Blacks that White Racists Don't Like

You told me my liberalness wasn't appreciated

There's nothing liberal about you. You're just as much of a white supremacist as David Duke.

and I watched your little video yesterday and that guy said when you take over there's going to be payback. So why would I help you get in a position to pay me back? I like the way things are now.

Of course you like the way things are. Because you know can't compete with black men without a system to assist you.

I can see your side of things from your perspective but sorry that's the kind of shit minorities have to deal with. Go somewhere else where you are the majority. Until then, stfu.

I'm a foundation black American. We don't run. You grandfather ran from Greece to come to the a country black American built and fought for.

The oldest skeleton found in the Americas is the 12,000 year old skull and DNA of a Black female scientists named Luzia Woman. According to dna mapping & digital rendering, this is what Native Americans originally looked like Who are their descendants?



Foundational Black Americans are actually partly descended from the Black aboriginal tribes that most of the European explorers said they encountered when they reached The Americas?


This used to be a emblem for America...a portrait of queen Califia.



This country was built by black people even a white supremacist like Trump says so

It's not racist. Do you believe in evolution?

White supremacists are products of what is known as involution which is the opposite of evolution

Then the brain evolves too dipshit.

Call me intellectually inferior all day. I don't give a crap about that. White people are always running around trying to prove how stupid black people are.

But if black people are just so stupid. Right ? And white ppl's brains are more developed if you have white skin. Right ?

Then 2 questions

Why do you need a system of racism - white supremacy to assist you ?
What do you do with these stupid blk ppl ?

So while us whites were reading and writing, you were hunting the african plains. Not racist to state the facts.

Medieval Europe was a sh*t hole. Until the Blacks came in from Africa and cleaned it up.



They built stuff like this




The truth is out there

All this knowledge was brought to Europe. Black ppl cleaned Europe up. Black ppl brought paper making to Europe via Spain by the Moors. This allowed the growth of libraries.

The stench of medieval Europe still echoes today. The Middle Ages smelt of sewage and decaying bodies. The Queen of Spain Isabel of Castle (the end of the 15th century) confessed that she had taken a bath only twice in a lifetime when born and married.

French kings died of lice. People emptied chamber pots right out of their windows making streets look like cesspools. Fleas, lice and bugs swarmed in rich and poor houses of London and Paris.

Unsanitary conditions, diseases and starvation were what early Europe was. Stop deluding yourself. Noble families were happy if at best two or three of ten children survived. A third of women died in labor. They had no street illumination. In Ancient Rome they sold even the urine from latrines to wool dyers and leather tanners.

Rain was the only street cleaner in those times.

The Moors civilized Europe, There were bath houses all thru Moorish Spain as well as well lit streets, Universities, Palaces, literate populace. That doesn't mean white folks readily accepted cleanliness obviously. They would wear clothes until it would damn near disintegrate on their backs. Now they try to teach b.s like they civilized blks while it was the other way around.

The truth of the matter is early Europeans were nasty mofos.

The Islamic Moors were responsible from bringing them out of the dark ages.

Socrates vs the Kalahari bushman. You taught your kids how to hunt, we taught our kids to read for thousands of years passing that smart on to the next generation after generation.

Black people taught the Greeks because greek civilization comes from Egypt. Whites think civilisation started with Greece because it was the first “white” country to be civilized. And it was first only because it was closest to Egypt.

You are taught to turn a blind eye to the Egyptian roots of Greek civilization: the columns, the paper, the science and mathematics all came straight out of Egypt.

Even before Alexandria became the centre of Greek learning, people like Plato, Pythagoras, Solon and Thales all studied in Egypt. “The glory that was Greece” was built not on some kind of amazing Greek grey matter but sailing times to Egypt.

.It's also funny that ancient Greeks are seen as universal not ethnic” and you play up what they have in common with the Ancient Greeks but you do not apply that kind of thinking to the Greeks of the past 1500 years, who many whites look down on as unimportant, even the Byzantine Empire.

but there are exceptions like we whip your asses in MMA and you can't golf or swim.

The best fighters in MMA are black and we don't swim but when we do we kick ass in that.

This is Simone Manuel.


She is the fastest female swimmer in the world.

She's the current double world and Olympic champion in the 100m freestyle.

And that's in a sport we don't take seriously.

This is Simone Biles


She is the best female gymnast ever.

She crushes the white competition in a sport that is usually dominated by Eastern Europeans and the Chinese.

This is Lewis Hamilton


He is the best driver ever.

He is the current Formula one driving champion and has won that title 3 times out of the last four years and this despite the fact that participation rates in Formula one for black people are very low.

This is Tiger Woods


He is the best Golfer ever.

Hell he even came bk way past his best his to win a major in 2019. But But from 1997 to 2007. He was the best Golfer anyone has ever seen.

It's not sport without blk ppl. Even non traditional blk sports we dominate.

White people just need to stay out of our way and watch more and more of us break your little records and set our own.

White people know that Black people can be great scientists, economists, attorneys and anything else. That is the reason predominantly Black school districts are under-funded, under-staffed with inexperienced teachers, denied books, microscopes and other lab equipment, and put hazardous waste near black schools, cut art and music classes, sports teams and sometimes hot meals in a cafeteria.


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And then I defended you blacks. For 400 years we didn't allow you to read. So it's not all your fault. But the fact is, we bred you to be big and strong not smart. Even if it's just a little smarter. Same way as you guys are better athletes naturally

I wish you white supremacist would make up your mind. The original theory was that white people were superior in BODY and BRAINS.

In the 1936 Berlin Olympics. Hitler thought his white Ayrans would dominate the sprints and athletics


But due to Jessie Owens that plan came up short.


So the white supremacist changed there tune and decided, brains now matter and there theory had come up short. So whites are gonna be sold to the world as superior intellectually

How convienent

Basketball is a white and non black sport in the main. It's just that AA's are the best at it

So yeah you’ll find that 75% of African Americans in the NBA but you won’t find many West Africans or Carribbeans, who are certainly “blacker” and according to your theory, athleticism and blackness somehow run together.

Well in that case you'd expect West Africans to dominate the NBA and African teams to dominate international basketball competitions.

That don't. Why ?

As you can see in the world rankings, there is not a majority black nation that makes the top 30


But if black people are so naturally good at basketball then why don't African nations like Nigeria, Ghana, Ivory Coast dominate international dominate basketball comps ?

They're pure black with little white admixture in them and according to you blackness and strength go hand in hand then why are African teams so average ?

Why aren't all championship high jumpers black ?
  • Every player who has ever won an NHL scoring title is white.
  • Why is every Olympic weightlifting record is held by a Caucasian ?
  • Why are all strong man comps won by whites ?
  • Why are all all championship speed skaters are white.
  • Every major league pitcher who has ever won 300 games is white.
  • Almost all Olympic champions rowers and kayakers are white,
I don't believe that whites are physically advantaged in shooting, hockey pucks, lifting barbells, skating, or rowing. Do you ?

There are actually very good reasons why track and field and boxing events are dominated the way they are; because that's who trains and competes in them. Boxing is generally for people who have limited opportunities. Racism limits your opportunities.

And yes Africans have been ahead of the rest of the world in long distance training methods for thirty years; it's no surprise they dominate the competitions.

If people from a geographic region of Africa are the world's champion sprinters and a different group of people from a geographic region of Africa are the world's champion marathon runners and both are alleged to be part of some specific "race" you have just argued against sprinting or distance running as being a "racial" characteristic. Since the two groups you tried to put into one "race" have contradictory abilities.

Most black athletes who grew up in poverty thrive in sports that feature three things
  1. Modest equipment investment
  2. high social/cultural approval
  3. Fame and wealth in professional ranks.
That's why young urban black athletes who are strong in sports keep gravitating to the same five: basketball, football, baseball, track & field and increasingly tennis.

The fundamentals of these sports can be learned at a very young age

Thousands of hours can be logged playing and practicing with your peers in the streets, and the rewards for top talent can be scouted and developed from middle school on. You just don't get the same community support or interest if you're black and happen to be good at hockey. polo, sync swimming, surfing and ice skating.
You told me my liberalness wasn't appreciated

There's nothing liberal about you. You're just as much of a white supremacist as David Duke.

and I watched your little video yesterday and that guy said when you take over there's going to be payback. So why would I help you get in a position to pay me back? I like the way things are now.

Of course you like the way things are. Because you know can't compete with black men without a system to assist you.

I can see your side of things from your perspective but sorry that's the kind of shit minorities have to deal with. Go somewhere else where you are the majority. Until then, stfu.

I'm a foundation black American. We don't run. You grandfather ran from Greece to come to the a country black American built and fought for.

The oldest skeleton found in the Americas is the 12,000 year old skull and DNA of a Black female scientists named Luzia Woman. According to dna mapping & digital rendering, this is what Native Americans originally looked like Who are their descendants?

View attachment 505002


Foundational Black Americans are actually partly descended from the Black aboriginal tribes that most of the European explorers said they encountered when they reached The Americas?

View attachment 505003

This used to be a emblem for America...a portrait of queen Califia.

View attachment 505004

View attachment 505005

This country was built by black people even a white supremacist like Trump says so

It's not racist. Do you believe in evolution?

White supremacists are products of what is known as involution which is the opposite of evolution

Then the brain evolves too dipshit.

Call me intellectually inferior all day. I don't give a crap about that. White people are always running around trying to prove how stupid black people are.

But if black people are just so stupid. Right ? And white ppl's brains are more developed if you have white skin. Right ?

Then 2 questions

Why do you need a system of racism - white supremacy to assist you ?
What do you do with these stupid blk ppl ?

So while us whites were reading and writing, you were hunting the african plains. Not racist to state the facts.

Medieval Europe was a sh*t hole. Until the Blacks came in from Africa and cleaned it up.

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They built stuff like this

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View attachment 505015

The truth is out there

All this knowledge was brought to Europe. Black ppl cleaned Europe up. Black ppl brought paper making to Europe via Spain by the Moors. This allowed the growth of libraries.

The stench of medieval Europe still echoes today. The Middle Ages smelt of sewage and decaying bodies. The Queen of Spain Isabel of Castle (the end of the 15th century) confessed that she had taken a bath only twice in a lifetime when born and married.

French kings died of lice. People emptied chamber pots right out of their windows making streets look like cesspools. Fleas, lice and bugs swarmed in rich and poor houses of London and Paris.

Unsanitary conditions, diseases and starvation were what early Europe was. Stop deluding yourself. Noble families were happy if at best two or three of ten children survived. A third of women died in labor. They had no street illumination. In Ancient Rome they sold even the urine from latrines to wool dyers and leather tanners.

Rain was the only street cleaner in those times.

The Moors civilized Europe, There were bath houses all thru Moorish Spain as well as well lit streets, Universities, Palaces, literate populace. That doesn't mean white folks readily accepted cleanliness obviously. They would wear clothes until it would damn near disintegrate on their backs. Now they try to teach b.s like they civilized blks while it was the other way around.

The truth of the matter is early Europeans were nasty mofos.

The Islamic Moors were responsible from bringing them out of the dark ages.

Socrates vs the Kalahari bushman. You taught your kids how to hunt, we taught our kids to read for thousands of years passing that smart on to the next generation after generation.

Black people taught the Greeks because greek civilization comes from Egypt. Whites think civilisation started with Greece because it was the first “white” country to be civilized. And it was first only because it was closest to Egypt.

You are taught to turn a blind eye to the Egyptian roots of Greek civilization: the columns, the paper, the science and mathematics all came straight out of Egypt.

Even before Alexandria became the centre of Greek learning, people like Plato, Pythagoras, Solon and Thales all studied in Egypt. “The glory that was Greece” was built not on some kind of amazing Greek grey matter but sailing times to Egypt.

.It's also funny that ancient Greeks are seen as universal not ethnic” and you play up what they have in common with the Ancient Greeks but you do not apply that kind of thinking to the Greeks of the past 1500 years, who many whites look down on as unimportant, even the Byzantine Empire.

but there are exceptions like we whip your asses in MMA and you can't golf or swim.

The best fighters in MMA are black and we don't swim but when we do we kick ass in that.

This is Simone Manuel.

View attachment 505021

She is the fastest swimmer in the world.

She's the current double world and Olympic champion in the 100m freestyle.

And that's in a sport we don't take seriously.

This is Simone Biles

View attachment 505023

She is the best gymnast ever.

She crushes the white competition in a sport that is usually dominated by Eastern Europeans and the Chinese.

This is Lewis Hamilton

View attachment 505024

He is the best driver ever.

He is the current Formula one driving champion and has won that title 3 times out of the last four years and this despite the fact that participation rates in Formula one for black people are very low.

This is Tiger Woods

View attachment 505026

He is the best Golfer ever.

Hell he even came bk way best his to win a major in 2019. But let's be honest from 1997 to 2007. He was the best Golfer anyone has seen.

It's not sport without blk ppl. Even non traditional blk sports we dominate.

White people just need to stay out of our way and watch more and more of us break your little records and set our own.

White people know that Black people can be great scientists, economists, attorneys and anything else. That is the reason predominantly Black school districts are under-funded, under-staffed with inexperienced teachers, denied books, microscopes and other lab equipment, and put hazardous waste near black schools, cut art and music classes, sports teams and sometimes hot meals in a cafeteria.

Sure I can compete on an even playing field. But why bother evening the playing field when you won't appreciate it. And based on what that guy said, they'll be payback the day it happens. So now I'm all for prolonging the inevitable. At least not in my lifetime.
You told me my liberalness wasn't appreciated

There's nothing liberal about you. You're just as much of a white supremacist as David Duke.

and I watched your little video yesterday and that guy said when you take over there's going to be payback. So why would I help you get in a position to pay me back? I like the way things are now.

Of course you like the way things are. Because you know can't compete with black men without a system to assist you.

I can see your side of things from your perspective but sorry that's the kind of shit minorities have to deal with. Go somewhere else where you are the majority. Until then, stfu.

I'm a foundation black American. We don't run. You grandfather ran from Greece to come to the a country black American built and fought for.

The oldest skeleton found in the Americas is the 12,000 year old skull and DNA of a Black female scientists named Luzia Woman. According to dna mapping & digital rendering, this is what Native Americans originally looked like Who are their descendants?

View attachment 505002


Foundational Black Americans are actually partly descended from the Black aboriginal tribes that most of the European explorers said they encountered when they reached The Americas?

View attachment 505003

This used to be a emblem for America...a portrait of queen Califia.

View attachment 505004

View attachment 505005

This country was built by black people even a white supremacist like Trump says so

It's not racist. Do you believe in evolution?

White supremacists are products of what is known as involution which is the opposite of evolution

Then the brain evolves too dipshit.

Call me intellectually inferior all day. I don't give a crap about that. White people are always running around trying to prove how stupid black people are.

But if black people are just so stupid. Right ? And white ppl's brains are more developed if you have white skin. Right ?

Then 2 questions

Why do you need a system of racism - white supremacy to assist you ?
What do you do with these stupid blk ppl ?

So while us whites were reading and writing, you were hunting the african plains. Not racist to state the facts.

Medieval Europe was a sh*t hole. Until the Blacks came in from Africa and cleaned it up.

View attachment 505009

View attachment 505010

They built stuff like this

View attachment 505012

View attachment 505013

View attachment 505015

The truth is out there

All this knowledge was brought to Europe. Black ppl cleaned Europe up. Black ppl brought paper making to Europe via Spain by the Moors. This allowed the growth of libraries.

The stench of medieval Europe still echoes today. The Middle Ages smelt of sewage and decaying bodies. The Queen of Spain Isabel of Castle (the end of the 15th century) confessed that she had taken a bath only twice in a lifetime when born and married.

French kings died of lice. People emptied chamber pots right out of their windows making streets look like cesspools. Fleas, lice and bugs swarmed in rich and poor houses of London and Paris.

Unsanitary conditions, diseases and starvation were what early Europe was. Stop deluding yourself. Noble families were happy if at best two or three of ten children survived. A third of women died in labor. They had no street illumination. In Ancient Rome they sold even the urine from latrines to wool dyers and leather tanners.

Rain was the only street cleaner in those times.

The Moors civilized Europe, There were bath houses all thru Moorish Spain as well as well lit streets, Universities, Palaces, literate populace. That doesn't mean white folks readily accepted cleanliness obviously. They would wear clothes until it would damn near disintegrate on their backs. Now they try to teach b.s like they civilized blks while it was the other way around.

The truth of the matter is early Europeans were nasty mofos.

The Islamic Moors were responsible from bringing them out of the dark ages.

Socrates vs the Kalahari bushman. You taught your kids how to hunt, we taught our kids to read for thousands of years passing that smart on to the next generation after generation.

Black people taught the Greeks because greek civilization comes from Egypt. Whites think civilisation started with Greece because it was the first “white” country to be civilized. And it was first only because it was closest to Egypt.

You are taught to turn a blind eye to the Egyptian roots of Greek civilization: the columns, the paper, the science and mathematics all came straight out of Egypt.

Even before Alexandria became the centre of Greek learning, people like Plato, Pythagoras, Solon and Thales all studied in Egypt. “The glory that was Greece” was built not on some kind of amazing Greek grey matter but sailing times to Egypt.

.It's also funny that ancient Greeks are seen as universal not ethnic” and you play up what they have in common with the Ancient Greeks but you do not apply that kind of thinking to the Greeks of the past 1500 years, who many whites look down on as unimportant, even the Byzantine Empire.

but there are exceptions like we whip your asses in MMA and you can't golf or swim.

The best fighters in MMA are black and we don't swim but when we do we kick ass in that.

This is Simone Manuel.

View attachment 505021

She is the fastest female swimmer in the world.

She's the current double world and Olympic champion in the 100m freestyle.

And that's in a sport we don't take seriously.

This is Simone Biles

View attachment 505023

She is the best female gymnast ever.

She crushes the white competition in a sport that is usually dominated by Eastern Europeans and the Chinese.

This is Lewis Hamilton

View attachment 505024

He is the best driver ever.

He is the current Formula one driving champion and has won that title 3 times out of the last four years and this despite the fact that participation rates in Formula one for black people are very low.

This is Tiger Woods

View attachment 505026

He is the best Golfer ever.

Hell he even came bk way past his best his to win a major in 2019. But But from 1997 to 2007. He was the best Golfer anyone has ever seen.

It's not sport without blk ppl. Even non traditional blk sports we dominate.

White people just need to stay out of our way and watch more and more of us break your little records and set our own.

White people know that Black people can be great scientists, economists, attorneys and anything else. That is the reason predominantly Black school districts are under-funded, under-staffed with inexperienced teachers, denied books, microscopes and other lab equipment, and put hazardous waste near black schools, cut art and music classes, sports teams and sometimes hot meals in a cafeteria.

You sound like me when I talk about my Greek culture. How are the Greeks and Blacks doing today? Who cares if the first ones to discover America were black? Great. Now what?

I'm no more of a white supremist than you are a black supremist. Only difference is we have the power you don't.
And then I defended you blacks. For 400 years we didn't allow you to read. So it's not all your fault. But the fact is, we bred you to be big and strong not smart. Even if it's just a little smarter. Same way as you guys are better athletes naturally

I wish you white supremacist would make up your mind. The original theory was that white people were superior in BODY and BRAINS.

In the 1936 Berlin Olympics. Hitler thought his white Ayrans would dominate the sprints and athletics


But due to Jessie Owens that plan came up short.

View attachment 505033

So the white supremacist changed there tune and decided, brains now matter and there theory had come up short. So whites are gonna be sold to the world as superior intellectually

How convienent

Basketball is a white and non black sport in the main. It's just that AA's are the best at it

So yeah you’ll find that 75% of African Americans in the NBA but you won’t find many West Africans or Carribbeans, who are certainly “blacker” and according to your theory, athleticism and blackness somehow run together.

Well in that case you'd expect West Africans to dominate the NBA and African teams to dominate international basketball competitions.

That don't. Why ?

As you can see in the world rankings, there is not a majority black nation that makes the top 30

View attachment 505031

But if black people are so naturally good at basketball then why don't African nations like Nigeria, Ghana, Ivory Coast dominate international dominate basketball comps ?

They're pure black with little white admixture in them and according to you blackness and strength go hand in hand then why are African teams so average ?

Why aren't all championship high jumpers black ?
  • Every player who has ever won an NHL scoring title is white.
  • Why is every Olympic weightlifting record is held by a Caucasian ?
  • Why are all strong man comps won by whites ?
  • Why are all all championship speed skaters are white.
  • Every major league pitcher who has ever won 300 games is white.
  • Almost all Olympic champions rowers and kayakers are white,
I don't believe that whites are physically advantaged in shooting, hockey pucks, lifting barbells, skating, or rowing. Do you ?

There are actually very good reasons why track and field and boxing events are dominated the way they are; because that's who trains and competes in them. Boxing is generally for people who have limited opportunities. Racism limits your opportunities.

And yes Africans have been ahead of the rest of the world in long distance training methods for thirty years; it's no surprise they dominate the competitions.

If people from a geographic region of Africa are the world's champion sprinters and a different group of people from a geographic region of Africa are the world's champion marathon runners and both are alleged to be part of some specific "race" you have just argued against sprinting or distance running as being a "racial" characteristic. Since the two groups you tried to put into one "race" have contradictory abilities.

Most black athletes who grew up in poverty thrive in sports that feature three things
  1. Modest equipment investment
  2. high social/cultural approval
  3. Fame and wealth in professional ranks.
That's why young urban black athletes who are strong in sports keep gravitating to the same five: basketball, football, baseball, track & field and increasingly tennis.

The fundamentals of these sports can be learned at a very young age

Thousands of hours can be logged playing and practicing with your peers in the streets, and the rewards for top talent can be scouted and developed from middle school on. You just don't get the same community support or interest if you're black and happen to be good at hockey. polo, sync swimming, surfing and ice skating.
So you're saying we bred african Americans to be bigger than carribean blacks? I'll agree with that. Jimmy the Greek got fired for saying it though.
And then I defended you blacks. For 400 years we didn't allow you to read. So it's not all your fault. But the fact is, we bred you to be big and strong not smart. Even if it's just a little smarter. Same way as you guys are better athletes naturally

I wish you white supremacist would make up your mind. The original theory was that white people were superior in BODY and BRAINS.

In the 1936 Berlin Olympics. Hitler thought his white Ayrans would dominate the sprints and athletics


But due to Jessie Owens that plan came up short.

View attachment 505033

So the white supremacist changed there tune and decided, brains now matter and there theory had come up short. So whites are gonna be sold to the world as superior intellectually

How convienent

Basketball is a white and non black sport in the main. It's just that AA's are the best at it

So yeah you’ll find that 75% of African Americans in the NBA but you won’t find many West Africans or Carribbeans, who are certainly “blacker” and according to your theory, athleticism and blackness somehow run together.

Well in that case you'd expect West Africans to dominate the NBA and African teams to dominate international basketball competitions.

That don't. Why ?

As you can see in the world rankings, there is not a majority black nation that makes the top 30

View attachment 505031

But if black people are so naturally good at basketball then why don't African nations like Nigeria, Ghana, Ivory Coast dominate international dominate basketball comps ?

They're pure black with little white admixture in them and according to you blackness and strength go hand in hand then why are African teams so average ?

Why aren't all championship high jumpers black ?
  • Every player who has ever won an NHL scoring title is white.
  • Why is every Olympic weightlifting record is held by a Caucasian ?
  • Why are all strong man comps won by whites ?
  • Why are all all championship speed skaters are white.
  • Every major league pitcher who has ever won 300 games is white.
  • Almost all Olympic champions rowers and kayakers are white,
I don't believe that whites are physically advantaged in shooting, hockey pucks, lifting barbells, skating, or rowing. Do you ?

There are actually very good reasons why track and field and boxing events are dominated the way they are; because that's who trains and competes in them. Boxing is generally for people who have limited opportunities. Racism limits your opportunities.

And yes Africans have been ahead of the rest of the world in long distance training methods for thirty years; it's no surprise they dominate the competitions.

If people from a geographic region of Africa are the world's champion sprinters and a different group of people from a geographic region of Africa are the world's champion marathon runners and both are alleged to be part of some specific "race" you have just argued against sprinting or distance running as being a "racial" characteristic. Since the two groups you tried to put into one "race" have contradictory abilities.

Most black athletes who grew up in poverty thrive in sports that feature three things
  1. Modest equipment investment
  2. high social/cultural approval
  3. Fame and wealth in professional ranks.
That's why young urban black athletes who are strong in sports keep gravitating to the same five: basketball, football, baseball, track & field and increasingly tennis.

The fundamentals of these sports can be learned at a very young age

Thousands of hours can be logged playing and practicing with your peers in the streets, and the rewards for top talent can be scouted and developed from middle school on. You just don't get the same community support or interest if you're black and happen to be good at hockey. polo, sync swimming, surfing and ice skating.
I agree. And I think you proved my point. For at least 400 years maybe 1000 your ancestors weren't evolving to be smarter you evolved to be physically superior. Do you not believe that if whites for hundreds of years teach their kids math and science and blacks don't that the white brain won't slowly evolve differently than the black?

I don't know. I'm assuming it would evolve differently. So over time the white baby brains would be a little bigger than the black babies. I could be wrong. Maybe it doesn't work this way with brains over time. I bet it does though.

Let me know the next time a white person gives birth to a Shaq.

On another note have you noticed all the great NBA players who's moms are white and dads are black? Never is the mom black and dad white. Or very rare.
You said you wanted to rape white children. And murder them. And force their parents to watch you rape and murder them.

If white kids get's raped so be it. I'm not into kids like that. Are you ? Since you talk about it so much ? Kids die in wars all the time. But If I had my way I'd commit genocide on white south Africans.
If black kids die in Detroit every day so be it.
... So over time the white baby brains would be a little bigger than the black babies. .....
Fuck you, scumbag weakling.
So you don't believe the brain evolves? You don't believe there are differences between black brains and white?

Compared to whites, blacks had lower DSST (p=0.001) and lower 3MS (p=0.006), but also lower mean diffusivity (i.e. higher gray matter microstructural integrity, p=0.032), independent of gender, income, literacy, body mass index, diabetes and drinking habits. Racial differences were not significant for WMH (p=0.062) or GMA (p=0.4). Among blacks, mean diffusivity and WMH were associated with DSST (sβ=-.209, p=0.037 and -.211, p=.038, respectively) independent of each other and other covariates; among whites, mean diffusivity, but not WMH, was significantly associated with DSST and 3MS (sβ =-.277, p=.002 and -.250, p=0.029, respectively).

Conclusions: In this cohort of octogenarians living in the community, blacks appeared to have higher microstructural integrity of gray matter as compared to whites. This neuroimaging marker was related to higher cognition even in the presence of WMH and other cardiovascular conditions. If confirmed, these findings suggest microstructural gray matter integrity may be a target to improve cognition, especially among blacks who survive to very old age with a range of chronic cardiovascular conditions.

Remember, for 400 years we didn't let them read or write. That has to have an impact on the evolution of their brains.
Why do you need a system of racism - white supremacy to assist you ?
We don't. If the system were really racist and favored whites, it wouldn't allow for equal opportunity programs such as Affirmative Action, AAEP, EEO, etc. to exist, and Asians wouldn't outperform whites on intelligence tests. Blacks have the tables tilted entirely in their favor and still can't succeed at the levels of Asians and whites. It's the same story everywhere they go. They always come up with the same excuses, too.
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Actually more....think welfare

The welfare capital of America a place that is an all white town in Kentucky and is 99% white.

The place is Owsley County and they are never told to “pull themselves up by their boot straps” like Black people who have had a history of systematic economic deprivation, are told to do.

Thus is literally an entire town that is 99% white and every single person there is on welfare.

And let's look a real welfare eh ?

White Companies in the USA receive public assistance in the form of tax breaks and EVEN tax credits as well free infrastructure upgrades to make it easier for them to do business. Whenever they build a Walmart or a Whole-foods or whatever, they redo the whole dam inter-section. For a Walmart they put up new traffic lights, new sewage lines, they use millions of blk tax money for white companies.

But they'll never do that for a black business. Because when black people show up it "O no !! Thats welfare ! We cant give you nothing" meanwhile they're given white businesses millions.

By the way a 47-year-old white man (Owen Reily) from Georgia has been arrested after keeping his own deceased mother in the freezer for years to have sex with, while collecting welfare checks, food stamps.

You are an idiot----business do lots of freebies to get business's to their area---and quit frankly they don't give a shit about any color except for GREEN on the local levels......Green for the ones making the decision.

Blacks btw get lots of government handouts for businesses----take for instance for Farmers---black farmers are given loans and grants that white male farmers would never get.
Thank you for being specific. It helps when multiple points are brought up ;)
Be done with welfare. That will have our welfare recipients at ZERO.

I would advise to take a trip to a nation with little or no social safety net and then return here

The first thing is people would be unwilling to work for less than a living wage without government help. Fast food restaurants and Walmarts would shut down.

And what do you intend on doing with the millions of workers who administer the welfare services who would lose their jobs ?

With less money for poor people, there would be less spending. There would be less demand for goods. The prices would fall to the cost of production and demand would still be too weak, so production would shut down.

When production shuts down, more people will be unemployed. So people will buy less and demand will decrease. This will cause more production to shut down. If you know a little economics (which you probably don't) you know what I'm describing is an economic depression.

With a depression and no sign of government help, there will be a lot of unrest. People would be starving. They'd get violent. The rich would have to stay under constant security because it would be too dangerous to move around outside. Crime would be super rampant.

Eventually, the entire economy and social order would just completely collapse.

Be careful of what you wish for.

And by the way I'm sure your not talking about welfare to the rich. Right ? Like welfare given to the undeserving rich and corporations that have corrupted the system to get unnecessary military contracts along with the Beltway Bandits, the corporations that do the government's work because there is a loud contingent in Congress who prefer that you pay more for consultants to do the job worse than government employees would.
Without welfare, walmarts and mcDs would have to pay their people a living wage in order to run their businesses. End Welfare---it creates more problems than it solves.
Actually more....think welfare

The welfare capital of America a place that is an all white town in Kentucky and is 99% white.

The place is Owsley County and they are never told to “pull themselves up by their boot straps” like Black people who have had a history of systematic economic deprivation, are told to do.

Thus is literally an entire town that is 99% white and every single person there is on welfare.

And let's look a real welfare eh ?

White Companies in the USA receive public assistance in the form of tax breaks and EVEN tax credits as well free infrastructure upgrades to make it easier for them to do business. Whenever they build a Walmart or a Whole-foods or whatever, they redo the whole dam inter-section. For a Walmart they put up new traffic lights, new sewage lines, they use millions of blk tax money for white companies.

But they'll never do that for a black business. Because when black people show up it "O no !! Thats welfare ! We cant give you nothing" meanwhile they're given white businesses millions.

By the way a 47-year-old white man (Owen Reily) from Georgia has been arrested after keeping his own deceased mother in the freezer for years to have sex with, while collecting welfare checks, food stamps.

You are an has only 4755 people with 52% of them receiving food stamps moron. Stop getting your info and/or making your shit up from AlJarreza. They manipulate nitwits like you on a daily basis. Welfare is bad---it needs to end as we know it for EVERYONE.....
You are an idiot----business do lots of freebies to get business's to their area---and quit frankly they don't give a shit about any color except for GREEN on the local levels......Green for the ones making the decision.

Look at what happened a few months.


So here we have a story were they were going to build high speed rail in Texas to run from Dallas to Houston ?

The problem is they're running that through white folks farmland and don't you know the white folks down there are taken that to court ? The white folks down there are like "Hey Whoah !!! You ain't gonna do us like the negroes !!"

Blk ppl never have the opportunity to sue anybody, get an injuction for anybody. White folks once you start going to their areas, here comes the lawsuits, the injunctions, the politicians, the delays things you've NEVER heard of happening with blk folks

There is NEVER any delay when they wanna build stuff in black area. Constituional rights is suspended. Civili rights is suspended.

Blacks btw get lots of government handouts for businesses----take for instance for Farmers---black farmers are given loans and grants that white male farmers would never get.

Black people are the only race of people in the USA who businesses get sabotaged. A successful Black business is being sabotaged with lawsuits from residents claiming the Turkey Leg smoke is a "noxious" health risk.

These suspected racist “environmentalists” all of sudden they “care” about the earth when comes to blk ppl. I don’t see them bringing that same energy to theses white owned factories that pollute the air non stop.

Whites often like to throw so called "Asian success" in blk ppl's face. But name the Asian businesses in America that have been repeatedly sabotaged by the white supremacists in government?

Whenever black people as a group prosper, the white supremacists have always sabotaged that progress with NO exceptions
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Without welfare, walmarts and mcDs would have to pay their people a living wage in order to run their businesses. End Welfare---it creates more problems than it solves.

You can end welfare but this is what would happen. In fact the answer is easy to see, just look at other countries where they have no government welfare programs

But this is what would happen
  • massive homelessness -- millions of the working poor use their paycheck to cover rent, relying on welfare for food. But hunger wins. Within a few months, landlords would be going broke all over the country.
  • housing prices collapse -- a large percentage of houses and apartments are rented to the working poor. With mass evictions comes landlords unable to cover mortgages. Foreclosures soar and the frail housing market collapses again.
  • with far less tax money going to poor people, let's assume the government uses the cash to pay down debt instead of offering tax rebates. This drops interest rates and frees up capital for business loans. That would be stimulative, but with far fewer consumers, the economy is sliding into massive recession. Business will contract, not expand.
  • the recession will go world wide quickly, just as it did in 2008, but with fragile economies around the world, the damage would be far worse.
  • homelessness drives up crime. Since state income usually is tied to sales tax (way down) and property tax (declining), states will cut programs for everything but police and prisons. The results will be more cops and far more inmates, driving up costs dramatically.
  • restless homeless voters make for an unhappy electorate. Tax cuts, when they do come, only benefit people who pay taxes, so that will not satisfy them. A series of increasingly progressive candidates will arise to power with populist messages.
  • within a few years, the president and congress will face a massive political backlash. They will be voted out of power in an election similar to 1932.
  • This time, instead of New Deal reforms that allowed rich people to keep their possessions, the anger would be so great that waves of socialism would sweep the country. Unions would roar back in offices and factories and workplaces around the country.
The likelihood of civil war would loom large.

Good luck with that
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... You don't believe there are differences between black brains and white?

I believe you don't know a damn thing about evolution or genetics. I believe you searched for anything on Google to support your prejudice and racism, as all you Stormfront Science Club racists do. You don't understand any of it. You're an ignorant clown.
Where was I wrong dipshit. See this is where the conversation always ends with you. I'm wrong, you're right. Nothing to back it up though.

I was just thinking logically. If our brains evolve then 400 years of not letting black people learn to read might mean their brains didn't evolve the way ours did. I'm not being a racist you fuck. God you're worthless. Piss off fish.
Whites often like to throw so called "Asian success" in blk ppl's face. But name the Asian businesses in America that have been repeatedly sabotaged by the white supremacists in government?
Asian businesses aren't being sabotaged by white supremacists in government because systemic white racism isn't a problem. The reality is blacks aren't willing to take responsibility for problems they create.

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