Blacks that White Racists Don't Like

I'm not a white supreme. It's science.

It's not science. It's pseudo science

But if you think science can settle moral questions, then you need only look at the different scientific opinions over something like climate change / global warming or what were long considered settled matters (like evolution) to see how there is no one scientific opinion on any moral issue

And how about white people ? They're certainly less genetically diverse than Blacks, but they obviously have genetic variance between sayā€¦ Scandinavians and Italians or Anglo Saxons and Spaniardsā€¦ but evidently, those genetic differences are somehow never linked to intelligence.

Why don't you theorize on which group of White people are the least intelligent.

No !


That's only used for talking about black ppl. Right ?


Who are the genetically dumber and disadvantaged Whites ? If there is enough genetic difference for whites to have different hair color, eye color and different average height, then why not intelligence ?

The answer is because this is not science, itā€™s politics and to ask that question doesn't serve the political goals of racist Whites.

You donā€™t want to face the idea that you might belong to the dumbest group of White people in your little hierarchy. So you theorize that ā€œWhitenessā€ simply makes all Whites just as capable, and all Blacks equally disadvantaged

in which Blacks average an IQ of 85, Whites 100, and East Asians 106.

Serial killer Ted Bundy apparently had an IQ around 140........ genius level in your world.

But would it be right to be label a guy who used to slit women from vagina to throat as intelligent ?
And if you really believed in IQ then why don't you drive your arguments to it's logical conclusion ? That is why aren't you demanding everything be based on IQ ? Jobs ? Presidential elections ? Birth Licences ? driving licences ?

I'll wait

But if you are trying to ground IQ as a genetic product of race the very first thing you NEED to do is offer up a genetic or biological definition of race, something no one has not done nor has any

But I always, sit back, invite them to give such a definition. Mainly because their fumbling attempts to deī€˜ne race point out just how subjective such definitions are. In close to a decade of debating race with racists.

I have yet to see any one of them, no matter what their scientific credentials, offer up
an acceptably neutral definition of race.

No-one has shown that human variation is great enough to account for differences of IQ, nor has
anyone established the veracity of IQ as a legitimate measurement. No one has provided an
inextricable link between genetics, race, and IQ outside of methodologically flawed correlations.
You make the claim, then you prove the claim. The fact that they are incapable of doing so
makes my life very easy.

Truth is in neurology no one takes IQ seriously. It is archaic and only really useful to social scientists. Neurologists who have a better understanding of how the brain works because they spend decades of their lives studying it have little to no use for it, but to the public at large it is so important. Because the public is only concerned with what feels like it should be true rather than what is actually the case in reality.

Irony is Alfred Binet created IQ testā€™s to see which children werenā€™t proī€˜ting from the Parisian school system, not so that they could be labelled stupid but so new educational programs could be created to help those children. He was afraid that his tests would be misused for nepharious reasons, and poor Alfred, he must have been psychic because once white supremacits got a hold of it, it took on
a whole new meaning

These brain size differences, containing millions of brain cells and hundreds of millions of synapses underlie the race differences on IQ tests, African-descended people (Blacks) average cranial capacities of 1267 cm3, European-descended people (Whites) 1347 cm3, and East Asian-descended people (East Asians) 1364 cm3

I said to you before if it's about brain size then why don't whales run the world ?

Whatā€™s actually sad from a scientific perspective is how guys like you get away with obviously ignoring neuroscientific facts (not hypotheses) such as structural plasticity or neuroplasticity.

There are many physiological processes in the brain that control cognitive performance. Size plays a minor role within a given species, if any at all, especially in humans where the differences are small and on an individual level.

The brain-to-body mass will not get you any further either. Among mammals, that ratio is greatest in mice, next to humans. Itā€™s even higher in birds.

If you want to look at the absolute amount, hereā€™s a simple example that I gave you before.

A Chihuahua and a Rottweiler are able to learn the same tricks although their brain sizes differ considerably. On the other hand, the cognitive capabilities of a Rottweiler are not superior to the Chihuahua proportionally to its brain size.

The question then is, what is the rest of the Rottweilerā€™s brain matter doing if it canā€™t learn more than its tiny species mate? A plausible conclusion would be that there must be something else at work and that a given cognitive performance is independent of the brain mass of an individual within a given species, (and also brain-to-body mass cross-species.)

Neuroscientists have already found a few answers to that question. Once again, the keyword is plasticity, ie. rewiring of synapses. Directly observable and experimentally reproducible, synaptic rewiring has a strong environmental component.

Apart from that, there are also other parts involved in cognitive processes such as the cerebellum. Neuronal density is also thought to play a big role. However the precise physiological mechanisms are not yet fully understood. Full stop. A bunch of cooked up stats by a handful of quacks will certainly not contribute anything productive to the serious research of neuroscientists.

But alas, you have already decided you are right and the rest of the world is wrong. And of course, the lack of absolute differences between brains across groups is merely a minor problem in this whole grand delusion of racial superiority ; )

I know this is making you uncomfortable.

No making me uncomfortable at all. White people were saying that black people were stupid long before the IQ. You are always going to need some kinda of scientific rationale to justify any type racism. That's racism 101.

But what I can not understand is this : Why canā€™t you be just a racist ? Why do you need these pseudos scientifical explanations? What is wrong with racism? You do promote it, so why be a shame of it?

Just say ā€œN****S are stupid.ā€? And be done.

That's mystery to me.
I'm not trying to be racist pussy. You're like a jew who if you say one thing negative about Israel, you're anti semetic. Fuck off pussy. If you appreciated my liberalness maybe I'd care but you don't. And on top of that you accuse me of being racist for not wanting my daughter to bring home a black guy but clearly the black community has a problem with their black women dating white guys. Deny it and you're a liar.

Bottom line is if you believe in evolution, and you look at how much smarter a border collie is than a rotweiller, then you know it's possible for one breed of a species to be smarter than another. Sure outside influences played a role but it's true none the less. But it offends you to think for the last 500 years blacks have been bred differently than whites and that might mean today whites are SLIGHTLY more intelligent.

Don't hang your hat on the brain size thing. I am not married to brain size equating to intelligence. You could certainly have a bigger brain than a really smart 5 foot white woman. Her little brain could be smarter than your big brain I agree.

And that's not to say some blacks aren't smarter than some whites. Evolution happens slowly over hundreds thousands and millions of years. We are all 99% the same. It's that one percent I'm talking about. Not even.

If it's true does that make me a racist for seeing it or saying it? I could be wrong. Just hypothesizing. And remember, I blame whites for this. For 500 years we controlled your breeding just like we do dogs today. It's our fault if we are smarter.
....Unkotare says dogs aren't people. So what? ...
So dogs aren't people, stupid.
We've already established that ...
Then all of your absolutely idiotic conclusions based on treating humans as if we were dogs cannot therefore be sound. Go ask an adult to explain that to you.
Wrong. I think it would offend too many people if a study came out and showed what I'm saying to be true. But it must be because we are just animals. So what if we aren't dogs?

Genetic evidence suggests that dogs split from their wolf ancestors between 27,000 and 40,000 years ago. The oldest known dog burial is from 14,200 years ago, suggesting dogs were firmly installed as pets by then.

In America we didn't let blacks read and write for 400 plus years.

The idea and practice of universal, compulsory public education developed in Europe, from the early 16th century

European missionaries established schools in the coastal areas of West Africa in the 1600s but these early schools lasted only a short time. So African children were't attending school before we showed up.

During the early colonial period, European powers had little interest in educating the indigenous populations of their African colonies. They were concerned with extracting the continent's natural wealth, not with building functioning nations. Nor did they envision Africans as playing a significant role in the colonial government or economy. As a result, there were few schools of any kind for local populations before the mid-1800s.
....Unkotare says dogs aren't people. So what? ...
So dogs aren't people, stupid.
We've already established that ...
Then all of your absolutely idiotic conclusions based on treating humans as if we were dogs cannot therefore be sound. Go ask an adult to explain that to you.
Wrong. I think it would offend too many people if a study came out and showed what I'm saying to be true. But it must be ....
More of that rock-solid bobobrainless logic!
You have admitted to casting racial slurs many, many times. Almost everything you ever post is some racist nonsense. Do you get "scared away" by looking in the mirror? Oh, well I guess YOU would....
This not nonsense. Stick to the conversation, prove me wrong or beat it troll.
Yes, I agree. For 400 PLUS years we fucked you guys. I admit it.

And we still here and that annoys you white supremacists to the max.

This is burns your soul

Why can't black people just die whites must ask themselves


They never expected us to last this long and grow stronger despite all the drugs, war, molestation, slavery, guns, police brutality, AIDS, glass ceilings, minstrel shows/ media destruction/ music destruction, prison systems, killings of our boys and girls, poison water/ food supply, Katrina, Haiti etcā€¦etcā€¦etc.

You are baffled at our resilience and cannot come to terms with it. If they were placed in our situation, any of them, they would have died off centuries ago.

How is it possible that we are still here?

So once again what are white people going to do to black people that have not tried to do already ?

I get it. You think the white man goal is to keep his blood line white. You have not accomplished that goal. It begs the question whether white folks are a natural race and how is it that other communities can breed so many children but white folks can only breed a few, in the bible it speaks of God cursing the stock (sperm) of nation that goes against his laws
You have admitted to casting racial slurs many, many times. Almost everything you ever post is some racist nonsense. Do you get "scared away" by looking in the mirror? Oh, well I guess YOU would....
This not nonsense. Stick to the conversation, prove me wrong or beat it troll.
It is complete nonsense, and if you had a brain you would realize that. Once again, human beings are not dogs.
Blacks aren't responsible for their own life choices is that what you are saying?

I'm part Indian----I grew up when it was allowed to state Un PC facts. One of the facts about Indians is that they are prone to alcohol abuse. They can't handle liquor and they quickly develop addictions to things like Liquor, drugs, gambling as do blacks. ADDICTIONS and poor impulse control runs in families AND RACES but shhhh...its not political correct to know such things.

Because I knew of this since I was a small child and didn't want to wind up like a reservation Indian (yes the Reservations are full of alcoholic druggy criminal Indians (you know like ghettos)---I made a conscious choice that I would never ever be an alcoholic and chose not to drink alcohol except in extremely moderate amounts and never to the point where I was drunk. Because I made my choices when I was young---I really never drank or used drugs. Especially when I was a child/teen which is when most people develop their addictions and their moral code. Now, unlike you, I had lots of whites and other colors trying to get me drunk/high since I was a very curvy 12/13 year old child who was placed in higher grades (bad ideal for those parents who have smart kids to do btw as the other kids are always bigger and always more experienced in getting into trouble.) It never ever popped into my head that If I chose to take all the drugs/alcohol that I was always offered that it would ever be anyone elses fault but MINE for taking them.

You need to grow up PAUL------you made your choices in life as stupid as they must have been for you to blame everyone else for them.
Yes, I agree. For 400 PLUS years we fucked you guys. I admit it.

And we still here and that annoys you white supremacists to the max.

This is burns your soul

Why can't black people just die whites must ask themselves


They never expected us to last this long and grow stronger despite all the drugs, war, molestation, slavery, guns, police brutality, AIDS, glass ceilings, minstrel shows/ media destruction/ music destruction, prison systems, killings of our boys and girls, poison water/ food supply, Katrina, Haiti etcā€¦etcā€¦etc.

You are baffled at our resilience and cannot come to terms with it. If they were placed in our situation, any of them, they would have died off centuries ago.

How is it possible that we are still here?

So once again what are white people going to do to black people that have not tried to do already ?

I get it. You think the white man goal is to keep his blood line white. You have not accomplished that goal. It begs the question whether white folks are a natural race and how is it that other communities can breed so many children but white folks can only breed a few, in the bible it speaks of God cursing the stock (sperm) of nation that goes against his laws
You got me all wrong. You're reading into what I'm saying. I don't hate you, want you to go away and I certainly expect there to be black people when we colonize the universe. Stop being such a snowflake.
You have admitted to casting racial slurs many, many times. Almost everything you ever post is some racist nonsense. Do you get "scared away" by looking in the mirror? Oh, well I guess YOU would....
This not nonsense. Stick to the conversation, prove me wrong or beat it troll.
It is complete nonsense, and if you had a brain you would realize that. Once again, human beings are not dogs.
Thanks Captain Obvious. Evolution however works on us just like it does dogs.
Yes, I agree. For 400 PLUS years we fucked you guys. I admit it.

And we still here and that annoys you white supremacists to the max.

This is burns your soul

Why can't black people just die whites must ask themselves


They never expected us to last this long and grow stronger despite all the drugs, war, molestation, slavery, guns, police brutality, AIDS, glass ceilings, minstrel shows/ media destruction/ music destruction, prison systems, killings of our boys and girls, poison water/ food supply, Katrina, Haiti etcā€¦etcā€¦etc.

You are baffled at our resilience and cannot come to terms with it. If they were placed in our situation, any of them, they would have died off centuries ago.

How is it possible that we are still here?

So once again what are white people going to do to black people that have not tried to do already ?

I get it. You think the white man goal is to keep his blood line white. You have not accomplished that goal. It begs the question whether white folks are a natural race and how is it that other communities can breed so many children but white folks can only breed a few, in the bible it speaks of God cursing the stock (sperm) of nation that goes against his laws
Why would you add to what I said? Why do you assume you still being here annoys me? You sound defensive. Certainly not open minded enough to have a conversation about this. Not if you are going to assume you still being here annoys me. Where did you get that out of everything I've said? Stop making shit up. Stop putting words into my mouth. Focus. We held your people back mentally for 500 years.

Although dogs similar to todayā€™s border collies were most likely working alongside farmers as far back as the first century B.C., all the border collies alive today can trace their roots back to one common ancestor, a dog named Old Hemp.

Old Hemp was born in 1893. Look what we did in just over 130 years. Now consider we held blacks back mentally for over 500 years.
You have admitted to casting racial slurs many, many times. Almost everything you ever post is some racist nonsense. Do you get "scared away" by looking in the mirror? Oh, well I guess YOU would....
This not nonsense. Stick to the conversation, prove me wrong or beat it troll.
It is complete nonsense, and if you had a brain you would realize that. Once again, human beings are not dogs.
Thanks Captain Obvious. Evolution however works on us just like it does dogs.
You are painfully ignorant. Your imagination is not "science."
You have admitted to casting racial slurs many, many times. Almost everything you ever post is some racist nonsense. Do you get "scared away" by looking in the mirror? Oh, well I guess YOU would....
This not nonsense. Stick to the conversation, prove me wrong or beat it troll.
It is complete nonsense, and if you had a brain you would realize that. Once again, human beings are not dogs.
Thanks Captain Obvious. Evolution however works on us just like it does dogs.
You are painfully ignorant. Your imagination is not "science."
You haven't convinced me. You haven't even tried other than call me a racist.
You have admitted to casting racial slurs many, many times. Almost everything you ever post is some racist nonsense. Do you get "scared away" by looking in the mirror? Oh, well I guess YOU would....
This not nonsense. Stick to the conversation, prove me wrong or beat it troll.
It is complete nonsense, and if you had a brain you would realize that. Once again, human beings are not dogs.
Thanks Captain Obvious. Evolution however works on us just like it does dogs.
You are painfully ignorant. Your imagination is not "science."
You haven't convinced me. You haven't even tried other than call me a racist.
Human beings are not dogs, idiot.
Why would you add to what I said? Why do you assume you still being here annoys me? You sound defensive. Certainly not open minded enough to have a conversation about this. Not if you are going to assume you still being here annoys me. Where did you get that out of everything I've said? Stop making shit up. Stop putting words into my mouth. Focus. We held your people back mentally for 500 years.

So you think your superior to black men ? Since your so desperate to believe you're superior to black dudes. OK I'll give it ya.

Now what ?

What do you do with all these intellectually inferior black dudes ? The doing part. Not the assesment part.
You got me all wrong. You're reading into what I'm saying. I don't hate you, want you to go away and I certainly expect there to be black people when we colonize the universe. Stop being such a snowflake.

Did you know that 35% of White ppl are born with tails?





They cut them off at birth. Whites share DNA w/the Rhesus Monkey.

They love calling Black people monkeys & 3/5th of a human.

All your babble is just Itā€™a tactic that Whites have used for centuries they project onto others the truth about themselves. Racism is about projection.

No white man thinks they are superior to black men. None
I'm part Indian----I grew up when it was allowed to state Un PC facts. One of the facts about Indians is that they are prone to alcohol abuse. They can't handle liquor and they quickly develop addictions to things like Liquor, drugs, gambling as do blacks. ADDICTIONS and poor impulse control runs in families AND RACES but shhhh...its not political correct to know such things.

What the fk is part indian ? Are you white ?

Because I knew of this since I was a small child and didn't want to wind up like a reservation Indian (yes the Reservations are full of alcoholic druggy criminal Indians (you know like ghettos)---I made a conscious choice that I would never ever be an alcoholic and chose not to drink alcohol except in extremely moderate amounts and never to the point where I was drunk. Because I made my choices when I was young---I really never drank or used drugs.

Please excuse me whilst I break out the worlds smallest violin

Especially when I was a child/teen which is when most people develop their addictions and their moral code. Now, unlike you, I had lots of whites and other colors trying to get me drunk/high since I was a very curvy 12/13 year old child who was placed in higher grades (bad ideal for those parents who have smart kids to do btw as the other kids are always bigger and always more experienced in getting into trouble.) It never ever popped into my head that If I chose to take all the drugs/alcohol that I was always offered that it would ever be anyone elses fault but MINE for taking them.

What's your point ?

Blacks aren't responsible for their own life choices is that what you are saying?

OK. Black people are responsible for life however black people in America can expect to have a hard time finding a job, and be paid less for it when they do get it.

We can expect to have a harder time getting a loan, and pay a higher price when we do.

Blk ppl can expect to have a harder time finding an apartment or a house, which may make it more likely that they end up in a ā€œcertain neighborhood,ā€ which can reduce their access to investment, reduce the quality of their childrenā€™s education,

Blk ppl can expect to be viewed and treated as dangerous criminals, hail a taxi, or even move into a neighborhood.

Blk ppl can expect to have a hard time getting accepted to college and receive the same treatment from professors and advisors once theyā€™re there.

Blk ppl can expect that an officer with an attitude problem or a quota to fill might arrest them on bogus charges, or maybe even plant evidence.

Blk ppl can expect police officers to operate under the assumption that they are guilty, and they can expect to be railroaded by the justice systemā€”even to the point of being forced to take guilty pleas when they are innocent.

And all this will happen even if black person is doing their everything right.

So sure that sounds all nice you saying "Blacks aren't responsible for their own life choices is that what you are saying?" but we walk a different path and guess what ? Black people still thrive despite whole system against us. White people need a system of injustice. We don't.

But god forbid if a blk person should make a mistake.

Then Blk ppl can expect to be treated as criminals by teachers, given harsher sentences (longer suspensions, quicker expulsions, etc., both of which remove them from school and expose them to the gang element in their neighborhood).

Blk ppl can expect to be arrested, charged, convicted, and imprisoned for offenses that a large percentage of whites consider part of ā€œbeing a teenagerā€ or a college student.

We can expect stiffer charges, higher conviction rates, and longer sentences.
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IQ has very little to do with success and nothing at all to do with morality. The fact that a serial killer has a high IQ doesn't mean that he isn't a sociopath. I personally believe that most sociopaths have high IQs because it's easy to look down and marginalize people who appear "less" than you. I will give you a personal example; by the age of thirteen I was six feet tall, but I never considered myself tall, I considered other people short. To me I was normal sized. I judged other people by my standards. That doesn't make me sociopathic, but it gives me a small window into their thoughts.

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