Blacks that White Racists Don't Like

Everyone every time knows that when a vile racist like you spews racial slur it means you are a vile racist. You are an idiot and a fucking scumbag. No wonder you are always all alone.
Personal attack! And don't you call people out for saying "everyone knows"? What is it called when people do that?

Employing a witches’ brew of vague but inflammatory language, the Republican presidential nominee has repeatedly amplified and offered roundabout endorsements to conspiracy theories and outright lies by presenting them, in speeches and interviews, with an increasingly dubious caveat.

“Many people are saying,” Trump tweeted on Monday night, “that the Iranians killed the scientist who helped the US because of Hillary Clinton’s hacked emails.”

Or when Trump said, "Most people said I won the debates"
Personal attack! And don't you call people out for saying "everyone knows"? What is it called when people do that?
Personal attack! And don't you call people out for saying "everyone knows"? What is it called when people do that?
Think about what you wrote. No white man thinks they are superior to black men?

No white man thinks they are superior black men. Simple as that. And that mean's you. Now go and make a Taramasalata.
whites are superior at graduating and not committing crime-undeniable and the truth
Same as black guys don't want their daughters dating white guys. Well known in the black community that's frowned on. I dated black women who had to keep it on the DL from their girlfriends. Couldn't take me to the black bowling alley they hung out at. Said it wouldn't be safe for me to walk in with her. That shit doesn't happen in white neighborhoods in Metro Detroit. Blacks are free and safe to walk in, even if they "feel" they're being stared at at least they aren't in risk of being physically harmed.

You simp ass, pussy ass, weak ass faggot. You allowed a female to dictate where you can go ? She basically told you that she's too ashamed to be seen with you at the bowling alley and she also knew you were too much of wimp to handle yourself in there....... and you just said "OK" lol.

That's one of the emasculating thing I've ever heard.

She had more respect for the blk guys who could have been in the bowling alley who she wasn't fking than you (a white dude) who she was fkin (lol) And you put up with that sh*t !!!

But some guys will put up with anything just to land some pussy..

Do you think she would ave said that to Drake ? Denzel Washington ? Obama ? A woman wouldn't even dare say that to me.

A women has to respect you first

You white dudes you got no fking game with women.
A white man is smart enough to know not to walk into an all black bowling alley with a black girl or any girl for that matter. At least here in Metro Detroit. This aint Mayberry bitch.

If it were one on one, I'd fight any black no matter how tough. In college I was a former wrestler and I worked at a hotel and I saw James Toney remember him? I would have kicked his ass. Boxer can't beat a wrestler who knows how to fight. And most blacks don't know how to wrestle. At least not when I grew up. Now you would say, "with proper training James Toney would kill you" and who knows maybe that's right. Fact is most of the wrestlers at the state tournament were white. And I beat the black guy who took 3rd the year before. I knocked him out of the tournament his senior year. Ouch. And I was 17 most likely he was 19. So the one great black wrestler in the best weight class, I beat. Just sayin.

She was looking out for my safety. I can only take on 2 black guys at a time and we all know how yall fight. Don't lie. Bunch of pussies. You circle each other bumping shoulders. Yea I grew up in the hood. Got the hell out. Yall animals. Not safe for a white person.

Is that untrue or hurt your feelings? Yea I'm afraid to go to an all black bowling alley. Most whites are. Why do you think so many black business' close?

But have any one of those pussies come fight me and don't bring your crew or weapons. Just you. I'll have you on the ground and choked out in a minute no matter how big you are.
Many people have said Unkotare is the racist. He was pushing eugenics earlier. And I don't like being called a racist without you backing up your beliefs. Exactly what did I say that was "racist"?

Unkotare is watering down the word.
...blacks are the racists--not whites
Says the white guy racist.
Says the black guy racist.
Oh, now I'm a black guy? That is news to me.
you are RACIST like the blacks
How can you say you care about the poor black community and then encourage any and every poor single woman to have as many kids as she likes? You're encouraging her to fuck herself and those kids.
There are many despicable Blacks in this country. We saw videos of them last year murdering, looting and destroying our country. The big city shitholes are full of the assholes. We read about them every day killing each other in the Democrat controlled cities.

However, the worst ones are in the Democrat Party. Obama did a tremendous amount of damage to this country. The Negroes in Democrat leadership positions are absolute fuckards. Hell bent on turning the US into a Socialist shithole so they can get their free stuff. Disgusting, isn't it?
Think about what you wrote. No white man thinks they are superior to black men?

No white man thinks they are superior black men. Simple as that. And that mean's you. Now go and make a Taramasalata.
whites are superior at graduating and not committing crime-undeniable and the truth
Paul, I'll ask you again. If no white man thinks they are superior to black men, are there black men who believe they are superior to white men? And if there are, are you one of them? If so, why is it wrong for whites to believe that but ok for blacks to believe the way they do?

I think you are losing this argument if you don't answer the question. I'll answer for you, you're a racist who believes black men are superior to whites.

And if so, it should be ok for me to believe Greek men are superior to all else ESPECIALLY blacks. Blacks would be at the bottom under Indians Asians and even South Americans.

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