blacks looting over kim potter sentencing

What has gotten old is rotten ass, racist trash like you, coming on here spewing that racist propaganda that your granddaddy probably taught you. The Mcmicheals thought they could use that old excuse that their granddaddy used to use, but it's a new day. That is the reason they are going to spend the rest of their miserable lives behind bars.
It is racist for you Negros to always go to the "mababydindunutin" bullshit whenever one of the filthy ass Negro thugs gets their due.
It is racist for you Negros to always go to the "mababydindunutin" bullshit whenever one of the filthy ass Negro thugs gets their due.
Flush, you are just a racist, old POS that just can't let it go. WTF was Ahmaud doing that day other than being black? Please in all your racist wisdom tell us what crime he was committing.
What has gotten old is rotten ass, racist trash like you, coming on here spewing that racist propaganda that your granddaddy probably taught you. The Mcmicheals thought they could use that old excuse that their granddaddy used to use, but it's a new day. That is the reason they are going to spend the rest of their miserable lives behind bars.

You are a nervy SOB, aren't ya? Who is more racist on USMB than you are? We could be having a discussion about the best cigars to smoke and you'd try to turn it into a race discussion.
That's false, you don't have to plan to murder someone. Only fools like you would call shooting a man multiple times a mistake.

mur·der| ˈmərdər |

noun. the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another: the stabbing murder of an off-Broadway producer | he was put on trial for attempted murder.

they are at it again. animals, riff raff trash.
You mean like all the white racist supremists got into knot when chauvin was sentenced. Oh the irony.
You can take that racist denial and turn that sumbitch sideways and shove it straight up your candy ass. It was whites through the centuries that made racism the standard in this country.

No, it's the Democrat party that does and has their puppets like you reverberate their hate messages.

Oh look. Now the commies are telling us bridges are racist!

What has gotten old is rotten ass, racist trash like you, coming on here spewing that racist propaganda that your granddaddy probably taught you. The Mcmicheals thought they could use that old excuse that their granddaddy used to use, but it's a new day. That is the reason they are going to spend the rest of their miserable lives behind bars.

When I hear a White thug gets wasted by a cop, even if it is a Black cop, I don't automatically go into a racist rant like you filthy ass racist Negros do. You automatically go into your racist "mababydindunutin" rant and it is despicable.

The Liberals have beaten it into you low IQ assholes that you are always the victim and you are not smart enough to think for yourselves. You like being a victim. You get more welfare that way.
Go out and start shooting them, what is stopping you?
I obey the laws.

And I'm not a worthless fucking animal who's too lazy to work, and thinks the world owes him a living.

These 85-IQ, BLM-type, scumbags have convinced themselves that they are the world's most oppressed helpless victims. And because they're so fucking stupid and worthless, they think they have the right to run around acting like brainless savages - rioting and looting at will.

The laws have to be changed so that these vermin can be shot on sight, when caught committing those crimes. AND, the POLICE must be encouraged to do their fucking job, vigorously and thoroughly, in order to RID our society of these disgusting and worthless animals. Every fucking one of them.

Then, if the police NEED the help of ordinary citizens, to do that job, so much the better. Count me in.
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Accidents are not really crimes.
This wasn't a car accident and it has been proven time and time again, that even a Simpleton would know a taser from a loaded gun.



I guess Yellow isn't bright enough. Maybe they should put a siren on it.
When I hear a White thug gets wasted by a cop, even if it is a Black cop, I don't automatically go into a racist rant like you filthy ass racist Negros do. You automatically go into your racist "mababydindunutin" rant and it is despicable.
You lying ass, racist POS. If someone post anything about someone white committing a crime you fall off the face of the map. The only time your stinking ass shows up on a thread if it is about someone black. With that being said tell us what crime Ahmaud committed, instead of spewing the usual racist trash.
The Liberals have beaten it into you low IQ assholes that you are always the victim and you are not smart enough to think for yourselves. You like being a victim. You get more welfare that way.
Save that weak ass argument for one of the right-wing suckers, I grew up dealing with racist trash like you all my life.
I obey the laws.

I'm not a worthless fucking animal who's too lazy to work, and thinks the world owes him a living. These scumbags have convinced themselves that they are the world's most oppressed helpless victims. And because they're so fucking stupid and worthless, they think they have the right to run around acting like brainless savages - rioting and looting at will.

The laws have to be changed so that these vermin can be shot on sight, when caught committing those crimes. AND, the POLICE must be encouraged to do their fucking job, vigorously and thoroughly, in order to RID our society of these disgusting and worthless animals. Every fucking one of them.

Then, if the police NEED the help of ordinary citizens, to do that job, so much the better. Count me in.
Your punk ass isn't going to go out and shoot nobody, you cowards are funny talking tough on the internet. That bullshit isn't worth the time to even answer.
Republicans today have the mindset of those Democrats of yester years. Hell just look at the post that come from Republicans on this forum and then you have a female boot licking in the group as well.

You are a classic example of how well brainwashing works. While most people laugh at the Democrats, it's not a surprise to us how well they use it.
There is a difference between 1st degree murder and 2nd degree murder. One is premeditated and one is not.

Murder is murder and manslaughter is manslaughter. She had no intent on killing this lowlife, she simply made a mistake that caused his death. That's the definition of manslaughter.
This wasn't a car accident and it has been proven time and time again, that even a Simpleton would know a taser from a loaded gun.

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View attachment 604583

I guess Yellow isn't bright enough. Maybe they should put a siren on it.

She wasn't looking at her hand because she was struggling with him. She had no reason to kill a complete stranger. If that was her desire I'm sure she had many better opportunities than this. It's like a car accident where somebody is killed. You didn't mean to cause the accident yet alone kill somebody but that's what happened and you have no choice but to accept responsibility for your error. That's exactly what happened here.
You are a classic example of how well brainwashing works. While most people laugh at the Democrats, it's not a surprise to us how well they use it.
Isn't that a joke a Trump Humper calling someone brainwashed. John Lewis Voting Rights bill being blocked by Republicans and Manchin, George Floyd Police Reform bill being blocked by Republicans and Manchin.

Republicans supported legislation to punish protesters who blocked roads after the murder of George Floyd. Now some of those same coward ass Republicans are supporting similar tactics from conservative trucker convoys protesting against vaccine mandates.

The Kentucky senator Rand Paul, who has criticized the disruptive tactics of racial justice protesters in the US, is “all for” the disruption of a trucker convoy. “I hope the truckers do come to America. I hope they clog up cities,” Paul told the Daily Signal, a publication of the conservative thinktank the Heritage Foundation.

Paul said: “Civil disobedience is a time-honored tradition in our country, from slavery to civil rights, to you name it. Peaceful protest, clog things up, make people think about the mandates.”

See Republicans don't have a problem with that time honored tradition, as long as, black folks aren't doing it.
She wasn't looking at her hand because she was struggling with him.
When did she struggle with him? Damn you will lie like it isn't shit.

Loaded 9mm weighs about 2lbs or more, a taser weighs 8ounces. So do you really need to look at it to know the difference? This is a 26yr veteran, she didn't become a cop a week before this incident.
She had no reason to kill a complete stranger. If that was her desire I'm sure she had many better opportunities than this.
How many folks have gotten into an altercation and killed someone? They didn't leave the house thinking, "I'm going to kill someone today."
It's like a car accident where somebody is killed. You didn't mean to cause the accident yet alone kill somebody but that's what happened and you have no choice but to accept responsibility for your error. That's exactly what happened here.
Nope, a car accident is totally different than grabbing a gun and unloading in someone. Nice try though.
When I hear a White thug gets wasted by a cop, even if it is a Black cop, I don't automatically go into a racist rant like you filthy ass racist Negros do. You automatically go into your racist "mababydindunutin" rant and it is despicable.

The Liberals have beaten it into you low IQ assholes that you are always the victim and you are not smart enough to think for yourselves. You like being a victim. You get more welfare that way.

Correct. Last summer a black officer killed a black suspect. He was armed but running away. The autopsy showed he was shot several times in the back and chest proving he was not pointing his gun at the officer.

Did you hear about it? Hell no. The national media knows what will rile up the animals and what will not. If it was a white cop, you would have read about it for weeks and perhaps months causing protests, riots and destruction across the country. The media can control these people to a tee and they don't even realize it.

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