blacks protest annual confederacy celebration

Virginia hoped to preserve slavery without violence, which was in accordance with the existing laws of the United State. The preexisting Confederate States seceded before Lincoln's order, but Virginia did not. Get your time frame straight.
I said Virginia hoped to preserve slavery without violence, learn to read you moron. 😂 Obviously those hopes were dashed when Lincoln ordered troops to the South. Their choice to join the Confederacy after that is in fact more evidence that the South was fighting to preserve slavery. All you're doing is helping to prove my point.
Do they realize that as a group, black Americans vote for the political party of the Confederacy? The democrat party?

So why would they protest some sort of Confederacy Day, when they vote election after election for the very political party that ran the confederacy?
Black Americans punked the sons and daughters of the Confederacy and took the party from them when they defeated them by passing the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts against their objections. When the Southern racists lost those votes, even in their own Party, the racist population of the South started drifting towards the Republican Party. That's why you see Republican voters and politicians today in the South fighting to preserve Confederate history even though as you point out that those Confederates were Democrats.
Black Americans punked the sons and daughters of the Confederacy and took the party from them when they defeated them by passing the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts against their objections. When the Southern racists lost those votes, even in their own Party, the racist population of the South started drifting towards the Republican Party. That's why you see Republican voters and politicians today in the South fighting to preserve Confederate history even though as you point out that those Confederates were Democrats. have some misguided republicans who don't know how to explain the concept of Federalism and States Rights, because the democrats used the issue to enact jim crow and other anti-black policies after the Civil War.....

The Southerners who changed to the Republican party weren't the racists....the racists stayed in the democrat party......the Southerners who joined the Republicans did so in reaction to the leftism of the democrat party.....and that didn't really happen until all the way to know, in 1984.... have some misguided republicans who don't know how to explain the concept of Federalism and States Rights, because the democrats used the issue to enact jim crow and other anti-black policies after the Civil War.....

The Southerners who changed to the Republican party weren't the racists....the racists stayed in the democrat party......the Southerners who joined the Republicans did so in reaction to the leftism of the democrat party.....and that didn't really happen until all the way to know, in 1984....
So you think black people now vote with Confederates? Why? Explain logically why they would do that and why Republicans today would fight to preserve Confederate monuments and fight against teaching that Democrats like Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis were piece of shit slavers?
Black Americans punked the sons and daughters of the Confederacy and took the party from them when they defeated them by passing the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts against their objections. When the Southern racists lost those votes, even in their own Party, the racist population of the South started drifting towards the Republican Party. That's why you see Republican voters and politicians today in the South fighting to preserve Confederate history even though as you point out that those Confederates were Democrats.


Another answer for when the parties switched, though not as common as it used to be, was the Dixiecrats who supposedly became Republican in 1952, the next presidential election year following their failed attempt to repeat 1860. If the Dixiecrats really became Republicans, it should have been reflected in the 1952 presidential election. Not a single Dixiecrat state voted for the Republican presidential candidate, Eisenhower. They voted for the Democrats’ candidate, Stevenson. The 1952 presidential results prove the Dixiecrats, very much remained part of the Democratic Party. It clearly was not FDR or the Dixiecrats that brought about some change to the parties. Roosevelt was a eugenicist to the day he died and the Dixiecrats continued to vote Democrat the following election.

Perhaps the switch happened with the 1968 Civil Rights Act that Democrats so often take credit for. Considering the sheer number of Democrats who opposed it, Republicans were the ones who helped carry it in both the House and Senate, without a single Southern Democrat supporting the Act. It was also a culmination of earlier Republican Civil Rights Acts in the 1960s that Democrats had previously stopped. On December 17, 2018, the Daily Signal, published an article by Brad Sylvester, Fact Check: ‘More Republicans Voted for the Civil Rights Act as a Percentage Than Democrats Did’ stating:
Perhaps it was the Nixon’s Southern Strategy. That does seem to be a more common explanation these days than the Dixiecrats. But Nixon’s Southern Strategy never actually happened. He did not campaign in the Deep South, but on the outskirts of the South. His strategy was the Sunbelt Strategy, which went from parts of Florida to California. Much of the south was outside where he actually campaigned.

On August 23, 2018, The Hill, published an opinion piece by Dinesh D’Souza, The myth of Nixon’s ‘Southern Strategy’ which stated:

Nixon recognized the South was changing. It was becoming more industrialized, with many northerners moving to the Sunbelt. Nixon’s focus, Phillips writes, was on the non-racist, upwardly-mobile, largely urban voters of the Outer or Peripheral South. Nixon won these voters, and he lost the Deep South, which went to Democratic segregationist George Wallace.
In 1968, Nixon did not take a single state considered Deep South. Segregationist, George Wallace, took the Deep South. Hubert Humphry, the Democrats’ nominee, took Texas. This map shows just how well Nixon’s strategy worked and exactly who the Deep South voted for.


Reagan is claimed to have used a continuation of Nixon’s Southern Strategy that never was. For Reagan, considering the states he won, it was more of an American strategy, beating Carter 489 electoral votes to 49.

Every claim Democrats make about the parties switching is not based on truth. Divisiveness and propaganda are the only things the Democrats have, and it continues to be very effective.
It was also the last election in which two opposing candidates were vice-presidents.
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Source: Wikipedia

1968 Election Results​

CandidatePartyElectoral VotesPopular Votes
Richard M. NixonRepublican30131,710,470
Hubert H. HumphreyDemocratic19130,898,055
George C. WallaceAmerican Independent469,906,473

1968 Election Facts​

  • Wallace's tally of 46 marks the most recent election that a 3rd party candidate has won Electoral Votes
  • Nixon won North Carolina; however one elector cast a vote for Wallace
  • Issues of the Day: Vietnam War, Civil Rights, Assassinations (Robert Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King)

So you think black people now vote with Confederates? Why? Explain logically why they would do that and why Republicans today would fight to preserve Confederate monuments and fight against teaching that Democrats like Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis were piece of shit slavers?

The majority of Republicans don't want the taliban tactics of removing statues in this country...the democrats desperately want those statues removed because they know that those people portrayed in those statues are democrats.....

To Republicans, including black Americans in the Historical society........those statues are simply American democrats, those are evidence of the parties pro-slavery history, and in this cancel culture society, they want to remove any reminder of the true racism of the democrat party as quickly as possible.
Slavery was an ancillary part of the equation. The south seceded and were subsequently invaded. The US attacked in order to reclaim the southern states.
You need to unlearn your propaganda.
You could load the truth onto a ten pound sledgehammer and still not pound it I to the head of a black.
The majority of Republicans don't want the taliban tactics of removing statues in this country...the democrats desperately want those statues removed because they know that those people portrayed in those statues are democrats.....

To Republicans, including black Americans in the Historical society........those statues are simply American democrats, those are evidence of the parties pro-slavery history, and in this cancel culture society, they want to remove any reminder of the true racism of the democrat party as quickly as possible.
Why do you clowns try with these hilarious lies? What are we afraid of teaching? That Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis were pieces of shits who fought to preserve slavery? I'm all for teaching all American children that. I bet the people most opposed to that would be Republicans.
Black Americans punked the sons and daughters of the Confederacy and took the party from them when they defeated them by passing the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts against their objections. When the Southern racists lost those votes, even in their own Party, the racist population of the South started drifting towards the Republican Party. That's why you see Republican voters and politicians today in the South fighting to preserve Confederate history even though as you point out that those Confederates were Democrats.
Did you go to Howard or NC A&T?
Democrats suckered blacks into segregating themselves — post civil rights— and voting exclusively democrat in the name of victimhood.
Many southerners want to preserve their legacy because it has nobility and genuineness. Democrats want to overthrow American history so they can implement Marxism.
David Mamet would consider you to be a “Marxist dupe”. So do I.
Did you go to Howard or NC A&T?
Democrats suckered blacks into segregating themselves — post civil rights— and voting exclusively democrat in the name of victimhood.
Many southerners want to preserve their legacy because it has nobility and genuineness. Democrats want to overthrow American history so they can implement Marxism.
David Mamet would consider you to be a “Marxist dupe”. So do I.
So to sum up you think the vast majority of black voters are suckers who don't know any better than to vote for the party of the Confederates who you think they were noble? 😂

That confused mess of logic is why you clowns are more entertaining than concerning. You're too stupid to take as serious threats.
Stone Mountain commemorates three Confederate generals: Robert E. Lee, "Stonewall" Jackson and Jefferson Davis, who also served as President of the Confederacy. The latter tried to avoid military conflict with the Federal government , even offering to pay for federal property and assuming the South's portion of the national debt, but was rebuffed by President Lincoln. (He subsequently approved the shelling of Fort Sumter in order to prevent its resupply with federal troops.)

Despite understandable opposition from the descendants of former slaves, Stone Mountain is a remembrance of a valiant military struggle against what was considered to be a foreign invasion. The vast majority of soldiers who fought on both sides did not do so to preserve or abolish slavery, but to follow what they believed to be separate moral imperatives: The preservation of the Union and the right of sovereign states to withdraw from the Union and defend themselves from invasion.
Bullshit! Had it not been for slavery, there would have been no civil war, plain and simple.

The thing that's so hard to grasp is the South celebrating an event where their beloved ancestors got their collective asses kicked big time by President Lincoln and General Grant. And, on top of that, they erected monuments to their losers.

Unbelievable. Bigly!!!
So to sum up you think the vast majority of black voters are suckers who don't know any better than to vote for the party of the Confederates who you think they were noble? 😂

That confused mess of logic is why you clowns are more entertaining than concerning. You're too stupid to take as serious threats.
I said nothing about voting for the party of confederates. Blacks are suckered into voting for Marxism.
Confederates fought for state sovereignty. Noble.
Blacks are institutional self-segregating racists thanks to the democrat party. Blacks who don’t aspire to that description are marginalized by the propagandists and their dupes.
So to sum up you think blacks are the racists who segregated themselves and Confederates were noble fighters. Perfect. Thanks for clearing that up. See 2aguy this is a perfect example of why you're sad attempts of deflection are hilarious and stupid. You're side is too stupid to sell the lie. 😂
So to sum up you think blacks are the racists who segregated themselves and Confederates were noble fighters. Perfect. Thanks for clearing that up. See 2aguy this is a perfect example of why you're sad attempts of deflection are hilarious and stupid. You're side is too stupid to sell the lie. 😂
Confederates fought for their states’ sovereignty against an overbearing federal government. A replay of the American revolution.
Slavery was a way of life in past centuries. You can’t fairly apply today’s standards to other eras. Those who do are nefarious. Those who don’t recognize that are dupes.
Confederates fought for their states’ sovereignty against an overbearing federal government. A replay of the American revolution.
Slavery was a way of life in past centuries. You can’t fairly apply today’s standards to other eras. Those who do are nefarious. Those who don’t recognize that are dupes.
Why can't I apply today's standards to back then? You saying you think there was a time when slavery and rape were morally acceptable? And the Confederates didnt fight for States Rights, they only fought for one State Right, the right to own slaves. They specifically put it in their own Constitution that their States could never end slavery if they wanted to and before the war they vehemently opposed Northern States passing laws that protect escaped slaves in their own States. The States Rights lie came about because the were ultimately ashamed for what they fought for. As they should be. The entire South is a culture of assclowns that know they should be ashamed of their ancestors but aren't brave enough to face that reality.
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Who said anything about rape?
Ever read the Bible.
So, did you go to Morgan St. or Morehouse?
I mentioned rape because it was legal for slavers to rape their slaves back then too. So answer my question you coward, what's wrong with using today's standards? My standards are universal. Slavery and rape were always wrong and I don't give a shit if your silly book told you otherwise. Are you arguing that you think there was a time when slavery and rape where okay? By the way your Bible is also okay with rape. In fact it says if you rape someone's daughter the punishment is to pay the father a brides fee and then to take the woman you raped as your wife. Is that what you think is moral? You think women should marry their rapists?
Why do you clowns try with these hilarious lies? What are we afraid of teaching? That Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis were pieces of shits who fought to preserve slavery? I'm all for teaching all American children that. I bet the people most opposed to that would be Republicans.

Why would republicans care? Those idiots were democrats, not republicans...which is the main reason democrats are tearing down those statues......they can't afford for blacks to start thinking about who those statues represent....

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