Blacks that White Racists Don't Like

Ignore her point. Thats how you debate!

The average household income for white-person-headed households in South Africa is five times the average income of a black-headed one.

They are around 10 to 15% of the country’s population and still possess nearly 75 to 80% of its privately owned agricultural land. It’s arguably the world’s finest quality of life—oysters, golf, fine wine—for the cheapest prices on earth.

Not to mention relatively well-off white South Africans can just simply book a ticket to Mexico and show up at the US border and get admitted.

Truth is white south African don’t actually want to leave.

They want the international community to somehow swoop into South Africa and put the blacks in their place.

That's what they really want

Australia and Russia have offered to take them in (as early as last year those who wanted to go left). The ones who are still there are there because they know 2 things:
  1. They’d never have it as good as they do in South Africa.
  2. They’ll move to a first world country but start right at the bottom - white entitlement won’t allow them to accept that.

I is old-------I knew lots of persons who migrated to the USA from
South Africa more than 50 years ago LOTS AND LOTS. They
expressed the idea that they were in lots of trouble in that country----
and could not stay. I don't remember anyone saying "WE WANT
I is old-------I knew lots of persons who migrated to the USA from
South Africa more than 50 years ago LOTS AND LOTS. They
expressed the idea that they were in lots of trouble in that country----
and could not stay. I don't remember anyone saying "WE WANT


I don't believe you. So 50 years ago when apartheid was in full swing white South Africans decided to move to a country and 1000's of miles away and start all over again ?

I don't believe you.

The winners never leave a country in large numbers. It's the people who are getting sh*t that leave. That's how USA was created. You ancestors were losing in Europe and came to the USA to make it and that's fine. That's an act of resistance.
Great Post IM2

Three people I'd add to that list is

!. Chaka Zulu


Most ppl have heard of his name but this brother was a bad man. He invented guerrilla warfare. White people act like they did. That's were all the Rambo sh*t comes from, you know a white man, running around the forest, using nature and setting traps to kill ppl.

Shaka showed that it's not all about Technology. After all the white man had the technological edge in Vietnam but they still got their asses kicked. Why ? Because the Vietnamese used guerrilla warfare tactics. Chaka Zulu had brothers that would come from the ground in Camo that would kill white Europeans in S.Africa. The white man waited until Chaka died before he came in and the Dutch took over S.Africa. They still study Chaka Zulu's mililtary strategy in Euro Colleges to this day to this day

2. Jean-Jacques Dessalines of Haiti.


I don't even know where to begin with Jean Jacques Dessaline

Haiti (San Domingo as was known by then) was by far the most profitable slave colony during the 1700's. Whites were making serious money from sugar.

But the white man (the Brits and French) came over to Haiti to put those uppitty negroes in their place because of all the slave revolts. Once the French and Brits thought that the Haitians could not be enslaved there mission was to exterminate them and start over again with newly enslaved ppl from Africa

This means that they turned ships into gas chambers, mass drowning, and importing thousands of dogs from Cuba that had been trained to eat ppl. Not to mention all the guns and canons that gives white supremacists confidence

None of this scared the Haitian, This is what the war of 1804

Dessaline chopped the heads of 100's white men and put them in rows on sticks and sfaffs on the beaches when Euros landed and put them every where and when they saw that they got to running.


And as far Nat Turner. He killed every white in sight in his rebelllion and when he was on the gallows about to be hung.


This white man said "I heard that God put you on this mission" and Turner said "Yes the Lord made me do what I'm doing" and the white man said "Well your about to die. Doesn't that mean your lord has failed you ?" and Turner said "No. My God did not fail me because even Jesus Christ had to be crucified"


Now how many of these white supremacists who talk tough (Canon Shooter, Godboy, MarathonMike Meathead @thepurge harmonica PoliticalChic rightwinger horselightning) on here would go out like that ?

I'll wait

And even when they lowered him (Nat Turner) n hung him. He was still. His body wasn't shaken which is what normally happens when oxygen leaves ur body. He showed no fear. And after he was dead, whites cuts of his ears, nose, balls, dk and kept them as sovenuirs, They kept his skull for centuries and to this day his skull is somewhere and his family are trying to get it returned

3. Malcolm X

Malcolm X is one of the few black people who white people have not been able to destroy in the minds of blacks people.

You say the name "Malcolm X" to any person on this planet and there is respect there, White people always tried destroy black heroes

A black kid reads Marcus Garvey he may try to become Marcus Garvey
A blk girl reads Harriet Tubman she may try to become Harriet Tubman

Jean did what you are always on here crying like a little bitch about. "white people did this" "white people did that"
Its not the violence those people did that you hate. Its simply their skin color. OBVIOUSLY. Because you are one of the most racist people I have ever seen or heard of. Its disturbing how hateful you are.
Genocide and rape of innocent white children gives your racist ass a smile, donit? You sick mother fucker.

It's hateful because I don't start from the position that you do. White supremacists (Like yourself) start from the position that black people are screwed up. So there fore you look for any evidence that black people are screwed up and if you can prove that black people are screwed up then it doesn't matter what happens to blk ppl because they are screwed up anyway. I know how you think. I know exactly how you think.

White people do not get decide how black people respond to your bullshit.

I have evidence:

No white person is African. If anything killing them is to good for them. I would kill.the white supremacists kids in front of them. Have them watch. I would get a bunch of black men to rape their daughters and make them watch. And then kill their daughters in front of them. And then laugh at them. treat them exactly how they treat. So I agree with every worthless white bastard who has died in SA

There is no genocide of white farmers in South Africa.

Quote what you are referring to.

You can't????



Genocide of white farmers in South africa

Convenient! If the SA government was composed of white people, they’d be condemned worldwide as ethnic cleansing racist genocidal monsters (and no doubt Nazis). ....Definitive figures are not available, as the African National Congress (ANC) government ordered the authorities to stop releasing...

So you expect sympathy and empathy for white supremacists in the way that they never gave towards black people.

OK. Got it.

Many white South Africans have moved to Australia but guess what ? They're unhappy and miserable. They traded living among the upper class in South Africa to living in the lower class in Australia or NZ.

It bums them out that they can't go to restaurants and mistreat the black employees. They long to back in the good old days in SA when not only white men were shooting black south Africans but their women were too.


But those dam blacks !!! Why can't they be happy at being shitted on ?



I mean black South Africans should be happy to live like this right ?


These white people took everything and now they want to vilify people who are experiencing more suffering than they'll ever know. Suffering they caused.

And the fact is that a big majority of black South African's can't afford to be online. So this propaganda spreads without any actual black South Africans defending themselves. White South Africans are evil.

I told you never to address me......the smell is too difficult to remove.
All drugs in black community come from whites and non black people. You see responsiblity as a one way street. "They need to clean up their act but we don't have to do anything"
Here we go again, same old bullshit. Typical example of blacks passing the blame. The reality is, blacks decide to buy, sell, and/or use drugs. They choose to break the fucking law.

And that is what you do. All you do is ignore what whites do and focus on blk ppl.
Typical deflection. Sure, white people have problems. The difference is, black people blame everybody else for theirs. They won't take responsibility for shit. They're a broken fucking record.

So in the end we know all about what is wrong with blacks
Yes, blacks blame everybody else (and especially white racism) for their problems. It doesn't matter what country they live in, it's always the same fucking story. Excuse after excuse. Seriously, name one country where blacks are succeeding as a group. Just one. You can't. You know and I know it. Blacks in other countries say the same shit you're regurgitating. Until blacks are ready and willing to help themselves and stop blaming everybody else for their fucking problems, they're a lost cause.

On the contrary Black folks are doing self-help all the time. We have to; after all, we have enough experience with white institutions to know that such institutions have never done much to improve our situation.
"Doing self-help"? The only reason blacks are doing as well as they are is due to whites. Do you honestly think blacks would be able to run America successfully on their own? Fact is, blacks need whites. Whites don't need blacks. If whites disappeared tomorrow and blacks were left to run America and the UK, both places would resemble Africa before it was over. You people would have America so fucked up. If you don't agree, then please name a country, any country, that blacks are running that isn't a fucking shit hole.

But I see very little self-help or even self-reflection in the white community. Rarely do you spend time dealing with your own racism a racism which only you have any control over, since the folks doing the discriminating are white like you.
You don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about because you're not white and don't have the foggiest notion of what it's like to be white, and you never will. The fact is, blacks don't want to be treated equally. They certainly don't want to be treated the way they think whites treat other whites, because whites wouldn't put up with the shit black people do from other whites.

But I'm to believe that a person like you holding these biases would nonetheless be able to fairly evaluate black job applicants, or potential tenants, or loan applicants
I don't give a shit what you believe about my ability to be fair. I have nothing to prove to you. Fact is, the same shit that happens to black people happens to white people. The difference is, black people are so hypersensitive about race that when the shit that happens to the typical white person happens to a black person, the black person automatically blames white racism.
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I is old-------I knew lots of persons who migrated to the USA from
South Africa more than 50 years ago LOTS AND LOTS. They
expressed the idea that they were in lots of trouble in that country----
and could not stay. I don't remember anyone saying "WE WANT


I don't believe you. So 50 years ago when apartheid was in full swing white South Africans decided to move to a country and 1000's of miles away and start all over again ?

I don't believe you.

The winners never leave a country in large numbers. It's the people who are getting sh*t that leave. That's how USA was created. You ancestors were losing in Europe and came to the USA to make it and that's fine. That's an act of resistance.
the people I knew were professionals, physicians and scientists and teachers----who LEFT SOUTH AFRICA because of pessimism regarding their shitty futures. Same is true of
some very prosperous----from TEHERAN----Iranians-----flooding out in the 1960s
James Price
If you don't agree, then please name a country, any country, that blacks are running that isn't a fucking shit hole.

Luanda - Angola


Nairobi - Kenya


Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania


Rwanda - Kigali


Lagos - Nigeria


Avenue of baobabs, Madagascar


Don't really see this image of Africa in the news do you ?

So answer me this question.

If Africa is a shit hole then why did Africans have to fight wars to get whites to leave ? And are still fighting ? Why does every African country have it's own Nelson Mandela ?

Why was Mark Zuckerberg (Owner of Facebook) over in Nigeria last year ?




He was over their stealing ideas and taken them bk to America and pass them of as his.

it’s ALL about who gets the patent.

White supremacist have done it for ages.

They see an idea, invention, something which is common somewhere else, go back home, patent it and claim the rights.

That's why you have stories like last year the black South African (Nkosinathi Nkomo) created a water purification invention to assist the drought in Cape Town then he mysteriously falls from a building a dies.


A few months later someone comes up with the same invention.

Coincedence ?

His invention would have make him a billionaire and his descendents.

Why was Tony Blair considering going to war with Zimbabwe because Mugabe was trying to return the land back to Zimbabwe if "Africa is a major shithole"

James Price
Here we go again, same old bullshit. Typical example of blacks passing the blame. The reality is, blacks decide to buy, sell, and/or use drugs. They choose to break the fucking law.

If you was in a boat in a river and I pushed you over and you drown

And I say

“He died because he was too lazy to take the time to learn how how to swim.”


“He died because he never took any swimming classes.”

Would this be right ? Not really because the real answer is that you died because you was pushed by me.

Any other answer is dealing only with secondary circumstances.

Yes, knowing how to swim might have been a solution to your dilemma, once you was in the water, but not knowing how to swim was not the cause of your dilemma. The CAUSE was me

Yes zero black people taking drugs would help but they are not the cause. The cause is white and non blk people who flood black communities with drugs and by the way most black people do not take drugs

Causation simply establishes the historical precedent as to how the problem got started.
The problem is that with many racists like yourself is that you want to begin the discussion based on black pathology with no acknowledgement of White causation.

You want to make the CAUSE the fact that Blacks aren’t doing this or that instead of beginning with the White pathology the brought us to this point in the first place.

James Price
Yes, blacks blame everybody else (especially white racism) for their problems. It doesn't matter what country they live in, it's always the same fucking story. Excuse after excuse.

OK. So name a black problem were the cause is not white racism ?

James Price
Seriously, name one country where blacks are succeeding as a group. Just one. You can't.

What's your idea of success first ?

Because my idea of success and your idea of success are probably not the same.

Because do you know who the smartest and most successful group of black people on the planet are ?

These guys.


The negrito tribe, the North Sentinel Islanders in the Indian Ocean.

Why ?

Because they have never been colonized by the white supremacist, are not dependent on the white supremacist, will kill any outsiders who trespass and would rather die than be mistreated.

And they are the only group of black or non white people on this planet who can say that.

So that makes them by far in a way the smartest and most successful group of black people on earth.

See I don't consider having fancy tech as success. What's successful to me in regards to black people is whether you are dominated by white supremacy / racism or have been and are you willing to die to avoid that domination.

James Price
Fact is, blacks need whites. Whites don't need blacks. If whites disappeared tomorrow and blacks were left to run America and the UK, both places would resemble Africa before it was over. You people would have America so fucked up.

If there were no black people around, white people would have :
  • No one to blame but themselves for the crime that happened.
  • No one to blame but themselves when you didn’t get the jobs you wanted.
  • No one to blame but themselves when your lives turned out to be less than you’d expected.
White supremacists need black people (especially in a inferior role) as a way to build yourselves up and provide a sense of self-worth you otherwise lack.

I watched a programme a few years back were they asked white and black people what they like about being black or white

For black people the answers always have to do with the pride they feel, coming from families who have struggled against the odds, fought injustice, persevered, and maintained dignity in the face of great obstacles.

In other words, to be black has internal meaning

But for whites ? If they can come up with anything, it was something about how nice it is not to have to worry about being racially profiled by police, or how nice it is not to be presumed less competent by employers, or discriminated against when applying for a job, or looking for a home.

So for you white people, your self-definition is wrapped up entirely in terms of what and who u aren’t. What it means to be white is merely to not be black.

James Price
I don't give a shit what you believe about my ability to be fair.

Why do you want to create a system of injustice ? Do you believe you and white people are inferior to black people ? Such that you need a head-start because without it you can't compete ?
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A white man is smart enough to know not to walk into an all black bowling alley with a black girl or any girl for that matter. At least here in Metro Detroit. This aint Mayberry bitch.

When the black women said she doesn't want you (A white man) to go to the black bowling alley with you just in case something happens

That was a SH*T TEST

What is a shit test ? A shit test is any action, question, or comment that a woman will hand you to determine test the strength of your character and degree of confidence,

Congrats. You failed her shit test by wimping out and I bet you from then on she was probably a little bit more slick with her mouth, a little bit more diss-respectful, she started to act a little bit more masculine

It's kinda like that great Mike Tyson line of “Everybody’s got a plan until they get punched in the face”? She wanted to know who you are really are when face with resistance.

You should have said "Don't worry about. Got lessons from Steven Segal. Get your coat. Let's go" and laughed and went.

Look at Sly Stallone in Rocky 4 on how to pass sh*t tests when Rocky was about to fight Drago

Adrien shit tests Rocky hard with her "You can't win" scene

Brutal !!!

But Rocky regardless of what the love of his life thought, said, or did, he knew he had to stick to his guns and go try and fk up Drago who killed his best friend Apollo.

Then she pulls a last second power move and tells Rocky she would not be going with him to Moscow to support him ringside.

This was a major league shit test.

Remember, he’s been married this woman for years and truly loves her. But like before, Rocky stays true to his task and starts his journey alone. And like before, Adrian comes to Russia, rushes to his side and cheers him to victory.

Women will always be women and the shit tests are coming. Count on it. Rocky loved his Adrian but his mission came before her and it showed. As a result, she grew more attracted to him with every shit test he passed. Even when he risked his life by fighting Ivan Drago.

In fact all through out the rocky movies. Rocky is true alpha. In Rocky 1

Adrian: “ I wanna let my brother know where I am. I think he might be worried.”

Rocky: “I’ll call your brother.”

<Rocky flings open the window>

Rocky: “Yo Paulie!!!! Your sister’s with me!!! I’ll call ya later!!!”

Well played.


Adrian knows damn well that Paulie was probably too drunk to care about much of anything.

Or in another scene

Adrian: “I don’t belong here.”

Rocky: “It’s alright—you’re my guest.”

Adrian: “I’ve never been in a man’s apartment before.”

Rocky: “They’re all the same.”

This was handled beautifully with gentle, well placed sarcasm.


I don't think so. And for the record, I dumped her. Told her I couldn't see myself getting serious with a woman who has 2 kids.

Yes she introduced me to her kids. Was that a test too? Seemed I passed that one.

Shit test? That's funny. Seems like 50 years ago you guys wouldn't go into a white bowling alley but since then it's safe, so now you go. It's still not safe for a white guy to go to an all black establishment in Detroit. Sorry blacks aren't civilized yet in my neck of the woods. Maybe where you come from they're different.

In fact blacks aren't even safe when other blacks are around. Neither are the cops.

Even multiple cops being around doesn't stop black folk once they forget how to act.
Same as black guys don't want their daughters dating white guys. Well known in the black community that's frowned on. I dated black women who had to keep it on the DL from their girlfriends. Couldn't take me to the black bowling alley they hung out at. Said it wouldn't be safe for me to walk in with her. That shit doesn't happen in white neighborhoods in Metro Detroit. Blacks are free and safe to walk in, even if they "feel" they're being stared at at least they aren't in risk of being physically harmed.

You simp ass, pussy ass, weak ass faggot. You allowed a female to dictate where you can go ? She basically told you that she's too ashamed to be seen with you at the bowling alley and she also knew you were too much of wimp to handle yourself in there....... and you just said "OK" lol.

That's one of the emasculating thing I've ever heard.

She had more respect for the blk guys who could have been in the bowling alley who she wasn't fking than you (a white dude) who she was fkin (lol) And you put up with that sh*t !!!

But some guys will put up with anything just to land some pussy..

Do you think she would ave said that to Drake ? Denzel Washington ? Obama ? A woman wouldn't even dare say that to me.

A women has to respect you first

You white dudes you got no fking game with women.
A white man is smart enough to know not to walk into an all black bowling alley with a black girl or any girl for that matter. ...
You are such a fucking coward.
Yes I'm afraid of ghetto people when I'm in a ghetto. Outside the ghetto I'm not afraid. I went to an all black school. I suffered enough.

Throughout his childhood, Tyson lived in and around neighborhoods with a high rate of crime. Tyson was repeatedly caught committing petty crimes and fighting those who ridiculed his high-pitched voice and lisp. By the age of 13, he had been arrested 38 times.

And that's just the babies in the ghetto.
But you cry when you are called out as a racist.
If you worry about violent crime in a violent crime area, that's racist? Wow.

I think the national average for violent crime in any given city is 333. In Detroit it's 1990 per 100,000 people. Being a white makes you a target.

I guess the black guys who worked at Ford with my dad were racists when they told him to tell us to stay out of the city. Not safe for white boys.


Genocide of white farmers in South africa

Convenient! If the SA government was composed of white people, they’d be condemned worldwide as ethnic cleansing racist genocidal monsters (and no doubt Nazis). ....Definitive figures are not available, as the African National Congress (ANC) government ordered the authorities to stop releasing...

So you expect sympathy and empathy for white supremacists in the way that they never gave towards black people.

OK. Got it.

Many white South Africans have moved to Australia but guess what ? They're unhappy and miserable. They traded living among the upper class in South Africa to living in the lower class in Australia or NZ.

It bums them out that they can't go to restaurants and mistreat the black employees. They long to back in the good old days in SA when not only white men were shooting black south Africans but their women were too.


But those dam blacks !!! Why can't they be happy at being shitted on ?



I mean black South Africans should be happy to live like this right ?


These white people took everything and now they want to vilify people who are experiencing more suffering than they'll ever know. Suffering they caused.

And the fact is that a big majority of black South African's can't afford to be online. So this propaganda spreads without any actual black South Africans defending themselves. White South Africans are evil.
To the victor goes the spoils.
But you cry when you are called out as a racist.
If you worry about violent crime in a violent crime area, that's racist? Wow.

I think the national average for violent crime in any given city is 333. In Detroit it's 1990 per 100,000 people. Being a white makes you a target.

I guess the black guys who worked at Ford with my dad were racists when they told him to tell us to stay out of the city. Not safe for white boys.
Chicken shit.
But you cry when you are called out as a racist.
If you worry about violent crime in a violent crime area, that's racist? Wow.

I think the national average for violent crime in any given city is 333. In Detroit it's 1990 per 100,000 people. Being a white makes you a target.

I guess the black guys who worked at Ford with my dad were racists when they told him to tell us to stay out of the city. Not safe for white boys.
Chicken shit.
You forgot racist.
But you cry when you are called out as a racist.
If you worry about violent crime in a violent crime area, that's racist? Wow.

I think the national average for violent crime in any given city is 333. In Detroit it's 1990 per 100,000 people. Being a white makes you a target.

I guess the black guys who worked at Ford with my dad were racists when they told him to tell us to stay out of the city. Not safe for white boys.
Chicken shit.
You forgot racist.
No one has forgotten that you are a racist.
But you cry when you are called out as a racist.
If you worry about violent crime in a violent crime area, that's racist? Wow.

I think the national average for violent crime in any given city is 333. In Detroit it's 1990 per 100,000 people. Being a white makes you a target.

I guess the black guys who worked at Ford with my dad were racists when they told him to tell us to stay out of the city. Not safe for white boys.
Chicken shit.
You forgot racist.
No one has forgotten that you are a racist.
You're so pathetic. I'd love to meet up with you pussy. I'd have you holding my pant pocket son


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