Blacks that White Racists Don't Like

I can't read your mind. What problems are you talking about ?
You don't have to be a fucking mind reader, but if you can't comprehend what's written, then you're adding fuel to a common black stereotype. Now, really think about this: "VIRTUALLY EVERY PROBLEM THAT BLACKS BLAME ON WHITE RACISM." Are you black? Yes or no? If yes, then name any problem that you, as a black person, believe is the result of white racism. You pick. The sky's the limit. If you're black, this should be simple because you do it all the fucking time. Now, if you're black and can't think of a single problem that's caused by white racism, I applaud you for recognizing that white racism isn't an impediment for blacks today. Virtually any problem that you (as a black man) can think of that blacks blame on white racism are the problems that blacks create and don't take responsibility for.

Come back when you have the courage to name a black problem
You're the one who's black and can't name a single problem blacks believe is the result of white racism, and I applaud you for that because there are no problems that blacks face that are the result of white racism. None. Zero. Zilch. And you agree.
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James Price
You're the one who's black and can't name a single problem blacks blame on white racism, and I applaud you for that because there are no problems that blacks face that are the result of white racism. None. Zero. Zilch. And you agree.

You're scared ? Aren't you ? You know that the moment you say a problem, your done. You know I'll debunk it but that's why you know it's best to say vague and talk in general terms.
James Price
You're the one who's black and can't name a single problem blacks blame on white racism, and I applaud you for that because there are no problems that blacks face that are the result of white racism. None. Zero. Zilch. And you agree.

You're scared ? Aren't you ? You know that the moment you say a problem, your done. You know I'll debunk it but that's why you know it's best to say vague and talk in general terms.
You've got it backward. You won't name a problem because the moment you do, you know it'll be labeled as self-created. I've given you the opportunity to pick your best example of a problem that blacks face that they believe is the result of white racism. Any normal person would see that as a benefit to their position in an argument. Not you, though. Nope. You're way too smart to take advantage of an opportunity in a debate.
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The poor single black mother who today just had a baby. It's our fault?


The poor single black woman who has sex tonight and gets pregnant. That's our fault?


How can we make her put a condom on the guy? Help us help you!

The solution is very simple but you're not going to like it though

A massive investment in opportunities for black women for schooling and jobs, globally.

You see the gap between the differential birth rates between black and white women is a function of the very inequalities guys like you demand be kept in place.

Women with access to education and better jobs have fewer kids than women without.

This is true for all ethnic groups at all times in history.

It’s why immigrant working-class “whites” who came to the United States regularly had 5–10 kids but their descendants don’t.

As white women gained opportunity, they reduced their birth rates, while black women (And other women of color) have higher rates.

There is a reason why U.S birth rates for black women with degrees are now equal to (or even slightly lower than) those for white women with degrees.

It's why black birth rates generally have fallen dramatically as opportunities have expanded.

But of course, guys like you will never call for wealthy nations to invest more in expanding opportunities for black women, even though this would “solve” your stupid replacement fears.

Likewise, you would never support a more equitable distribution of global resources to poorer nations, even though doing so would slow the migration patterns to so-called white countries, which are a function of global economic inequalities
Of course I would. I'm a fucking liberal. Everything you said sounds great. Why would you say "guys like you"? I'm constantly calling for more affirmative action and for us to put more economic opporunities in the black communities.
The poor single black mother who today just had a baby. It's our fault?


The poor single black woman who has sex tonight and gets pregnant. That's our fault?


How can we make her put a condom on the guy? Help us help you!

The solution is very simple but you're not going to like it though

A massive investment in opportunities for black women for schooling and jobs, globally.

You see the gap between the differential birth rates between black and white women is a function of the very inequalities guys like you demand be kept in place.

Women with access to education and better jobs have fewer kids than women without.

This is true for all ethnic groups at all times in history.

It’s why immigrant working-class “whites” who came to the United States regularly had 5–10 kids but their descendants don’t.

As white women gained opportunity, they reduced their birth rates, while black women (And other women of color) have higher rates.

There is a reason why U.S birth rates for black women with degrees are now equal to (or even slightly lower than) those for white women with degrees.

It's why black birth rates generally have fallen dramatically as opportunities have expanded.

But of course, guys like you will never call for wealthy nations to invest more in expanding opportunities for black women, even though this would “solve” your stupid replacement fears.

Likewise, you would never support a more equitable distribution of global resources to poorer nations, even though doing so would slow the migration patterns to so-called white countries, which are a function of global economic inequalities
Wait a second. You want us to do this? A massive investment in opportunities for black women for schooling and jobs, globally.

I thought you didn't want anything from us? Thought you didn't need whitey's help?
James Price
You're the one who's black and can't name a single problem blacks blame on white racism, and I applaud you for that because there are no problems that blacks face that are the result of white racism. None. Zero. Zilch. And you agree.

You're scared ? Aren't you ? You know that the moment you say a problem, your done. You know I'll debunk it but that's why you know it's best to say vague and talk in general terms.
You've got it backward. You won't name a problem because the moment you do, you know it'll be labeled as self-created. I've given you the opportunity to pick your best example of a problem that blacks face that they believe is the result of white racism. Any normal person would see that as a benefit to their position in an argument. Not you, though. Nope. You're way too smart to take advantage of an opportunity in a debate.
Most of the problems in the black community, we created. Fatherlessness, lack of economic opportunities, fear of the cops, crime. But it's blacks who perpetuate these problems.

The first step is admitting you have a problem. Sounds like the black community knows they have a problem. So what's the next step? Is the next step ours or theirs?
On another thread unkotare is accusing Democrats of Eugenics. I read this and wanted to show you
Early proponents of the eugenics movement included not only influential white Americans but also several proponent African-American intellectuals such as W. E. B. Du Bois, Thomas Wyatt Turner, and many academics at Tuskegee University, Howard University, and Hampton University. However, unlike many white eugenicists, these black intellectuals believed the best African Americans were as good as the best White Americans, and "The Talented Tenth" of all races should mix. Indeed, Du Bois believed "only fit blacks should procreate to eradicate the race's heritage of moral iniquity."

Let me guess - Is this the white genocide theory ? That white people are going to be wiped out so we need to stop blk from reproducing ?

It's old news. Margaret Sanger and planned parenthood were into Eugenics in the 40's and 50's


Black men can wipe you out.

I put my seed in any women. I'll get a black child. White men can only have a white child with a white woman. Black people can even have white children with black women.

That is why during slavery the black man's penis was cut off, that's why you had all the miscegenation laws. That's why whites write that 14 words stuff.

Whiteness is genetically recessive and miscegenation will result in the annihilation of the white race.

White folks are the real numerical minority in the world.

Whites are painfully aware of this numerical imbalance.

And are indubitably uneasy about it.

They shamelessly attempt to portray themselves as superior beings. This is done by creating the ever-so-frequent “white savior” movies, “virtuous” white people adopting black children and philanthropy.

The white man’s never-ending obsession with creating more destructive weapons to use to fight wars against countries full of people of color. Whether consciously or subconsciously, the “revenge factor” is definitely on the minds of the white world.

The funneling of guns and drugs into black communities, the funding and supplying of internecine warfare in Africa and Haiti, the Ku Klux Klan, white folks promoting abortion and contraception to black people

Racism is a behavioral system for the survival of White people so the expectation white people will change this behavior is highly unlikely.
but also several proponent African-American intellectuals such as W. E. B. Du Bois, Thomas Wyatt Turner, and many academics at Tuskegee University, Howard University, and Hampton University were into it too.
Most of the problems in the black community, we created. Fatherlessness, lack of economic opportunities, fear of the cops, crime. But it's blacks who perpetuate these problems.

The first step is admitting you have a problem. Sounds like the black community knows they have a problem. So what's the next step? Is the next step ours or theirs?

White racism didn't make black men leave their families or sell drugs. The biggest lie that blacks have ever brainwashed themselves into believing is that they can't succeed.
Most of the problems in the black community, we created. Fatherlessness, lack of economic opportunities, fear of the cops, crime. But it's blacks who perpetuate these problems.

The first step is admitting you have a problem. Sounds like the black community knows they have a problem. So what's the next step? Is the next step ours or theirs?

White racism didn't make black men leave their families or sell drugs. The biggest lie that blacks have ever brainwashed themselves into believing is that they can't succeed.

Wow. By giving them welfare we broke up their families. We would kick them off welfare if we found the father. And why have a father when you can have free money?
Wow. By giving them welfare we broke up their families. We would kick them off welfare if we found the father. And why have a father when you can have free money?
Is it that welfare actually broke up families or that it aided single mothers with children whose fathers had already left?
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James Price
You've got it backward. You won't name a problem because the moment you do, you know it'll be labeled as self-created. I've given you the opportunity to pick your best example of a problem that blacks face that they believe is the result of white racism.

Considering your scared and terrified of me.

I'll choose one

Do you think drugs are problem in the black community and a problem that black ppl don't take responsibilty for ?
James Price
You've got it backward. You won't name a problem because the moment you do, you know it'll be labeled as self-created. I've given you the opportunity to pick your best example of a problem that blacks face that they believe is the result of white racism.

Considering your scared and terrified of me.

I'll choose one

Do you think drugs are problem in the black community and a problem that black ppl don't take responsibilty for ?
drugs IS a "self created problem" ----for persons of any race who get involved.
James Price
drugs IS a "self created problem" ----for persons of any race who get involved.

OK. So drugs are not in problem in the black community. OK. Let's move on to the next problem.

Is crime a problem in the black community ? Is it a problem that black ppl don't take responsibility for ?
Considering your scared and terrified of me.
I'm by no means scared, much less terrified, of you. You claimed white people need white systemic racism. I've repeatedly said white systemic racism doesn't exist today, so why you'd expect me to come up with a list of problems black people face that's rooted in white racism is anyone's guess.

Do you think drugs are problem in the black community and a problem that black ppl don't take responsibilty for?
The question is, are drugs a problem that the black community feels is rooted in white racism? You're black, so you tell me, then we can talk about whether black people take responsibility for it. A black guy demanding that a white guy detail a list of problems blacks face that's rooted in white racism is quite a twist, though.
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James Price
drugs IS a "self created problem" ----for persons of any race who get involved.

OK. So drugs are not in problem in the black community. OK. Let's move on to the next problem.
I didn't make that comment, so why are you attributing it to me?

Is crime a problem in the black community?
The question is, is crime a problem in the black community that's rooted in white racism? You're black, you tell me.
James Price
I'm by no means scared, much less terrified, of you. You claimed white people need white systemic racism. I've repeatedly said white systemic racism doesn't exist today, so why you'd expect me to come up with a list of problems black people face that's rooted in white racism is anyone's guess.

Was their systematic racism in the 1960s ?

James Price
The question is, are drugs a problem that the black community feels is rooted in white racism? You're black, so you tell me, then we can talk about whether black people take responsibility for it. A black guy demanding that a white guy tell him all of the problems in the black community that's rooted in white racism is quite a twist, though.

So drugs or crime is not problem in the black community. So what is then ?
James Price
You're the one who's black and can't name a single problem blacks blame on white racism, and I applaud you for that because there are no problems that blacks face that are the result of white racism. None. Zero. Zilch. And you agree.

You're scared ? Aren't you ? You know that the moment you say a problem, your done. You know I'll debunk it but that's why you know it's best to say vague and talk in general terms.
I have asked you many times and you have never answered: Have you ever had any problem in your life that was or is solely your own personal responsibility?
Have you ever had any problem in your life that was or is solely your own personal responsibility?

Yes when I burnt the toast yesterday morning
James Price
I'm by no means scared, much less terrified, of you. You claimed white people need white systemic racism. I've repeatedly said white systemic racism doesn't exist today, so why you'd expect me to come up with a list of problems black people face that's rooted in white racism is anyone's guess.

Was their systematic racism in the 1960s ?
The question is whether systemic racism exists today. It does, but not white systemic racism. Rather, it's systemic racism that openly favors blacks in the form of diversity initiatives.

So drugs or crime is not problem in the black community.
If you're claiming that drugs and crime aren't problems blacks face that are rooted in white racism, I agree.

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