Blacks have equal rights but fail to take advantage of what America has to offer (Take 2)

The discussion has expanded. I posted the OP and that's the question to answer. I will dictate the conversation in threads where I am the OP.

So, no link then? You're just gonna make blanket statements about white folks collectively, based on your contempt for something a white person said that 'seemed' a certain way to you personally, without suporting your claim?

Gosh. Must be nice to have such luxuries. lol...
A poster here made that claim and it is not a new one. So you can either answer the question like all the others or leave.
Affirmative action has been the law of the land for many decades. This law gives you a leg up on white applicants for Jobs and schooling.

This is simply an established fact, and so if you are capable of ANY logic whatsoever, you would realize that that the reason the black community lags behind other communities DESPITE this advantage has to do with the black community and not the white people you hate.
I know right, black people never had jobs or went to school before AA.

Using white people as your scapegoat is too.
Whites have had AA since day 1.

I don't do anything like that. But that's what right wing baiters have made you believe.
"Even after completing undergraduate and graduate degrees, black and Hispanic workers earned less than non-Hispanic white workers with the same, or often less, education."
Will you at least admit that just because someone has a particular degree doesn't make them proficient in any job category? Is it not possible that regardless of education, a minority could still be less qualified when competing against whites or Asians. Many higher educated Whites and Asians cannot compete against their own counterparts so why do you believe that Blacks should be exempted from the rigors and disappointments encountered in job searches without crying racism?
No. Asians are a minority. Why can't whites not be qualified? Why is the assumption always that blacks aren't qualified?
They may not be able to take advantage of the freedom and resources that we hand them as their culture is a chain around their necks that discourages knowledge and self betterment. Of course, if they could realize that "thug" culture was a negative too them maybe they could at some level take more advantage of it. Of course that is praying and hoping for a shine of light into the dark.
No. Asians are a minority. Why can't whites not be qualified? Why is the assumption always that blacks aren't qualified?

Because they wouldn't have to lower the standards.

Now, yes, as I've said to your girlfriend Lisa, in the name of equity, I have no problem taking a black kid from the hood got a 1400 on his SAT over a white kid who got 1500 after having access to test coaches and tutors.

But it's when you start taking the slacker kid of the suburban black family who didn't apply himself and can't do the work to meet a quota, then you start having a problem, and the resentments that go along with it.
No. Asians are a minority. Why can't whites not be qualified? Why is the assumption always that blacks aren't qualified?
I do not assume that ALL blacks are not qualified. I just do not accept your line of thinking that if a black fails, it is because of racism.
I do not assume that ALL blacks are not qualified. I just do not accept your line of thinking that if a black fails, it is because of racism.
Turn black, then come tell me what you don't accept. Racism is not about failing or succeeding, it is about opportunity. The root cause of our problems and the problem for every other race of color is white racism. Do not try telling me about Asians because Asian group income is boosted by Indians and those Indians are mostly recipients of H1B visas from the government that gives them employment. And don't talk about Hispanics who have 17 times less wealth than whites and earn less than whites for doing the same work with the same qualifications. And don't lie about how Native Americans have "assimilated" when they are the poorest group and the group most likely to be murdered by police while unarmed. Your disagreement with me is not based on logic or fact. It's all emotion. I find it funny what whites won't accept.
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Turn black, then come tell me what you don't accept. Racism is not about failing or succeeding, it is about opportunity. The root cause of our problems and the problem for every other race of color is white racism.

Um, okay, let's look at that. You know, funny thing, the Kr@uts, M!cks, P0ll0cks, and W0ps all encountered discrimination, too when they showed up.

Do not try telling me about Asians because Asian group income is boosted by Indians and those Indians are mostly recipients of H1B visas from the government that gives them employment.

Really, I've known all sorts of Asians who've come here and been successful. Koreans, Chinese, Japanese, Filipinos... none of them on H1B visas. A couple of them got here on education or marriage visas.. The ones born here do pretty well for themselves, because they don't wait for a handout, don't whine about racism, and don't have a shit load of kids out of wedlock.

And don't talk about Hispanics who have 17 times less wealth than whites and earn less than whites for doing the same work with the same qualifications.

Sounds like they are at the same place Germans, Irish, Poles and Italians were at various points in their journey. Grandpa Ludwig didn't get a great job the minute he got off the boat, either. Nobody printed signs in German for him, he and Grandma taught themselves English reading the Chicago Tribune to each other at night.

And don't lie about how Native Americans have "assimilated" when they are the poorest group and the group most likely to be murdered by police while unarmed.
Oh, I agree, if you want to see a group that has totally destroyed itself wallowing in self-pity, it's Native-Americans. They've gotten huge windfalls from legalized gambling, but they still have a reservation mentality.
Turn black, then come tell me what you don't accept. Racism is not about failing or succeeding, it is about opportunity. The root cause of our problems and the problem for every other race of color is white racism. Do not try telling me about Asians because Asian group income is boosted by Indians and those Indians are mostly recipients of H1B visas from the government that gives them employment. And don't talk about Hispanics who have 17 times less wealth than whites and earn less than whites for doing the same work with the same qualifications. And don't lie about how Native Americans have "assimilated" when they are the poorest group and the group most likely to be murdered by police while unarmed. Your disagreement with me is not based on logic or fact. It's all emotion. I find it funny what whites won't accept.
How do you explain it when whites don’t get the job, the loan, the college entrance? Not every denial is race related.
Turn black, then come tell me what you don't accept. Racism is not about failing or succeeding, it is about opportunity. The root cause of our problems and the problem for every other race of color is white racism. Do not try telling me about Asians because Asian group income is boosted by Indians and those Indians are mostly recipients of H1B visas from the government that gives them employment. And don't talk about Hispanics who have 17 times less wealth than whites and earn less than whites for doing the same work with the same qualifications. And don't lie about how Native Americans have "assimilated" when they are the poorest group and the group most likely to be murdered by police while unarmed. Your disagreement with me is not based on logic or fact. It's all emotion. I find it funny what whites won't accept.
I find it funny what whites won't accept.----------------------Kinda like what you and your failed community won't accept.
Turn black, then come tell me what you don't accept. Racism is not about failing or succeeding, it is about opportunity. The root cause of our problems and the problem for every other race of color is white racism. Do not try telling me about Asians because Asian group income is boosted by Indians and those Indians are mostly recipients of H1B visas from the government that gives them employment. And don't talk about Hispanics who have 17 times less wealth than whites and earn less than whites for doing the same work with the same qualifications. And don't lie about how Native Americans have "assimilated" when they are the poorest group and the group most likely to be murdered by police while unarmed. Your disagreement with me is not based on logic or fact. It's all emotion. I find it funny what whites won't accept.
You say this---Racism is not about failing or succeeding, it is about the opportunity. So that we can better understand your life, let us know if you have made the right decisions to become successful.
I find it funny what whites won't accept.----------------------Kinda like what you and your failed community won't accept.
Considering everything in reality, the fact that whites like you still exist in 2022 is a show of failure in the white community.
You say this---Racism is not about failing or succeeding, it is about the opportunity. So that we can better understand your life, let us know if you have made the right decisions to become successful.
I think you need to understand that your decision to be a racist along with several million others like you are the poor decisions that create problems for people of color. Once you recognize that, you won't make stupid comments.
Considering everything in reality, the fact that whites like you still exist in 2022 is a show of failure in the white community.

Another discouraging reality is the fact that the black community is not just failing but getting worse.

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