Blacks that White Racists Don't Like

Same as black guys don't want their daughters dating white guys. Well known in the black community that's frowned on. I dated black women who had to keep it on the DL from their girlfriends. Couldn't take me to the black bowling alley they hung out at. Said it wouldn't be safe for me to walk in with her. That shit doesn't happen in white neighborhoods in Metro Detroit. Blacks are free and safe to walk in, even if they "feel" they're being stared at at least they aren't in risk of being physically harmed.

You simp ass, pussy ass, weak ass faggot. You allowed a female to dictate where you can go ? She basically told you that she's too ashamed to be seen with you at the bowling alley and she also knew you were too much of wimp to handle yourself in there....... and you just said "OK" lol.

That's one of the emasculating thing I've ever heard.

She had more respect for the blk guys who could have been in the bowling alley who she wasn't fking than you (a white dude) who she was fkin (lol) And you put up with that sh*t !!!

But some guys will put up with anything just to land some pussy..

Do you think she would ave said that to Drake ? Denzel Washington ? Obama ? A woman wouldn't even dare say that to me.

A women has to respect you first

You white dudes you got no fking game with women.
Yea black men scare me. I saw scared straight when I was a kid.

A white man is smart enough to know not to walk into an all black bowling alley with a black girl or any girl for that matter. At least here in Metro Detroit. This aint Mayberry bitch.

When the black women said she doesn't want you (A white man) to go to the black bowling alley with you just in case something happens

That was a SH*T TEST

What is a shit test ? A shit test is any action, question, or comment that a woman will hand you to determine test the strength of your character and degree of confidence,

Congrats. You failed her shit test by wimping out and I bet you from then on she was probably a little bit more slick with her mouth, a little bit more diss-respectful, she started to act a little bit more masculine

It's kinda like that great Mike Tyson line of “Everybody’s got a plan until they get punched in the face”? She wanted to know who you are really are when face with resistance.

You should have said "Don't worry about. Got lessons from Steven Segal. Get your coat. Let's go" and laughed and went.

Look at Sly Stallone in Rocky 4 on how to pass sh*t tests when Rocky was about to fight Drago

Adrien shit tests Rocky hard with her "You can't win" scene

Brutal !!!

But Rocky regardless of what the love of his life thought, said, or did, he knew he had to stick to his guns and go try and fk up Drago who killed his best friend Apollo.

Then she pulls a last second power move and tells Rocky she would not be going with him to Moscow to support him ringside.

This was a major league shit test.

Remember, he’s been married this woman for years and truly loves her. But like before, Rocky stays true to his task and starts his journey alone. And like before, Adrian comes to Russia, rushes to his side and cheers him to victory.

Women will always be women and the shit tests are coming. Count on it. Rocky loved his Adrian but his mission came before her and it showed. As a result, she grew more attracted to him with every shit test he passed. Even when he risked his life by fighting Ivan Drago.

In fact all through out the rocky movies. Rocky is true alpha. In Rocky 1

Adrian: “ I wanna let my brother know where I am. I think he might be worried.”

Rocky: “I’ll call your brother.”

<Rocky flings open the window>

Rocky: “Yo Paulie!!!! Your sister’s with me!!! I’ll call ya later!!!”

Well played.


Adrian knows damn well that Paulie was probably too drunk to care about much of anything.

Or in another scene

Adrian: “I don’t belong here.”

Rocky: “It’s alright—you’re my guest.”

Adrian: “I’ve never been in a man’s apartment before.”

Rocky: “They’re all the same.”

This was handled beautifully with gentle, well placed sarcasm.


I don't think so. And for the record, I dumped her. Told her I couldn't see myself getting serious with a woman who has 2 kids.

Yes she introduced me to her kids. Was that a test too? Seemed I passed that one.

Shit test? That's funny. Seems like 50 years ago you guys wouldn't go into a white bowling alley but since then it's safe, so now you go. It's still not safe for a white guy to go to an all black establishment in Detroit. Sorry blacks aren't civilized yet in my neck of the woods. Maybe where you come from they're different.

In fact blacks aren't even safe when other blacks are around. Neither are the cops.

Even multiple cops being around doesn't stop black folk once they forget how to act.

A white man is smart enough to know not to walk into an all black bowling alley with a black girl or any girl for that matter. At least here in Metro Detroit. This aint Mayberry bitch.

When the black women said she doesn't want you (A white man) to go to the black bowling alley with you just in case something happens

That was a SH*T TEST

What is a shit test ? A shit test is any action, question, or comment that a woman will hand you to determine test the strength of your character and degree of confidence,

Congrats. You failed her shit test by wimping out and I bet you from then on she was probably a little bit more slick with her mouth, a little bit more diss-respectful, she started to act a little bit more masculine

It's kinda like that great Mike Tyson line of “Everybody’s got a plan until they get punched in the face”? She wanted to know who you are really are when face with resistance.

You should have said "Don't worry about. Got lessons from Steven Segal. Get your coat. Let's go" and laughed and went.

Look at Sly Stallone in Rocky 4 on how to pass sh*t tests when Rocky was about to fight Drago

Adrien shit tests Rocky hard with her "You can't win" scene

Brutal !!!

But Rocky regardless of what the love of his life thought, said, or did, he knew he had to stick to his guns and go try and fk up Drago who killed his best friend Apollo.

Then she pulls a last second power move and tells Rocky she would not be going with him to Moscow to support him ringside.

This was a major league shit test.

Remember, he’s been married this woman for years and truly loves her. But like before, Rocky stays true to his task and starts his journey alone. And like before, Adrian comes to Russia, rushes to his side and cheers him to victory.

Women will always be women and the shit tests are coming. Count on it. Rocky loved his Adrian but his mission came before her and it showed. As a result, she grew more attracted to him with every shit test he passed. Even when he risked his life by fighting Ivan Drago.

In fact all through out the rocky movies. Rocky is true alpha. In Rocky 1

Adrian: “ I wanna let my brother know where I am. I think he might be worried.”

Rocky: “I’ll call your brother.”

<Rocky flings open the window>

Rocky: “Yo Paulie!!!! Your sister’s with me!!! I’ll call ya later!!!”

Well played.


Adrian knows damn well that Paulie was probably too drunk to care about much of anything.

Or in another scene

Adrian: “I don’t belong here.”

Rocky: “It’s alright—you’re my guest.”

Adrian: “I’ve never been in a man’s apartment before.”

Rocky: “They’re all the same.”

This was handled beautifully with gentle, well placed sarcasm.


I don't think so. And for the record, I dumped her. Told her I couldn't see myself getting serious with a woman who has 2 kids.

Yes she introduced me to her kids. Was that a test too? Seemed I passed that one.

Shit test? That's funny. Seems like 50 years ago you guys wouldn't go into a white bowling alley but since then it's safe, so now you go. It's still not safe for a white guy to go to an all black establishment in Detroit. Sorry blacks aren't civilized yet in my neck of the woods. Maybe where you come from they're different.

In fact blacks aren't even safe when other blacks are around. Neither are the cops.

Even multiple cops being around doesn't stop black folk once they forget how to act.


You wouldn't say that to my face if you didn't have bruthas backin you up I promise you that.
The Honorable Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

View attachment 507205

Despite the fake adoration from the racists here, the fact is that King was hated while he was alive by whites. Whites hated him so much that they killed him.

No, dipshit, James Earl Ray hated hated him so much he killed him...
No, whites hated him so much that James Earl Ray thought it was OK to kill him.

Even Though He Is Revered Today, MLK Was Widely Disliked by the American Public When He Was Killed

According to an early 1968 Harris Poll, the man whose half-century of martyrdom we celebrate this week died with a public disapproval rating of nearly 75 percent, a figure shocking in its own day and still striking even in today’s highly polarized political climate.

White racial resentment was still a critical factor at that point. But Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s unfavorable numbers were at least 25 points higher in 1968 than in 1963, and his faltering appeal over the final years of his life was also a consequence of appearing to fall behind his times in some respects even as he was leaping well ahead of them in others.

Don't not try that not all whites shit with me. Not all blacks commit crimes, yet bitches like you run your mouth about black crime and black "culture." Same with IQ.
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Here we go again, same old bullshit. Typical example of blacks passing the blame. The reality is, blacks decide to buy, sell, and/or use drugs. They choose to break the fucking law.

Yes, blacks blame everybody else (especially white racism) for their problems. It doesn't matter what country they live in, it's always the same fucking story. Excuse after excuse.

Fact is, blacks need whites. Whites don't need blacks. If whites disappeared tomorrow and blacks were left to run America and the UK, both places would resemble Africa before it was over. You people would have America so fucked up.

The words of an idiot.

Quite ignorant of public and foreign policies of white countries.

All Rise.

This afternoons lesson:

Shutting the Mouth the Ignorant White Male:
-An Example of How Whites fucked up Africa.

Uganda is our example.

When you look at Uganda, you see a nation that had been self-governed for centuries until the British decided they had the divine right to rule in Africa. During the “Scramble for Africa” in the 1800’s, the British decided they would make Uganda a British protectorate. It was mainly accomplished by the signing of the first Buganda agreement. The First Buganda agreement was signed by Sir Apolo Kagwa representing the king who was a baby at the time. Kagwa took advantage of the situation and signed an agreement reducing the power of the king while increasing the power of the council Kagwa and other chiefs belonged to. Due to this agreement, the final say in all matters ended up belonging to the British who could veto the choices made by the King while controlling the council.

Many problems were created by that first agreement and eventually a second Buganda agreement was signed. But my point here is that the existence of a King signifies a line of succession showing us Uganda was a sovereign nation governed by a monarchy. Uganda had been so ruled for at least 800 years before the Buganda agreement. From 1894 until 1962, a span of 68 years, Britain colonized a nation that had existed for 800 years. Out of this colonization came division. In 1962 Uganda gained its independence and established a constitution. In 1962 the Ugandas Peoples Republic was voted into power ruled by Prime Minister Milton Obote. One of Obotes friends was named Idi Amin. Four years later Obote did away with the constitution. Obote remained in power until 1971 when he was overthrown in a military coup by Amin. The rest is well known fact.

Had it not been for the colonization of Uganda instead of allowing Uganda to govern itself as it had been doing for 800 years before the British decided they had the right to control that country, it is very possible there would have been no rule by Idi Amin.

The policies of imperialism and colonialism by white nations, better known as the west, have been a huge problem and a cause of consistent destabilization. These policies have been enacted based on western interests, primarily understood as the profit margin. Usually, these interests have involved the extraction of natural resources in other lands that can create income for businesses in western countries. The maintenance of western interests has come at a high cost for the countries western nations have “interests” in. Millions have died in those countries because of western interest in what they could extract. Because the western countries have primarily been ruled by white men, white men are responsible for enacting policies that created the problems.
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This is most attractive women out of Africa ? Charlize Theron ? She's getting on now and she looks old in this pic. But for me I would say she's not anything out of the ordinary especially now she's getting old

By the way she's adopted a black child. She's another white supremacist mother because this child she has in a dress is actually a boy that she now has living as a “girl”. Look how “nurturing” Charlize looks in this picture.


Obviously she wanted to get with black man and have his kids but thought that would mess up her career
"You wouldn't say that to my face if you didn't have bruthas backin you up I promise you that."

I think that if you were face to face with Essen, some of the comments you have made about blacks would not be made.
Here we go again, same old bullshit. Typical example of blacks passing the blame. The reality is, blacks decide to buy, sell, and/or use drugs. They choose to break the fucking law.

Yes, blacks blame everybody else (especially white racism) for their problems. It doesn't matter what country they live in, it's always the same fucking story. Excuse after excuse.

Fact is, blacks need whites. Whites don't need blacks. If whites disappeared tomorrow and blacks were left to run America and the UK, both places would resemble Africa before it was over. You people would have America so fucked up.

The words of an idiot.

Quite ignorant of public and foreign policies of white countries.

All Rise.

This afternoons lesson:

Shutting the Mouth the Ignorant White Male:
-An Example of How Whites fucked up Africa.

Uganda is our example.

When you look at Uganda, you see a nation that had been self-governed for centuries until the British decided they had the divine right to rule in Africa. During the “Scramble for Africa” in the 1800’s, the British decided they would make Uganda a British protectorate. It was mainly accomplished by the signing of the first Buganda agreement. The First Buganda agreement was signed by Sir Apolo Kagwa representing the king who was a baby at the time. Kagwa took advantage of the situation and signed an agreement reducing the power of the king while increasing the power of the council Kagwa and other chiefs belonged to. Due to this agreement, the final say in all matters ended up belonging to the British who could veto the choices made by the King while controlling the council.

Many problems were created by that first agreement and eventually a second Buganda agreement was signed. But my point here is that the existence of a King signifies a line of succession showing us Uganda was a sovereign nation governed by a monarchy. Uganda had been so ruled for at least 800 years before the Buganda agreement. From 1894 until 1962, a span of 68 years, Britain colonized a nation that had existed for 800 years. Out of this colonization came division. In 1962 Uganda gained its independence and established a constitution. In 1962 the Ugandas Peoples Republic was voted into power ruled by Prime Minister Milton Obote. One of Obotes friends was named Idi Amin. Four years later Obote did away with the constitution. Obote remained in power until 1971 when he was overthrown in a military coup by Amin. The rest is well known fact.

Had it not been for the colonization of Uganda instead of allowing Uganda to govern itself as it had been doing for 800 years before the British decided they had the right to control that country, it is very possible there would have been no rule by Idi Amin.

The policies of imperialism and colonialism by white nations, better known as the west, have been a huge problem and a cause of consistent destabilization. These policies have been enacted based on western interests, primarily understood as the profit margin. Usually, these interests have involved the extraction of natural resources in other lands that can create income for businesses in western countries. The maintenance of western interests has come at a high cost for the countries western nations have “interests” in. Millions have died in those countries because of western interest in what they could extract. Because the western countries have primarily been ruled by white men, white men are responsible for enacting policies that created the problems.
If it wasn't us it would have been someone else

China is literally raping Africa of all it's natural resources.
"You wouldn't say that to my face if you didn't have bruthas backin you up I promise you that."

I think that if you were face to face with Essen, some of the comments you have made about blacks would not be made.
I would say these things to him if he said the things he's said to me yes I would why not? I would say these things to get him to swing first. Remember my thread black people don't know how to act? Well if he can be provoked into violence, that would prove my point. And it would give me the excuse to hand him his ass without going to jail.

This is most attractive women out of Africa ? Charlize Theron ? She's getting on now and she looks old in this pic. But for me I would say she's not anything out of the ordinary especially now she's getting old

By the way she's adopted a black child. She's another white supremacist mother because this child she has in a dress is actually a boy that she now has living as a “girl”. Look how “nurturing” Charlize looks in this picture.


Obviously she wanted to get with black man and have his kids but thought that would mess up her career
I don't think she has to worry about her career.

OMG I just thought of another white guy black girl couple. The Prince and Markle. You see how happy the Queen was about him bringing home a black girl right? And her father is white.
You wouldn't say that to my face if you didn't have bruthas backin you up I promise you that.

You're a coward. You're done.
A coward who one on one would whip your ass.
You're nothing but a shit-talker, brainless.
No I'd seriously fuck you two up. You won't even say what weight class you wrestled at which leads me to believe you're a light weight pussy.
Keep trying to convince yourself of that, closet boy.
"You wouldn't say that to my face if you didn't have bruthas backin you up I promise you that."

I think that if you were face to face with Essen, some of the comments you have made about blacks would not be made.
That’s not saying much. If he were face-to-face with a 90 year old woman he would still piss himself.
I would say these things to him if he said the things he's said to me yes I would why not?

Because your scared of black men.

I would say these things to get him to swing first.

White men generally speaking can't beat black men un unarmed 1 on 1 combat

Remember my thread black people don't know how to act? Well if he can be provoked into violence, that would prove my point. And it would give me the excuse to hand him his ass without going to jail.


I don't think she has to worry about her career.

Charlie Theron doesn't have a a career.

OMG I just thought of another white guy black girl couple. The Prince and Markle. You see how happy the Queen was about him bringing home a black girl right? And her father is white

Is that the Harry and Megan that had to flee the UK to get away from the royal family you're talking about ?

The queen knows there's no chance that Harry will be king so Meghan won't be queen and on top of that they made sure not give their children a title. So basically once Harry and Meghan kids dies so does their blood ties to the Royal family too.

White supremacist make 50, 100, 150 year plans to keep white supremacy going into eternity.
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