Blacks attack whites on school bus for being "rich and white"

Fire the bus driver, expel the aggressors. Zero tolerance for this type of thing in schools
Apparently this was a city bus, not a school bus. And according to the link in the OP, the bus driver stopped the bus and the MEN (attackers) ran off.

I wasn't there so I don't know what the driver did or failed to do. Also real MEN would never do this.
I agree, real men wouldn't. I am simply pointing out a key word in the story that makes me think it was not a school bus with a school bus driver.
I think this nugget of information is very significant concerning how the situation was handled.
Bus driver allegedly does nothing while black teens attack white schoolgirls | New York Post

Four white 15-year-old Catholic schoolgirl friends laughing and chatting on their usual bus ride home were targeted in an unprovoked, racial attack that left them bloody and bruised, the teens told The Post Wednesday.

“Oh, white girl got money!” a young black man sitting with a friend commented as the girls travelled on the BX8 bus around 3 p.m. Tuesday after dismissal from St. Catharine’s Academy in the Pelham Gardens section of The Bronx.

And the liberal media is dead silent about this. I wonder why.

Oh yea, Tiggered, it's time for you to come along and defend this behavior or try to change the subject to those "awful whiteys" holdin' down da niggas.

Time to bring back segregation. Obviously niggas have showed they aren't ready to behave on a bus with other races.
I grew up there, went to dances there and dated girls from there.

I got stabbed, beat up, road my bicycle there.

I was just there this past weekend and going back next week. have friends and family there.

The reason why it is not reported many times things are handled "in-house" when these things occur.

I love The Bronx.
Fire the bus driver, expel the aggressors. Zero tolerance for this type of thing in schools

Why should the bus driver be fired? They did what was smart for their protection. As a teacher I will not break up any fight that any students are involved in. While at first this seems wrong-in my state a teacher literally grabbed a student and pulled them off of another student (who they had pinned on the floor and were bashing their face with punches). When the teacher did that, the student they grabbed (the aggressor) got a mark on their shoulder...parents sued...and WON. That teacher was left unemployed. I wont be putting myself in that situation anytime soon-sorry.

I actually don't blame the driver whatsoever.
Catholic school employees aren't bound by as many government restrictions.
"The incident occurred Tuesday shortly after the girls boarded the bus to take them home from school. A member of a group of black boys on the bus remarked, “Oh, white girl got money!”

Shortly after that, the boys called some female friends who boarded the bus a few stops down the line, and they began attacking the girls.

Then the boys began taunting them.

“Oh, you go to St. Catharine’s?” One of them asked. “What, do you have money? Go drink your coffee, white girl, and go shopping.”

After the boys called for re-enforcements, six to eight black girls boarded the bus and the attack began.

“All I remember is seeing the bus doors open and these girls have me by the ankles,” LT said. “One of the guys had me by my hair and punched me in the jaw.”

The driver then stopped the vehicle in the middle of the block and the gang scurried off with a backpack containing an iPad and cash."

White school girls forced to fend for themselves while being attacked by gang of black kids on city bus

By this report the attackers did not attend the school and it occurred on a NYC bus.
Not all black people are like this. While my mom was out shopping yesterday which of course was Black Friday, a group of white people walked right by her while she was in need of help. I am not sure what happened because I was not there, but a black person is who ended up being the help that she needed.

God bless you and my mom and her savior always!!!

Not all black people are like this. While my mom was out shopping yesterday which of course was Black Friday, a group of white people walked right by her while she was in need of help. I am not sure what happened because I was not there, but a black person is who ended up being the help that she needed.

God bless you and my mom and her savior always!!!

What? Did the black person help because they were black, did the white not help because they were white? Are you noting the color of their skin because you are a racist?
"The incident occurred Tuesday shortly after the girls boarded the bus to take them home from school. A member of a group of black boys on the bus remarked, “Oh, white girl got money!”

Shortly after that, the boys called some female friends who boarded the bus a few stops down the line, and they began attacking the girls.

Then the boys began taunting them.

“Oh, you go to St. Catharine’s?” One of them asked. “What, do you have money? Go drink your coffee, white girl, and go shopping.”

After the boys called for re-enforcements, six to eight black girls boarded the bus and the attack began.

“All I remember is seeing the bus doors open and these girls have me by the ankles,” LT said. “One of the guys had me by my hair and punched me in the jaw.”

The driver then stopped the vehicle in the middle of the block and the gang scurried off with a backpack containing an iPad and cash."

White school girls forced to fend for themselves while being attacked by gang of black kids on city bus

By this report the attackers did not attend the school and it occurred on a NYC bus.
Sounds like a Pitt bull attack... Is this why you see so many of these gang bangers with these Pitt bulls using them for their status symbols ?? I pray the day people wake up from their dam do gooder excuse making liberal stooper. Liberals are drunken with the blood of the saints/innocence on their hands... The end of this crap hopefully will end, and justice will be served.
So the point is that bad behavior is TOLERATED by schools, government entities, and liberal whites when a black does it because they know there will be a riot or some type of government retaliation for any redress by the whitey. But there is absolutely NO tolerance for a white doing anything even half as bad. Just say a white group had Called a group of black church school girls ANY racial slur at all. It would instantly be called a hate crime all the media would be calling for their skins, and they would probably put their names home address', and their phone numbers out in public and ask for people to kill them. Liberals are the cause of this shit, they are the ones who push it, and they are the real racist of the world.
Not all black people are like this. While my mom was out shopping yesterday which of course was Black Friday, a group of white people walked right by her while she was in need of help. I am not sure what happened because I was not there, but a black person is who ended up being the help that she needed.

God bless you and my mom and her savior always!!!

. My aunt who is white helped a black woman in a motorized wheel chair put her groceries in the car the other day. My aunt is a very good Christian lady, and if we only had more real Christians in society like her again, it would show just how great America is, and can be again. The attacks on Christianity over the years, has led to a confused and lawless nation it seems, but are we to far gone to get her sails back up and catching the head winds again ?? We shall see what God has instore for us.
I grew up there, went to dances there and dated girls from there.

I got stabbed, beat up, road my bicycle there.

I was just there this past weekend and going back next week. have friends and family there.

The reason why it is not reported many times things are handled "in-house" when these things occur.

I love The Bronx.
I was born in Brooklyn in 1936. As I recall, the streets of Brooklyn and Bronx were, until the mid-1960s, as safe as any other place in America and safer than some. But then things changed.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 held that any American citizen could move from any state to any state of choice -- and, if need be, apply for and promptly receive public assistance (welfare). I am recalling pictures on the front page of the New York Daily News and The Post of thousands of migrant Blacks from the deep South arriving at Manhattan's mid-town Greyhound bus depot, many of them carrying suitcases, some tied with rope, and pillowcases stuffed with belongings. One such picture showed a line of these mostly unskilled, illiterate, impoverished refugees, descendants of slaves from the land of Jim Crow, extending from the doorway of the Eighth Avenue welfare office all the way down to Ninth Avenue, and around.

What happened next was a dramatic rise in street crime; burglary, assault and robbery (mugging), car theft and malicious assault. The rise was such that the ranks of the NYPD swelled from 23,500 in 1965 to over 40,000 by 1979. Nearly double.

While I will be denounced as a "racist" for what I've said above I am simply reporting some easily verifiable facts, the summary of which is the witnessed migration of hundreds of thousands of Southern Blacks from states where Jim Crow mandates forbade them to use the same public toilets as Whites and, in some extreme examples, forbade them to walk on a sidewalk used by Whites.

The topic school-bus incident may be called a continuing element of an apparently endless legacy. A payback in the North for things that happened in the South, long go.

Will it ever end? I don't think so. I believe the problem of racial hostility in America has become genetic.
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Bus driver allegedly does nothing while black teens attack white schoolgirls | New York Post

Four white 15-year-old Catholic schoolgirl friends laughing and chatting on their usual bus ride home were targeted in an unprovoked, racial attack that left them bloody and bruised, the teens told The Post Wednesday.

“Oh, white girl got money!” a young black man sitting with a friend commented as the girls travelled on the BX8 bus around 3 p.m. Tuesday after dismissal from St. Catharine’s Academy in the Pelham Gardens section of The Bronx.

And the liberal media is dead silent about this. I wonder why.

Oh yea, Tiggered, it's time for you to come along and defend this behavior or try to change the subject to those "awful whiteys" holdin' down da niggas.

Time to bring back segregation. Obviously niggas have showed they aren't ready to behave on a bus with other races.

Maybe the black kids are Republicans, and this is that War on a Women we hear so much about.
I grew up there, went to dances there and dated girls from there.

I got stabbed, beat up, road my bicycle there.

I was just there this past weekend and going back next week. have friends and family there.

The reason why it is not reported many times things are handled "in-house" when these things occur.

I love The Bronx.
I was born in Brooklyn in 1936. As I recall, the streets of Brooklyn and Bronx were, until the mid-1960s, as safe as any other place in America and safer than some. But then things changed.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 held that any American citizen could move from any state to any state of choice -- and, if need be, apply for and promptly receive public assistance (welfare). I am recalling pictures on the front page of the New York Daily News and The Post of thousands of migrant Blacks from the deep South arriving at Manhattan's mid-town Greyhound bus depot, many of them carrying suitcases, some tied with rope, and pillowcases stuffed with belongings. One such picture showed a line of these mostly unskilled, illiterate, impoverished refugees, descendants of slaves from the land of Jim Crow, extending from the doorway of the Eighth Avenue welfare office all the way down to Ninth Avenue, and around.

What happened next was a dramatic rise in street crime; burglary, assault and robbery (mugging), car theft and malicious assault. The rise was such that the ranks of the NYPD swelled from 23,500 in 1965 to over 40,000 by 1979. Nearly double.

While I will be denounced as a "racist" for what I've said above I am simply reporting some easily verifiable facts, the summary of which is the witnessed migration of hundreds of thousands of Southern Blacks from states where Jim Crow mandates forbade them to use the same public toilets as Whites and, in some extreme examples, forbade them to walk on a sidewalk used by Whites.

The topic school-bus incident may be called a continuing element of an apparently endless legacy. A payback in the North for things that happened in the South, long go.
NYC is truly a melting pot, but, the fake "Civil Rights" causes are rampant and have always been.
Maybe the black kids are Republicans, and this is that War on a Women we hear so much about.
The incitement for this attack was presumed class distinction, not politics.

I attended Catholic school and Academy in Brooklyn from 1941 to 1952. What most people didn't realize back then (and presumably today) is tuition was based on a sliding scale of financial ability. Students with exceptional academic abilities were accepted at St. Francis Xavier and Academy even if their parents could not afford to pay anything.

Still, because we wore uniforms and were well-behaved (or else) we were perceived by some to belong to a superior social class.
Bus driver allegedly does nothing while black teens attack white schoolgirls | New York Post

Four white 15-year-old Catholic schoolgirl friends laughing and chatting on their usual bus ride home were targeted in an unprovoked, racial attack that left them bloody and bruised, the teens told The Post Wednesday.

“Oh, white girl got money!” a young black man sitting with a friend commented as the girls travelled on the BX8 bus around 3 p.m. Tuesday after dismissal from St. Catharine’s Academy in the Pelham Gardens section of The Bronx.

And the liberal media is dead silent about this. I wonder why.

Oh yea, Tiggered, it's time for you to come along and defend this behavior or try to change the subject to those "awful whiteys" holdin' down da niggas.

Time to bring back segregation. Obviously niggas have showed they aren't ready to behave on a bus with other races.

What a great thread. Do yiu get upset if someone says that you are a racist? Do you claim that they only say that because you don't agree with them?
Fire the bus driver, expel the aggressors. Zero tolerance for this type of thing in schools

Why should the bus driver be fired? They did what was smart for their protection. As a teacher I will not break up any fight that any students are involved in. While at first this seems wrong-in my state a teacher literally grabbed a student and pulled them off of another student (who they had pinned on the floor and were bashing their face with punches). When the teacher did that, the student they grabbed (the aggressor) got a mark on their shoulder...parents sued...and WON. That teacher was left unemployed. I wont be putting myself in that situation anytime soon-sorry.

I actually don't blame the driver whatsoever.
So, you'll chose your comfort and job over the safety of the children put in your care?

Good to know. Personally, I'll always do what is right over what it may cost Me every time.
Wow this thread has gotten to page 4, and no one's asked the really important questions, like; "what made these youths feel such hostility"? And "what, can we do as whites, to ease the angst of these youngsters?
You know the really important questions...
Wow this thread has gotten to page 4, and no one's asked the really important questions, like; "what made these youths feel such hostility"? And "what, can we do as whites, to ease the angst of these youngsters?
You know the really important questions...

I get your point but why is up to whites to ease their angst? The first problem is they are coming from broken homes, the second is the left have them convinced whites are evil, full of privilege and they are entitled due to shit that happened centuries ago (and never to them personally) , stop coddling them and they have to understand they are not entitled they have to make their own way. The world doesn't owe them a damn thing
Bus driver allegedly does nothing while black teens attack white schoolgirls | New York Post

Four white 15-year-old Catholic schoolgirl friends laughing and chatting on their usual bus ride home were targeted in an unprovoked, racial attack that left them bloody and bruised, the teens told The Post Wednesday.

“Oh, white girl got money!” a young black man sitting with a friend commented as the girls travelled on the BX8 bus around 3 p.m. Tuesday after dismissal from St. Catharine’s Academy in the Pelham Gardens section of The Bronx.

And the liberal media is dead silent about this. I wonder why.

Oh yea, Tiggered, it's time for you to come along and defend this behavior or try to change the subject to those "awful whiteys" holdin' down da niggas.

Time to bring back segregation. Obviously niggas have showed they aren't ready to behave on a bus with other races.

Maybe if those white racist bitches hadn't been flaunting their white privilege and taunting the poor black children this type of thing wouldn't happen. #liberal logic
Wow this thread has gotten to page 4, and no one's asked the really important questions, like; "what made these youths feel such hostility"? And "what, can we do as whites, to ease the angst of these youngsters?
You know the really important questions...

I get your point but why is up to whites to ease their angst? The first problem is they are coming from broken homes, the second is the left have them convinced whites are evil, full of privilege and they are entitled due to shit that happened centuries ago (and never to them personally) , stop coddling them and they have to understand they are not entitled they have to make their own way. The world doesn't owe them a damn thing

You want to stop this shit? Get that dude Rachel Maddow off TV.
Wow this thread has gotten to page 4, and no one's asked the really important questions, like; "what made these youths feel such hostility"? And "what, can we do as whites, to ease the angst of these youngsters?
You know the really important questions...

I get your point but why is up to whites to ease their angst? The first problem is they are coming from broken homes, the second is the left have them convinced whites are evil, full of privilege and they are entitled due to shit that happened centuries ago (and never to them personally) , stop coddling them and they have to understand they are not entitled they have to make their own way. The world doesn't owe them a damn thing

You want to stop this shit? Get that dude Rachel Maddow off TV.

Her and a few dozen others. The left has poisoned the well.

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