Blacks have equal rights but fail to take advantage of what America has to offer (Take 2)

So it's ok to hire a person because they have black skin but wrong if they have white skin? SMH
Whites have been hired only because of white skin for the last 245 years.
Whites have been hired only because of white skin for the last 245 years.

Yup. By other white people.

So why don't blacks pool their resources, start their own businesses and hire their own...

You know, instead of rushing out to live in Pleasantville the minute you can.
And then they’ll deny that the proper response to racism is racism. Smfh.

It is amazing that it is supposedly so bad in the USA that they simply do not emigrate.

Meanwhile, blacks immigrate to the USA from all over Africa and the Caribbean. Hell, Haitians keep going to extremes to get here.
Yup. By other white people.

So why don't blacks pool their resources, start their own businesses and hire their own...

You know, instead of rushing out to live in Pleasantville the minute you can.

The Feds destroyed Marcus Garvey and his Back to Africa movement.
Because white racism is not just about material wealth, the racism successful blacks have to endure should not be, and I know that the statistics do not support your claim.

Blacks are 13 percent of the population but have 2.7 percent of the wealth.

This is why I don't respond to your opinions.
they dont finish school, get a job and get married.
No, the proper response is to take in a multitude of factors in the hiring process. (Let's just limit this to hiring for the moment).

I have a lot of advantages when I apply for a job.

I'm white, and most of the people who would be hiring me would also be white.
I'm male, and like it or not, males have an advantage at hiring time.
I have a college degree
I'm a veteran.

So, yeah, I'm sure that these factors have gotten me full time jobs.

I also know of at least one occasion where I was passed over for a position for a less qualified black female because someone was trying to fill a quota. And then I had to work with her incompetent ass for a year.
How can you say such things?

If we don’t use racism to fix racism, what kind of people are we?!?!?
BS. We don't need to be lead to anything.

"Even after completing undergraduate and graduate degrees, black and Hispanic workers earned less than non-Hispanic white workers with the same, or often less, education."
- Roy Eduardo Kokoyachuk, ThinkNow Research

Kokoyachuck found that blacks and Hispanics with college degrees were paid less than whites and Asians with comparable education. His study showed that blacks and Hispanics who graduated in S.T.E.M majors earned less than whites and Asians with degrees in those same majors. "Even when Blacks and Hispanics go the extra mile and earn professional degrees, their incomes still don’t break six figures. Whites and Asians, however, double their incomes by earning professional degrees, allowing them to make well over $100,000 a year."

It's a 444 word "study".

I'm convinced. LOL!

How can you say such things?

If we don’t use racism to fix racism, what kind of people are we?!?!?

The kind with poor reading comprehensions skills, as I've laid this out twice for you STILL didn't understand it.

I mean, I could use smaller words, but I don't think that would help.
So why don't blacks pool their resources, start their own businesses and hire their own...

We don't think like you. We don't have that racial insecurity which makes us want whites to live in the mud and we do start our own business and hire our own. The problem is the white supreacists sabagotage them.

You know, instead of rushing out to live in Pleasantville the minute you can.

Black don't move to affukent areas because we want to live aroudnd white people. It's because finding affulent areas in the USA with few white ppl already living there is a tough task
Mixed race, orphan of a junkie mother and deadbeat alcoholic father. Orphaned at 14, lived almost entirely on the streets for over a year. HS dropout emancipated minor at 17.

Started small business at 19 grew that business retired financially independent at 51.

You make your own opportunity
White and non blk society is generally speaking fine with the Buffalo gunman shooting of blk ppl.

Why ?




Hey by chance can I borrow that really broad brush of yours I want to paint my entire town the same color
BS. We don't need to be lead to anything.

"Even after completing undergraduate and graduate degrees, black and Hispanic workers earned less than non-Hispanic white workers with the same, or often less, education."
- Roy Eduardo Kokoyachuk, ThinkNow Research

Kokoyachuck found that blacks and Hispanics with college degrees were paid less than whites and Asians with comparable education. His study showed that blacks and Hispanics who graduated in S.T.E.M majors earned less than whites and Asians with degrees in those same majors. "Even when Blacks and Hispanics go the extra mile and earn professional degrees, their incomes still don’t break six figures. Whites and Asians, however, double their incomes by earning professional degrees, allowing them to make well over $100,000 a year."
"Even after completing undergraduate and graduate degrees, black and Hispanic workers earned less than non-Hispanic white workers with the same, or often less, education."
Will you at least admit that just because someone has a particular degree doesn't make them proficient in any job category? Is it not possible that regardless of education, a minority could still be less qualified when competing against whites or Asians. Many higher educated Whites and Asians cannot compete against their own counterparts so why do you believe that Blacks should be exempted from the rigors and disappointments encountered in job searches without crying racism?
Many higher educated Whites and Asians cannot compete against their own counterparts so why do you believe that Blacks should be exempted from the rigors and disappointments encountered in job searches without crying racism?

Wells Fargo held fake job interviews with black applicants to boost its diversity stats but the jobs had already been promised to white people (Click on Pic)


Yt folks will do everything BUT not be racist (lol)

When I think of Wells Fargo, I think double-dealing, shady, racket, hoax - it’s entire business structure is a long ass con-game. They will literally sacrifce their health in order to maintain white supremacy

You could not pay me to bank with them. The corruption has no bottom.
Blues Man
Hey by chance can I borrow that really broad brush of yours I want to paint my entire town the same color

Pretty much all white AND non black people support the buffalo killings of blk ppl.

They'll deny it but that's them staying on code.

That's means BS Filter Lisa558 MizMolly Canon Shooter toobfreak JoeB131 mga138 and the other white supremacits in USMB support the Buffalo shooting.
Believe it or not. I go on these white supremacist forums. I lurk on stormfront, Amren, DailyStormer. I watch old clips of George Rockwell, Bull Conor......even Adolf Hitler. I've listened to Richard Spencer, Nick Fuentes, Jarod Taylor, Tucker Carlson, Matt Heimbach. I've read the white supremacists book "The Turner Diaries" about the "Race War"

I KNOW me I know them

I've heard all the arguments that they come with and I know they're holding bk. I know they wanna stop talking in code and go FULL white supremacy

That's why they support the Buffalo shooting because he want FULL white supremacy
You run with that until election day. Good luck.
Many higher educated Whites and Asians cannot compete against their own counterparts so why do you believe that Blacks should be exempted from the rigors and disappointments encountered in job searches without crying racism?

Wells Fargo held fake job interviews with black applicants to boost its diversity stats but the jobs had already been promised to white people (Click on Pic)


Yt folks will do everything BUT not be racist (lol)

When I think of Wells Fargo, I think double-dealing, shady, racket, hoax - it’s entire business structure is a long ass con-game. They will literally sacrifce their health in order to maintain white supremacy

You could not pay me to bank with them. The corruption has no bottom.
Yeah, you couldn't be paid enough to bank with Wells Fargo, but you'll vote Democrat for free housing and food.
Whites are already advantaged in hiring, so that's not an issue.

Since you didn't respond to the rest of post #8 or didn't understand it because of your learning disability, there's not much more to say.
It's either racist or it isn't, can't have it both ways.

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