Blacks that White Racists Don't Like

Tell me all these good white people who are rolling out the red carpet?
The same white people that created and are advocating for the plethora of equal opportunity programs.

What problems do blk ppl create that they don't take responsibility?
Virtually every problem blacks blame on white racism.

You are saying that the carpet is rolled out to black people. OK. Show me.
I never said that, you did. I'm saying blacks are virtually handed opportunities on a silver platter through diversity initiatives like Affirmative Action and black only scholarships, yet they still can't get their shit together. Like I said, it's not just America. It's the same fucking story everywhere they go on the planet. There's not a country on Earth where blacks are happy and succeeding as a group, and it's always someone else's fault. I challenge you to name one fucking country in the entire world where blacks are thriving collectively. Just one. They drag the same sad sob story around with them wherever they go and never take responsibility for jack shit. It's a waste of time trying to help them because they won't help themselves. They're a lost cause.
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Black people own all the resources in sub-Saharan Africa. It's probably the largest untapped source of resources on the planet.

What resources do black people own in Africa and in what country ?
Are you really asking that stupid a question? Pretty much you name the mineral and it exists somewhere in sub-Saharan Africa, plus various kinds of timber including many types of valuable hardwoods. It doesn't matter what country since everything south of the Sahara desert is owned by various black countries.
James Price
The same white people that created and are advocating for the plethora of equal opportunity programs.

OK. So you can't name anything.

James Price
Virtually every problem blacks blame on white racism.

So black people blame their problems on racism and don't take responsibilty but yet you name any problem that blk ppl don't take responsibilty for. OK got it.
James Price
The same white people that created and are advocating for the plethora of equal opportunity programs.

OK. So you can't name anything.

James Price
Virtually every problem blacks blame on white racism.

So black people blame their problems on racism and don't take responsibilty but yet you name any problem that blk ppl don't take responsibilty for. OK got it.
How come many of you can't speak English when you've been living here all your life?
BS Filter
How come many of you can't speak English when you've been living here all your life?

The past, present and future of black people concern me the most and in that history white people have been the main evil.
BS Filter
How come many of you can't speak English when you've been living here all your life?

The past, present and future of black people concern me the most and in that history white people have been the main evil.
You're lives will prosper when YOU take responsibility for YOUR own lives. Black people were better off before they allowed themselves to become Democrat chattel.
OK. So you can't name anything.
Can't name any thing? You said, "Tell me all these good white people who are rolling out the red carpet?" and I said, "The same white people that created and are advocating for the plethora of equal opportunity programs." So what the fuck do you want? Names? Fact is, most Democrats support Affirmative Action and other diversity initiatives, and as of 2020, 29% of small businesses are owned by Democrats.

So black people blame their problems on racism and don't take responsibilty but yet you name any problem that blk ppl don't take responsibilty for.

I just gave you the fucking answer. Are you seriously telling me that you, as a black man, can't name a single fucking problem in the black community that you believe is caused by racism(eg. legal, economic, etc.)? Not one? If not, then great! That means you don't think anything that happens to blacks is the result of racism, so we're on the same page.
James Price
I just gave you the fucking answer. Are you seriously telling me that you, as a black man, can't name a single fucking problem in the black community that you believe is caused by racism(eg. legal, economic, etc.)? Not one? If not, then great! That means you don't think anything that happens to blacks is the result of racism, so we're on the same page.

I'm asking you to name a problem that back people face that we don't responsibility for which you can't
Without welfare, walmarts and mcDs would have to pay their people a living wage in order to run their businesses. End Welfare---it creates more problems than it solves.

You can end welfare but this is what would happen. In fact the answer is easy to see, just look at other countries where they have no government welfare programs

But this is what would happen
  • massive homelessness -- millions of the working poor use their paycheck to cover rent, relying on welfare for food. But hunger wins. Within a few months, landlords would be going broke all over the country.
  • housing prices collapse -- a large percentage of houses and apartments are rented to the working poor. With mass evictions comes landlords unable to cover mortgages. Foreclosures soar and the frail housing market collapses again.
  • with far less tax money going to poor people, let's assume the government uses the cash to pay down debt instead of offering tax rebates. This drops interest rates and frees up capital for business loans. That would be stimulative, but with far fewer consumers, the economy is sliding into massive recession. Business will contract, not expand.
  • the recession will go world wide quickly, just as it did in 2008, but with fragile economies around the world, the damage would be far worse.
  • homelessness drives up crime. Since state income usually is tied to sales tax (way down) and property tax (declining), states will cut programs for everything but police and prisons. The results will be more cops and far more inmates, driving up costs dramatically.
  • restless homeless voters make for an unhappy electorate. Tax cuts, when they do come, only benefit people who pay taxes, so that will not satisfy them. A series of increasingly progressive candidates will arise to power with populist messages.
  • within a few years, the president and congress will face a massive political backlash. They will be voted out of power in an election similar to 1932.
  • This time, instead of New Deal reforms that allowed rich people to keep their possessions, the anger would be so great that waves of socialism would sweep the country. Unions would roar back in offices and factories and workplaces around the country.
The likelihood of civil war would loom large.

Good luck with that
Many issues there are. One major issue is our currency. The fiat currency exists with massive interest attached to it. It keeps it going and enriches the elites. It is owned by private concerns and not the United States. The United States government has mints that the Federal Reserve use to print the currency. Our system was built on gold and silver backed currency. We can at least go to a Fiat currency owned by the people. And the interest charged can be changed in a huge way. Unfortunately the owners of the private banks printing those fiat currencies around the world may put us in a massive depression for doing it. With a new fiat currency by government, there must be adherence to pay off what is signed for by people.
So now because I don't completely and always agree with you I'm a white supremacist? Well you're a black supremacist just remember I'm no different than you other than my more intelligent brain and skin tone.

No white man believes they are superior to black men physically or mentally. So just stop.

Oh and yes it's true that not all whites are smarter than all blacks. There is a spectrum. You may be a smart black and I may be a dumb white and so you could be smarter than me.

What is intelligence ?

Intelligence is not something quantifiable (not sure if that is a word) you can’t measure how intelligent someone is, because to begin with you would have to be able to define intelligence very specifically and that can’t be done because intelligence, like many words that define brain functions is an umbrella term that describes several properties of thought (communication, reasoning, understanding) working in tandem.

You still think there is some "Dumb Gene" "Violent Gene" "Fast Running gene" that black people may have ? The science community — the people who spend their whole lives talking about this and, y’know, get PhD’s in it — have proved, time and again you are wrong.

Humans from a certain geographical region are not genetically distinguishable. They may be phenotypically distinguishable (which is where everyone talking about race gets hung up on at some point) but the variation is too small to designate subspecies or species.

But you know that as long as you can act civilized and talk about “science” and "genes" you can still sneak around the halls of Academia and be safe. In fact, you can slip it into a conversation at the cocktail parties, “By the way, I am a race realist” unlike “by the way, I'm a racist”.

Science moves from facts to conclusions. You move from conclusions to facts.

Plus some blacks have gotten better educations than some whites so those blacks would be smarter than those whites like Ben Carson for example.

Once again what is intelligence ? What makes someone smarter ? Because you're just naming black ppl whose opinions you agree with.
On another thread unkotare is accusing Democrats of Eugenics. I read this and wanted to show you

Early proponents of the eugenics movement included not only influential white Americans but also several proponent African-American intellectuals such as W. E. B. Du Bois, Thomas Wyatt Turner, and many academics at Tuskegee University, Howard University, and Hampton University. However, unlike many white eugenicists, these black intellectuals believed the best African Americans were as good as the best White Americans, and "The Talented Tenth" of all races should mix.

Indeed, Du Bois believed "only fit blacks should procreate to eradicate the race's heritage of moral iniquity."
James Price
I just gave you the fucking answer. Are you seriously telling me that you, as a black man, can't name a single fucking problem in the black community that you believe is caused by racism(eg. legal, economic, etc.)? Not one? If not, then great! That means you don't think anything that happens to blacks is the result of racism, so we're on the same page.

I'm asking you to name a problem that back people face that we don't responsibility for which you can't
The poor single black mother who today just had a baby. It's our fault? The poor single black woman who has sex tonight and gets pregnant. That's our fault? How can we make her put a condom on the guy? Help us help you!
James Price
I just gave you the fucking answer. Are you seriously telling me that you, as a black man, can't name a single fucking problem in the black community that you believe is caused by racism(eg. legal, economic, etc.)? Not one? If not, then great! That means you don't think anything that happens to blacks is the result of racism, so we're on the same page.

I'm asking you to name a problem that back people face that we don't responsibility for which you can't
The poor single black mother who today just had a baby. It's our fault? The poor single black woman who has sex tonight and gets pregnant. That's our fault? How can we make her put a condom on the guy? Help us help you!
What do you mean by "our," racist?
James Price
I just gave you the fucking answer. Are you seriously telling me that you, as a black man, can't name a single fucking problem in the black community that you believe is caused by racism(eg. legal, economic, etc.)? Not one? If not, then great! That means you don't think anything that happens to blacks is the result of racism, so we're on the same page.

I'm asking you to name a problem that back people face that we don't responsibility for which you can't
I know what you're asking, and I gave you a clear answer; VIRTUALLY EVERY PROBLEM THAT BLACKS BLAME ON WHITE RACISM. TAKE YOUR FUCKING PICK. As a black man, that should be easy. Any other time, you'd have a list a mile long. You bitch and moan about racism all the fucking time, and now you can't name a single issue that you (as a black man) face that you believe isn't the result of white racism? Seriously? If you can't name a single problem, great! That means you don't think racism is an issue.
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James Price
I just gave you the fucking answer. Are you seriously telling me that you, as a black man, can't name a single fucking problem in the black community that you believe is caused by racism(eg. legal, economic, etc.)? Not one? If not, then great! That means you don't think anything that happens to blacks is the result of racism, so we're on the same page.

I'm asking you to name a problem that back people face that we don't responsibility for which you can't
The poor single black mother who today just had a baby. It's our fault? The poor single black woman who has sex tonight and gets pregnant. That's our fault? How can we make her put a condom on the guy? Help us help you!
What do you mean by "our," racist?
Read what Paul said.
The poor single black mother who today just had a baby. It's our fault?


The poor single black woman who has sex tonight and gets pregnant. That's our fault?


How can we make her put a condom on the guy? Help us help you!

The solution is very simple but you're not going to like it though

A massive investment in opportunities for black women for schooling and jobs, globally.

You see the gap between the differential birth rates between black and white women is a function of the very inequalities guys like you demand be kept in place.

Women with access to education and better jobs have fewer kids than women without.

This is true for all ethnic groups at all times in history.

It’s why immigrant working-class “whites” who came to the United States regularly had 5–10 kids but their descendants don’t.

As white women gained opportunity, they reduced their birth rates, while black women (And other women of color) have higher rates.

There is a reason why U.S birth rates for black women with degrees are now equal to (or even slightly lower than) those for white women with degrees.

It's why black birth rates generally have fallen dramatically as opportunities have expanded.

But of course, guys like you will never call for wealthy nations to invest more in expanding opportunities for black women, even though this would “solve” your stupid replacement fears.

Likewise, you would never support a more equitable distribution of global resources to poorer nations, even though doing so would slow the migration patterns to so-called white countries, which are a function of global economic inequalities
James Price
I know what you're asking, and I gave you a clear answer; VIRTUALLY EVERY PROBLEM THAT BLACKS BLAME ON WHITE RACISM. TAKE YOUR FUCKING PICK. As a black man, that should be easy. Any other time, you'd have a list a mile long. You bitch and moan about racism all the fucking time, and now you can't name a single issue that you (as a black man) face that you believe isn't the result of white racism? Seriously? If you can't name a single problem, great! That means you don't think racism is an issue.

I can't read your mind. What problems are you talking about ? A faulty internet connection ? Floyd Mayweather doing charity bouts ? Global warming ? I can't read your mind. So unless you tell me the problem that blk people create that we don't take responsibility for then you have no point
On another thread unkotare is accusing Democrats of Eugenics. I read this and wanted to show you
Early proponents of the eugenics movement included not only influential white Americans but also several proponent African-American intellectuals such as W. E. B. Du Bois, Thomas Wyatt Turner, and many academics at Tuskegee University, Howard University, and Hampton University. However, unlike many white eugenicists, these black intellectuals believed the best African Americans were as good as the best White Americans, and "The Talented Tenth" of all races should mix. Indeed, Du Bois believed "only fit blacks should procreate to eradicate the race's heritage of moral iniquity."

Let me guess - Is this the white genocide theory ? That white people are going to be wiped out so we need to stop blk from reproducing ?

It's old news. Margaret Sanger and planned parenthood were into Eugenics in the 40's and 50's


Black men can wipe you out.

I put my seed in any women. I'll get a black child. White men can only have a white child with a white woman. Black people can even have white children with black women.

That is why during slavery the black man's penis was cut off, that's why you had all the miscegenation laws. That's why whites write that 14 words stuff.

Whiteness is genetically recessive and miscegenation will result in the annihilation of the white race.

White folks are the real numerical minority in the world.

Whites are painfully aware of this numerical imbalance.

And are indubitably uneasy about it.

They shamelessly attempt to portray themselves as superior beings. This is done by creating the ever-so-frequent “white savior” movies, “virtuous” white people adopting black children and philanthropy.

The white man’s never-ending obsession with creating more destructive weapons to use to fight wars against countries full of people of color. Whether consciously or subconsciously, the “revenge factor” is definitely on the minds of the white world.

The funneling of guns and drugs into black communities, the funding and supplying of internecine warfare in Africa and Haiti, the Ku Klux Klan, white folks promoting abortion and contraception to black people

Racism is a behavioral system for the survival of White people so the expectation white people will change this behavior is highly unlikely.
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I can't read your mind. What problems are you talking about ?
You don't have to be a fucking mind reader, but if you can't comprehend what's written, then you're adding fuel to a common black stereotype. Now, really think about this: "VIRTUALLY EVERY PROBLEM THAT BLACKS BLAME ON WHITE RACISM." Are you black? Yes or no? If yes, then name any problem that you, as a black person, believe is the result of white racism. You pick. The sky's the limit. If you're black, this should be easy because most blacks do it all the fucking time, from dusk till dawn. They can recite a list of problems caused by white racism in their sleep. Now, if you're black and can't think of a single issue caused by white racism, I applaud you for recognizing that white racism isn't an impediment for blacks today. But virtually any problem that you (as a black man) can think of that you blame on white racism are generally the very problems that blacks create and don't take responsibility for.
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I can't read your mind. What problems are you talking about ?
You don't have to be a fucking mind reader, but if you can't comprehend what's written, then you're adding fuel to a common black stereotype. Now, really think about this: "VIRTUALLY EVERY PROBLEM THAT BLACKS BLAME ON WHITE RACISM." Are you black? Yes or no? If yes, then name any problem that you, as a black person, believe is the result of white racism. You pick. The sky's the limit. If you're black, this should be simple because you do it all the fucking time. Now, if you're black and can't think of a single problem that's caused by white racism, I applaud you for recognizing that white racism isn't an impediment for blacks today. Virtually any problem that you (as a black man) can think of that blacks blame on white racism are the problems that blacks create and don't take responsibility for.

Come back when you have the courage to name a black problem
The solution is very simple but you're not going to like it though
A massive investment in opportunities for black women for schooling and jobs, globally.
Investment in opportunities? What a pant-load.
More like gimmee OPM via marxist wealth transfer. That's your solution?
My solution: The self-respect and character built from providing for yourself instead of being a ward of the state.

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