Blacks turn on Democrats --- "They're Abusing Us."

This one made the rounds today. Predictable nutters. Like so many puppets.

Do you have any proof, or is that the only thing you have, your bias?

What are you asking for "proof" about?

That it "made the rounds" today? The fact there's at least 3 threads on it is pretty good "proof" of that. Same with "predictable nutters" and "like so many puppets".

Speaking of puppets, when is the last time you disagreed with the current Democratic platform?

The platform? Or...actual policies? Which do you mean?

I disagree with much of the platform. I don't support actual policies in many cases.

You don't know me, dummy.
Former NFL star on why he turned Republican: I realized Dems were devastating blacks

A retired NFL linebacker said he is running for Congress as a Republican because Democrats have failed the black community.

“African American communities throughout the country are doing horribly under Democratic-run cities, and that’s why I want to put an end to it,” Garry Cobb said Wednesday on Newsmax TV’s “Steve Malzberg Show.”

Read more: Former NFL star on why he turned Republican I realized Dems were devastating blacks - BizPac Review
Dems have been playing the race game for 50 years. They turned blacks into welfare slaves and now they get 90% of the black vote every time. Obozo wants to do the same with hispanics and that's why he lets illegals come here. Illegals are the welfare bums of their countries and he wants them on welfare here. He doesn't want the intelligent hard working hispanics that come here legally.
We should revoke the citizenship of any naturalized citizen who goes on welfare and send them back to their country.
Blacks should vote non-Democrat this mid term. Vote Republican, Vote Libertarian, Vote Independent. Vote Individual.

Democrats are confident they have the black vote locked in and feel the need to focus on Latinos. Everything with Democrats is atomic voting blocks ( aka groups).
Democrats need to wake up and realize the Fear mongering "y'all be put back in chains" has run its course.
Nobody is forcing blacks to live on welfare, no one is forcing blacks to live in ghettos.
Yet we see people who believe they are...
Nobody is forcing blacks to live on welfare, no one is forcing blacks to live in ghettos.
Yet we see people who believe they are...

Yes, they are FORCED by Government, because the taxes and regulations in black communities are so obscene that they cant open up businssess. Tax is a FORCE, in fact, it's the the ULTIMATE FORCE, 40 of the Federalist papers are devoted tot he sbuject of Taxation, because it has the power to destroy, and it's power comes the the barrel of a gun if you don't adhere to the tax and regulation codes.
Oh my, anything named "Rebel Pundit" must have black folks welfare foremost in its thoughts.
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The platform? Or...actual policies? Which do you mean?

I disagree with much of the platform. I don't support actual policies in many cases.

You don't know me, dummy.

You seem qualified to call conservatives nuts. I would like to see what you base that on, other than your biased opinion. You and your few allies seem to be in the minority here. Surely, you can back up your baseless remark.
The platform? Or...actual policies? Which do you mean?

I disagree with much of the platform. I don't support actual policies in many cases.

You don't know me, dummy.

You seem qualified to call conservatives nuts. I would like to see what you base that on, other than your biased opinion. You and your few allies seem to be in the minority here. Surely, you can back up your baseless remark.

First, I don't think that all conservatives are nutters. You may not be one........I'll let you know. Your thin skin is an early indication....but more input will be needed.

Do you need proof that there are several batshit crazy people here who consider themselves to be mainstream conservatives?

And....yes....I'm in the minority here. Happily.
The platform? Or...actual policies? Which do you mean?

I disagree with much of the platform. I don't support actual policies in many cases.

You don't know me, dummy.

You seem qualified to call conservatives nuts. I would like to see what you base that on, other than your biased opinion. You and your few allies seem to be in the minority here. Surely, you can back up your baseless remark.

First, I don't think that all conservatives are nutters. You may not be one........I'll let you know. Your thin skin is an early indication....but more input will be needed.

Do you need proof that there are several batshit crazy people here who consider themselves to be mainstream conservatives?

And....yes....I'm in the minority here. Happily.

Thin skin? Hardly, but the majority of your posts are insults, showing a lack of arguments. You need to try harder.
The platform? Or...actual policies? Which do you mean?

I disagree with much of the platform. I don't support actual policies in many cases.

You don't know me, dummy.

You seem qualified to call conservatives nuts. I would like to see what you base that on, other than your biased opinion. You and your few allies seem to be in the minority here. Surely, you can back up your baseless remark.

First, I don't think that all conservatives are nutters. You may not be one........I'll let you know. Your thin skin is an early indication....but more input will be needed.

Do you need proof that there are several batshit crazy people here who consider themselves to be mainstream conservatives?

And....yes....I'm in the minority here. Happily.

Thin skin? Hardly, but the majority of your posts are insults, showing a lack of arguments. You need to try harder.

Please search the term "try harder" in the archives. You will find that I say those words often here. Sort of a catch phrase. Funny you should say it to me.....of all people.

I will insult those who deserve to be insulted. The majority of my posts are not, in fact, insults. But....I am very good at it seems that way sometimes. Have I insulted you yet?

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