Blacks that White Racists Don't Like

Whites forced you to build it, for whites. Thank you to those black people hundreds of years ago. We came here in the 50's and we love it here. I don't care who built it. Who built the pyramids? Blacks. But again, they were just the worker bees. The world needs ditch diggers.

You're family ran from Greece to come a country that blk ppl built and fought it and another reason you're here is because blk ppl fought for the 1965 immigrantion act which allowed immigrants like your family to come here.

So you should kiss the feet of foundation blk Americans.
It doesn't mean I think whites are better than blacks. It doesn't make me a racist. Everyone has used the N word once in their lives.

Last I checked blacks agree with me politically and morally and phylisophically. They agree you are a racist if you deny bias exists and you are against affirmative action programs.

So me and the brothers here maybe we have said some stupid shit. Some racist shit. Doesn't make us racists. Actually, I am waiting for one of them to tell me if they believe blacks are superior. My guess is he believes blacks are superior. That would make him a black hypocrite no?

I don't mind my black neighbors but I wouldn't like my daughter coming home with a black guy. Same as black guys don't want their daughters dating white guys. Well known in the black community that's frowned on. I dated black women who had to keep it on the DL from their girlfriends. Couldn't take me to the black bowling alley they hung out at. Said it wouldn't be safe for me to walk in with her. That shit doesn't happen in white neighborhoods in Metro Detroit. Blacks are free and safe to walk in, even if they "feel" they're being stared at at least they aren't in risk of being physically harmed.

I just speak my mind. You're a coward and just fling RACIST at me. Fuck you fish.

You can talk all this "I'm mixed" but when sh*t get's real and you have to fill out the forms you mark *white*.

And you disapprove? If she is mixed, YOU decide what is the 'correct' response? Racist bullshit.
Whites forced you to build it, for whites. Thank you to those black people hundreds of years ago. We came here in the 50's and we love it here. I don't care who built it. Who built the pyramids? Blacks. But again, they were just the worker bees. The world needs ditch diggers.

You're family ran from Greece to come a country that blk ppl built and fought it and another reason you're here is because blk ppl fought for the 1965 immigrantion act which allowed immigrants like your family to come here.

So you should kiss the feet of foundation blk Americans.
Good points. I do respect the black community in a lot of ways. Not all but some. I respect your history. And I know you were good humans before we did to you what we did. Sorry.

You can talk all this "I'm mixed" but when sh*t get's real and you have to fill out the forms you mark *white*.

And you disapprove? If she is mixed, YOU decide what is the 'correct' response? Racist bullshit.
When the form comes anyone with a brain will mark BLACK because that will open up doors to colleges and jobs Paul. It's why Elizabeth Warren put down she was a native American. Helped get her into Harvard. Duh.
What do you mean? No one knows ever. What you're just going to call me a racist again? Lame.
Let me add to it. The second I realized the black man was a sincere good man and he was going to be good to my daughter or sister, I would get over my initial racist reaction.

If I can't be honest here on an anonymous message board where can I? Sorry just being honest. Keepin it real.
Everyone every time knows that when a vile racist like you spews racial slur it means you are a vile racist. You are an idiot and a fucking scumbag. No wonder you are always all alone.
Let me add to it. The second I realized the black man was a sincere good man and he was going to be good to my daughter or sister, I would get over my initial racist reaction.
Which is a transparent lie AND an admission that you are a racist.

You can talk all this "I'm mixed" but when sh*t get's real and you have to fill out the forms you mark *white*.

And you disapprove? If she is mixed, YOU decide what is the 'correct' response? Racist bullshit.
When the form comes anyone with a brain will mark BLACK because that will open up doors to colleges and jobs Paul. It's why Elizabeth Warren put down she was a native American. Helped get her into Harvard. Duh.
Paul, guys like unkotare want to change it so being a minority or woman doesn't help the applicant. They say that's unfair to white men.

Just remember when Republicans claim it was them who passed the civil rights bill and them who freed the slaves today it's them who want to do away with diversity programs. In a country as diverse as ours guys like Unkotare see no problem that 90% of the executive boardrooms in America are white men.

Of course Unkotare is a Irish Man. He doesn't believe bias exists. Those 90% are the most qualified. Blacks, women, mexicans, asians, indians, arabs all make up 10%. In a country as diverse as America? No bias exists?

Unkotare you're a racist. Deal with it.
Let me add to it. The second I realized the black man was a sincere good man and he was going to be good to my daughter or sister, I would get over my initial racist reaction.
Which is a transparent lie AND an admission that you are a racist.
Because you don't believe such a black man exists? Fucking racist. Sick of you pushing eugenics. Bad man. Piece of shit unk.
Same as black guys don't want their daughters dating white guys. Well known in the black community that's frowned on. I dated black women who had to keep it on the DL from their girlfriends. Couldn't take me to the black bowling alley they hung out at. Said it wouldn't be safe for me to walk in with her. That shit doesn't happen in white neighborhoods in Metro Detroit. Blacks are free and safe to walk in, even if they "feel" they're being stared at at least they aren't in risk of being physically harmed.

You simp ass, pussy ass, weak ass faggot. You allowed a female to dictate where you can go ? She basically told you that she's too ashamed to be seen with you at the bowling alley and she also knew you were too much of wimp to handle yourself in there....... and you just said "OK" lol.

That's one of the emasculating thing I've ever heard.

She had more respect for the blk guys who could have been in the bowling alley who she wasn't fking than you (a white dude) who she was fkin (lol) And you put up with that sh*t !!!

But some guys will put up with anything just to land some pussy..

Do you think she would ave said that to Drake ? Denzel Washington ? Obama ? A woman wouldn't even dare say that to me.

A women has to respect you first

You white dudes you got no fking game with women.
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Everyone every time knows that when a vile racist like you spews racial slur it means you are a vile racist. You are an idiot and a fucking scumbag. No wonder you are always all alone.
Everyone every time knows that when a vile racist like you spews racial slur it means you are a vile racist. You are an idiot and a fucking scumbag. No wonder you are always all alone.

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