Blacks immolate white man


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
The so called media skewers Erich Sandman for wearing a red MAGA hat, ignores the whole high black crime shebang. I digress. But they never bring up black hate crimes because...(put on your seat belts, kids) The media delicately side steps feeding into "anti black stereotypes". Excuse me? 14% of the population commits nearly 40% of crime? But the media loves to bash whites and feed into anti white stereotypes...I just glommed onto this:
I saw a horrific incident...on a basic human level...a elderly man of color ran over and killed by bus. This was back in 1983. A bunch of loud mouthed black HS kids in the back of that same bus that where teasing and other wise acting like some of you internet trolls NOW then stepped in and declared it was "RACIST" and the driver deliberately killed this poor ol' black man. Even though they couldn't possibly have seen it from where they where! And the local media reported: Innocents black man killed by racist bus driver...I get a call from the DA the next day and they have a arrest warrant for those same assholes the media quoted for giving false eye witness testimony. And the media NEVER mentioned any of that! Take anything the media says with a huge grain of salt.
The media doesn't tell you this either.

Blacks are urban terrorist, poor black culture is brings out the worst of us. Hate, domination, homophobia and misogyny. Even Patrice Cullors, the red communist founder of the infamous "BLM" choses to live with capitalist wealthy Whites. Buys a multimillion home. What does that say about "poor black " culture?
Liberals "need" a antagonist, a bad guy. Democrats aren't democrats anymore. They stopped asking us what we want, instead the tell US what THEY want. America is a democratic republic. true. The Democrats forgot that. The so called "democrats" demonize anyone that opposes them. Nope, that's NOT how this works.
Whites aren't bitching about the tiny tinsy ratio of cops killing whites, though.
Unarmed whites haven't been getting murdered by police for 200 years,

And when you look at black crime, it's tiny and you do nothing but bitch about that while ignore the bigger number of white crime. If you make the number of people participating in crime a population, Blacks as aaccounted for just over 1 percent of the population, whites 2.5 percent. the fact is that crime is low in America. 30 times more blacks die from stress related diseases caused by white racism than black on black killing.
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Blacks are urban terrorist, poor black culture is brings out the worst of us. Hate, domination, homophobia and misogyny. Even Patrice Cullors, the red communist founder of the infamous "BLM" choses to live with capitalist wealthy Whites. Buys a multimillion home. What does that say about "poor black " culture?
No Mary, white racism from people like you is the problem. It's not the fault of blacks that you're white, poor and useless. Ice Cube who has far more money the McCullors still lives in the hood. So using 1 black person to paint broadly is somethng scrubs like you cry about if you even imagine a black person does that to whites, but here your ignorant ass does it to blacks. I guess it's that white female AA education you got, huh?
Whites aren't bitching about the tiny tinsy ratio of cops killing whites, though.
Unarmed whites haven't been getting murdered by police for 200 years,

And when you look at black crime, it's tiny and you do nothing but bitch about that while ignore the bigger number of white crime. If you make the number of people participating in crime a population, Blacks as aaccounted for just over 1 percent of the population, whites 2.5 percent. the fact is that crime is low in America. 30 times more blacks die from stress related diseases caused by white racism than black on black killing.
There is not even a single documented case of anyone dying from any stress related disease caused by white racism.

You're a delusional racist idiot.

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