Blacks have been voting for Dems for over a hundred years!

Prior to 1958, each party had an equal mix of liberals and conservatives. After that, the Democrats began moving to the left, and the Republicans began moving to the Right.

The Democrats of the South were for the most part deeply conservative. The conservative Democratic Southerners in the Senate blocked civil rights legislation for 70 years.

The whole reason JFK was in Dallas on that fateful day in 1963 was to woo the conservative Democrats of the South. The leader of those conservatives was Governor Connally, and that's why he was in the car with Kennedy that day.

The dipshits who keep parroting the tired meme about LBJ Democrats of over half a century ago are not told these things. The dumbasses don't even realize the KKK was a CHRISTIAN terrorist organization. That's how willfully blind the dumb fucks are.
Did you all hear Trump say this at his last rally? Another brilliant tag line from our dear leader :)

Blacks have been eligible to vote for 148 years, I'm sure some have been voting for commiecrats during that time.

Good for you, I’m sure you’d also be cheering him on if you heard him say that at his rally. That shit just makes me laugh in a sad kind of way. #pathetic

I've got the 15th Amendment, passed in Feb 1870, you?

We playing word games now? Do you not recognize the barriers that were in place from 1870s - 1965. Do you not understand my point or do I need to spell it out for you?

No word games, you tried to deride me for pointing out a fact. Blacks have a very short memory on who was responsible for Jim Crow laws, and who pushed the VRA across the finish line in spite of commiecrat opposition. Hell racist Woodrow Wilson got massive black support for his time, it was only about 7% but that was big back then. BTW that was the 1912 election, more than 100 years ago.

President Woodrow Wilson: Pro-Segregationist Democrat--African-Americans & the Presidency

I did some digging and found that there were approx 10 million blacks living in America in 1912 (year of Woodrow’s election) and at that time there were about 600k who were eligable to vote. Couldn’t find stats for how many actually voted or who they voted for.
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Did you all hear Trump say this at his last rally? Another brilliant tag line from our dear leader :)
After the rally these racist drain clogs returned to their trailer parks to pick up their welfare checks. What`s the GOP done for these losers?
Who wears the Confederate flag on their hats and their pickups these days? Democrats or Republicans?

Yeah. Figure it out, tards.
The KKK was huge in both parties. In the 1920s, the Klan infected the Republican Party so deeply, that some key members of the GOP seriously considered starting a new party because they felt the GOP was too far gone with Klan influence.
Did you all hear Trump say this at his last rally? Another brilliant tag line from our dear leader :)

Which of Obama's 57 states did he say that in?
I get it we all mess up at times... the difference between stating the wrong number and criticizing the way an oppressed race was voting is rather large
well except now you're kinda playing games so you can say trump said something stupid.

on paper have blacks had the right to vote since 1870?
was trump correct in what he said?
has reality made exercising that amendment difficult?
1965 was done to ensure that the 1870 actions were enforced.

were ALL BLACKS denied voting between 1870 to 1965? you seem to be saying, in order to bash trump, that no black person was legally able to vote before 1965.

that wouldn't be very accurate from what i can tell.
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All this bullshit about LJB and Klan Democrats from over 50 years ago is a giant smokescreen attempting to conceal the fact that it is the GOP today which contains the bulk of the racists.

Everyone knows this.
All this bullshit about LJB and Klan Democrats from over 50 years ago is a giant smokescreen attempting to conceal the fact that it is the GOP today which contains the bulk of the racists.

Everyone knows this.

"I'll have them ****** voting democrat for the next 200 years" -- LBJ
You're not serious...…
The 15th amendment gives them the right, passed by republicans in the 1860s.
That amendment was in 1870 not 1860 and a few years after it passed blacks were striped of their citizenship rights and rights to vote by southern state governments. It wasn’t until the civil rights act of 1965 that banned those discriminatory laws. But who cares about history, right?
Wrong man, blacks voted in the inbetween years, if they could jump through the hoops, and who put up those barriers? hint:NOT conservative republicans
Maybe not republicans but yes conservatives. Efforts to free slaves and progress their rights was a Liberal effort by definition. And the actions by the southern states, and yes southern Democrats, and Jim Crow laws were not a result of the way blacks were voting. Like I said a few posts ago, that is completely tone deaf
Wrong, we've been over this
there were conservatives in lincolns time. Watch the movie
if you don't like that
then what did Horace Greeley run as and what year? Who did he run against? What party were they?
And of course let me know the last democrat more conservative than the republican for President?
I think most republicans were more Liberal than their democratic counter parts back in Lincoln’s day. Southern democrats were absolutely conservative during Jim Crow. Those roles flip flopped during the mid 1900s
You are wrong, that's the point. It is propaganda
Again which Democrat was more conservative than the republican in a presidential election?
Guys they talked about the republicans as a conservative party during mckinley
who was that conservative faction? Rockerfeller, Carnegie and all the captains of industry, but it was there during Lincolns time.
all this support and the Democrats haven't done one fkn thing for them

Dems did three things for blacks:

Public schools
Public housing
Replaced the male head of household with a government check

Keeps blacks in a cycle of dependence and poverty so they mush vote for the democrats
All this bullshit about LJB and Klan Democrats from over 50 years ago is a giant smokescreen attempting to conceal the fact that it is the GOP today which contains the bulk of the racists.

Everyone knows this.

Who called black "super predators"?

Who called Latinos "needy"?
Blacks have been eligible to vote for 148 years, I'm sure some have been voting for commiecrats during that time.

Good for you, I’m sure you’d also be cheering him on if you heard him say that at his rally. That shit just makes me laugh in a sad kind of way. #pathetic

I've got the 15th Amendment, passed in Feb 1870, you?

We playing word games now? Do you not recognize the barriers that were in place from 1870s - 1965. Do you not understand my point or do I need to spell it out for you?

No word games, you tried to deride me for pointing out a fact. Blacks have a very short memory on who was responsible for Jim Crow laws, and who pushed the VRA across the finish line in spite of commiecrat opposition. Hell racist Woodrow Wilson got massive black support for his time, it was only about 7% but that was big back then. BTW that was the 1912 election, more than 100 years ago.

President Woodrow Wilson: Pro-Segregationist Democrat--African-Americans & the Presidency

I did some digging and found that there were approx 10 million blacks living in America in 1912 (year of Woodrow’s election) and at that time there were about 600k who were elibable to vote. Couldn’t find stats for how many actually voted or who they voted for.
so trump was correct.

not absolute but correct.

Again which Democrat was more conservative than the republican in a presidential election?
I want you to take a look at those Democratic presidential candidates and see where they were from.

Go ahead.

You won't find a single one from the South. Until LBJ.

As I've explained to you several times, the parties had a mix of liberals and conservatives for a very long time, but the SOUTHERN Democrats were for the most part conservatives.

And because they were from the racist South, no Southern Democrat was able to get the party nomination for president. However, the Southern Democrats, by virtue of longevity and seniority, were able to control the Senate and stymie all attempts at civil rights legislation for nearly three quarters of a century.

The chief obstacle LBJ faced when trying to pass his civil rights bill was his old mentor Richard Russell.
LBJ was a chameleon. In fact, Donald Trump reminds me of LBJ in many ways, but particularly in their willingness to be whatever gets them ahead.
Blacks have been eligible to vote for 148 years, I'm sure some have been voting for commiecrats during that time.

Good for you, I’m sure you’d also be cheering him on if you heard him say that at his rally. That shit just makes me laugh in a sad kind of way. #pathetic

I've got the 15th Amendment, passed in Feb 1870, you?

We playing word games now? Do you not recognize the barriers that were in place from 1870s - 1965. Do you not understand my point or do I need to spell it out for you?

No word games, you tried to deride me for pointing out a fact. Blacks have a very short memory on who was responsible for Jim Crow laws, and who pushed the VRA across the finish line in spite of commiecrat opposition. Hell racist Woodrow Wilson got massive black support for his time, it was only about 7% but that was big back then. BTW that was the 1912 election, more than 100 years ago.

President Woodrow Wilson: Pro-Segregationist Democrat--African-Americans & the Presidency

Do you really not see the irony in criticizing the black vote for partisan purposes during a time when their rights were being restricted? A time when they were being lynched, and blocked from fair education, job opportunities, and even use of public facilities? Are you that tone deaf? I wasn’t trying to deride you, but when you ignore my point to pick on details like you are and then call me ignorant for that, then you are setting a hostile tone to the conversation.

Hey, your the one that got all holier than thou over political rhetoric. Politicians embellish, get over it.

LBJ was a chameleon. In fact, Donald Trump reminds me of LBJ in many ways, but particularly in their willingness to be whatever gets them ahead.

Right, LBJ was a racist who pretended to support civil rights. His "Great Society" destroyed the black nuclear family in an effort to keep them loyal democrat Party voters
Again which Democrat was more conservative than the republican in a presidential election?
As I mentioned earlier, none of the Democratic candidates were from the South.

In fact, John Nance Garner came the closest to snagging the nomination in 1940. He was from Texas, and was very conservative. He was FDR's vice president.

Garner was sick of FDR's liberal policies and rose to challenge him in 1940. He nearly pulled it off. But the stigma of being from the racist South did him in.

Because he challenged FDR, he was replaced as vice president by Henry Wallace.
You're not serious...…
The 15th amendment gives them the right, passed by republicans in the 1860s.
That amendment was in 1870 not 1860 and a few years after it passed blacks were striped of their citizenship rights and rights to vote by southern state governments. It wasn’t until the civil rights act of 1965 that banned those discriminatory laws. But who cares about history, right?
Wrong man, blacks voted in the inbetween years, if they could jump through the hoops, and who put up those barriers? hint:NOT conservative republicans
Maybe not republicans but yes conservatives. Efforts to free slaves and progress their rights was a Liberal effort by definition. And the actions by the southern states, and yes southern Democrats, and Jim Crow laws were not a result of the way blacks were voting. Like I said a few posts ago, that is completely tone deaf
Wrong, we've been over this
there were conservatives in lincolns time. Watch the movie
if you don't like that
then what did Horace Greeley run as and what year? Who did he run against? What party were they?
And of course let me know the last democrat more conservative than the republican for President?
I think most republicans were more Liberal than their democratic counter parts back in Lincoln’s day. Southern democrats were absolutely conservative during Jim Crow. Those roles flip flopped during the mid 1900s
They didn't, that's the point. WH Taft was more conservative than either Roosevelt or Wilson in 1912

As for the south, what really happened was AC.....once it became widely available, republicans moved south for lower taxes and better weather? why republicans? because they had jobs they could transfer to and they had enough money to move.
I moved to TN in 1992 with my parents, better weather, lower taxes....
Did you know that TN house and senate wasn't controlled by republicans until 2009 (they had one term in the late 60s, but it was an outlier)?

List of Speakers of the Tennessee House of Representatives - Wikipedia
List of Speakers of the Louisiana House of Representatives - Wikipedia
Party control of Alabama state government - Ballotpedia

Alabama has become more Republican in the last 30 years. 30 years would be 1988

look at others, most senators and house members and state legislatures didn't go republican until the 1980s, roughly 20 years after the civil rights act,why?
Because people didn't switch, it was population movement and people growing up with different attitudes(aka non racist attitudes).

Sorry guys that switch stuff is total didn't happen.

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