beginning of your responses with generalizations as if you know every black person near the south side of Chicago. Second you assume the reasons why African-Americans voted for Obama. News flash African-Americans vote democrat (at least majority of us do statistically) Obama just happens to be African-American and the fact that he is the first president of color is a pretty big deal considering historically people of color lived through racial segregation.
Most blacks think of Obama as BLACK. That's all that comes into their minds and how much more free stuff he will give them...

I think that's kind of sad.

I find it sad you still believe you can tell people how they think and read minds.

Actually I think it is scary..........reminicent of the kind of individual who would walk into a public establishment with an assault weapon, shoot everyone in sight, and then say "God told him to do it".
Change God to Allah, and you will have described a radical islamist who is in this nation now, and sadly has been allowed to do that very thing..
Most blacks think of Obama as BLACK. That's all that comes into their minds and how much more free stuff he will give them...

I think that's kind of sad.

Well, is sad. my own personal experience, born and raised on the south side of a fairly big city (only two and a half hours from Chicago), the black folk were not only racist towards whites...they were racist against mixed boys and girls who had white mamas and black baby daddy's as well. What was even worse, if a black girl from my neighborhood hooked up with a white guy and they had a baby? That girl was shunned worse than a black boy with a white baby mama.

I will say, that as the years have doesn't seem that important now, and white baby mama's are more accepted now because of the President being HALF WHITE.

I am not sure what one is supposed to put down for 'race' when asked of a bi-racial person. I was told that it was the mother's race, whether she was white, black, hispanic, asian, etc.
So, if that is indeed true, then the President is technically 'white'...

I, myself have a WHITE mother and a MEXICAN father...I was told it was the fathers race I had to 'take' all my life I put down Hispanic...yet I do looked 'mixed' with fair skin and a 'tint', and I have black hair and brown eyes...truthfully I could pass for any 'race' except for asian, but my eyes are almond shaped and do slant up just a bit, in pix I could pass for asian...but not in RL.
Yet, I digress...sorry...
My point, is that Obama's mama is a WHITE woman with a WHITE family which Obama was raised around...he speaks of his grandmother and his mother often...I know how that goes because of my own mother being white...we grew up around BOTH sides of our families...the white side and the 'colored' side.

So those voters out there that voted for Obama because of his race? They also voted for his WHITE side.

This has to be one of the dumbest responses (and racist) I've read. You've firstly riddled the beginning of your responses with generalizations as if you know every black person near the south side of Chicago. Second you assume the reasons why African-Americans voted for Obama. News flash African-Americans vote democrat (at least majority of us do statistically) Obama just happens to be African-American and the fact that he is the first president of color is a pretty big deal considering historically people of color lived through racial segregation.
Obama is African American ?
97% of blacks voted for Obama! If that was reversed, we would never here the end of it -like slavery. It proves that blacks are indeed the most racist group in America, and therefore the dumbest !

97% of blacks voted for Obama! If that was reversed, we would never here the end of it -like slavery. It proves that blacks are indeed the most racist group in America, and therefore the dumbest !

And that most racist group in America reelected a black racist president who will staff his Cabinet with black racists, beginning with Susan Rice.

Read here for the break-down in who, what, where and why o was reelected.

Young Voters Supported Obama Less, But May Have Mattered More

In winning reelection, Barack Obama won 60% of the vote among those younger than 30. That was down somewhat from 2008, when Obama won nearly two-thirds (66%) of the votes of young people. However, Obama’s youth support may have been an even more important factor in his victory this year than it was in 2008.

Young Voters Supported Obama Less, But May Have Mattered More | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

One really has to wonder if these are the postings of liberal trolls, as no actual person could be this stupid, ignorant, and hateful.

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