Blacks rioting over an failed Obama Reelection Bid.

I read each post, and I swear my IQ dropped 10 points and I kept hearing banjo music.

Be honest and just say ******.

And the guy who said "rioters are liberals"

Are you really that brain-dead, dude? Not everything is political. Most people DONT EVEN VOTE, or follow politics, for fuck's sake. Get a life.
Hey Scotty :asshole: thanks for the racist OP.

Why not drink a huge steaming mug full of STFU?

Wow. Way to make a unfounded prediction.

Is there a possibility that blacks will riot if he loses the election? Sure.

Is there a possibility that whites will riot if he continues his redistribution of wealth? Sure.

2 years is a long way away. He could win and he could lose. People could riot and people could not.
I disagree. Obama's approval rating is in the 40s but among blacks it's in the 90s. I don't think blacks care about what kind of job he's doing. They like him regardless.
Your are correct.

Blacks will always vote for another black.

It doesn't matter what his policies are,

whether he gets busted for graft in an FBI sting.

or get's caught with 3 hookers in a motel room smoking crack.

He will still have the black vote.

Cause none of it was his fault.

He was set up by the White man.

Marion Berry is a perfect example of this phenomenon.

Actual quote: "Bitch set me up." -- M. Barry, Mayor of Washington, DC :lol:

This may be the only time I've ever agreed with the Sunni Man.

There is a difference between who blacks will vote for out of pride & who they will riot for. Besides Obama started out with a 96% approval rating among blacks. He is now down below 88% approval rating among blacks. This is lower than Bill Clinton's approval rating among blacks while he was in office. I am just saying that the elections are 2 years off & the media & black hype surrounding Obama have just started to wear off. Just wait, the next 2 years of no jobs for blacks & failed policies will bring Obama's black numbers down even more. They will likely not be rioting for Obama. But as I said before if blacks do go crazy & attack, many of us are ready waiting for some good live moving targets to shoot at.
Racist predictions like this were made by many of your ilk suggesting if Obama won there'd be rioting too (or if Jackson lost the primaries in the 80s), obviously that didn't come to fruition. It depends on basically viewing African-Americans as simplistic animals, which anyone who isn't an ignorant asshat knows isn't the case.

Besides, Obama has the pendulum swing on his side with a recently-elected Republican Congress whose policies have even lower favorability. He'll be re-elected.
The only riot going on is in this thread.
Did the thought ever cross any of your minds that he may decide not to run in 2012?
He already acts and speaks like he's sick of the job.
Racist predictions like this were made by many of your ilk suggesting if Obama won there'd be rioting too (or if Jackson lost the primaries in the 80s), obviously that didn't come to fruition. It depends on basically viewing African-Americans as simplistic animals, which anyone who isn't an ignorant asshat knows isn't the case.

Besides, Obama has the pendulum swing on his side with a recently-elected Republican Congress whose policies have even lower favorability. He'll be re-elected. the hell do you think the republicans got elected if their policies are so unfavorable....christ you can't be that stupid.....oh I see your from DC....that explains it all a city with 600,000 dumbass democrats.
When Obama loses reelection. It will be Rodney King, LA Riots, Oakland Riots, Detroit Hell Night, and Katrina Looting all rolled into one. Who will protect White Americans, Mexican Americans, and Asian Americans from this violence?

Let me guess....

You and your fucking Klucker brothers over at Storm Front?
When Obama loses reelection. It will be Rodney King, LA Riots, Oakland Riots, Detroit Hell Night, and Katrina Looting all rolled into one. Who will protect White Americans, Mexican Americans, and Asian Americans from this violence?
Just shut up, douchebag.
When Obama loses reelection. It will be Rodney King, LA Riots, Oakland Riots, Detroit Hell Night, and Katrina Looting all rolled into one. Who will protect White Americans, Mexican Americans, and Asian Americans from this violence?
Just shut up, douchebag.
Cool it, this is the best humor thread on the board. The OP is obviously satire the poster has hyperbole down to a science.
Obama's failed policies & job losses are hitting the blacks hard. I don't think they will be that unhappy to see him gone in 2 years.

I disagree. Obama's approval rating is in the 40s but among blacks it's in the 90s. I don't think blacks care about what kind of job he's doing. They like him regardless.
Your are correct.

Blacks will always vote for another black.

It doesn't matter what his policies are,

whether he gets busted for graft in an FBI sting.

or get's caught with 3 hookers in a motel room smoking crack.

He will still have the black vote.

Cause none of it was his fault.

He was set up by the White man.

Marion Berry is a perfect example of this phenomenon.

Actual quote: "Bitch set me up." -- M. Barry, Mayor of Washington, DC :lol:

I disagree. Obama's approval rating is in the 40s but among blacks it's in the 90s. I don't think blacks care about what kind of job he's doing. They like him regardless.
Your are correct.

Blacks will always vote for another black.

It doesn't matter what his policies are,

whether he gets busted for graft in an FBI sting.

or get's caught with 3 hookers in a motel room smoking crack.

He will still have the black vote.

Cause none of it was his fault.

He was set up by the White man.

Marion Berry is a perfect example of this phenomenon.

Actual quote: "Bitch set me up." -- M. Barry, Mayor of Washington, DC :lol:

This may be the only time I've ever agreed with the Sunni Man.

You two do suck each other's dicks, so it makes sense.
The only riot going on is in this thread.
Did the thought ever cross any of your minds that he may decide not to run in 2012?
He already acts and speaks like he's sick of the job.

Posted hours before the Obama-Clinton 'presser'.

What do I win?
When Obama loses reelection. It will be Rodney King, LA Riots, Oakland Riots, Detroit Hell Night, and Katrina Looting all rolled into one. Who will protect White Americans, Mexican Americans, and Asian Americans from this violence?

The United States Department of Justice!

White Victims Ignored by DOJ | The Occidental Observer - White Identity, Interests, and Culture
White are not considered victims when a minority assaults them.

But minorities are always seen as innocent victims if a white assaults them. :doubt:
Obama's failed policies & job losses are hitting the blacks hard. I don't think they will be that unhappy to see him gone in 2 years.

I disagree. Obama's approval rating is in the 40s but among blacks it's in the 90s. I don't think blacks care about what kind of job he's doing. They like him regardless.

He is a very personable man and let's face it, he was brought up by women. He knows how to charm them and will continue on that vein.

I don't believe he has learned how to charm men, and this is necessary in politics since politics is mostly (to this point) a man's game.

I personally don't see riots in America over a second term loss by Obama but anything is possible. I do see a second term loss. He might not even run for a second term. He has said this more than a few times, and his wife said it before he was even elected.

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