Blacks that White Racists Don't Like

You have admitted to casting racial slurs many, many times. Almost everything you ever post is some racist nonsense. Do you get "scared away" by looking in the mirror? Oh, well I guess YOU would....
This not nonsense. Stick to the conversation, prove me wrong or beat it troll.
It is complete nonsense, and if you had a brain you would realize that. Once again, human beings are not dogs.
Thanks Captain Obvious. Evolution however works on us just like it does dogs.
You are painfully ignorant. Your imagination is not "science."
Evolution works differently on humans than it does on other animals? What evidence do you have for this?
Go back to Jr High and start over, moron.
I'm not. You are. Are we really doing this fish?

I see you staying away from the serious conversation we're having on this in another thread. No one calling anyone a racist and I've even proved you wrong over there.

Genome editing (also called gene editing) is a group of technologies that give scientists the ability to change an organism's DNA. These technologies allow genetic material to be added, removed, or altered at particular locations in the genome. Several approaches to genome editing have been developed.

Dogs and humans evolve the same way. It's science. Evolution is evolution regardless of the kind of animal. All works the same way. You don't teach science so shut up.
Wrong again, stupid.
I'm not. Do you deny being one?
Yes I do deny being one. ....
Despite all of the racial slurs you have used here, and all of the blatantly racist nonsense you continue to spew? Typical democrat, lacking any self-awareness.
Wrong again, stupid.
I'm not. Do you deny being one?
Yes I do deny being one. ....
Despite all of the racial slurs you have used here, and all of the blatantly racist nonsense you continue to spew? Typical democrat, lacking any self-awareness.
So I've said racist shit here. Doesn't make me a racist. You support a political party that passes racist legislature and won't promote diversity programs. It's your political and economic ideas that are racist. No black cares if a guy like me says racist shit on a political message board as long as I vote for politicians who understand bias exists. And why affirmative action is still needed.

I love cons like you who go feed people at a soup kitchen once a year and think that makes everything else alright.

You think about your black parents of your students the same way you think of me. Dumb for voting for Democrats. Why else are they dumb? Because they have too many kids when poor? I agree. Or they have such a big fatherlessness problem? I agree. Blacks here think you're the racist because you just don't get it. I'm wrong? THey're wrong too? Or perhaps you are wrong bitch.
That's two questions. If you want me to answer your questions you have to learn to answer mine.

Hint. Your political and economic beliefs are racist you fuck. Just cause you don't get it don't make it untrue. You're against Affirmative Action right? Racist white male fuck.
Yea but they are living animals just like us. The laws of evolution apply to them and us no? God you're a stupid inner city public school gym teacher. If you can't explain it to me how do you teach your kids anything? You don't. You're a typical inner city public school teacher. Broke too.
You giving out homework assignments now? Typical lazy public school teacher. You won't or can't teach so you have your kids teach themselves. Very clever for a retard.

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