Blacks, Mexicans, Gays and the Left hate American pride...this has little to do with the anthem.

Consider this:

Conservatives are more outraged at athletes and others performing a non-violent form of constitutionally protected protest than the reason for the protests.

Police brutality and aggressive policing tactics are not as outrageous as kneeling during the National Anthem.

Victims of police shootings are forgotten, ignored, or worse, demonized and those who have valid concerns are called unpatriotic.

Is the Right that myopic, or are these their real core values? I can accept myopia. But if these are their real core values how dare they call others unAmerican!

When the reasons given for the protests are a bunch of whining bullshit, they aren't really reasons but excuses. There is a difference.

A reason someone gives me for something doesn't make it valid simply because they claim it is. If they claim police brutality is a problem, why don't they protest when white people are shot by police?
Are you myopic or are those your core values?

So you do claim your opinion is valid solely because you say so. Interesting.

Where are all these n*ggers protesting when white people are shot by police?
Where were all the honkies protesting when Blacks were blown away in their church? When they were being lynched? When their neighborhoods were being red lined and their equity vanished? When cops shoot them with impunity?
This whole thing has nothing to do with oppression, inequalities or cops killing blacks...even blacks know that cops kill blacks because they're defiant and resistant.
This has everything to do with the times we're in...the Left, the un-American's and barely Americans among us want to pretend that "old America" (great America) never existed. They would love for REAL Americans to forget how great this country was before it was infested with human filth.
Our flag represents many things such as history, heritage, culture, bravery, etc....When quality Americans wave the flag or pay tribute to it the filth see it as disrespectful to them and their desire for a new America.
This is so simple to see and understand. Like the statues that have stood for hundreds of years...they didn't suddenly offend them, the timing just happened to be right....they simply want rid of anything depicting old America and American heritage. It won't be long before they demand our flag never be used and or a new flag representing a "new America" be disigned....BANK ON IT!
I find it interesting that you would rise to the defence of a flag, while choosing another flag and a general that rose in open rebellion against that flag as your identifying avatar. When you site history, culture and bravery, what history are you referring too?

Do you find it interesting or perplexing? Don't get caught trivializing simple shit...We know how LefTards love semantics.
156 years ago this nation and this world were very different...We The People believed they had rights worth fighting for even if that meant fighting their own government. It's a pretty cool should read about sometime.
Like slavery.
I find it interesting that you [BrokeLoser] would rise to the defence of a flag, while choosing another flag and a general that rose in open rebellion against that flag as your identifying avatar. When you site history, culture and bravery, what history are you referring too?
Loser history?
Consider this:

Conservatives are more outraged at athletes and others performing a non-violent form of constitutionally protected protest than the reason for the protests.

Police brutality and aggressive policing tactics are not as outrageous as kneeling during the National Anthem.

Victims of police shootings are forgotten, ignored, or worse, demonized and those who have valid concerns are called unpatriotic.

Is the Right that myopic, or are these their real core values? I can accept myopia. But if these are their real core values how dare they call others unAmerican!

When the reasons given for the protests are a bunch of whining bullshit, they aren't really reasons but excuses. There is a difference.

A reason someone gives me for something doesn't make it valid simply because they claim it is. If they claim police brutality is a problem, why don't they protest when white people are shot by police?
Are you myopic or are those your core values?

So you do claim your opinion is valid solely because you say so. Interesting.

Where are all these n*ggers protesting when white people are shot by police?
Where were all the honkies protesting when Blacks were blown away in their church? When they were being lynched? When their neighborhoods were being red lined and their equity vanished? When cops shoot them with impunity?
"with impunity" is right......even with the advent of cameras showing that things were not as many bad cops said they were.
I find it interesting that you [BrokeLoser] would rise to the defence of a flag, while choosing another flag and a general that rose in open rebellion against that flag as your identifying avatar. When you site history, culture and bravery, what history are you referring too?
Loser history?
Exactly....that four year period where people started a war, and badly lost said war which was based on their keeping of other people in bondage.

Didn't even last half as long as the Third Reich.
I find it interesting that you would rise to the defence of a flag, while choosing another flag and a general that rose in open rebellion against that flag as your identifying avatar. When you site history, culture and bravery, what history are you referring too?
I also find it interesting that you feel that a black football player taking a knee is un-American but have no problem, with a president that says it's ok to grope woman and gets into a fight with the parents of a soldier who died for America, because they disagree with him.

Haha...there you go desperately reaching again. Trivial's how you whacks stay confused on the simplest of issues.
Is it not okay to grope WILLING women?
Those "parents" the Khans were paid to play by the corrupt DNC, yep the same DNC that rigged your primaries....Trump called them out on their bullshit. THE END.

If the woman is willing, it's not considered groping. Groping applies when it's against the person's will or feeling around blindly and with uncertainty.

The Khan's used their son's death for the sake of politics then get mad when they got played by politics. The left has no problem playing politics yet whines when the competition plays it better than them.
Already did this but I'll do it again Transcript: Donald Trump’s Taped Comments About Women
-"Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything." This says specifically that willingness is not on his mind. If you don't wait it's hard to test their willingness and if you use let not want, you signal that you realise that not all are willing.
- They felt that they were honoring their son's death by pointing out that their son died for a country that Trump feels they shouldn't be allowed into. I, for one think that the human response to grieving parents is understanding not attack. You might not agree with their viewpoints, but they have the right and deserve empathy, if for no other reason than their sacrifice. If you as a candidate for president can't even muster that empathy then you deserve the label failed human, not just un-American, whatever that means.

If you let someone do it, that invalidates the claim of groping.

When they used their son's death to make an ideological political statement they lost all empathy. It was no longer about a sacrifice but about playing politics.
And who's word do we take that they were "let do it"? The groper's word? Pul-leeze....:rolleyes:
Save your breath. These hypocrites are defending Nazi's and molesters. They are not good people and there is a reason that they are considered the bottom of the barrel of our society.

Let me guess, what Bill Clinton did in the Oval Office with a cigar as a sex toy was perfectly OK with you?

Blacks are at the bottom of the barrel in society. The numbers when it comes to all sorts of things prove it. Unemployment, dropout rate, crime rate, bastard babies, food stamp use per capita, etc.

There it is.....good let it all out.

So let me ask you this, what about their skin color makes them the bottom of the barrel? Be specific.
Liberal trolls like you always play word games. You think you are smart, but you ain't. You ain't got the sense to pour piss out of a boot with the directions on the heel.

26,830 posts and counting for you. How special.

Now just imagine if you had a real job and not just posting here while collecting your government check.
Thanks troll. I love you paying for my everything! Quick! Make another post about blaming everything in the GD world on Trump and racism!

You're welcome. I'm glad to help those that are less fortunate such as yourself.
This whole thing has nothing to do with oppression, inequalities or cops killing blacks...even blacks know that cops kill blacks because they're defiant and resistant.
This has everything to do with the times we're in...the Left, the un-American's and barely Americans among us want to pretend that "old America" (great America) never existed. They would love for REAL Americans to forget how great this country was before it was infested with human filth.
Our flag represents many things such as history, heritage, culture, bravery, etc....When quality Americans wave the flag or pay tribute to it the filth see it as disrespectful to them and their desire for a new America.
This is so simple to see and understand. Like the statues that have stood for hundreds of years...they didn't suddenly offend them, the timing just happened to be right....they simply want rid of anything depicting old America and American heritage. It won't be long before they demand our flag never be used and or a new flag representing a "new America" be disigned....BANK ON IT!
This is so tone deaf, yet predictably consistent, it's sad.

Blacks know that cops kill Blacks because they're defiant and resistant? In other words, if Blacks knew their place there would be no need for cops to shoot them.

The Left the "un-Americans and "barely Americans"? I suppose you are the sole arbiter on what qualifies your fellow citizens to be regarded by you as sufficiently American to be paid respect as citizens and worthy of enjoying all the rights and privibeing and American citizen engenders.

How great was this country and during what era? Was it great for all Americans during the Jim Crow era? Was it great for all Americans during the meatgrinder that was Vietnam? Was it great for all Americans during the Red Scare of the late 1940s and 50s? Was it great for all Americans during the 'Guilded Age' of the early 20th century? When in our history has there never been some form of exploitation and repression?

Statues that have stood "for hundreds of years"? Your knowledge of basic American history suggests that you are too ignorant, and therefore gullible to be taken seriously.

But you have followed a tried and true tactic used by those who demand conformity, obedience and blind loyalty for a century or more. First you must make your political opposition not only wrong (which is normal) but frightening and essentially evil. This is an oxymoronic tactic coming from folks who ostensively claim to be patriotic Americans. Conformity, obedience and blind loyalty are the base alloy of unAmerican philosophy and values. If you want conformity, obedience and blind,loyalty, try some Authoritarian form of statecraft.

It's not about knowing a place. It's about knowing how to act. That shouldn't be related to race but sadly many blacks haven't learned that yet.
Bullshit. A White man stands a much better chance of surviving a police encounter. When you watch the videos, the body camera footage, tell me how reaching for your epregistration is a capital offense. Why is selling single cigarettes a capital offense?

A white man stands a better chance of surviving a police encounter because they follow instructions. You think blacks have a point in getting defiant. They don't. I've seen them being defiant in court when their defiance puts them in prison.

Selling single cigarettes is not a capital offense. A capital offense is being grossly obese with diabetes. It's a death penalty offense and no one gets out alive.

Aren't you late for your Klan meeting?
The meetings were postponed due difficulty walking after too much masturbating to Trump.
Weeeeeeee, semantics games!!

So you can't point to any of the items as listed as saying black skin color. It's OK. As long as you make excuses and ignore the problems, they won't go away nor will things get better.

Good point, when you said "Blacks" you were referring to their shoe color. You got me.

My list of items didn't say black. That they apply to blacks is the problem caused by blacks not me linking the two.

You be real good at these word games. Golly gee!

Yet you can't show where anything on my list of specifics says black. You're missing it entirely. If those things apply to blacks, it's because blacks has caused it. The numbers aren't made up. They're real. If blacks have a problem with those things being linked, perhaps they should do something as a community to stop the dropout rate, bastard rate, crime rate, etc. I can't do it for them. If they're not willing to do it themselves, don't be shocked if someone says they do.

This whole thing has nothing to do with oppression, inequalities or cops killing blacks...even blacks know that cops kill blacks because they're defiant and resistant.
This has everything to do with the times we're in...the Left, the un-American's and barely Americans among us want to pretend that "old America" (great America) never existed. They would love for REAL Americans to forget how great this country was before it was infested with human filth.
Our flag represents many things such as history, heritage, culture, bravery, etc....When quality Americans wave the flag or pay tribute to it the filth see it as disrespectful to them and their desire for a new America.
This is so simple to see and understand. Like the statues that have stood for hundreds of years...they didn't suddenly offend them, the timing just happened to be right....they simply want rid of anything depicting old America and American heritage. It won't be long before they demand our flag never be used and or a new flag representing a "new America" be disigned....BANK ON IT!

It is obvious that Trump and Republicans love divisive politics. That's what the rich do. They need to divide the masses otherwise why else would stupid middle class and poor Americans vote Republican?
Don't be unnecessarily slanderous. The NFL-ers are making what they consider a legitimate political statement. They are entitled to make that statement, and you are entitled to agree or disagree.

The issue is that the TEAM OWNERS and the NFL own the forum in which they are making those statements, and they have NO RIGHT to co-opt the forum for their own political expression, which may run contrary to that of the team and/or the spectators. If they want to make that statement, they should do it on their own time and in an appropriate venue.
Then Let them take it off the field. And for those like Tiggered, what about that? I used to be above it all for I've worked with people of color all my life and had respect for all of them. There's those who have integrity and those that don't. We can tell the difference quite easily.

The Left has begged for a fight with quality American's for years now....we ignored their taunts, put our heads down, raised our families and went to work so we could keep their EBT cards loaded. Meanwhile they had nothing better to do but protest every chance they got and the squeaky wheel got greased. Their quest to divide and conquer almost worked.
Legitimate, quality American's are finally pissed off and fighting back...the anything goes free for all is over and the Left are shitting themselves over it. Sorry's game're done!

The New England Patriots quarterback, who Trump has described as a “good friend,” said he “certainly” disagrees with the president’s recent comments, in which Trump called for NFL team owners to fire protesting players during a Friday rally in Alabama.

“I thought it was just divisive,” Brady said during an interview

Who's the divider?
Don't be unnecessarily slanderous. The NFL-ers are making what they consider a legitimate political statement. They are entitled to make that statement, and you are entitled to agree or disagree.

The issue is that the TEAM OWNERS and the NFL own the forum in which they are making those statements, and they have NO RIGHT to co-opt the forum for their own political expression, which may run contrary to that of the team and/or the spectators. If they want to make that statement, they should do it on their own time and in an appropriate venue.
Then Let them take it off the field. And for those like Tiggered, what about that? I used to be above it all for I've worked with people of color all my life and had respect for all of them. There's those who have integrity and those that don't. We can tell the difference quite easily.

The Left has begged for a fight with quality American's for years now....we ignored their taunts, put our heads down, raised our families and went to work so we could keep their EBT cards loaded. Meanwhile they had nothing better to do but protest every chance they got and the squeaky wheel got greased. Their quest to divide and conquer almost worked.
Legitimate, quality American's are finally pissed off and fighting back...the anything goes free for all is over and the Left are shitting themselves over it. Sorry's game're done!
You come here sporting an avatar of a traitor dressed in enemy garb with Confederate flags draped over his shoulders and you speak of patriotism??? You are about as American as Putin. The North should have never let you
losers back in to the Union. You should have been made a possession like Puerto Rico or Guam and made to be governed by Union governors with NO fuckin' congressional representation.
Democrats have ruled and failed minority communities for 60 years, yet the spin is somehow its the fault of racist Republicans.
Correction: 9 millionBlacks are impoverished and 17.3 million whites are impoverished. Who failed that 17.3 million Whites...many of whom claim to be Republicans?
Don't be unnecessarily slanderous. The NFL-ers are making what they consider a legitimate political statement. They are entitled to make that statement, and you are entitled to agree or disagree.

The issue is that the TEAM OWNERS and the NFL own the forum in which they are making those statements, and they have NO RIGHT to co-opt the forum for their own political expression, which may run contrary to that of the team and/or the spectators. If they want to make that statement, they should do it on their own time and in an appropriate venue.
Then Let them take it off the field. And for those like Tiggered, what about that? I used to be above it all for I've worked with people of color all my life and had respect for all of them. There's those who have integrity and those that don't. We can tell the difference quite easily.

The Left has begged for a fight with quality American's for years now....we ignored their taunts, put our heads down, raised our families and went to work so we could keep their EBT cards loaded. Meanwhile they had nothing better to do but protest every chance they got and the squeaky wheel got greased. Their quest to divide and conquer almost worked.
Legitimate, quality American's are finally pissed off and fighting back...the anything goes free for all is over and the Left are shitting themselves over it. Sorry's game're done!
Quality Americans are those who love America more than they love the old defeated Confederacy. Quality Americans are friends of mine and you are no quality American. What you are is a POS hanging onto the fanciful notion that "THE SOUF Shill RIIIZZEEEE AGIN." English translation ( The South shall rise again.) Thats really all you care about. Stop pretending you love my Union.
Let me guess, what Bill Clinton did in the Oval Office with a cigar as a sex toy was perfectly OK with you?

Blacks are at the bottom of the barrel in society. The numbers when it comes to all sorts of things prove it. Unemployment, dropout rate, crime rate, bastard babies, food stamp use per capita, etc.

There it is.....good let it all out.

So let me ask you this, what about their skin color makes them the bottom of the barrel? Be specific.
Liberal trolls like you always play word games. You think you are smart, but you ain't. You ain't got the sense to pour piss out of a boot with the directions on the heel.

26,830 posts and counting for you. How special.

Now just imagine if you had a real job and not just posting here while collecting your government check.
Thanks troll. I love you paying for my everything! Quick! Make another post about blaming everything in the GD world on Trump and racism!

You're welcome. I'm glad to help those that are less fortunate such as yourself.
I wonder why it is you sorry bastards have to lie continually?
Already did this but I'll do it again Transcript: Donald Trump’s Taped Comments About Women
-"Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything." This says specifically that willingness is not on his mind. If you don't wait it's hard to test their willingness and if you use let not want, you signal that you realise that not all are willing.
- They felt that they were honoring their son's death by pointing out that their son died for a country that Trump feels they shouldn't be allowed into. I, for one think that the human response to grieving parents is understanding not attack. You might not agree with their viewpoints, but they have the right and deserve empathy, if for no other reason than their sacrifice. If you as a candidate for president can't even muster that empathy then you deserve the label failed human, not just un-American, whatever that means.

If you let someone do it, that invalidates the claim of groping.

When they used their son's death to make an ideological political statement they lost all empathy. It was no longer about a sacrifice but about playing politics.
-So you say that as long as no charges are put forward no crime can be committed? Like I said the use of the word let is significant. If he would claim, "they want me to do it" then an argument for willingness can be made. Using the word let shows that he knows that it's his position of power that lets him get away with it, not the victims willingness. Btw in sexual assault cases it is VERY common that no charges are pressed since it takes considerable courage to come forward especially against people of power. Furthermore, after this tape a dozen woman came forward claiming it happened to them and they were UNWILLING at the time.
- So when someone who suffers a personal tragedy and they act out angrily no empathy should be given? Or is it a person only has the right to grieve in the comforts of their own circle?

Since the ones that would have had to call it groping didn't, it means it wasn't groping. Using the word "let" could mean lots of things including consent. If I let you in my house, it's because I consent to you being there. If I didn't want you there, I wouldn't let you in. Sounds to me as if your argument is "they simply didn't want to say anything".

If their grieving involves playing politics, I question whether or not they're grieving. Acting out angrily is different than playing politics.
15 women have now accused Donald Trump of sexual assault
I called it groping. These woman gave a play by play. And you're right let can be used in a different context. The context you apply, doesn't apply to the quote. That's the good thing about tape, you can actually look at the context.
- Your argument is, if they let someone that means their willing. Using that argument would make every sexual assault case in favor of the assaulter.
-To your last thing I have to hope you are just arguing but not believe it. You doubt they grief the loss of their son????? Tell me why you think, me, you, Trump and millions of other people have a right to an opinion but parents who have lost their son aren't grieving for their son when they express theirs? In the end like I pointed out, Trump hasn't spilled a drop of blood for the US but he feels he has the right to attack people who have. Don't forget he choose to go after the Khan's. It was a political convention, dozens of people attacked him, but of all those people the Khan's were the ones he choose to feud with.
- Checking Patricia Smith's claims about Clinton and Benghazi
This happened when the Republican convention had a distraught parent speaking against Clinton."I feel a great deal of sympathy for the families of the four brave Americans that we lost at Benghazi. And I certainly can't even imagine the grief that (the mother of one victim) has for losing her son." Clinton didn't attack her. She denied her version but she expressed sympathy and at no point did she go after her personally or claimed she didn't deserve empathy.

Let, allow, consent, etc. all mean the same thing.

The context bullshit argument. If it's a true assault, consent didn't occur.

I don't doubt they grieve the loss of their son. However, when they play politics, they lose credibility. I believe every word I say or I wouldn't say it. That's why I don't play the context game. That's used when someone isn't willing to stand behind what they SAID.

At the convention, all those dozens of people weren't put on the stage and paraded around for political reasons.

Clinton couldn't attack her. Clinton caused the deaths of those 4.
-No it doesn't. Letting someone grab your pussy doesn't mean you are willing or consented to it. I'll explain by the quote. "I don't wait" means I don't wait for consent. This doesn't mean necessarily the person is unwilling just that he hasn't asked specifically.
-"They let me" doesn't mean the person is willing. It could just as easily mean the person is unable to fight back, either directly or by pressing charges. If you mean the person is willing, you would use "they want me to do it".
-"I question whether or not they're grieving" Your words not mine. What does credibility got to do with it. Yes they lost their son and they express their OPINION. Is their opinion less credible because they lost their son.
-As to you not playing the context game.... Guess what.
"If you let someone do it, that invalidates the claim of groping." You did do it in this argument.
-So at the DNC convention only the Khan's spoke out against Trump? Even you have to know that's a incorrect statement.
-Clinton killed those four people? No less then 7 probes tried to establish that all came up short.
Not for nothing it's also a deflection. Both Democrats and Republicans used grieving parents to speak against their political foe. Only the Republican candidate personally attacked in response.
There it is.....good let it all out.

So let me ask you this, what about their skin color makes them the bottom of the barrel? Be specific.
Liberal trolls like you always play word games. You think you are smart, but you ain't. You ain't got the sense to pour piss out of a boot with the directions on the heel.

26,830 posts and counting for you. How special.

Now just imagine if you had a real job and not just posting here while collecting your government check.
Thanks troll. I love you paying for my everything! Quick! Make another post about blaming everything in the GD world on Trump and racism!

You're welcome. I'm glad to help those that are less fortunate such as yourself.
I wonder why it is you sorry bastards have to lie continually?
Tell Trump to stop lying before you condemn anyone else for lying.

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