Blacks Explain Their Rationale Against The Tea Party


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
This is some serous Bull Shit. It is so damned funny yet infuriating at the same time.

I wonder who put this nonsense into their heads. This video was posted on The Blaze.

I remember last year seeing a video of a couple of blacks tearing down Tea Party signs at a rally in the south. They called another black woman who was a Tea Party member every racist name in the book. When asked what was the source of their claims that the Tea Party was racist they basically just said everybody knew they were racist.

This is the kind of thing that Obama and the media do to keep us divided. They are the source.
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I think most of us are just throwing our hands up and saying to ourselves that it's not worth worrying about or even thinking about.

Idiots are still gonna be idiots.

I'm trying to figure out the difference between this kind of racism and the racism we left behind in the 60s.

That is so sickening. But I've been saying it for years. We know where the racism comes from, and anyone who is honest with themselves knows it too.
I think most of us are just throwing our hands up and saying to ourselves that it's not worth worrying about or even thinking about.

Idiots are still gonna be idiots.

I'm trying to figure out the difference between this kind of racism and the racism we left behind in the 60s.

Do you really expect rational thinking from one of these things??:blsmile::eusa_snooty:


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That is so sickening. But I've been saying it for years. We know where the racism comes from, and anyone who is honest with themselves knows it too.

I'm seeing institutionalized racism being perpetrated by the White House.

I remember all of that nonsense about how Sarah Palin instigated an attack in Arizona on a Congresswoman.

This kind of thing came directly from Obama. He personally instigated this kind of hatred toward his opposition. It's everywhere in the black community, and nobody does anything about it because it keeps them in line, keeps em voting Democrat.

Obama and the Dems need to be called on it.
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That is so sickening. But I've been saying it for years. We know where the racism comes from, and anyone who is honest with themselves knows it too.

I'm seeing institutionalized racism being perpetrated by the White House.

I remember all of that nonsense about how Sarah Palin instigated an attack in Arizona on a Congresswoman.

This kind of thing came directly from Obama. He personally instigated this kind of hatred toward his opposition. It's everywhere in the black community, and nobody does anything about it because it keeps them in line.

Obama and the Dems need to be called on it.

When their leaders cheat on the exams for them.......well.
This, of course, is a way of saying all blacks are like those in the OP.......:eusa_whistle:

Not at all. I have many black friends, most of whom probably vote democrat. Can't think that I've ever asked any of them. Other than Ozzie, He always has Democrat signs in his yard. I threaten to steal them most years......
Generally speaking, black people possess superior intellect and do not act like chimps. Also, all white people are inherently racist.
This, of course, is a way of saying all blacks are like those in the OP.......:eusa_whistle:

Not at all. I have many black friends, most of whom probably vote democrat. Can't think that I've ever asked any of them. Other than Ozzie, He always has Democrat signs in his yard. I threaten to steal them most years......

How many then?
I think most of us are just throwing our hands up and saying to ourselves that it's not worth worrying about or even thinking about.

Idiots are still gonna be idiots.

I'm trying to figure out the difference between this kind of racism and the racism we left behind in the 60s.


Different group of mouthbreathing morons?
It's obvious!

[ame=]‪the new sheriff scene from blazing saddles‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
I think most of us are just throwing our hands up and saying to ourselves that it's not worth worrying about or even thinking about.

Idiots are still gonna be idiots.

I'm trying to figure out the difference between this kind of racism and the racism we left behind in the 60s.


I didn't watch the vid but I wish repubs would stop making bullshit comparisions with regard to racism. You know what the difference is between this and the "left behind" racism of the 60's?


Ya know, sticks and stones...
This, of course, is a way of saying all blacks are like those in the OP.......:eusa_whistle:

They are arent they?

I can only go by what the dept of justice and some federal judges have done.

You cant go to non partisan positions because blacks dont know what to do when a D isnt present on the ballot

You must lower standards for promotions. You must use race in college admissions.

Democratic party acts.

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