Blacks Are The Most Racist Group In America

Apparently the OP was correct in saying blacks are the most racist. The blacks posting in this thread has proved it.

Really? Funny that! Because all one has to do is go through this thread to see that the biggest race baiters posting in it are the usual group of white racists.

Pointing out the facts is now "race baiting"?

There are often not many "facts" here that are substantiated by credible sources. There are more opinions based on what is perceived. So yes, "race baiting" would be an accurate descripton.
Really? Funny that! Because all one has to do is go through this thread to see that the biggest race baiters posting in it are the usual group of white racists.

Pointing out the facts is now "race baiting"?

There are often not many "facts" here that are substantiated by credible sources. There are more opinions based on what is perceived. So yes, "race baiting" would be an accurate descripton.

Fact: Blacks represent app. 12 percent of the population.

Fact: Blacks commit over 50 percent of all violent crime.

Fact: Blacks are disproportionately affected with HIV, they consitute one third of reported cases.

Fact: Blacks struggle with 72 percent of babies being born to single mothers.

Fact: According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, one in three black men can expect to go to prison in their lifetime.

I challenge you to debunk these facts and explain why presenting these facts is race baiting.
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Comparing democrats to republicans isn't a fair comparison. Everyone knows blacks vote primarily democratic and everyone knows why. It's what they can get for free forgetting the democrats were against the civil rights act and home to the KKK.

If you want a true comparison, compare the democratic primaries where you had a black candidate and a white candidate for example Hillary and Obama, both democrats but who got the vast majority of the black vote?

Hint: it wasn't the white girl.

I am aware of the history of the two parties, The original poster stated that "blacks voted for Obama because he is black"....which is not true. As it relates to the two parties, my personal opinion is that the black population has many good reasons to cast a vote for neither. Furthermore, Obama IMO could contribute much more to improving the condition of black citizens in this country in a role other than POTUS. IMO.

I concur with the bold text. Especially when there are videos of blacks confiming it and the fact that they overwhelming voted for Obama over Hillary.

Blacks are responsible for their own conditions and it's up to them to find solutions. A few would be to stop having 14 kids out of wedlock, stop committing crimes, get a job and stop relying on the government to support you.
As Lonestar_logic has indicated: Blacks vote almost exclusively black, even when their is a white canidate to champion their cause ( free shit ) which absolutely is undeniable unless you are a dumb ass liberal. I understand that this just doesn't fit into your narrative - to accept it would mean you would have to give up the race card; only whites can be racist!
There hasn't been one credible opposing answer given to my asertion - as a whole, blacks are dumb racist.
Really? Funny that! Because all one has to do is go through this thread to see that the biggest race baiters posting in it are the usual group of white racists.

Pointing out the facts is now "race baiting"?

There are often not many "facts" here that are substantiated by credible sources. There are more opinions based on what is perceived. So yes, "race baiting" would be an accurate descripton.
What is race baiting really ? Define that for me if you will, and maybe give some examples if you will also.... Thanks
The race thing can easily settle down in this nation on all sides, if Martin Luther Kings words would just finally become a reality for all, where as all would become simply American citizens based upon their character instead of being known by their color. We should all be proud of being American in everyway that it stands for, and for which should always be (color blind).

Then we could just be as we already are and should be in this nation, in which is a multi-cultural American society, as what we find in the American southerners (all groups found under this list), the northerners (all groups found under this list), the cajauns (a culture in and of their own), the westerners (all groups found under this list), the easterners (the same), the mountineers (the same), the swamp people ( a culture in and of it's own), the backwoodsmen (the same), the drag racers (the same), the round trackers (nascar) (a culture that is unique), the soul brothers (another culture that is unique), the farmers (all groups found under this list), the motorcyclist (all groups found under this list), the truckers (another unique multi-cultural group), the linemen ( a culture of it's own), the singers (the same), the hunters (a specific culture in and of it's own), the engineers (special group), the ship builders (the same), the sailors (the same), the soldiers (a special group of brave Americans), the semstresses ( a lost group of specialized tradesman or workers who took pride in who they are and/or were) , the sewers (the same), the christians (great American religious group), the good muslims (becoming the same), the mormons (the same), the presbyterians (the same), the baptist (the same), the holyness (the same) and there are many many more in which I can't think of, but they are many all the same, and yet these all have nothing to do with color, and shouldnot be restricted to one color only, nor should they be restrictive to cross overs into these groups at any time, because they are more so about culture, and the American culture at that, in which is found compatible always in America to one another, or at least until any of these show that they are not compatible or refuse to remain compatible, where as even so we should only deal with the culprits who are problems within the groups, while always sparing the culture as a whole, especially when not guilty on whole.

I don't think there are any cultures or races in America that are guilty on whole, but there are many problems that can come from any one of these areas listed and/or more, so it just all comes down to pecentages and stats in which identify patterns or trends going on within some cultures, and then the degree in which they are going on is what can raise flags quickly or not, in which do signal problems coming from within specific areas and/or groups, and this through in and through out time as we go forward in America and/or look back.
Pointing out the facts is now "race baiting"?

There are often not many "facts" here that are substantiated by credible sources. There are more opinions based on what is perceived. So yes, "race baiting" would be an accurate descripton.
What is race baiting really ? Define that for me if you will, and maybe give some examples if you will also.... Thanks

Pointing out the truth of any races down falls. Blacks 72% bastard rate, 52.2% of all murders, etc. They don't like that pointed out as it makes them think.
There are often not many "facts" here that are substantiated by credible sources. There are more opinions based on what is perceived. So yes, "race baiting" would be an accurate descripton.
What is race baiting really ? Define that for me if you will, and maybe give some examples if you will also.... Thanks

Pointing out the truth of any races down falls. Blacks 72% bastard rate, 52.2% of all murders, etc. They don't like that pointed out as it makes them think.

You've already confirmed, in a previous thread, that you are a racist neo-nazi and proud member of Stormfront. Would you like me to re-post it again for all to see? Most on these boards are wise to your vile racist tactics, so yet another fail on your part.
What is race baiting really ? Define that for me if you will, and maybe give some examples if you will also.... Thanks

Pointing out the truth of any races down falls. Blacks 72% bastard rate, 52.2% of all murders, etc. They don't like that pointed out as it makes them think.

You've already confirmed, in a previous thread, that you are a racist neo-nazi and proud member of Stormfront. Would you like me to re-post it again for all to see? Most on these boards are wise to your vile racist tactics, so yet another fail on your part.

only white people can be racists

true story
Pointing out the truth of any races down falls. Blacks 72% bastard rate, 52.2% of all murders, etc. They don't like that pointed out as it makes them think.

You've already confirmed, in a previous thread, that you are a racist neo-nazi and proud member of Stormfront. Would you like me to re-post it again for all to see? Most on these boards are wise to your vile racist tactics, so yet another fail on your part.

only white people can be racists

true story

You wouldn't recognise a true story if it pushed its way three foot up your fart stack, sunshine.
You've already confirmed, in a previous thread, that you are a racist neo-nazi and proud member of Stormfront. Would you like me to re-post it again for all to see? Most on these boards are wise to your vile racist tactics, so yet another fail on your part.

only white people can be racists

true story

You wouldn't recognise a true story if it pushed its way three foot up your fart stack, sunshine.


that hurt my feelings
As long as we're a multi-racial society we must learn to debate and come to an understanding. This will make us a far more healthy nation that understands each other. Blacks must understand that other races don't like violence and it would be better for them for them to become more peaceful.
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how can we have a multi racial society when obama pits one class(social/economical) against another?

prop 30 in calif...retroactive..into our wallets

and we all we sold that the lotto system was the cure
how can we have a multi racial society when obama pits one class(social/economical) against another?

prop 30 in calif...retroactive..into our wallets

and we all we sold that the lotto system was the cure

Obama and most blacks want to cause divide as they want to rule over whites. You see such a society isn't likely to work as naturally all races perfer to live with their own on this planet, whites in europe, Asians in asia, Arabs in arabia, etc...Look at south Africa to understand this.
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Apparently the OP was correct in saying blacks are the most racist. The blacks posting in this thread has proved it.

yes yes yes and i for one will not let them get away with it any more, main reason this country is in trouble --ya can not listen to there affirmative action bullshit any more,or have white guilt..malcomX's wishes have arrived Whites have lost to many of there women and they must fight back with the truth as OBAMA has said Fair Share. They do not want fair share they want revenge Obama's words not mine...The whites have given too much, when was the last time a black thanked a white for fighting the civil war and freeing them.
Thankless sob's

I will be the first in line to 'thank a white a man' I in this forum who acknowledges that the Civil war was fought to PRESERVE THE UNION AND FORCE THE SOUTH TO MOVE TOWARDS INDUSTRIALIZATION.

The belief that the Civil War was fought to "free the slaves" is nothing but misinformed ignorance.

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