Blacks, Mexicans, Gays and the Left hate American pride...this has little to do with the anthem.

There it is.....good let it all out.

So let me ask you this, what about their skin color makes them the bottom of the barrel? Be specific.
Liberal trolls like you always play word games. You think you are smart, but you ain't. You ain't got the sense to pour piss out of a boot with the directions on the heel.

26,830 posts and counting for you. How special.

Now just imagine if you had a real job and not just posting here while collecting your government check.
Thanks troll. I love you paying for my everything! Quick! Make another post about blaming everything in the GD world on Trump and racism!

You're welcome. I'm glad to help those that are less fortunate such as yourself.
I wonder why it is you sorry bastards have to lie continually?

Lie? I am glad to help people out such as yourself who obviously could use a helping hand.
Consider this:

Conservatives are more outraged at athletes and others performing a non-violent form of constitutionally protected protest than the reason for the protests.

Police brutality and aggressive policing tactics are not as outrageous as kneeling during the National Anthem.

Victims of police shootings are forgotten, ignored, or worse, demonized and those who have valid concerns are called unpatriotic.

Is the Right that myopic, or are these their real core values? I can accept myopia. But if these are their real core values how dare they call others unAmerican!

When the reasons given for the protests are a bunch of whining bullshit, they aren't really reasons but excuses. There is a difference.

A reason someone gives me for something doesn't make it valid simply because they claim it is. If they claim police brutality is a problem, why don't they protest when white people are shot by police?
Are you myopic or are those your core values?

So you do claim your opinion is valid solely because you say so. Interesting.

Where are all these n*ggers protesting when white people are shot by police?
Where were all the honkies protesting when Blacks were blown away in their church? When they were being lynched? When their neighborhoods were being red lined and their equity vanished? When cops shoot them with impunity?

In South Carolina, the vote to remove the Confederate flag on Statehouse grounds was passed 94-20 in the House and 37-3 in Senate. I'd say a substantial number of honkies voted to remove it.

White people aren't out rioting and looting when white people, or anyone for that matter, get shot by police. However, blacks do when blacks get shot and stay at home when whites get shot.
Consider this:

Conservatives are more outraged at athletes and others performing a non-violent form of constitutionally protected protest than the reason for the protests.

Police brutality and aggressive policing tactics are not as outrageous as kneeling during the National Anthem.

Victims of police shootings are forgotten, ignored, or worse, demonized and those who have valid concerns are called unpatriotic.

Is the Right that myopic, or are these their real core values? I can accept myopia. But if these are their real core values how dare they call others unAmerican!

When the reasons given for the protests are a bunch of whining bullshit, they aren't really reasons but excuses. There is a difference.

A reason someone gives me for something doesn't make it valid simply because they claim it is. If they claim police brutality is a problem, why don't they protest when white people are shot by police?
Are you myopic or are those your core values?

So you do claim your opinion is valid solely because you say so. Interesting.

Where are all these n*ggers protesting when white people are shot by police?
Where were all the honkies protesting when Blacks were blown away in their church? When they were being lynched? When their neighborhoods were being red lined and their equity vanished? When cops shoot them with impunity?
"with impunity" is right......even with the advent of cameras showing that things were not as many bad cops said they were.

When forensic experts prove that a piece of shit thug Michael Brown didn't have his hands up, people still claim he did.
I find it interesting that you [BrokeLoser] would rise to the defence of a flag, while choosing another flag and a general that rose in open rebellion against that flag as your identifying avatar. When you site history, culture and bravery, what history are you referring too?
Loser history?
Exactly....that four year period where people started a war, and badly lost said war which was based on their keeping of other people in bondage.

Didn't even last half as long as the Third Reich.

Yet those same people you say were held in bondage have held themselves in bondage for 50 of the 200 years LBJ said he's have them voting Democrat. If it's any consolation, they only have 150 more to go.
Consider this:

Conservatives are more outraged at athletes and others performing a non-violent form of constitutionally protected protest than the reason for the protests.

Police brutality and aggressive policing tactics are not as outrageous as kneeling during the National Anthem.

Victims of police shootings are forgotten, ignored, or worse, demonized and those who have valid concerns are called unpatriotic.

Is the Right that myopic, or are these their real core values? I can accept myopia. But if these are their real core values how dare they call others unAmerican!

When the reasons given for the protests are a bunch of whining bullshit, they aren't really reasons but excuses. There is a difference.

A reason someone gives me for something doesn't make it valid simply because they claim it is. If they claim police brutality is a problem, why don't they protest when white people are shot by police?
Are you myopic or are those your core values?

So you do claim your opinion is valid solely because you say so. Interesting.

Where are all these n*ggers protesting when white people are shot by police?
Where were all the honkies protesting when Blacks were blown away in their church? When they were being lynched? When their neighborhoods were being red lined and their equity vanished? When cops shoot them with impunity?

In South Carolina, the vote to remove the Confederate flag on Statehouse grounds was passed 94-20 in the House and 37-3 in Senate. I'd say a substantial number of honkies voted to remove it.

White people aren't out rioting and looting when white people, or anyone for that matter, get shot by police. However, blacks do when blacks get shot and stay at home when whites get shot.
White people don't see endemic police brutality in their neighborhoods.
26,830 posts and counting for you. How special.

Now just imagine if you had a real job and not just posting here while collecting your government check.
Thanks troll. I love you paying for my everything! Quick! Make another post about blaming everything in the GD world on Trump and racism!

You're welcome. I'm glad to help those that are less fortunate such as yourself.
I wonder why it is you sorry bastards have to lie continually?

Lie? I am glad to help people out such as yourself who obviously could use a helping hand.
You are a lying sack of garbage like all lib stains.

You can do better than that. Can't you?

Shit, you can't.

I mean, it explains a lot.
Good point, when you said "Blacks" you were referring to their shoe color. You got me.

My list of items didn't say black. That they apply to blacks is the problem caused by blacks not me linking the two.

You be real good at these word games. Golly gee!

Yet you can't show where anything on my list of specifics says black. You're missing it entirely. If those things apply to blacks, it's because blacks has caused it. The numbers aren't made up. They're real. If blacks have a problem with those things being linked, perhaps they should do something as a community to stop the dropout rate, bastard rate, crime rate, etc. I can't do it for them. If they're not willing to do it themselves, don't be shocked if someone says they do.

View attachment 151292

Every time you post, you're only proving my point further, which I find hilarious.
If you let someone do it, that invalidates the claim of groping.

When they used their son's death to make an ideological political statement they lost all empathy. It was no longer about a sacrifice but about playing politics.
-So you say that as long as no charges are put forward no crime can be committed? Like I said the use of the word let is significant. If he would claim, "they want me to do it" then an argument for willingness can be made. Using the word let shows that he knows that it's his position of power that lets him get away with it, not the victims willingness. Btw in sexual assault cases it is VERY common that no charges are pressed since it takes considerable courage to come forward especially against people of power. Furthermore, after this tape a dozen woman came forward claiming it happened to them and they were UNWILLING at the time.
- So when someone who suffers a personal tragedy and they act out angrily no empathy should be given? Or is it a person only has the right to grieve in the comforts of their own circle?

Since the ones that would have had to call it groping didn't, it means it wasn't groping. Using the word "let" could mean lots of things including consent. If I let you in my house, it's because I consent to you being there. If I didn't want you there, I wouldn't let you in. Sounds to me as if your argument is "they simply didn't want to say anything".

If their grieving involves playing politics, I question whether or not they're grieving. Acting out angrily is different than playing politics.
15 women have now accused Donald Trump of sexual assault
I called it groping. These woman gave a play by play. And you're right let can be used in a different context. The context you apply, doesn't apply to the quote. That's the good thing about tape, you can actually look at the context.
- Your argument is, if they let someone that means their willing. Using that argument would make every sexual assault case in favor of the assaulter.
-To your last thing I have to hope you are just arguing but not believe it. You doubt they grief the loss of their son????? Tell me why you think, me, you, Trump and millions of other people have a right to an opinion but parents who have lost their son aren't grieving for their son when they express theirs? In the end like I pointed out, Trump hasn't spilled a drop of blood for the US but he feels he has the right to attack people who have. Don't forget he choose to go after the Khan's. It was a political convention, dozens of people attacked him, but of all those people the Khan's were the ones he choose to feud with.
- Checking Patricia Smith's claims about Clinton and Benghazi
This happened when the Republican convention had a distraught parent speaking against Clinton."I feel a great deal of sympathy for the families of the four brave Americans that we lost at Benghazi. And I certainly can't even imagine the grief that (the mother of one victim) has for losing her son." Clinton didn't attack her. She denied her version but she expressed sympathy and at no point did she go after her personally or claimed she didn't deserve empathy.

Let, allow, consent, etc. all mean the same thing.

The context bullshit argument. If it's a true assault, consent didn't occur.

I don't doubt they grieve the loss of their son. However, when they play politics, they lose credibility. I believe every word I say or I wouldn't say it. That's why I don't play the context game. That's used when someone isn't willing to stand behind what they SAID.

At the convention, all those dozens of people weren't put on the stage and paraded around for political reasons.

Clinton couldn't attack her. Clinton caused the deaths of those 4.
-No it doesn't. Letting someone grab your pussy doesn't mean you are willing or consented to it. I'll explain by the quote. "I don't wait" means I don't wait for consent. This doesn't mean necessarily the person is unwilling just that he hasn't asked specifically.
-"They let me" doesn't mean the person is willing. It could just as easily mean the person is unable to fight back, either directly or by pressing charges. If you mean the person is willing, you would use "they want me to do it".
-"I question whether or not they're grieving" Your words not mine. What does credibility got to do with it. Yes they lost their son and they express their OPINION. Is their opinion less credible because they lost their son.
-As to you not playing the context game.... Guess what.
"If you let someone do it, that invalidates the claim of groping." You did do it in this argument.
-So at the DNC convention only the Khan's spoke out against Trump? Even you have to know that's a incorrect statement.
-Clinton killed those four people? No less then 7 probes tried to establish that all came up short.
Not for nothing it's also a deflection. Both Democrats and Republicans used grieving parents to speak against their political foe. Only the Republican candidate personally attacked in response.

If I let you do something, I've allowed it or consented to it. Perhaps you should look up what a synonym is.

You don't know what he means. You can only guess and it's clear your guess is biased.

I didn't use context. I used the meanings of words.

I didn't say she killed them. I said she caused it. You really have trouble with definitions.
When the reasons given for the protests are a bunch of whining bullshit, they aren't really reasons but excuses. There is a difference.

A reason someone gives me for something doesn't make it valid simply because they claim it is. If they claim police brutality is a problem, why don't they protest when white people are shot by police?
Are you myopic or are those your core values?

So you do claim your opinion is valid solely because you say so. Interesting.

Where are all these n*ggers protesting when white people are shot by police?
Where were all the honkies protesting when Blacks were blown away in their church? When they were being lynched? When their neighborhoods were being red lined and their equity vanished? When cops shoot them with impunity?

In South Carolina, the vote to remove the Confederate flag on Statehouse grounds was passed 94-20 in the House and 37-3 in Senate. I'd say a substantial number of honkies voted to remove it.

White people aren't out rioting and looting when white people, or anyone for that matter, get shot by police. However, blacks do when blacks get shot and stay at home when whites get shot.
White people don't see endemic police brutality in their neighborhoods.
Right...they only see it on TV when someone takes a cell phone video of it. Thank God for Henry Sampson...the Black guy who invented the technology for the cell phone.
My list of items didn't say black. That they apply to blacks is the problem caused by blacks not me linking the two.

You be real good at these word games. Golly gee!

Yet you can't show where anything on my list of specifics says black. You're missing it entirely. If those things apply to blacks, it's because blacks has caused it. The numbers aren't made up. They're real. If blacks have a problem with those things being linked, perhaps they should do something as a community to stop the dropout rate, bastard rate, crime rate, etc. I can't do it for them. If they're not willing to do it themselves, don't be shocked if someone says they do.

View attachment 151292

Every time you post, you're only proving my point further, which I find hilarious.

You haven't made a point. The only point you have is the one your nose makes that you stick up Obama's black ass. Pucker up, NL.
You be real good at these word games. Golly gee!

Yet you can't show where anything on my list of specifics says black. You're missing it entirely. If those things apply to blacks, it's because blacks has caused it. The numbers aren't made up. They're real. If blacks have a problem with those things being linked, perhaps they should do something as a community to stop the dropout rate, bastard rate, crime rate, etc. I can't do it for them. If they're not willing to do it themselves, don't be shocked if someone says they do.

View attachment 151292

Every time you post, you're only proving my point further, which I find hilarious.

You haven't made a point. The only point you have is the one your nose makes that you stick up Obama's black ass. Pucker up, NL.

And now I have learned that when you say black you are not referring to skin color but rather the color of his shoes.
When the reasons given for the protests are a bunch of whining bullshit, they aren't really reasons but excuses. There is a difference.

A reason someone gives me for something doesn't make it valid simply because they claim it is. If they claim police brutality is a problem, why don't they protest when white people are shot by police?
Are you myopic or are those your core values?

So you do claim your opinion is valid solely because you say so. Interesting.

Where are all these n*ggers protesting when white people are shot by police?
Where were all the honkies protesting when Blacks were blown away in their church? When they were being lynched? When their neighborhoods were being red lined and their equity vanished? When cops shoot them with impunity?

In South Carolina, the vote to remove the Confederate flag on Statehouse grounds was passed 94-20 in the House and 37-3 in Senate. I'd say a substantial number of honkies voted to remove it.

White people aren't out rioting and looting when white people, or anyone for that matter, get shot by police. However, blacks do when blacks get shot and stay at home when whites get shot.
White people don't see endemic police brutality in their neighborhoods.

That's because we know how to behave.
Yet you can't show where anything on my list of specifics says black. You're missing it entirely. If those things apply to blacks, it's because blacks has caused it. The numbers aren't made up. They're real. If blacks have a problem with those things being linked, perhaps they should do something as a community to stop the dropout rate, bastard rate, crime rate, etc. I can't do it for them. If they're not willing to do it themselves, don't be shocked if someone says they do.

View attachment 151292

Every time you post, you're only proving my point further, which I find hilarious.

You haven't made a point. The only point you have is the one your nose makes that you stick up Obama's black ass. Pucker up, NL.

And now I have learned that when you say black you are not referring to skin color but rather the color of his shoes.

In the most recent post, I was referring to the color of Obama's asshole which you kiss because it's that color.
Are you myopic or are those your core values?

So you do claim your opinion is valid solely because you say so. Interesting.

Where are all these n*ggers protesting when white people are shot by police?
Where were all the honkies protesting when Blacks were blown away in their church? When they were being lynched? When their neighborhoods were being red lined and their equity vanished? When cops shoot them with impunity?

In South Carolina, the vote to remove the Confederate flag on Statehouse grounds was passed 94-20 in the House and 37-3 in Senate. I'd say a substantial number of honkies voted to remove it.

White people aren't out rioting and looting when white people, or anyone for that matter, get shot by police. However, blacks do when blacks get shot and stay at home when whites get shot.
White people don't see endemic police brutality in their neighborhoods.

That's because we know how to behave.

I think your behavior in this thread says otherwise.
Obama was the one who really got the ball rolling on this epidemic of self-hating, race-card-masturbating, anti-American guilt. That's why I call that scrubbing-pad-headed, raccoon-featured, inverted-crucifix-nosed Obama the most cocksucking cocksucker who ever cocksucked a cocksucking cock in the cocksucking magical realm of Cocksuckistan. What a cocksucker.

Every time you post, you're only proving my point further, which I find hilarious.

You haven't made a point. The only point you have is the one your nose makes that you stick up Obama's black ass. Pucker up, NL.

And now I have learned that when you say black you are not referring to skin color but rather the color of his shoes.

In the most recent post, I was referring to the color of Obama's asshole which you kiss because it's that color.

Thanks for clarifying. Super helpful!
Obama was the one who really got the ball rolling on this epidemic of self-hating, race-card-masturbating, anti-American guilt. That's why I call that scrubbing-pad-headed, raccoon-featured, inverted-crucifix-nosed Obama the most cocksucking cocksucker who ever cocksucked a cocksucking cock in the cocksucking magical realm of Cocksuckistan. What a cocksucker.

My, what language!

Do you open mouth kiss your sister with that mouth?
Are you myopic or are those your core values?

So you do claim your opinion is valid solely because you say so. Interesting.

Where are all these n*ggers protesting when white people are shot by police?
Where were all the honkies protesting when Blacks were blown away in their church? When they were being lynched? When their neighborhoods were being red lined and their equity vanished? When cops shoot them with impunity?

In South Carolina, the vote to remove the Confederate flag on Statehouse grounds was passed 94-20 in the House and 37-3 in Senate. I'd say a substantial number of honkies voted to remove it.

White people aren't out rioting and looting when white people, or anyone for that matter, get shot by police. However, blacks do when blacks get shot and stay at home when whites get shot.
White people don't see endemic police brutality in their neighborhoods.

That's because we know how to behave.
Dylan Roof, Adam Lanza, Timothy McVeigh, Donald Trump. All white guys. Would you like your children to behave the way they do?

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