Blacks that White Racists Don't Like

The only thing worse than the sorry ass entitlement Negros in this country are the weak stupid White Guilt puktards that kiss their ass.
The more I talk to blacks here the more I agree. They don't even appreciate it. And they post video's of black leaders saying one day there will be hell to pay. And I don't think they are going to ask if you were a woke white or not.

So maybe I prefer it this way. 90% of the executive boardrooms are white men and maybe that's the way it aught to be. Women don't appreciate it either. They've benefit more than blacks from affirmative action and like blacks, they don't appreciate it either.

I'm a white man maybe I need to start worrying about keeping the status quo. It'll be better for my nephews.
Is this you? You're from New England right?

The only thing worse than the sorry ass entitlement Negros in this country are the weak stupid White Guilt puktards that kiss their ass.
The more I talk to blacks here the more I agree. They don't even appreciate it. And they post video's of black leaders saying one day there will be hell to pay. And I don't think they are going to ask if you were a woke white or not.

So maybe I prefer it this way. 90% of the executive boardrooms are white men and maybe that's the way it aught to be. Women don't appreciate it either. They've benefit more than blacks from affirmative action and like blacks, they don't appreciate it either.

I'm a white man maybe I need to start worrying about keeping the status quo. It'll be better for my nephews.

These confused sorry ass White Guilt pukes think that if they kiss enough Negro ass things will go well for them.

They are mistaken.
Think about what you wrote. No white man thinks they are superior to black men?

No white man thinks they are superior black men. Simple as that. And that mean's you. Now go and make a Taramasalata.

Nathan Allen thought so

Rachel Rollins, the district attorney, announced investigators had found “troubling white supremacist rhetoric” handwritten by Allen. “This individual wrote about the superiority of the white race,” she said in a statement. “About whites being ‘apex predators.’ He drew swastikas.”

For now, his alleged hate crime is the latest in a horrifying string of far-right murders. Since 2015, according to an analysis from The Washington Post, there have been 267 plots or attacks by far-right extremists in America, leading to 91 deaths.

A white man is smart enough to know not to walk into an all black bowling alley with a black girl or any girl for that matter. At least here in Metro Detroit. This aint Mayberry bitch.

When the black women said she doesn't want you (A white man) to go to the black bowling alley with you just in case something happens

That was a SH*T TEST

What is a shit test ? A shit test is any action, question, or comment that a woman will hand you to determine test the strength of your character and degree of confidence,

Congrats. You failed her shit test by wimping out and I bet you from then on she was probably a little bit more slick with her mouth, a little bit more diss-respectful, she started to act a little bit more masculine

It's kinda like that great Mike Tyson line of “Everybody’s got a plan until they get punched in the face”? She wanted to know who you are really are when face with resistance.

You should have said "Don't worry about. Got lessons from Steven Segal. Get your coat. Let's go" and laughed and went.

Look at Sly Stallone in Rocky 4 on how to pass sh*t tests when Rocky was about to fight Drago

Adrien shit tests Rocky hard with her "You can't win" scene

Brutal !!!

But Rocky regardless of what the love of his life thought, said, or did, he knew he had to stick to his guns and go try and fk up Drago who killed his best friend Apollo.

Then she pulls a last second power move and tells Rocky she would not be going with him to Moscow to support him ringside.

This was a major league shit test.

Remember, he’s been married this woman for years and truly loves her. But like before, Rocky stays true to his task and starts his journey alone. And like before, Adrian comes to Russia, rushes to his side and cheers him to victory.

Women will always be women and the shit tests are coming. Count on it. Rocky loved his Adrian but his mission came before her and it showed. As a result, she grew more attracted to him with every shit test he passed. Even when he risked his life by fighting Ivan Drago.

In fact all through out the rocky movies. Rocky is true alpha. In Rocky 1

Adrian: “ I wanna let my brother know where I am. I think he might be worried.”

Rocky: “I’ll call your brother.”

<Rocky flings open the window>

Rocky: “Yo Paulie!!!! Your sister’s with me!!! I’ll call ya later!!!”

Well played.


Adrian knows damn well that Paulie was probably too drunk to care about much of anything.

Or in another scene

Adrian: “I don’t belong here.”

Rocky: “It’s alright—you’re my guest.”

Adrian: “I’ve never been in a man’s apartment before.”

Rocky: “They’re all the same.”

This was handled beautifully with gentle, well placed sarcasm.

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A white man is smart enough to know not to walk into an all black bowling alley with a black girl or any girl for that matter. At least here in Metro Detroit. This aint Mayberry bitch.

When the black women said she doesn't want you (A white man) to go to the black bowling alley with you just in case something happens

That was a SH*T TEST

What is a shit test ? A shit test is any action, question, or comment that a woman will hand you to determine test the strength of your character and degree of confidence,

Congrats. You failed her shit test by wimping out and I bet you from then on she was probably a little bit more slick with her mouth, a little bit more diss-respectful, she started to act a little bit more masculine

It's kinda like that great Mike Tyson line of “Everybody’s got a plan until they get punched in the face”? She wanted to know who you are really are when face with resistance.

You should have said "Don't worry about. Got lessons from Steven Segal. Get your coat. Let's go" and laughed and went.

Look at Sly Stallone in Rocky 4 on how to pass sh*t tests when Rocky was about to fight Drago

Adrien shit tests Rocky hard with her "You can't win" scene

Brutal !!!

But Rocky regardless of what the love of his life thought, said, or did, he knew he had to stick to his guns and go try and fk up Drago who killed his best friend Apollo.

Then she pulls a last second power move and tells Rocky she would not be going with him to Moscow to support him ringside.

This was a major league shit test.

Remember, he’s been married this woman for years and truly loves her. But like before, Rocky stays true to his task and starts his journey alone. And like before, Adrian comes to Russia, rushes to his side and cheers him to victory.

Women will always be women and the shit tests are coming. Count on it. Rocky loved his Adrian but his mission came before her and it showed. As a result, she grew more attracted to him with every shit test he passed. Even when he risked his life by fighting Ivan Drago.

In fact all through out the rocky movies. Rocky is true alpha. In Rocky 1

Adrian: “ I wanna let my brother know where I am. I think he might be worried.”

Rocky: “I’ll call your brother.”

<Rocky flings open the window>

Rocky: “Yo Paulie!!!! Your sister’s with me!!! I’ll call ya later!!!”

Well played.


Adrian knows damn well that Paulie was probably too drunk to care about much of anything.

Or in another scene

Adrian: “I don’t belong here.”

Rocky: “It’s alright—you’re my guest.”

Adrian: “I’ve never been in a man’s apartment before.”

Rocky: “They’re all the same.”

This was handled beautifully with gentle, well placed sarcasm.


Okay, this was a good post overall and I agree with everything you said..... but, I think you relied a bit too much on the movies to illustrate your point. Don't get me wrong, all good examples, but they're more likely to be dismissed by people who don't wanna hear you're saying in the first place because it's too accurate.

I give it a 3.8 out of 5.
Same as black guys don't want their daughters dating white guys. Well known in the black community that's frowned on. I dated black women who had to keep it on the DL from their girlfriends. Couldn't take me to the black bowling alley they hung out at. Said it wouldn't be safe for me to walk in with her. That shit doesn't happen in white neighborhoods in Metro Detroit. Blacks are free and safe to walk in, even if they "feel" they're being stared at at least they aren't in risk of being physically harmed.

I don't have a problem with that and don't know anyone who does. But can we stop the false equivalences to perhaps try understanding why there are blacks who feel this way? I am sick and tired of you white bastards pretending that things are the same and whites have not abused us from the time this place was a colony to this very second. Whites created this animosity and it's motherfucking time whites liked this manned/womaned up and took responsibilty for what they created.

And you're lying about Detroit. There are places in the metro Detriot area that black will not go, much less an interracial couple.
Whites forced you to build it, for whites. Thank you to those black people hundreds of years ago. We came here in the 50's and we love it here. I don't care who built it. Who built the pyramids? Blacks. But again, they were just the worker bees. The world needs ditch diggers.

Your family benefitted from government programs blacks were denied.
"You are delusional. The bar has been set lower for black people with businesses actively looking to hire blacks. At this point, if you don't have a criminal record, willing to work, and speak english, employers will hire and promote quit quickly in all fields to achieve affirmative action quotas. The fact that you don't know this says alot about you. None of it good."

This is a lie. But we are reading cognitive dissonance from a white female and white females are the primary beneficiary of Affirmative Action. So if any bar has been set low it has been done for white women. And quotas are not part of AA unless you've been cought practicing racial discrimination. The fact that you don't know this says alot about you. None of it good.
"You are delusional. The bar has been set lower for black people with businesses actively looking to hire blacks. At this point, if you don't have a criminal record, willing to work, and speak english, employers will hire and promote quit quickly in all fields to achieve affirmative action quotas. The fact that you don't know this says alot about you. None of it good."

This is a lie. But we are reading cognitive dissonance from a white female and white females are the primary beneficiary of Affirmative Action. So if any bar has been set low it has been done for white women. And quotas are not part of AA unless you've been cought practicing racial discrimination. The fact that you don't know this says alot about you. None of it good.
Same as black guys don't want their daughters dating white guys. Well known in the black community that's frowned on. I dated black women who had to keep it on the DL from their girlfriends. Couldn't take me to the black bowling alley they hung out at. Said it wouldn't be safe for me to walk in with her. That shit doesn't happen in white neighborhoods in Metro Detroit. Blacks are free and safe to walk in, even if they "feel" they're being stared at at least they aren't in risk of being physically harmed.

You simp ass, pussy ass, weak ass faggot. You allowed a female to dictate where you can go ? She basically told you that she's too ashamed to be seen with you at the bowling alley and she also knew you were too much of wimp to handle yourself in there....... and you just said "OK" lol.

That's one of the emasculating thing I've ever heard.

She had more respect for the blk guys who could have been in the bowling alley who she wasn't fking than you (a white dude) who she was fkin (lol) And you put up with that sh*t !!!

But some guys will put up with anything just to land some pussy..

Do you think she would ave said that to Drake ? Denzel Washington ? Obama ? A woman wouldn't even dare say that to me.

A women has to respect you first

You white dudes you got no fking game with women.
A white man is smart enough to know not to walk into an all black bowling alley with a black girl or any girl for that matter. ...
You are such a fucking coward.

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