Blacks Are The Most Racist Group In America

Apparently the OP was correct in saying blacks are the most racist. The blacks posting in this thread has proved it.

yes yes yes and i for one will not let them get away with it any more, main reason this country is in trouble --ya can not listen to there affirmative action bullshit any more,or have white guilt..malcomX's wishes have arrived Whites have lost to many of there women and they must fight back with the truth as OBAMA has said Fair Share. They do not want fair share they want revenge Obama's words not mine...The whites have given too much, when was the last time a black thanked a white for fighting the civil war and freeing them.
Thankless sob's

I will be the first in line to 'thank a white a man' I in this forum who acknowledges that the Civil war was fought to PRESERVE THE UNION AND FORCE THE SOUTH TO MOVE TOWARDS INDUSTRIALIZATION.

The belief that the Civil War was fought to "free the slaves" is nothing but misinformed ignorance.

I would agree that was part of it, they wanted the South to sell its cotton and other raw material to the North instead of other countries.

But the main reason was because the South demanded States' rights and were not getting them.
how can we have a multi racial society when obama pits one class(social/economical) against another?

prop 30 in calif...retroactive..into our wallets

and we all we sold that the lotto system was the cure

Obama and most blacks want to cause divide as they want to rule over whites.

When has obama or any other prominent black politician said anything like that? You're beyond ridiculous.
You see such a society isn't likely to work as naturally all races perfer to live with their own on this planet, whites in europe, Asians in asia, Arabs in arabia, etc...Look at south Africa to understand this.

All members of the human 'race' are their own kind.
Pointing out the facts is now "race baiting"?

There are often not many "facts" here that are substantiated by credible sources. There are more opinions based on what is perceived. So yes, "race baiting" would be an accurate descripton.
What is race baiting really ? Define that for me if you will, and maybe give some examples if you will also.... Thanks

I will preface this response which I will address ONE TIME regarding what "I consider to be race-baiting", by stating that I will be the first to acknowledge that there are definately alarming trends relating to crime, lack of education, and absence of role models in way too many black households in this country,

If you recall, when I first started posting here, I clearly stated that a significant part of that issue is that the civil rights movement was a lost cause, because economic empowerment through self reliance was not the foundation of the movement.
Integrating and being intimately friendly with a majority who has a history of monetary capitalizing on spreading a universal message that you are inferior, is an invitation to fail.

The foundation of the movement was to "fix the segregation issue" and all will turn out fine.


So here we are. Segregation (in a legal sense) has been abolished, and now the black population statistically has more single parent households, a higher incarceration rate, and is less unified than in decades past.

My grandparents and parents lived through Jim Crow segregation, and I am old enough to recall the Civil Rights movement vividly.

My elders would often tell me"

"Abolishing segregation took an enormous toll on our people. because our pride and trust in each other, and unity was lost. All that we previously had in a hostile land was each other, and the strength that we gained by being united was marginalized and dismantled when we lost the foundation of our purpose for unity. Our unity in most cases, guaranteed our survival, and the worst tradgedy of all is that way too many black owned businesses ended up failing because integration was misinterpreted as an extention of friendship and equality, instead of an opportunity to bring what you had to the table. That is what has crippled the black population. Too trusting and ill equipped to compete in a dog eat dog capitalist society.

When I started posting here, and posted in favor of economic development, retaining and recirculating black dollars within black communties which builds self reliance within the black population you were one of the first to cry "Racist"!!!!!!


And what is so amusing about that is that every other ethnicity who chooses come to America, particularly Asians and Hispanics, follow the course of empowering themselves, creating their own wealth, and recirculating and sharing that wealth within their own communities which creates generational wealth.

When Italians arrived from Italy and Jews fled Nazi Germany, they came to America and followed the same business model for success.

Now, for your answer, and will only say it once. What do I consider "Race Baiting?????????"

When a certain group of trolls here post only parts of extreme right wing, often racist talking points and once in great while MIGHT post an obvious statistic only as a means to glorify themselves through the accident of being born "non-black".

When I see those who cannot, inspite of tremendous effort and numerous edits, type an intelligent statement or spell a word properly, rail on about how "blacks piss them off", and how "blacks want free stuff"...whatever that moronic statement means.

Those type of mentally crippled, brain dead imbeciles are not interested in any meaningful dialouge.

They are only posting half truths many times without really understanding what they are posting.
Those that I speak of in all probablity represent the bottom rung of the ethnic group that they are a part of both academically, and economically, and therefore would be an absolute waste as far as engaging in any real exchange of ideas on what can be done to improve the condition of ANY ethnic group in the country.

When I read the same old statistics from such bottom feeders, it is obvious that most of them are demoralized, low achievers, who rely on Stormfront and Aryan Supremacist sites who are continuously seeking to recruit yet another generation of guillible Nazi wannabees in training to carry on the tradition of misinformed ignorance and arrogance that is present in most low achievers who have accomplished NOTHING to be proud of PERSONALLY.......a dubious "skill set" that is present in abundance in this forum.

I think the majority of them cannot stand the N****R in themselves.

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There are often not many "facts" here that are substantiated by credible sources. There are more opinions based on what is perceived. So yes, "race baiting" would be an accurate descripton.
What is race baiting really ? Define that for me if you will, and maybe give some examples if you will also.... Thanks

I will preface this response which I will address ONE TIME regarding what "I consider to be race-baiting", by stating that I will be the first to acknowledge that there are definately alarming trends relating to crime, lack of education, and absence of role models in way too many black households in this country,

If you recall, when I first started posting here, I clearly stated that a significant part of that issue is that the civil rights movement was a lost cause, because economic empowerment through self reliance was not the foundation of the movement.
Integrating and being intimately friendly with a majority who has a history of monetary capitalizing on spreading a universal message that you are inferior, is an invitation to fail.

The foundation of the movement was to "fix the segregation issue" and all will turn out fine.


So here we are. Segregation (in a legal sense) has been abolished, and now the black population statistically has more single parent households, a higher incarceration rate, and is less unified than in decades past.

My grandparents and parents lived through Jim Crow segregation, and I am old enough to recall the Civil Rights movement vividly.

My elders would often tell me"

"Abolishing segregation took an enormous toll on our people. because our pride and trust in each other, and unity was lost. All that we previously had in a hostile land was each other, and the strength that we gained by being united was marginalized and dismantled when we lost the foundation of our purpose for unity. Our unity in most cases, guaranteed our survival, and the worst tradgedy of all is that way too many black owned businesses ended up failing because integration was misinterpreted as an extention of friendship and equality, instead of an opportunity to bring what you had to the table. That is what has crippled the black population. Too trusting and ill equipped to compete in a dog eat dog capitalist society.

When I started posting here, and posted in favor of economic development, retaining and recirculating black dollars within black communties which builds self reliance within the black population you were one of the first to cry "Racist"!!!!!!


And what is so amusing about that is that every other ethnicity who chooses come to America, particularly Asians and Hispanics, follow the course of empowering themselves, creating their own wealth, and recirculating and sharing that wealth within their own communities which creates generational wealth.

When Italians arrived from Italy and Jews fled Nazi Germany, they came to America and followed the same business model for success.

Now, for your answer, and will only say it once. What do I consider "Race Baiting?????????"

When a certain group of trolls here post only parts of extreme right wing, often racist talking points and once in great while MIGHT post an obvious statistic only as a means to glorify themselves through the accident of being born "non-black".

When I see those who cannot, inspite of tremendous effort and numerous edits, type an intelligent statement or spell a word properly, rail on about how "blacks piss them off", and how "blacks want free stuff"...whatever that moronic statement means.

Those type of mentally crippled, brain dead imbeciles are not interested in any meaningful dialouge.

They are only posting half truths many times without really understanding what they are posting.
Those that I speak of in all probablity represent the bottom rung of the ethnic group that they are a part of both academically, and economically, and therefore would be an absolute waste as far as engaging in any real exchange of ideas on what can be done to improve the condition of ANY ethnic group in the country.

When I read the same old statistics from such bottom feeders, it is obvious that most of them are demoralized, low achievers, who rely on Stormfront and Aryan Supremacist sites who are continuously seeking to recruit yet another generation of guillible Nazi wannabees in training to carry on the tradition of misinformed ignorance and arrogance that is present in most low achievers who have accomplished NOTHING to be proud of PERSONALLY.......a dubious "skill set" that is present in abundance in this forum.

I think the majority of them cannot stand the N****R in themselves.


What a load of crap!
What is race baiting really ? Define that for me if you will, and maybe give some examples if you will also.... Thanks

I will preface this response which I will address ONE TIME regarding what "I consider to be race-baiting", by stating that I will be the first to acknowledge that there are definately alarming trends relating to crime, lack of education, and absence of role models in way too many black households in this country,

If you recall, when I first started posting here, I clearly stated that a significant part of that issue is that the civil rights movement was a lost cause, because economic empowerment through self reliance was not the foundation of the movement.
Integrating and being intimately friendly with a majority who has a history of monetary capitalizing on spreading a universal message that you are inferior, is an invitation to fail.

The foundation of the movement was to "fix the segregation issue" and all will turn out fine.


So here we are. Segregation (in a legal sense) has been abolished, and now the black population statistically has more single parent households, a higher incarceration rate, and is less unified than in decades past.

My grandparents and parents lived through Jim Crow segregation, and I am old enough to recall the Civil Rights movement vividly.

My elders would often tell me"

"Abolishing segregation took an enormous toll on our people. because our pride and trust in each other, and unity was lost. All that we previously had in a hostile land was each other, and the strength that we gained by being united was marginalized and dismantled when we lost the foundation of our purpose for unity. Our unity in most cases, guaranteed our survival, and the worst tradgedy of all is that way too many black owned businesses ended up failing because integration was misinterpreted as an extention of friendship and equality, instead of an opportunity to bring what you had to the table. That is what has crippled the black population. Too trusting and ill equipped to compete in a dog eat dog capitalist society.

When I started posting here, and posted in favor of economic development, retaining and recirculating black dollars within black communties which builds self reliance within the black population you were one of the first to cry "Racist"!!!!!!


And what is so amusing about that is that every other ethnicity who chooses come to America, particularly Asians and Hispanics, follow the course of empowering themselves, creating their own wealth, and recirculating and sharing that wealth within their own communities which creates generational wealth.

When Italians arrived from Italy and Jews fled Nazi Germany, they came to America and followed the same business model for success.

Now, for your answer, and will only say it once. What do I consider "Race Baiting?????????"

When a certain group of trolls here post only parts of extreme right wing, often racist talking points and once in great while MIGHT post an obvious statistic only as a means to glorify themselves through the accident of being born "non-black".

When I see those who cannot, inspite of tremendous effort and numerous edits, type an intelligent statement or spell a word properly, rail on about how "blacks piss them off", and how "blacks want free stuff"...whatever that moronic statement means.

Those type of mentally crippled, brain dead imbeciles are not interested in any meaningful dialouge.

They are only posting half truths many times without really understanding what they are posting.
Those that I speak of in all probablity represent the bottom rung of the ethnic group that they are a part of both academically, and economically, and therefore would be an absolute waste as far as engaging in any real exchange of ideas on what can be done to improve the condition of ANY ethnic group in the country.

When I read the same old statistics from such bottom feeders, it is obvious that most of them are demoralized, low achievers, who rely on Stormfront and Aryan Supremacist sites who are continuously seeking to recruit yet another generation of guillible Nazi wannabees in training to carry on the tradition of misinformed ignorance and arrogance that is present in most low achievers who have accomplished NOTHING to be proud of PERSONALLY.......a dubious "skill set" that is present in abundance in this forum.

I think the majority of them cannot stand the N****R in themselves.


What a load of crap!

What's wrong? Feelings hurt because there was no "blame the caucasoids" rant?

That would be glorifying those like you.

As I have said before, the plight of the black population can only be solved by the black population.

That aside, you are not obligated to read a GD thing that I post.
I will preface this response which I will address ONE TIME regarding what "I consider to be race-baiting", by stating that I will be the first to acknowledge that there are definately alarming trends relating to crime, lack of education, and absence of role models in way too many black households in this country,

If you recall, when I first started posting here, I clearly stated that a significant part of that issue is that the civil rights movement was a lost cause, because economic empowerment through self reliance was not the foundation of the movement.
Integrating and being intimately friendly with a majority who has a history of monetary capitalizing on spreading a universal message that you are inferior, is an invitation to fail.

The foundation of the movement was to "fix the segregation issue" and all will turn out fine.


So here we are. Segregation (in a legal sense) has been abolished, and now the black population statistically has more single parent households, a higher incarceration rate, and is less unified than in decades past.

My grandparents and parents lived through Jim Crow segregation, and I am old enough to recall the Civil Rights movement vividly.

My elders would often tell me"

"Abolishing segregation took an enormous toll on our people. because our pride and trust in each other, and unity was lost. All that we previously had in a hostile land was each other, and the strength that we gained by being united was marginalized and dismantled when we lost the foundation of our purpose for unity. Our unity in most cases, guaranteed our survival, and the worst tradgedy of all is that way too many black owned businesses ended up failing because integration was misinterpreted as an extention of friendship and equality, instead of an opportunity to bring what you had to the table. That is what has crippled the black population. Too trusting and ill equipped to compete in a dog eat dog capitalist society.

When I started posting here, and posted in favor of economic development, retaining and recirculating black dollars within black communties which builds self reliance within the black population you were one of the first to cry "Racist"!!!!!!


And what is so amusing about that is that every other ethnicity who chooses come to America, particularly Asians and Hispanics, follow the course of empowering themselves, creating their own wealth, and recirculating and sharing that wealth within their own communities which creates generational wealth.

When Italians arrived from Italy and Jews fled Nazi Germany, they came to America and followed the same business model for success.

Now, for your answer, and will only say it once. What do I consider "Race Baiting?????????"

When a certain group of trolls here post only parts of extreme right wing, often racist talking points and once in great while MIGHT post an obvious statistic only as a means to glorify themselves through the accident of being born "non-black".

When I see those who cannot, inspite of tremendous effort and numerous edits, type an intelligent statement or spell a word properly, rail on about how "blacks piss them off", and how "blacks want free stuff"...whatever that moronic statement means.

Those type of mentally crippled, brain dead imbeciles are not interested in any meaningful dialouge.

They are only posting half truths many times without really understanding what they are posting.
Those that I speak of in all probablity represent the bottom rung of the ethnic group that they are a part of both academically, and economically, and therefore would be an absolute waste as far as engaging in any real exchange of ideas on what can be done to improve the condition of ANY ethnic group in the country.

When I read the same old statistics from such bottom feeders, it is obvious that most of them are demoralized, low achievers, who rely on Stormfront and Aryan Supremacist sites who are continuously seeking to recruit yet another generation of guillible Nazi wannabees in training to carry on the tradition of misinformed ignorance and arrogance that is present in most low achievers who have accomplished NOTHING to be proud of PERSONALLY.......a dubious "skill set" that is present in abundance in this forum.

I think the majority of them cannot stand the N****R in themselves.


What a load of crap!

What's wrong? Feelings hurt because there was no "blame the caucasoids" rant?

That would be glorifying those like you.

As I have said before, the plight of the black population can only be solved by the black population.

That aside, you are not obligated to read a GD thing that I post.

Don't flatter yourself. There is nothing you could say or do that would hurt my feelings.

It was in fact a "blame whitey" rant.

You said your elders admitted, "Abolishing segregation took an enormous toll on our people. because our pride and trust in each other, and unity was lost. All that we previously had in a hostile land was each other, and the strength that we gained by being united was marginalized and dismantled when we lost the foundation of our purpose for unity. Our unity in most cases, guaranteed our survival, and the worst tradgedy of all is that way too many black owned businesses ended up failing because integration was misinterpreted as an extention of friendship and equality, instead of an opportunity to bring what you had to the table. That is what has crippled the black population. Too trusting and ill equipped to compete in a dog eat dog capitalist society".

Now tell me that isn't playing the victim and blaming whitey.

And you have strengthened my opinion that "blame whitey" and "playing the victim" aka racism, is taught inside the black community.
97% of blacks voted for Obama! If that was reversed, we would never here the end of it -like slavery. It proves that blacks are indeed the most racist group in America, and therefore the dumbest !

If that were reversed?


How the fuck would Obama vote for 97% of blacks? There aren't enough public offices in Obama's home district for that to happen!
What a load of crap!

What's wrong? Feelings hurt because there was no "blame the caucasoids" rant?

That would be glorifying those like you.

As I have said before, the plight of the black population can only be solved by the black population.

That aside, you are not obligated to read a GD thing that I post.

Don't flatter yourself. There is nothing you could say or do that would hurt my feelings.

It was in fact a "blame whitey" rant.

You said your elders admitted, "Abolishing segregation took an enormous toll on our people. because our pride and trust in each other, and unity was lost. All that we previously had in a hostile land was each other, and the strength that we gained by being united was marginalized and dismantled when we lost the foundation of our purpose for unity. Our unity in most cases, guaranteed our survival, and the worst tradgedy of all is that way too many black owned businesses ended up failing because integration was misinterpreted as an extention of friendship and equality, instead of an opportunity to bring what you had to the table. That is what has crippled the black population. Too trusting and ill equipped to compete in a dog eat dog capitalist society".

Now tell me that isn't playing the victim and blaming whitey.

And you have strengthened my opinion that "blame whitey" and "playing the victim" aka racism, is taught inside the black community.

What I WILL tell you is this: You obviously cannot read or comprehend, and it is not incumbent upon me to fix that issue.

That aside, you have also strengthened MY opinion that this country would be waaaaaay better off if Texas does secede from the Union.


What's wrong? Feelings hurt because there was no "blame the caucasoids" rant?

That would be glorifying those like you.

As I have said before, the plight of the black population can only be solved by the black population.

That aside, you are not obligated to read a GD thing that I post.

Don't flatter yourself. There is nothing you could say or do that would hurt my feelings.

It was in fact a "blame whitey" rant.

You said your elders admitted, "Abolishing segregation took an enormous toll on our people. because our pride and trust in each other, and unity was lost. All that we previously had in a hostile land was each other, and the strength that we gained by being united was marginalized and dismantled when we lost the foundation of our purpose for unity. Our unity in most cases, guaranteed our survival, and the worst tradgedy of all is that way too many black owned businesses ended up failing because integration was misinterpreted as an extention of friendship and equality, instead of an opportunity to bring what you had to the table. That is what has crippled the black population. Too trusting and ill equipped to compete in a dog eat dog capitalist society".

Now tell me that isn't playing the victim and blaming whitey.

And you have strengthened my opinion that "blame whitey" and "playing the victim" aka racism, is taught inside the black community.

What I WILL tell you is this: You obviously cannot read or comprehend, and it is not incumbent upon me to fix that issue.

That aside, you have also strengthened MY opinion that this country would be waaaaaay better off if Texas does secede from the Union.


I can read and comprehend quite well. But I didn't really expect a rebuttal from you. I understand how diffcult it must be for you to deny the truth.

So go ahead and deflect the issue and make your feeble insults like a good little victim.
You've already confirmed, in a previous thread, that you are a racist neo-nazi and proud member of Stormfront. Would you like me to re-post it again for all to see? Most on these boards are wise to your vile racist tactics, so yet another fail on your part.

only white people can be racists

true story

You wouldn't recognise a true story if it pushed its way three foot up your fart stack, sunshine.

proof there is an achievement gap ^
how can we have a multi racial society when obama pits one class(social/economical) against another?

prop 30 in calif...retroactive..into our wallets

and we all we sold that the lotto system was the cure
We have a muti-racial American society already, so what you are saying I guess, is how are we to have a peaceful multi-racial society, if Obama is playing the class warfare game, and pitting one class against the other for his personal political agenda's, and alas his reasoning behind those agenda's ?

Right ?
97% of blacks voted for Obama! If that was reversed, we would never here the end of it -like slavery. It proves that blacks are indeed the most racist group in America, and therefore the dumbest !

If that were reversed?


How the fuck would Obama vote for 97% of blacks? There aren't enough public offices in Obama's home district for that to happen!

He means that if the voting percentages would have been reversed while having a black canidate running in the race or in any race where these mixes occur, and therefore the whites would have voted for a whiteman in this high of a percentage rate, as was found in such an electorial race in which had both white and black canidates running in it, then the whites would have never heard the end of it from the blacks (I think is what he was saying), if these percentages favored the white canidate as gained from the white voters in this way, and the white guy would have won because of..

Now carry on my friends out here in cyber space...:eusa_pray:
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Don't flatter yourself. There is nothing you could say or do that would hurt my feelings.

It was in fact a "blame whitey" rant.

You said your elders admitted, "Abolishing segregation took an enormous toll on our people. because our pride and trust in each other, and unity was lost. All that we previously had in a hostile land was each other, and the strength that we gained by being united was marginalized and dismantled when we lost the foundation of our purpose for unity. Our unity in most cases, guaranteed our survival, and the worst tradgedy of all is that way too many black owned businesses ended up failing because integration was misinterpreted as an extention of friendship and equality, instead of an opportunity to bring what you had to the table. That is what has crippled the black population. Too trusting and ill equipped to compete in a dog eat dog capitalist society".

Now tell me that isn't playing the victim and blaming whitey.

And you have strengthened my opinion that "blame whitey" and "playing the victim" aka racism, is taught inside the black community.

What I WILL tell you is this: You obviously cannot read or comprehend, and it is not incumbent upon me to fix that issue.

That aside, you have also strengthened MY opinion that this country would be waaaaaay better off if Texas does secede from the Union.


I can read and comprehend quite well. But I didn't really expect a rebuttal from you. I understand how diffcult it must be for you to deny the truth.

No, you CANNOT read and comprehend at the level of the "average" adult who posts here.

I never denied any truth. I stated very clearly that I am alarmed by increasing trends in crime and single parent households in black communities, and only the black population can fix the issue. Just as I have stated before.

So go ahead and deflect the issue and make your feeble insults like a good little victim.

There were no insults here. I stated the obvious. Your state is pursuing secession...and I sincerely hope they are successful, America will be much better off.

Anyway, YOU KNOW good and well that the only reason you even responded to what I posted in the first place was as I originally stated.....some of you cant stand the N****R in yourselves.

Which is why the majority of what you post about or answer has to do with WHAT?????......."The black population". Which makes YOU the victim of your own "bogeyman"

Now there is some "truth" for you.

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97% of blacks voted for Obama! If that was reversed, we would never here the end of it -like slavery. It proves that blacks are indeed the most racist group in America, and therefore the dumbest !

If that were reversed?


How the fuck would Obama vote for 97% of blacks? There aren't enough public offices in Obama's home district for that to happen!

He means that if the voting percentages would have been reversed while having a black canidate running in the race or in any race where these mixes occur, and therefore the whites would have voted for a whiteman in this high of a percentage rate, as was found in such an electorial race in which had both white and black canidates running in it, then the whites would have never heard the end of it from the blacks (I think is what he was saying), if these percentages favored the white canidate as gained from the white voters in this way, and the white guy would have won because of..

Now carry on my friends out here in cyber space...:eusa_pray:

Oh. Kinda like we're not hearing the end of white people whining about blacks voting for Obama? Except one is a hypothetical and one is actually happening.
To whomever is posting in that giant red font:

Could you please stop playing with your crayons and just post in a normal font so as not to shit up every thread you post on?
There are often not many "facts" here that are substantiated by credible sources. There are more opinions based on what is perceived. So yes, "race baiting" would be an accurate descripton.
What is race baiting really ? Define that for me if you will, and maybe give some examples if you will also.... Thanks

I will preface this response which I will address ONE TIME regarding what "I consider to be race-baiting", by stating that I will be the first to acknowledge that there are definately alarming trends relating to crime, lack of education, and absence of role models in way too many black households in this country,

If you recall, when I first started posting here, I clearly stated that a significant part of that issue is that the civil rights movement was a lost cause, because economic empowerment through self reliance was not the foundation of the movement.
Integrating and being intimately friendly with a majority who has a history of monetary capitalizing on spreading a universal message that you are inferior, is an invitation to fail.

The foundation of the movement was to "fix the segregation issue" and all will turn out fine.


So here we are. Segregation (in a legal sense) has been abolished, and now the black population statistically has more single parent households, a higher incarceration rate, and is less unified than in decades past.

My grandparents and parents lived through Jim Crow segregation, and I am old enough to recall the Civil Rights movement vividly.

My elders would often tell me"

"Abolishing segregation took an enormous toll on our people. because our pride and trust in each other, and unity was lost. All that we previously had in a hostile land was each other, and the strength that we gained by being united was marginalized and dismantled when we lost the foundation of our purpose for unity. Our unity in most cases, guaranteed our survival, and the worst tradgedy of all is that way too many black owned businesses ended up failing because integration was misinterpreted as an extention of friendship and equality, instead of an opportunity to bring what you had to the table. That is what has crippled the black population. Too trusting and ill equipped to compete in a dog eat dog capitalist society.

When I started posting here, and posted in favor of economic development, retaining and recirculating black dollars within black communties which builds self reliance within the black population you were one of the first to cry "Racist"!!!!!!


And what is so amusing about that is that every other ethnicity who chooses come to America, particularly Asians and Hispanics, follow the course of empowering themselves, creating their own wealth, and recirculating and sharing that wealth within their own communities which creates generational wealth.

When Italians arrived from Italy and Jews fled Nazi Germany, they came to America and followed the same business model for success.

Now, for your answer, and will only say it once. What do I consider "Race Baiting?????????"

When a certain group of trolls here post only parts of extreme right wing, often racist talking points and once in great while MIGHT post an obvious statistic only as a means to glorify themselves through the accident of being born "non-black".

When I see those who cannot, inspite of tremendous effort and numerous edits, type an intelligent statement or spell a word properly, rail on about how "blacks piss them off", and how "blacks want free stuff"...whatever that moronic statement means.

Those type of mentally crippled, brain dead imbeciles are not interested in any meaningful dialouge.

They are only posting half truths many times without really understanding what they are posting.
Those that I speak of in all probablity represent the bottom rung of the ethnic group that they are a part of both academically, and economically, and therefore would be an absolute waste as far as engaging in any real exchange of ideas on what can be done to improve the condition of ANY ethnic group in the country.

When I read the same old statistics from such bottom feeders, it is obvious that most of them are demoralized, low achievers, who rely on Stormfront and Aryan Supremacist sites who are continuously seeking to recruit yet another generation of guillible Nazi wannabees in training to carry on the tradition of misinformed ignorance and arrogance that is present in most low achievers who have accomplished NOTHING to be proud of PERSONALLY.......a dubious "skill set" that is present in abundance in this forum.

I think the majority of them cannot stand the N****R in themselves.

Hey I got an idea, how about everyone becoming American, and circulating them dollars based on the character of the establishment and the people running that establishment, and this whether they are black, white, brown, green or what ever, just as long as they are American, and they are good Americans ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Your post reeks of you as a black man wanting to empower yourself and those for whom you want as to be other blacks like you, to be as seperate from what WHITEY in this nation finally ?

Keep trying and maybe you will seperate yourself from those in which you accuse here of that which you also are guilty of as well... Just sayin!
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To whomever is posting in that giant red font:

Could you please stop playing with your crayons and just post in a normal font so as not to shit up every thread you post on?

That would be me, I was not "playing with crayons or intentionally messing up the threads" but am I new to this forum, so I was not quite sure how the font adjustments and colors would come out looking. I do tend to use a larger font as my sight is not the best.

Anyway, there was no intentional harm meant, and I am not thin skinned (I used to post on the AOL Race Relations Board many years ago, and that site made this one look like Sesame Street), so I do not mind being corrected

So, is this better?
I will preface this response which I will address ONE TIME regarding what "I consider to be race-baiting", by stating that I will be the first to acknowledge that there are definately alarming trends relating to crime, lack of education, and absence of role models in way too many black households in this country,

If you recall, when I first started posting here, I clearly stated that a significant part of that issue is that the civil rights movement was a lost cause, because economic empowerment through self reliance was not the foundation of the movement.
Integrating and being intimately friendly with a majority who has a history of monetary capitalizing on spreading a universal message that you are inferior, is an invitation to fail.

The foundation of the movement was to "fix the segregation issue" and all will turn out fine.


So here we are. Segregation (in a legal sense) has been abolished, and now the black population statistically has more single parent households, a higher incarceration rate, and is less unified than in decades past.

My grandparents and parents lived through Jim Crow segregation, and I am old enough to recall the Civil Rights movement vividly.

My elders would often tell me"

"Abolishing segregation took an enormous toll on our people. because our pride and trust in each other, and unity was lost. All that we previously had in a hostile land was each other, and the strength that we gained by being united was marginalized and dismantled when we lost the foundation of our purpose for unity. Our unity in most cases, guaranteed our survival, and the worst tradgedy of all is that way too many black owned businesses ended up failing because integration was misinterpreted as an extention of friendship and equality, instead of an opportunity to bring what you had to the table. That is what has crippled the black population. Too trusting and ill equipped to compete in a dog eat dog capitalist society.

When I started posting here, and posted in favor of economic development, retaining and recirculating black dollars within black communties which builds self reliance within the black population you were one of the first to cry "Racist"!!!!!!


And what is so amusing about that is that every other ethnicity who chooses come to America, particularly Asians and Hispanics, follow the course of empowering themselves, creating their own wealth, and recirculating and sharing that wealth within their own communities which creates generational wealth.

When Italians arrived from Italy and Jews fled Nazi Germany, they came to America and followed the same business model for success.

Now, for your answer, and will only say it once. What do I consider "Race Baiting?????????"

When a certain group of trolls here post only parts of extreme right wing, often racist talking points and once in great while MIGHT post an obvious statistic only as a means to glorify themselves through the accident of being born "non-black".

When I see those who cannot, inspite of tremendous effort and numerous edits, type an intelligent statement or spell a word properly, rail on about how "blacks piss them off", and how "blacks want free stuff"...whatever that moronic statement means.

Those type of mentally crippled, brain dead imbeciles are not interested in any meaningful dialouge.

They are only posting half truths many times without really understanding what they are posting.
Those that I speak of in all probablity represent the bottom rung of the ethnic group that they are a part of both academically, and economically, and therefore would be an absolute waste as far as engaging in any real exchange of ideas on what can be done to improve the condition of ANY ethnic group in the country.

When I read the same old statistics from such bottom feeders, it is obvious that most of them are demoralized, low achievers, who rely on Stormfront and Aryan Supremacist sites who are continuously seeking to recruit yet another generation of guillible Nazi wannabees in training to carry on the tradition of misinformed ignorance and arrogance that is present in most low achievers who have accomplished NOTHING to be proud of PERSONALLY.......a dubious "skill set" that is present in abundance in this forum.

I think the majority of them cannot stand the N****R in themselves.


What a load of crap!

What's wrong? Feelings hurt because there was no "blame the caucasoids" rant?

That would be glorifying those like you.

As I have said before, the plight of the black population can only be solved by the black population.

That aside, you are not obligated to read a GD thing that I post.

97% of blacks voted for Obama! If that was reversed, we would never here the end of it -like slavery. It proves that blacks are indeed the most racist group in America, and therefore the dumbest !

If that were reversed?


How the fuck would Obama vote for 97% of blacks? There aren't enough public offices in Obama's home district for that to happen!

97% of blacks voted for Obama! If that was reversed, we would never here the end of it -like slavery. It proves that blacks are indeed the most racist group in America, and therefore the dumbest !

If that were reversed?


How the fuck would Obama vote for 97% of blacks? There aren't enough public offices in Obama's home district for that to happen!

He means that if the voting percentages would have been reversed while having a black canidate running in the race or in any race where these mixes occur, and therefore the whites would have voted for a whiteman in this high of a percentage rate, as was found in such an electorial race in which had both white and black canidates running in it, then the whites would have never heard the end of it from the blacks (I think is what he was saying), if these percentages favored the white canidate as gained from the white voters in this way, and the white guy would have won because of..

Now carry on my friends out here in cyber space...:eusa_pray:
Do you really think poop an doo is going to get it now :confused:
Blacks can't handle their own problems because of their racist attitudes, and distrust for one another!
Still nothing but bloviating bull shit from the dissent - blacks vote their skin color! :disbelief:
To whomever is posting in that giant red font:

Could you please stop playing with your crayons and just post in a normal font so as not to shit up every thread you post on?

That would be me, I was not "playing with crayons or intentionally messing up the threads" but am I new to this forum, so I was not quite sure how the font adjustments and colors would come out looking. I do tend to use a larger font as my sight is not the best.

Anyway, there was no intentional harm meant, and I am not thin skinned (I used to post on the AOL Race Relations Board many years ago, and that site made this one look like Sesame Street), so I do not mind being corrected

So, is this better?

Aaaaaaaah~ That's much better! Now, what were you saying?

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