blacks protest annual confederacy celebration

You don’t think that any pro-abortion people should be granted context? You consider them all to be traitors? What if only 5% of democrats were involved with a legal abortion? Would you hold all democrats accountable?

What are you talking about? I am refuting the logic of your argument. Legality is not the same thing as morality. Just because slavery was legal in many societies doesnt make it moral any more than abortion being legal in many of todays societies makes it moral.

“Less than 5% of the whites in the South owned slaves. Fully 3/4's of the white people of the South had neither slaves nor an immediate economic interest in the maintenance of slavery or the plantation system.

This was written by none other than the late John Hope Franklin in From Slavery to Freedom, McGraw-Hill, 1994., p. 123. Franklin was a Harvard educated Professor Emeritus of History and Professor of Legal History at Duke University. Dr. Franklin also happened to be a Black man.”
You didn't provide a link for that information, why not? And what does him being black have to do with whether or not his information is accurate? Did he get to that number by dividing the number of slaves by the entire population of the South? By the entire population of the US, including the none slave States?
What do those States staying have to do with other States choosing to secede and fight in order to preserve slavery? The inaction of some isn't evidence of the motivation of others. As I said, they themselves made it clear that they were leaving the Union to form a society based around the permanent enslavement of black people and that they would go to war to preserve that way of life.
OK if you want to limit your "preservation of slavery" argument to the seven states of the original Confederacy (although Texas had its own vision of independence). By themselves, their "secession" wouldn't have amounted to much more than a civil disturbance by today's standards. It was the addition of Virginia, in direct response to Lincoln's (unconstitutional) order for federal troops to invade these seven states, which allowed the Confederacy to become self-supporting and gain international recognition
OK if you want to limit your "preservation of slavery" argument to the seven states of the original Confederacy (although Texas had its own vision of independence). By themselves, their "secession" wouldn't have amounted to much more than a civil disturbance by today's standards. It was the addition of Virginia, in direct response to Lincoln's (unconstitutional) order for federal troops to invade these seven states, which allowed the Confederacy to become self-supporting and gain international recognition

You can cry about Lincoln all you want but what is and isn't Constitutional is determined by the Supreme Court, not your interpretation based on your hurt feelings. And what are you even arguing anymore? It has nothing to do with my original point.

You can cry about Lincoln all you want but what is and isn't Constitutional is determined by the Supreme Court, not your interpretation based on your hurt feelings. And what are you even arguing anymore? It has nothing to do with my original point.
I agree that what is Constitutional isn't based on your hurt feelings. In the Militia Acts of 1792, 1795 and 1807, Congress delegated limited authority to the President to use State Militias to put down local revolts (e.g., the Whiskey Rebellion). However, they did not give the President the unilateral power to invade entire States without the consent of their Governors. That is why the depleted Congress passed the Suppression of Rebellion Act of 1861, in order to confer ex post facto legality on Lincoln's actions.

Here is your original point:
Bullshit. The South was absolutely fighting to preserve slavery. Learn real history you ignorant twat.
Do you wish to further expound on these thoughtful remarks?
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I agree that what is Constitutional isn't based on your hurt feelings. In the Militia Acts of 1792, 1795 and 1807, Congress delegated limited authority to the President to use State Militias to put down local revolts (e.g., the Whiskey Rebellion). However, they did not give the President the unilateral power to invade entire States without the consent of their Governors. That is why the depleted Congress passed the Suppression of Rebellion Act of 1861, in order to confer ex post facto legality to Lincoln's actions.
If Lincoln's actions where unconstitutional then point to the legal ruling that says so and you can't fault Congress for passing laws in the absence of Southern States when they themselves seceded.
Here is your original point:

Do you wish to further expound on these thoughtful remarks?
No, my point was clear enough, by their own words the Southern States seceded and went to war to preserve black slavery.
Why protest them? Despite what they think of them if it werent for them BLM wouldnt be in a country now where their biggest worry is to complain about something that happened over 100 years ago.

Everything that happened in this country back then is what led us to be where we are now, a first world country. Be glad youre living in america now, that you arent in some poor ass country starving to death or being worked to death in a field somewhere, be glad you have 4k tvs and smartphones and a roof over your head in a country where youre free to shit allover it publicly because its a freedom you get to enjoy.

Instead of blaming the past maybe they should be grateful for where they are now.
American slavery on the other hand lasted hundreds of years and saw the systematic rape and violence and separation of black families through countless generations. And what happened to their perpetrators? Well they are honored and revered throughout American society. Their statues dot our landscape, their names are represented in our cities and towns and streets and schools and our money. American slavery is an atrocity that has yet to end because Americans still venerate the slavers and its perfectly okay. Its not seen as strange in the way venerating Nazis is.
Agree 100%. Downplaying Slavery the horrible aspects of American History is one of the major flaws of Conservative ideology. I am neither Mainstream Liberal nor Conservative.

What are you talking about? I am refuting the logic of your argument. Legality is not the same thing as morality. Just because slavery was legal in many societies doesnt make it moral any more than abortion being legal in many of todays societies makes it moral.

You didn't provide a link for that information, why not? And what does him being black have to do with whether or not his information is accurate? Did he get to that number by dividing the number of slaves by the entire population of the South? By the entire population of the US, including the none slave States?
I generally don’t care if he’s black but his blackness validates things for segregationists like you.
The essence of the point is that slavery was not as paramount as you demmunist history revisionists like to make it in order to force your Marxism.

do they realize that most black slave owners doing it for money like the white ones. very few ere doing to keep black families together. the south sure is screwy i didnt not they had a celebration of this,
And what's it to you?

Oh yeah...that whole KKK thing you are on.
I generally don’t care if he’s black but his blackness validates things for segregationists like you.
Except it doesn't so you're wrong.
The essence of the point is that slavery was not as paramount as you demmunist history revisionists like to make it in order to force your Marxism.
Without the link I can't be sure the point is even accurate. If you compare the total number of people in the United States who owned slaves to the entire population you'd get a much different number than if you compared the number of families who owned slaves to the number of families living in slave holding states. When you do that you get some states in the South where 30-40% of families owned slaves.

Fact Check: Stat Grossly Misleading About Slave Ownership
Except it doesn't so you're wrong.

Without the link I can't be sure the point is even accurate. If you compare the total number of people in the United States who owned slaves to the entire population you'd get a much different number than if you compared the number of families who owned slaves to the number of families living in slave holding states. When you do that you get some states in the South where 30-40% of families owned slaves.

Fact Check: Stat Grossly Misleading About Slave Ownership
And neither stat changes the fact that standards and circumstances were very different then than now. People who apply today’s standards to other eras are either nefarious or stupid. You decide which applies to you.
And neither stat changes the fact that standards and circumstances were very different then than now. People who apply today’s standards to other eras are either nefarious or stupid. You decide which applies to you.
That's just an insult trying to mask itself as a rational argument. Time doesn't have standards you fucking moron, people do.
That's just an insult trying to mask itself as a rational argument. Time doesn't have standards you fucking moron, people do.

You are the one that can't let another group celebrate it's heritage. You are the ones being dicks.
What spin? They were slavers who fought to preserve slavery. That's a fact

The spin where you only hold SOME groups to modern standards, and give others a pass. Very hypocritical of you.

Common with dicks. And democrats.

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