Blacks Are The Most Racist Group In America

Whatever the Black gets thats free,the whites get it too.Foodstamps,welfare,everything.So stop all this damn crying.Whats wrong you feel that Blacks dont deserve to get anything from this govt.They served in the armed forces,fought the same wars as whites.They worked at jobs just like you lazy whites.They attended schools also. So whats your problem whitey ?

lololololololoo brainwashed black fool (call me whitey againand the gloves come off)

Whatever the Black gets thats free,the whites get it too.Foodstamps,welfare,everything.So stop all this damn crying.Whats wrong you feel that Blacks dont deserve to get anything from this govt.They served in the armed forces,fought the same wars as whites.They worked at jobs just like you lazy whites.They attended schools also. So whats your problem whitey ?

lololololololoo brainwashed black fool (call me whitey againand the gloves come off)


lololo9lolololloooo ya catching on/ no more one sided race talk
Apparently the OP was correct in saying blacks are the most racist. The blacks posting in this thread has proved it.
Apparently the OP was correct in saying blacks are the most racist. The blacks posting in this thread has proved it.

yes yes yes and i for one will not let them get away with it any more, main reason this country is in trouble --ya can not listen to there affirmative action bullshit any more,or have white guilt..malcomX's wishes have arrived Whites have lost to many of there women and they must fight back with the truth as OBAMA has said Fair Share. They do not want fair share they want revenge Obama's words not mine...The whites have given too much, when was the last time a black thanked a white for fighting the civil war and freeing them.
Thankless sob's
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lololololololoo brainwashed black fool (call me whitey againand the gloves come off)
Hey whitey,whats so dumb about this post? I would whip the color off your face,what color there is ghost boy.
Well catsteve2012 - are you going to stick up for this racist moron. Maybe give him some reps? :badgrin:

I don't think that he needs my help handling you.And speaking of racist morons and "reps", you seem to get plenty of them in this forum.:badgrin:
Blacks dispropotianately get more benefits, and commit more crimes than whites.
Huey did not encompass blacks in his lazy statement - the term whitey is racist.
" they attended school also " What a revelation.
This thread is about blacks voting their skin color in enormously racist numbers.

ROFLMAO! Now I absolutely believe that you are from the shallow end of the gene pool!
"enormously racist numbers?"

It has been proven in the demograhpic distribution of those who voted for Obama, that women, latinos, and young people had a much more significant impact Obama winning the election then just "blacks"

Anyone who has posted here, and doesn't agree with that fact, and doesn't try to mitigate or refute the statement is responding dumbly! If you are going to digress, than at least confront or touch the assertion; the crux of the thread!

Huey chose to respond to your typically racist statements with a little dose of your own medicine, and lookng in the mirror obviously was enough to get a reaction out of you.

That is what is REALLY going on here.
Well, is sad. my own personal experience, born and raised on the south side of a fairly big city (only two and a half hours from Chicago), the black folk were not only racist towards whites...they were racist against mixed boys and girls who had white mamas and black baby daddy's as well. What was even worse, if a black girl from my neighborhood hooked up with a white guy and they had a baby? That girl was shunned worse than a black boy with a white baby mama.

I will say, that as the years have doesn't seem that important now, and white baby mama's are more accepted now because of the President being HALF WHITE.

I am not sure what one is supposed to put down for 'race' when asked of a bi-racial person. I was told that it was the mother's race, whether she was white, black, hispanic, asian, etc.
So, if that is indeed true, then the President is technically 'white'...

I, myself have a WHITE mother and a MEXICAN father...I was told it was the fathers race I had to 'take' all my life I put down Hispanic...yet I do looked 'mixed' with fair skin and a 'tint', and I have black hair and brown eyes...truthfully I could pass for any 'race' except for asian, but my eyes are almond shaped and do slant up just a bit, in pix I could pass for asian...but not in RL.
Yet, I digress...sorry...
My point, is that Obama's mama is a WHITE woman with a WHITE family which Obama was raised around...he speaks of his grandmother and his mother often...I know how that goes because of my own mother being white...we grew up around BOTH sides of our families...the white side and the 'colored' side.

So those voters out there that voted for Obama because of his race? They also voted for his WHITE side.

This has to be one of the dumbest responses (and racist) I've read. You've firstly riddled the beginning of your responses with generalizations as if you know every black person near the south side of Chicago. Second you assume the reasons why African-Americans voted for Obama. News flash African-Americans vote democrat (at least majority of us do statistically) Obama just happens to be African-American and the fact that he is the first president of color is a pretty big deal considering historically people of color lived through racial segregation.
Obama is African American ?

Come on Beagle most blacks of biracial heritage consider themselves black. Its the racial dynamics of culture.

Which is why the Spanish do not consider themselves "Hispanic" they consider themselves European. Which is also why Obama considers himself apart of the black community.
Well, is sad. my own personal experience, born and raised on the south side of a fairly big city (only two and a half hours from Chicago), the black folk were not only racist towards whites...they were racist against mixed boys and girls who had white mamas and black baby daddy's as well. What was even worse, if a black girl from my neighborhood hooked up with a white guy and they had a baby? That girl was shunned worse than a black boy with a white baby mama.

I will say, that as the years have doesn't seem that important now, and white baby mama's are more accepted now because of the President being HALF WHITE.

I am not sure what one is supposed to put down for 'race' when asked of a bi-racial person. I was told that it was the mother's race, whether she was white, black, hispanic, asian, etc.
So, if that is indeed true, then the President is technically 'white'...

I, myself have a WHITE mother and a MEXICAN father...I was told it was the fathers race I had to 'take' all my life I put down Hispanic...yet I do looked 'mixed' with fair skin and a 'tint', and I have black hair and brown eyes...truthfully I could pass for any 'race' except for asian, but my eyes are almond shaped and do slant up just a bit, in pix I could pass for asian...but not in RL.
Yet, I digress...sorry...
My point, is that Obama's mama is a WHITE woman with a WHITE family which Obama was raised around...he speaks of his grandmother and his mother often...I know how that goes because of my own mother being white...we grew up around BOTH sides of our families...the white side and the 'colored' side.

So those voters out there that voted for Obama because of his race? They also voted for his WHITE side.

This has to be one of the dumbest responses (and racist) I've read. You've firstly riddled the beginning of your responses with generalizations as if you know every black person near the south side of Chicago. Second you assume the reasons why African-Americans voted for Obama. News flash African-Americans vote democrat (at least majority of us do statistically) Obama just happens to be African-American and the fact that he is the first president of color is a pretty big deal considering historically people of color lived through racial segregation.

First, the beginning of your response totally discredited the rest of your response. (I never wrote that I LIVE in Chicago)
You apparently did not read and comprehend my post, Aristotle.
What you did was automatically jump to the conclusion (and cherry picked my post in your thoughts) that my post was 'racist' was NOT intended to spew hatred and racism, it was an account of MY OWN PERSONAL experience being brought up on the south side of a big city (NOT CHICAGO) and living and working in a neighborhood for years with blacks...they were my neighbors, classmates, and, I got to know the real life of their lives every single day. And trust me, it's NOT just the blacks that were racist, it was the mexicans too...and the few whites that lived around us (that were mostly involved with a black or mexican, or living with them, like my OWN mother)
Unlike most, I take PRIDE in both sides of my WHITE side AND my MEXICAN side.
The point of my OP was NOT a dig at blacks, it was about the President also being HALF WHITE and the confusion as to WHY people (blacks, white folks and the hispanics) voted for him that did NOT stop to think that he is also HALF my own personal experience of being a 'mixed' or bi-racial HUMAN, I was born, introduced, loved and raised by BOTH sides of my family...and by that, I expect the President did as well.

And yes, I know all too well about segregation and what it instilled in those who were seperated from the whites as if they were just dirt, by my families OWN accounts of it and bringing it to light to myself and my siblings as well to the rest of the other young ones growing up...segregation was, is and always will be a part of "us" as slavery of blacks is to them now...and, WHO else do you think had to drink from the 'colored' water fountains that were not white? Maybe that is why the signs said 'colored' instead of strictly negroes or the other N word?

I will destroy this when I get to work...LMAO you better try and delete your post
Blacks dispropotianately get more benefits, and commit more crimes than whites.
Huey did not encompass blacks in his lazy statement - the term whitey is racist.
" they attended school also " What a revelation.
This thread is about blacks voting their skin color in enormously racist numbers.

ROFLMAO! Now I absolutely believe that you are from the shallow end of the gene pool!
"enormously racist numbers?"

It has been proven in the demograhpic distribution of those who voted for Obama, that women, latinos, and young people had a much more significant impact Obama winning the election then just "blacks"

Anyone who has posted here, and doesn't agree with that fact, and doesn't try to mitigate or refute the statement is responding dumbly! If you are going to digress, than at least confront or touch the assertion; the crux of the thread!

Huey chose to respond to your typically racist statements with a little dose of your own medicine, and lookng in the mirror obviously was enough to get a reaction out of you.

That is what is REALLY going on here.
You, and Aristotle are lame. He drops in from time to time to babble, and you still have not confronted the charge directly - where is Huey? I thought he threw in the towel - here Huey.
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This has to be one of the dumbest responses (and racist) I've read. You've firstly riddled the beginning of your responses with generalizations as if you know every black person near the south side of Chicago. Second you assume the reasons why African-Americans voted for Obama. News flash African-Americans vote democrat (at least majority of us do statistically) Obama just happens to be African-American and the fact that he is the first president of color is a pretty big deal considering historically people of color lived through racial segregation.

First, the beginning of your response totally discredited the rest of your response. (I never wrote that I LIVE in Chicago)
You apparently did not read and comprehend my post, Aristotle.
What you did was automatically jump to the conclusion (and cherry picked my post in your thoughts) that my post was 'racist' was NOT intended to spew hatred and racism, it was an account of MY OWN PERSONAL experience being brought up on the south side of a big city (NOT CHICAGO) and living and working in a neighborhood for years with blacks...they were my neighbors, classmates, and, I got to know the real life of their lives every single day. And trust me, it's NOT just the blacks that were racist, it was the mexicans too...and the few whites that lived around us (that were mostly involved with a black or mexican, or living with them, like my OWN mother)
Unlike most, I take PRIDE in both sides of my WHITE side AND my MEXICAN side.
The point of my OP was NOT a dig at blacks, it was about the President also being HALF WHITE and the confusion as to WHY people (blacks, white folks and the hispanics) voted for him that did NOT stop to think that he is also HALF my own personal experience of being a 'mixed' or bi-racial HUMAN, I was born, introduced, loved and raised by BOTH sides of my family...and by that, I expect the President did as well.

And yes, I know all too well about segregation and what it instilled in those who were seperated from the whites as if they were just dirt, by my families OWN accounts of it and bringing it to light to myself and my siblings as well to the rest of the other young ones growing up...segregation was, is and always will be a part of "us" as slavery of blacks is to them now...and, WHO else do you think had to drink from the 'colored' water fountains that were not white? Maybe that is why the signs said 'colored' instead of strictly negroes or the other N word?

I will destroy this when I get to work...LMAO you better try and delete your post

when you get to work?

prolly can't fire you b/c of your skin color
This has to be one of the dumbest responses (and racist) I've read. You've firstly riddled the beginning of your responses with generalizations as if you know every black person near the south side of Chicago. Second you assume the reasons why African-Americans voted for Obama. News flash African-Americans vote democrat (at least majority of us do statistically) Obama just happens to be African-American and the fact that he is the first president of color is a pretty big deal considering historically people of color lived through racial segregation.
Obama is African American ?

Come on Beagle most blacks of biracial heritage consider themselves black. Its the racial dynamics of culture.

Which is why the Spanish do not consider themselves "Hispanic" they consider themselves European. Which is also why Obama considers himself apart of the black community.

bi-racial people consider themselves to be black so they can receive affirmative action and scream racism at the drop of a hat

you are "living" proof
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This has to be one of the dumbest responses (and racist) I've read. You've firstly riddled the beginning of your responses with generalizations as if you know every black person near the south side of Chicago. Second you assume the reasons why African-Americans voted for Obama. News flash African-Americans vote democrat (at least majority of us do statistically) Obama just happens to be African-American and the fact that he is the first president of color is a pretty big deal considering historically people of color lived through racial segregation.

First, the beginning of your response totally discredited the rest of your response. (I never wrote that I LIVE in Chicago)
You apparently did not read and comprehend my post, Aristotle.
What you did was automatically jump to the conclusion (and cherry picked my post in your thoughts) that my post was 'racist' was NOT intended to spew hatred and racism, it was an account of MY OWN PERSONAL experience being brought up on the south side of a big city (NOT CHICAGO) and living and working in a neighborhood for years with blacks...they were my neighbors, classmates, and, I got to know the real life of their lives every single day. And trust me, it's NOT just the blacks that were racist, it was the mexicans too...and the few whites that lived around us (that were mostly involved with a black or mexican, or living with them, like my OWN mother)
Unlike most, I take PRIDE in both sides of my WHITE side AND my MEXICAN side.
The point of my OP was NOT a dig at blacks, it was about the President also being HALF WHITE and the confusion as to WHY people (blacks, white folks and the hispanics) voted for him that did NOT stop to think that he is also HALF my own personal experience of being a 'mixed' or bi-racial HUMAN, I was born, introduced, loved and raised by BOTH sides of my family...and by that, I expect the President did as well.

And yes, I know all too well about segregation and what it instilled in those who were seperated from the whites as if they were just dirt, by my families OWN accounts of it and bringing it to light to myself and my siblings as well to the rest of the other young ones growing up...segregation was, is and always will be a part of "us" as slavery of blacks is to them now...and, WHO else do you think had to drink from the 'colored' water fountains that were not white? Maybe that is why the signs said 'colored' instead of strictly negroes or the other N word?

I will destroy this when I get to work...LMAO you better try and delete your post

Oh? I did not know I was being immature and rude (as you are) to get back this type of childish response.

So, is threatening me to 'better try and delete your post' supposed to intimidate me?

TBH...I did not expect this from original judgement of you is apparently completely wrong.

By all means, Sir...give it your best shot.
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Most blacks think of Obama as BLACK. That's all that comes into their minds and how much more free stuff he will give them...

I think that's kind of sad.

Well, is sad. my own personal experience, born and raised on the south side of a fairly big city (only two and a half hours from Chicago), the black folk were not only racist towards whites...they were racist against mixed boys and girls who had white mamas and black baby daddy's as well. What was even worse, if a black girl from my neighborhood hooked up with a white guy and they had a baby? That girl was shunned worse than a black boy with a white baby mama.

I will say, that as the years have doesn't seem that important now, and white baby mama's are more accepted now because of the President being HALF WHITE.

I am not sure what one is supposed to put down for 'race' when asked of a bi-racial person. I was told that it was the mother's race, whether she was white, black, hispanic, asian, etc.
So, if that is indeed true, then the President is technically 'white'...

I, myself have a WHITE mother and a MEXICAN father...I was told it was the fathers race I had to 'take' all my life I put down Hispanic...yet I do looked 'mixed' with fair skin and a 'tint', and I have black hair and brown eyes...truthfully I could pass for any 'race' except for asian, but my eyes are almond shaped and do slant up just a bit, in pix I could pass for asian...but not in RL.
Yet, I digress...sorry...
My point, is that Obama's mama is a WHITE woman with a WHITE family which Obama was raised around...he speaks of his grandmother and his mother often...I know how that goes because of my own mother being white...we grew up around BOTH sides of our families...the white side and the 'colored' side.

So those voters out there that voted for Obama because of his race? They also voted for his WHITE side.

So the idiot writes" blacks were racist" I am curious was it all blacks or those you've encountered?
Most blacks think of Obama as BLACK. That's all that comes into their minds and how much more free stuff he will give them...

I think that's kind of sad.

Well, is sad. my own personal experience, born and raised on the south side of a fairly big city (only two and a half hours from Chicago), the black folk were not only racist towards whites...they were racist against mixed boys and girls who had white mamas and black baby daddy's as well. What was even worse, if a black girl from my neighborhood hooked up with a white guy and they had a baby? That girl was shunned worse than a black boy with a white baby mama.

I will say, that as the years have doesn't seem that important now, and white baby mama's are more accepted now because of the President being HALF WHITE.

I am not sure what one is supposed to put down for 'race' when asked of a bi-racial person. I was told that it was the mother's race, whether she was white, black, hispanic, asian, etc.
So, if that is indeed true, then the President is technically 'white'...

I, myself have a WHITE mother and a MEXICAN father...I was told it was the fathers race I had to 'take' all my life I put down Hispanic...yet I do looked 'mixed' with fair skin and a 'tint', and I have black hair and brown eyes...truthfully I could pass for any 'race' except for asian, but my eyes are almond shaped and do slant up just a bit, in pix I could pass for asian...but not in RL.
Yet, I digress...sorry...
My point, is that Obama's mama is a WHITE woman with a WHITE family which Obama was raised around...he speaks of his grandmother and his mother often...I know how that goes because of my own mother being white...we grew up around BOTH sides of our families...the white side and the 'colored' side.

So those voters out there that voted for Obama because of his race? They also voted for his WHITE side.

So the idiot writes" blacks were racist" I am curious was it all blacks or those you've encountered?

You mean, those I've only encountered? Or those I lived with, went to school with and worked with?
This has to be one of the dumbest responses (and racist) I've read. You've firstly riddled the beginning of your responses with generalizations as if you know every black person near the south side of Chicago. Second you assume the reasons why African-Americans voted for Obama. News flash African-Americans vote democrat (at least majority of us do statistically) Obama just happens to be African-American and the fact that he is the first president of color is a pretty big deal considering historically people of color lived through racial segregation.
Obama is African American ?

Come on Beagle most blacks of biracial heritage consider themselves black. Its the racial dynamics of culture.

Which is why the Spanish do not consider themselves "Hispanic" they consider themselves European. Which is also why Obama considers himself apart of the black community.
If you say so, but why not just being good human beings and just an American, instead of all this color stuff ? Is there something to gain by sticking to the color thing ?
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97% of blacks voted for Obama! If that was reversed, we would never here the end of it -like slavery. It proves that blacks are indeed the most racist group in America, and therefore the dumbest !

How dumb a statement is that? When it was ONLY White Men running for President, with no other choice. Then one of color such as myself could make that same argument, then would that mean you're a racist too?
Were you making that argument, then along came Obama ? Just asking...

We all need to get over the color thing and become Americans, it is the only way to solve the delema in this nation finally...
Well if anything was learned with this post it is that all races are racist, and it is still not against the law just a fact.
So give no race any special treatment or the ones who are better at something will have to give handicaps to those who are not as skilled. Like maybe affirmative action for all. Business if you are a minority ya get 10% and if you are a ball player and white ya get a head start.lolololo
If 80% of whites voted white with a black man in a presidential contest - all you would hear is how racist whites are, and that would be correct! When 97% of blacks vote black with a white man in the race - you hear all this obfuscating bull shit. Those of you who deny the mathmatical preponderance are either real gulible, real stupid, or you don't have the courage to acccept it.
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