Blacks that White Racists Don't Like

...blacks are the racists--not whites
Says the white guy racist.
Says the black guy racist.
Oh, now I'm a black guy? That is news to me.
you are RACIST like the blacks
Why should he answer your racist questions? You don't answer ours I'd leave it at that if I were him.
Did he come calling for you to answer for him? You're not cheating on your boyfriend, are you?
...blacks are the racists--not whites
Says the white guy racist.
Says the black guy racist.
Oh, now I'm a black guy? That is news to me.
you are RACIST like the blacks
How can you say you care about the poor black community and then encourage any and every poor single woman to have as many kids as she likes? You're encouraging her to fuck herself and those kids.
Strawman LIE - again
The only thing worse than the sorry ass entitlement Negros in this country are the weak stupid White Guilt puktards that kiss their ass.
The more I talk to blacks here the more I agree. They don't even appreciate it. And they post video's of black leaders saying one day there will be hell to pay. And I don't think they are going to ask if you were a woke white or not.

So maybe I prefer it this way. 90% of the executive boardrooms are white men and maybe that's the way it aught to be. Women don't appreciate it either. They've benefit more than blacks from affirmative action and like blacks, they don't appreciate it either.

I'm a white man maybe I need to start worrying about keeping the status quo. It'll be better for my nephews.

These confused sorry ass White Guilt pukes think that if they kiss enough Negro ass things will go well for them.

They are mistaken.
The racists are flocking together.....
The Honorable Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.


Despite the fake adoration from the racists here, the fact is that King was hated while he was alive by whites. Whites hated him so much that they killed him.
Great Post IM2

Three people I'd add to that list is

!. Chaka Zulu


Most ppl have heard of his name but this brother was a bad man. He invented guerrilla warfare. White people act like they did. That's were all the Rambo sh*t comes from, you know a white man, running around the forest, using nature and setting traps to kill ppl.

Shaka showed that it's not all about Technology. After all the white man had the technological edge in Vietnam but they still got their asses kicked. Why ? Because the Vietnamese used guerrilla warfare tactics. Chaka Zulu had brothers that would come from the ground in Camo that would kill white Europeans in S.Africa. The white man waited until Chaka died before he came in and the Dutch took over S.Africa. They still study Chaka Zulu's mililtary strategy in Euro Colleges to this day to this day

2. Jean-Jacques Dessalines of Haiti.


I don't even know where to begin with Jean Jacques Dessaline

Haiti (San Domingo as was known by then) was by far the most profitable slave colony during the 1700's. Whites were making serious money from sugar.

But the white man (the Brits and French) came over to Haiti to put those uppitty negroes in their place because of all the slave revolts. Once the French and Brits thought that the Haitians could not be enslaved there mission was to exterminate them and start over again with newly enslaved ppl from Africa

This means that they turned ships into gas chambers, mass drowning, and importing thousands of dogs from Cuba that had been trained to eat ppl. Not to mention all the guns and canons that gives white supremacists confidence

None of this scared the Haitian, This is what the war of 1804

Dessaline chopped the heads of 100's white men and put them in rows on sticks and sfaffs on the beaches when Euros landed and put them every where and when they saw that they got to running.


And as far Nat Turner. He killed every white in sight in his rebelllion and when he was on the gallows about to be hung.


This white man said "I heard that God put you on this mission" and Turner said "Yes the Lord made me do what I'm doing" and the white man said "Well your about to die. Doesn't that mean your lord has failed you ?" and Turner said "No. My God did not fail me because even Jesus Christ had to be crucified"


Now how many of these white supremacists who talk tough (Canon Shooter, Godboy, MarathonMike Meathead @thepurge harmonica PoliticalChic rightwinger horselightning) on here would go out like that ?

I'll wait

And even when they lowered him (Nat Turner) n hung him. He was still. His body wasn't shaken which is what normally happens when oxygen leaves ur body. He showed no fear. And after he was dead, whites cuts of his ears, nose, balls, dk and kept them as sovenuirs, They kept his skull for centuries and to this day his skull is somewhere and his family are trying to get it returned

3. Malcolm X

Malcolm X is one of the few black people who white people have not been able to destroy in the minds of blacks people.

You say the name "Malcolm X" to any person on this planet and there is respect there, White people always tried destroy black heroes

A black kid reads Marcus Garvey he may try to become Marcus Garvey
A blk girl reads Harriet Tubman she may try to become Harriet Tubman

Jean did what you are always on here crying like a little bitch about. "white people did this" "white people did that"
Its not the violence those people did that you hate. Its simply their skin color. OBVIOUSLY. Because you are one of the most racist people I have ever seen or heard of. Its disturbing how hateful you are.
Genocide and rape of innocent white children gives your racist ass a smile, donit? You sick mother fucker.

It's hateful because I don't start from the position that you do. White supremacists (Like yourself) start from the position that black people are screwed up. So there fore you look for any evidence that black people are screwed up and if you can prove that black people are screwed up then it doesn't matter what happens to blk ppl because they are screwed up anyway. I know how you think. I know exactly how you think.

White people do not get decide how black people respond to your bullshit.

I have evidence:

No white person is African. If anything killing them is to good for them. I would kill.the white supremacists kids in front of them. Have them watch. I would get a bunch of black men to rape their daughters and make them watch. And then kill their daughters in front of them. And then laugh at them. treat them exactly how they treat. So I agree with every worthless white bastard who has died in SA


There is no genocide of white farmers in South Africa.
Great Post IM2

Three people I'd add to that list is

!. Chaka Zulu


Most ppl have heard of his name but this brother was a bad man. He invented guerrilla warfare. White people act like they did. That's were all the Rambo sh*t comes from, you know a white man, running around the forest, using nature and setting traps to kill ppl.

Shaka showed that it's not all about Technology. After all the white man had the technological edge in Vietnam but they still got their asses kicked. Why ? Because the Vietnamese used guerrilla warfare tactics. Chaka Zulu had brothers that would come from the ground in Camo that would kill white Europeans in S.Africa. The white man waited until Chaka died before he came in and the Dutch took over S.Africa. They still study Chaka Zulu's mililtary strategy in Euro Colleges to this day to this day

2. Jean-Jacques Dessalines of Haiti.


I don't even know where to begin with Jean Jacques Dessaline

Haiti (San Domingo as was known by then) was by far the most profitable slave colony during the 1700's. Whites were making serious money from sugar.

But the white man (the Brits and French) came over to Haiti to put those uppitty negroes in their place because of all the slave revolts. Once the French and Brits thought that the Haitians could not be enslaved there mission was to exterminate them and start over again with newly enslaved ppl from Africa

This means that they turned ships into gas chambers, mass drowning, and importing thousands of dogs from Cuba that had been trained to eat ppl. Not to mention all the guns and canons that gives white supremacists confidence

None of this scared the Haitian, This is what the war of 1804

Dessaline chopped the heads of 100's white men and put them in rows on sticks and sfaffs on the beaches when Euros landed and put them every where and when they saw that they got to running.


And as far Nat Turner. He killed every white in sight in his rebelllion and when he was on the gallows about to be hung.


This white man said "I heard that God put you on this mission" and Turner said "Yes the Lord made me do what I'm doing" and the white man said "Well your about to die. Doesn't that mean your lord has failed you ?" and Turner said "No. My God did not fail me because even Jesus Christ had to be crucified"


Now how many of these white supremacists who talk tough (Canon Shooter, Godboy, MarathonMike Meathead @thepurge harmonica PoliticalChic rightwinger horselightning) on here would go out like that ?

I'll wait

And even when they lowered him (Nat Turner) n hung him. He was still. His body wasn't shaken which is what normally happens when oxygen leaves ur body. He showed no fear. And after he was dead, whites cuts of his ears, nose, balls, dk and kept them as sovenuirs, They kept his skull for centuries and to this day his skull is somewhere and his family are trying to get it returned

3. Malcolm X

Malcolm X is one of the few black people who white people have not been able to destroy in the minds of blacks people.

You say the name "Malcolm X" to any person on this planet and there is respect there, White people always tried destroy black heroes

A black kid reads Marcus Garvey he may try to become Marcus Garvey
A blk girl reads Harriet Tubman she may try to become Harriet Tubman

Jean did what you are always on here crying like a little bitch about. "white people did this" "white people did that"
Its not the violence those people did that you hate. Its simply their skin color. OBVIOUSLY. Because you are one of the most racist people I have ever seen or heard of. Its disturbing how hateful you are.
Genocide and rape of innocent white children gives your racist ass a smile, donit? You sick mother fucker.

It's hateful because I don't start from the position that you do. White supremacists (Like yourself) start from the position that black people are screwed up. So there fore you look for any evidence that black people are screwed up and if you can prove that black people are screwed up then it doesn't matter what happens to blk ppl because they are screwed up anyway. I know how you think. I know exactly how you think.

White people do not get decide how black people respond to your bullshit.

I have evidence:

No white person is African. If anything killing them is to good for them. I would kill.the white supremacists kids in front of them. Have them watch. I would get a bunch of black men to rape their daughters and make them watch. And then kill their daughters in front of them. And then laugh at them. treat them exactly how they treat. So I agree with every worthless white bastard who has died in SA

There is no genocide of white farmers in South Africa.
Ignore her point. Thats how you debate! :lol:
Ignore her point. Thats how you debate!

The average household income for white-person-headed households in South Africa is five times the average income of a black-headed one.

They are around 10 to 15% of the country’s population and still possess nearly 75 to 80% of its privately owned agricultural land. It’s arguably the world’s finest quality of life—oysters, golf, fine wine—for the cheapest prices on earth.

Not to mention relatively well-off white South Africans can just simply book a ticket to Mexico and show up at the US border and get admitted.

Truth is white south African don’t actually want to leave.

They want the international community to somehow swoop into South Africa and put the blacks in their place.

That's what they really want

Australia and Russia have offered to take them in (as early as last year those who wanted to go left). The ones who are still there are there because they know 2 things:
  1. They’d never have it as good as they do in South Africa.
  2. They’ll move to a first world country but start right at the bottom - white entitlement won’t allow them to accept that.
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Ignore her point. Thats how you debate!

The average household income for white-person-headed households in South Africa is five times the average income of a black-headed one.

They are around 10 to 15% of the country’s population and still possess nearly three fourths of its privately owned agricultural land. It’s arguably the world’s finest quality of life—oysters, golf, fine wine—for the cheapest prices on earth.

Not to mention relatively well-off white South Africans can just simply book a ticket to Mexico and show up at the US border and get admitted.

Truth is white south African don’t actually want to leave.

They want the international community to somehow swoop into South Africa and put the blacks in their place.

That's what they really want

Australia and Russia have offered to take them in (as early as last year those who wanted to go left). The ones who are still there are there because they know 2 things:
  1. They’d never have it as good as they do in South Africa.
  2. They’ll move to a first world country but start right at the bottom - white entitlement won’t allow them to accept that.

"white entitlement" <<<< so true----"persons of color" are DELIGHTED
to give up wealth. ASK PAUL. When I need a new car----I, simply, take a
a walk into the local hood and take a sparkling Lexus from generous black


Genocide of white farmers in South africa

Convenient! If the SA government was composed of white people, they’d be condemned worldwide as ethnic cleansing racist genocidal monsters (and no doubt Nazis). ....Definitive figures are not available, as the African National Congress (ANC) government ordered the authorities to stop releasing...

So you expect sympathy and empathy for white supremacists in the way that they never gave towards black people.

OK. Got it.

Many white South Africans have moved to Australia but guess what ? They're unhappy and miserable. They traded living among the upper class in South Africa to living in the lower class in Australia or NZ.

It bums them out that they can't go to restaurants and mistreat the black employees. They long to back in the good old days in SA when not only white men were shooting black south Africans but their women were too.


But those dam blacks !!! Why can't they be happy at being shitted on ?



I mean black South Africans should be happy to live like this right ?


These white people took everything and now they want to vilify people who are experiencing more suffering than they'll ever know. Suffering they caused.

And the fact is that a big majority of black South African's can't afford to be online. So this propaganda spreads without any actual black South Africans defending themselves. White South Africans are evil.
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Genocide of white farmers in South africa

Convenient! If the SA government was composed of white people, they’d be condemned worldwide as ethnic cleansing racist genocidal monsters (and no doubt Nazis). ....Definitive figures are not available, as the African National Congress (ANC) government ordered the authorities to stop releasing...

So you expect sympathy and empathy for white supremacists in the way that they never gave towards black people.

OK. Got it.

Many white South Africans have moved to Australia but guess what ? They're are pretty unhappy and miserable. They traded living among the upper class in South Africa to living in the lower class in Australia or NZ.

It bums them out that they can no longer go to restaurants and mistreat the black employees. They long to bk in the good old days in SA when not only white men were shooting black south Africans but their women too !!


But those dam blacks !!! Why can't they be happy at being shitted on ?



I mean black South African should be happy to live like this right ?


These white people took everything, EVERYTHING, and now want to villify people who are experiencing more suffering than they'll ever know. Suffering that THEY caused. And a big majority of black South African's cannot afford to be online the way we are so this propaganda spreads without any actual black South Africans defending themselves at all. White South Africans are just so so so evil, I cannot fathom it.
what propaganda?


Genocide of white farmers in South africa

Convenient! If the SA government was composed of white people, they’d be condemned worldwide as ethnic cleansing racist genocidal monsters (and no doubt Nazis). ....Definitive figures are not available, as the African National Congress (ANC) government ordered the authorities to stop releasing...

So you expect sympathy and empathy for white supremacists in the way that they never gave towards black people.

OK. Got it.

Many white South Africans have moved to Australia but guess what ? They're are pretty unhappy and miserable. They traded living among the upper class in South Africa to living in the lower class in Australia or NZ.

It bums them out that they can no longer go to restaurants and mistreat the black employees. They long to bk in the good old days in SA when not only white men were shooting black south Africans but their women too !!


But those dam blacks !!! Why can't they be happy at being shitted on ?



I mean black South African should be happy to live like this right ?


These white people took everything, EVERYTHING, and now want to villify people who are experiencing more suffering than they'll ever know. Suffering that THEY caused. And a big majority of black South African's cannot afford to be online the way we are so this propaganda spreads without any actual black South Africans defending themselves at all. White South Africans are just so so so evil, I cannot fathom it.
what propaganda?
The Boers are native to EUROPE. POINT BLANK. If they were native to South Africa, there would be no need for them to “arrive” anywhere. There are many areas of the United States where no one lives, does that mean another country can come in and take the land? Would you make the same justification for the English invasion of North America?


Genocide of white farmers in South africa

Convenient! If the SA government was composed of white people, they’d be condemned worldwide as ethnic cleansing racist genocidal monsters (and no doubt Nazis). ....Definitive figures are not available, as the African National Congress (ANC) government ordered the authorities to stop releasing...

So you expect sympathy and empathy for white supremacists in the way that they never gave towards black people.

OK. Got it.

Many white South Africans have moved to Australia but guess what ? They're are pretty unhappy and miserable. They traded living among the upper class in South Africa to living in the lower class in Australia or NZ.

It bums them out that they can no longer go to restaurants and mistreat the black employees. They long to bk in the good old days in SA when not only white men were shooting black south Africans but their women too !!


But those dam blacks !!! Why can't they be happy at being shitted on ?



I mean black South African should be happy to live like this right ?


These white people took everything, EVERYTHING, and now want to villify people who are experiencing more suffering than they'll ever know. Suffering that THEY caused. And a big majority of black South African's cannot afford to be online the way we are so this propaganda spreads without any actual black South Africans defending themselves at all. White South Africans are just so so so evil, I cannot fathom it.
what propaganda?
The Boers are native to EUROPE. POINT BLANK. If they were native to South Africa, there would be no need for them to “arrive” anywhere. There are many areas of the United States where no one lives, does that mean another country can come in and take the land? Would you make the same justification for the English invasion of North America?
what justification did I make for what?

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