Blacks Explain Their Rationale Against The Tea Party

This, of course, is a way of saying all blacks are like those in the OP.......:eusa_whistle:

They are arent they?

I can only go by what the dept of justice and some federal judges have done.

You cant go to non partisan positions because blacks dont know what to do when a D isnt present on the ballot

You must lower standards for promotions. You must use race in college admissions.

Democratic party acts.

How many then?

One of my fave quotes ever is from that madcap Congressman who loves to spread fear and play the race card.

Florida Congressman: Palin 'Don't Care Too Much What They Do With Jews and Blacks'

If Sarah Palin isn’t enough of a reason for you to get over whatever your problem is with Barack Obama, then you damn well had better pay attention," said Hastings.

"Anybody toting guns and stripping moose don’t care too much about what they do with Jews and blacks. So, you just think this through."
Just like the two guys in front of the polling place in Phillie (and were chased away without incident) were a huge movement....PFFFFT. The racists who MATTER (and DISCRIMINATE) are white and sorry are mainly Pub dupes...Beck is a moron liar...tyvm
This, of course, is a way of saying all blacks are like those in the OP.......:eusa_whistle:

They are arent they?

I can only go by what the dept of justice and some federal judges have done.

You cant go to non partisan positions because blacks dont know what to do when a D isnt present on the ballot

You must lower standards for promotions. You must use race in college admissions.

Democratic party acts.

How many then?

I have no idea as it is not my position but the democrats position. The evidence has already been presented.
I think most of us are just throwing our hands up and saying to ourselves that it's not worth worrying about or even thinking about.

Idiots are still gonna be idiots.

I'm trying to figure out the difference between this kind of racism and the racism we left behind in the 60s.


I didn't watch the vid but I wish repubs would stop making bullshit comparisions with regard to racism. You know what the difference is between this and the "left behind" racism of the 60's?


Ya know, sticks and stones...

I guess black on white crime doesn't exist???

Bet I could go through local Newspaper and find racially motivated crime perped by blacks any day of the week.
The racists who MATTER (and DISCRIMINATE) are white and sorry are mainly Pub dupes...Beck is a moron liar...tyvm

As if we needed more proof of you being an idiot hyper-partisan wanker... But you decide to provide this proof on a continual basis...

rdummy, fail-o, and shit-tao must be proud
This is some serous Bull Shit. It is so damned funny yet infuriating at the same time.

I wonder who put this nonsense into their heads. This video was posted on The Blaze.

‪Critics of the So. Central Los Angeles Tea Party (Race Baiting / Racism / NAACP)‬‏ - YouTube

I remember last year seeing a video of a couple of blacks tearing down Tea Party signs at a rally in the south. They called another black woman who was a Tea Party member every racist name in the book. When asked what was the source of their claims that the Tea Party was racist they basically just said everybody knew they were racist.

This is the kind of thing that Obama and the media do to keep us divided. They are the source.

Seriously....I guess those guys didn't realize many of the prominent tea partiers are actually black!

[ame=]‪Black Conservatives Rebut Tea Party Racism Claims‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

^^^I can provide dozens more videos like this
Just saw on the news right now where black unemployment has risen to 16% under Obama. 77% voted for him and a poll just released says only 50% say they would vote for him this time around.
Watching the video and listening to the strong opinions of those being interviewed one thing is clear. People on the right, at least public people in politics or thinking of going into politics need to be very careful with their public (or even private) comments, or what they sign onto that play into the perception that they are racist.

Here's a good example of her playing into the perception that she, and considering her status as the lead "Tea Party" candidate, that Tea Party people are racists. She recently signed a Christian conservative pledge, sponsored by The Family Value, a conservative religious group in Iowa.
Among other things, the pledge stated in its preamble that African American children were more likely to grow up in stable families during the era of slavery than under President Obama. Although this shocking statement was probably intended to make a statement about the absence of male role models in today’s African American community, it was beyond foolish to compare the forced structure of the slave family to the African American family of today.

[And what can easily be made of it]

Bachmann’s political philosophy may be to turn back the hands of time on social progress, but reversing Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation may be pushing the envelop just a little too far.

I may like MB, but to be so imprudent in her remarks does not suggest that she is ready for the presidency. Also supporting that suggestion is her lack of accomplishment as a member of congress. I know she loves to tell us about her foster parenting, or her experience as a tax attorney; those are just not enough.

Because it can be exploited, this can and will provoke a racist image for her (and TP as a movement) among any persons who are not white, and even among whites who are still forming their opinions leading up to the next election. She has shot herself in the foot big time.
ATTENTION EVERYONE. A half black man whose black father was from Africa (yet somehow represents the plight of American Black slaves, must be only because of race) has been elected President by mostly racist whites (whites are the only race that can be racist).

Therefore, if you disagree with ANYTHING the Black President says, it is because you are a racist (if you're white. If you're black you are an Uncle Tom).
I'm beeting that most of those screaming about rich people and tax breaks are getting the BIGGEST tax breaks of all.
These hysterical folks are saying shit that the tea party never said. they are racist assholes.
I didn't watch the vid but I wish repubs would stop making bullshit comparisions with regard to racism. You know what the difference is between this and the "left behind" racism of the 60's?


Ya know, sticks and stones...

Should have watched the vid :eusa_whistle:
This is some serous Bull Shit. It is so damned funny yet infuriating at the same time.

I wonder who put this nonsense into their heads. This video was posted on The Blaze.

‪Critics of the So. Central Los Angeles Tea Party (Race Baiting / Racism / NAACP)‬‏ - YouTube

I remember last year seeing a video of a couple of blacks tearing down Tea Party signs at a rally in the south. They called another black woman who was a Tea Party member every racist name in the book. When asked what was the source of their claims that the Tea Party was racist they basically just said everybody knew they were racist.

This is the kind of thing that Obama and the media do to keep us divided. They are the source.


What you posted just proved is that YOU are a racist !!!

It do ( I am using the vernacular 'cause I just cain't get enuff and anymore PC).

It REALLY do !!!
This is some serous Bull Shit. It is so damned funny yet infuriating at the same time.

I wonder who put this nonsense into their heads. This video was posted on The Blaze.

‪Critics of the So. Central Los Angeles Tea Party (Race Baiting / Racism / NAACP)‬‏ - YouTube

I remember last year seeing a video of a couple of blacks tearing down Tea Party signs at a rally in the south. They called another black woman who was a Tea Party member every racist name in the book. When asked what was the source of their claims that the Tea Party was racist they basically just said everybody knew they were racist.

This is the kind of thing that Obama and the media do to keep us divided. They are the source.


What you posted just proved is that YOU are a racist !!!

It do ( I am using the vernacular 'cause I just cain't get enuff and anymore PC).

It REALLY do !!!

I don't own any NASCAR gear.

Oh, you mean bigotry.

Well, I can prove I'm not a racist.

Besides, I like women with permanent tans.

Too bad most of them are too biased to consider dating whites.
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