Blacks that White Racists Don't Like

Why would you add to what I said? Why do you assume you still being here annoys me? You sound defensive. Certainly not open minded enough to have a conversation about this. Not if you are going to assume you still being here annoys me. Where did you get that out of everything I've said? Stop making shit up. Stop putting words into my mouth. Focus. We held your people back mentally for 500 years.

So you think your superior to black men ? Since your so desperate to believe you're superior to black dudes. OK I'll give it ya.

Now what ?

What do you do with all these intellectually inferior black dudes ? The doing part. Not the assesment part.
We’re all human. Give them economic opportunities, equality in the workforce, better fund their schools.

I think I thought this up when you guys pissed me off and called me a racist. Even though you yourselves would prefer your black daughters bring home black men. You guys like to brag how you’re superior too. Funny it’s racism when we do it but not you. And you suggest blacks would have acted differently if the roles were reversed. Imagine if this country was 49% black, 51% everything else and you blacks controlled everything. All the wealth. Would you give up that power so easily?

Then to hear your black leaders talk, when you do finally overcome they’ll be hell to pay. Really? Then maybe I should side with these whites who think diversity programs are racist to them and should be done away with.

You know who’s less appreciative than you blacks? Women. They benefit most from affirmative action yet a lot of them didn’t vote for Hillary. Women are the worse! At least blacks vote correctly
You got me all wrong. You're reading into what I'm saying. I don't hate you, want you to go away and I certainly expect there to be black people when we colonize the universe. Stop being such a snowflake.

Did you know that 35% of White ppl are born with tails?





They cut them off at birth. Whites share DNA w/the Rhesus Monkey.

They love calling Black people monkeys & 3/5th of a human.

All your babble is just It’a tactic that Whites have used for centuries they project onto others the truth about themselves. Racism is about projection.

No white man thinks they are superior to black men. None
Is there any truth to the tail thing? Even if true so what? We all came from monkey. The first humans were black. That means whites are a “more” evolved human. You’re the original model.

Why are you attributing me with calling you monkeys? I never said that.

Ps. I’m Greek. we aboliutely think we are better than blacks but don’t take offense we think we’re better than Germans, Italians, romanians, Turks, polacks, japs, etc.

Think about what you wrote. No white man thinks they are superior to black men? First, you know there are whites who think that. I’m not one of them. I simply suggested our brains got a 500 year head start on development since we denied you the opportunity to even learn to read for almost 500 years then gave you shitty schools. Before we discovered Africa there were no schools. So maybe we’ve had 1000 to 2000 mental head start on you.

2, I’m assuming if you’re saying no white man can think he’s superior to blacks does that mean you think blacks are superior?
Why would you add to what I said? Why do you assume you still being here annoys me? You sound defensive. Certainly not open minded enough to have a conversation about this. Not if you are going to assume you still being here annoys me. Where did you get that out of everything I've said? Stop making shit up. Stop putting words into my mouth. Focus. We held your people back mentally for 500 years.

So you think your superior to black men ? Since your so desperate to believe you're superior to black dudes. OK I'll give it ya.

Now what ?

What do you do with all these intellectually inferior black dudes ? The doing part. Not the assesment part.
Most of you american blacks have some white in you and so you have th white brain don’t worry. Because we mixed with you. See all the best nba players are half white? Barrack Obama?
Think about what you wrote. No white man thinks they are superior to black men?

No white man thinks they are superior black men. Simple as that. And that mean's you. Now go and make a Taramasalata.
"We have no right to sit silently by while the inevitable seeds are sown for a harvest of disaster to our children, black and white. First, it is the duty of black men to judge the South discriminatingly,"

W.E.B. Dubois

Read More: A Look At The Conflict Between W.E.B. Du Bois And Booker T. Washington

These words were spoken by the great W.E.B. Dubois in response to Booker T. Washington. Throughout American history there has been a subculture in the white community who could not stand Black men/woman who refused to shut up and take it. We see a continuation of that tradition today by that same white subculture. They recite Booker T, and read idiot, weak minded, low self esteemed, ass kissing, grant grovelling, ivory tower blacks like Thoman Sowell, the late Walter Williams or Shelby Steele.

Here's to the blacks who have been throught history, to quote Ice Cube, the wrong blacks to fuck with.

1. The Honorable Nat TurnerView attachment 504256

That's right, HONORABLE. Not one of you racists in this forum would have tolerated the conditions slaves lived in had they been white. Your asses are talking about civil wars and race wars now because you can't get everything given to you. Your ancestors fought a war wth a country that provided them with free land called headrights, and you did so over taxes as the legend goes. So I damn sure know what would have happened had whites been enslaved for 200 odd years as was the case with blacks when Nat Turner decided to fight fire with fire.

2. The Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey.-I'll let him do the talking.

..blacks are the racists, not the whites
Ps. I’m Greek. we aboliutely think we are better than blacks but don’t take offense we think we’re better than Germans, Italians, romanians, Turks, polacks, japs, etc.

Well go bk and live in Greece if it's so great ?

I'll wait

You and your family ran from Greece to get to a country black people built
We’re all human.

How can we be human if (according to you) white people's brains are better than black people's ?

Give them economic opportunities, equality in the workforce, better fund their schools

What's the point ? Why give equality to an intellectually inferior race of black people ? I mean I'm just talking your POV to it's logical conclusion. We are just going to mess everything up anyway due to stunted brain growth - right ?

I think I thought this up when you guys pissed me off and called me a racist. Even though you yourselves would prefer your black daughters bring home black men.

The same way you'd prefer your daughter to bring home a white dude. It annoys doesn't it ? That many black women have not fallen for the hype of white men. Asian and Latino women they'll fk pretty much any white man. But black women ? Not the case. You think black women can't see through you ?

I know what you punk ass white dudes are like with attractive black women. They tell us about you.

You guys like to brag how you’re superior too.

I'm not saying that black people are superior. I'm saying that black history, black achievements for mankind has been superior

Funny it’s racism when we do it but not you. And you suggest blacks would have acted differently if the roles were reversed. Imagine if this country was 49% black, 51% everything else and you blacks controlled everything. All the wealth. Would you give up that power so easily?

We don't think like you and this is were you keep on going wrong.
  • Black people could never use white people as guinea pigs in black hospitals, the way whites use blacks as guinea pigs in white hospitals.
  • Black people could never red-line white areas from credit, the way whites red-line black areas from credit.
  • Black people could never rip up white CV's and resumes the way white people rip up black Cv's resumes.
  • Black people could never poison the water supply in white areas, the way white people poison the water supply in black areas.
  • Black men could never go into white countries, kill and oppress the native and enforce systems of apartheid.
  • Black men could never blow the brains out white kids, laugh about it, and then let the killers walk free.
God did not make us that way. He just did not give us that heart.

Then to hear your black leaders talk, when you do finally overcome they’ll be hell to pay. Really?

I don't want black people to hate white people. I want black people to stop lovin them so much.

You know who’s less appreciative than you blacks? Women. They benefit most from affirmative action yet a lot of them didn’t vote for Hillary. Women are the worse! At least blacks vote correctly

Here we go. You sound like one of them MGTOW, men's right, red pill dudes
Paul Essien

You are delusional. The bar has been set lower for black people with businesses actively looking to hire blacks. At this point, if you don't have a criminal record, willing to work, and speak english, employers will hire and promote quit quickly in all fields to achieve affirmative action quotas. The fact that you don't know this says alot about you. None of it good.

I'm mixed--but look white. The opposite of my father who was mixed and looked well Indian--dark hair, dark skin, but had blue eyes. He was a very very honest man----including with himself. All races are better off facing the truth and not lying themselves.........1st step in solving problems is admitting that there is a problem, followed by looking for a solution or several solutions instead of blaming others. You don't admit your problems, and you don't look for solutions outside of blaming others. You will always have problems.

No need for violins-----my story wasn't a sad one, which I understand why you wouldn't understand my point. YOU will never ever take responsibility for your actions and never ever stop blaming others. You are more than happy to lie to yourself and wallow in your misery. You like blaming others instead of fixing problems. Thankfully--my family Wants in their heart of hearts to fix problems and make life better not worse like you do.
Paul Essien Oh brother...let me help you out on a few facts.
Medical uses everyone---black, white, brown, children for their medical experiments. Many experiments such as Jenner's experiment where he infected an 8 year old french child----were completely unethical and evil. However, it did prove a successful test.

Redlining? Wow!! Talk about a smeared term. It is simply not giving loans to bad areas..which makes a hell of a lot of sense. Want a loan seek it for an area that is going up not down in value protects both the bank and the person taking out the loan.

The rest of your nonsense, I have no clue what you specifically trying to refer to--------blacks do pretty much create no go areas for whites....
Think about what you wrote. No white man thinks they are superior to black men?

No white man thinks they are superior black men. Simple as that. And that mean's you. Now go and make a Taramasalata.
Is it true that no black man thinks they are superior to white men? I'm about to prove we are better than you and that you are the racists. Go ahead and answer my question. Is it true no black man thinks they are superior to white men?
Ps. I’m Greek. we aboliutely think we are better than blacks but don’t take offense we think we’re better than Germans, Italians, romanians, Turks, polacks, japs, etc.

Well go bk and live in Greece if it's so great ?

I'll wait

You and your family ran from Greece to get to a country black people built
Whites forced you to build it, for whites. Thank you to those black people hundreds of years ago. We came here in the 50's and we love it here. I don't care who built it. Who built the pyramids? Blacks. But again, they were just the worker bees. The world needs ditch diggers.
You have admitted to casting racial slurs many, many times. Almost everything you ever post is some racist nonsense. Do you get "scared away" by looking in the mirror? Oh, well I guess YOU would....
This not nonsense. Stick to the conversation, prove me wrong or beat it troll.
It is complete nonsense, and if you had a brain you would realize that. Once again, human beings are not dogs.
Thanks Captain Obvious. Evolution however works on us just like it does dogs.
You are painfully ignorant. Your imagination is not "science."
Evolution works differently on humans than it does on other animals? What evidence do you have for this?

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