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Blacks waking up to the truth of the democrat party?

They also influence North Africa, but they're brutally exploiting sub-Saharan Africa for its natural resources. All of their former colonies. There's a move now in Africa to get rid of French influence in Africa in countries like Burkina Faso and Mali, among others.
Yes, this is true.
Definitely anti Christian, but not controlled by Jews.
Do you want to engage in a formal debate with me on who owned the vast majority of the slave ships and slaves? I challenge you to a debate right here on the thread.
Do you want to engage in a formal debate with me on who owned the vast majority of the slave ships and slaves? I challenge you to a debate right here on the thread.
We can,, but your analysis ignores the number of christian churches built in Africa that were used as slave holding quarters. And then your analysis will not include the 3.7 millioon slaves that were produced by slave breeding who did not come here on slave ships.

This is a tired anti semitic meme and given the racism exhibited from some of the Jews here, I should just be quiet.
We can,, but your analysis ignores the number of christian churches built in Africa that were used as slave holding quarters. And then your analysis will not include the 3.7 millioon slaves that were produced by slave breeding who did not come here on slave ships.

This is a tired anti semitic meme and given the racism exhibited from some of the Jews here, I should just be quiet.
It has nothing to do with anti-Semitism, it's a fact. The slave trade from Africa to the US was dominated by Jews and most of the slave owners (after the sale of the slaves in the market) per capita, weren't whites, but Jews. If one looks at who owned the ships that transported the slaves to the American continent and who owned the slaves before they were sold in the marketplace, it was the Jews. You can cry "anti-Semiticism!" but that's a fact. Jews are a very small % of the population and yet have their hand in everything, often dominating industries, including the ugly ones.
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It has nothing to do with anti-Semitism, it's a fact. The slave trade from Africa to the US was dominated by Jews and most of the slave owners (after the sale of the slaves in the market) per capita, weren't whites, but Jews. If one looks at who owned the ships that transported the slaves to the American continent and who owned the slaves before they were sold in the marketplace, it was the Jews. You can cry "anti-Semiticism!" but that's a fact. Jews are a very small % of the population and yet have their hand in everything, often dominating industries, including the ugly ones.
Jews were involved in every aspect of the slave trade but to say they dominated any part of it sounds like Nation of Islam or David Duke anti-Semitism to me. Where are you getting your 'facts'?
Jews were involved in every aspect of the slave trade but to say they dominated any part of it sounds like Nation of Islam or David Duke anti-Semitism to me. Where are you getting your 'facts'?
Sounds like you're just resorting to ad hominem attacks, unable or unwilling to accept the truth.
The democrat party has destroyed black families and black lives......yet the democrats continue to push the "republicans are racist," lie. Are blacks finally catching on?

White conservatives talking about black people's politics is hilariously retarded.

I wonder what these "conservatives" think when liberal academics talk about the MAGA heartland!

Keep clinging, old man!

The Timucua of Northern Florida practiced slavery and cannibalism. The attempt to synthesize a Navajo-English dictionary failed.
Among modern humans, cannibalism has been practised by various groups.[88] It was practised by humans in Prehistoric Europe,[107][108] Mesoamerica,[109] South America,[110] among Iroquoian peoples in North America,[111] Maori in New Zealand,[112] the Solomon Islands,[113] parts of West Africa[22] and Central Africa,[22] some of the islands of Polynesia,[22] New Guinea,[114] Sumatra,[22] and Fiji.[115] Evidence of cannibalism has been found in ruins associated with the Ancestral Puebloans of the Southwestern United States as well (at Cowboy Wash in Colorado).[116][

Your point?
I didn't say they had any moral right to steal, rape or do any harm to indians. I'm saying that's what happened. And they didn't do because of their skin color. They did it because they wanted the land.
What is the white man's burden theory?
a phrase that was used mainly in the 19th century to express the idea, now considered offensive, that European countries had a duty to control countries and organizations in parts of the world with less money, education or technology than Europe. The phrase was first used in a poem by Rudyard Kipling.

Andrew Jackson was a slaver, ethnic cleanser, and tyrant.

But Jackson didn't only want removal for personal enrichment. He also wanted it as a way to further white supremacy and slavery, and to shore up his Southern support. "The hunger for Indian land was most intense in the Southern slave-owning states, and Jackson as a politician generally reflected Southern economic interests,"

No, they were practically starving most of the time.
The left ear of corn is what the indians used to have.
Native Americans had an unexpendable supply of buffalo, the had food, clothing and shelter from it until white men exterminated them in order to starve the Indigenous Indians

‘Kill Every Buffalo You Can! Every Buffalo Dead Is an Indian Gone’​

The American bison is the new U.S. national mammal, but its slaughter was once seen as a way to starve Native Americans into submission.

The history of the buffalo is entwined with the plight of the Native Americans in the American West. Indian tribes settled these same grasslands centuries later because of the plenteous bison. Native peoples came to rely on the bison for everything from food and clothing to shelter and religious worship. They used almost every part of the animal, including horns, meat and tail hairs.

o make matters worse for wild buffalo, some U.S. government officials actively destroyed bison to defeat their Native American enemies who resisted the takeover of their lands by white settlers. American military commanders ordered troops to kill buffalo to deny Native Americans an important source of food.

Many Native cultures harvested corn, beans, chile, squash, wild fruits and herbs, wild greens, nuts and meats. Those foods that could be dried were stored for later use throughout the year.

View attachment 861830

And yes, the what man used to be retarded in some ways. And still are. They thought that the earth was flat, that witches exist and that owning people was OK.
Now days, look at the indian. Like the blacks, most of them are still completely dependent on the government. You ever been to a reservation? I have. I almost married a Navajo from NE Arizona. Alcoholism and drugs run rampant through those villages.

Slavery came to the north, via a black man. The first slave in the USA was a black man owning a black man.
Nothing is free. Slaves cost a lot of money to buy, feed and house. This is why the vast majority of white didn't own slaves.
95% of the south didn't own a slave. But you think the vast majority of them fought and died to keep something they didn't have to begin with. How retarded is that.
That's like todays south going to war with the north to keep their Lamborghini's.

LMAO..... Only the rich people had slaves. If you know your history, there were very few rich people in the south. It was either upper class or dirt poor. 95% of the south were dirt poor.
Foreign countries were paying a higher price for southern cotton than the north. Forcing the north to pay more. Which cut into their northern profits. Why did we go to war with every country since the Korean war? Money.
I'm not, and by god don't you say I am, but I'm not saying that slavery wasn't part of the reason for the civil war. But if the south had become it's own country, it would've completely tanked the norths economy. Especially because of the hatred the south had for the north from all their yankee BS. (taxes and trade restrictions)

Proving my above point.
I simply proved your stupidity. The South had no major financial foundation until the advent of chattel slavery. That fact is unassailable and any contrary attempt at rebuttal is just plain ignorant.
The civil war was fought due to slavery and the racist attempt to make the Western territories slave owning states. Stop the stupid revisionist bullshit.

If the blacks were that smart, Africa would be a lot more advanced. But too many down there are still using child labor to mine minerals with shovels and buckets. They still have people going hungry in the desert because they're too stupid to move where food grows.

You mean like all civilizations? Even as far back as when whites were slaves? That's a human nature trait. Not a racist one. The American indian had slaves. The Africans had slaves. The middle easterners had slaves. Asians had slaves. There were slaves in almost every nation in the world throughout history.
Because people back then were stupid and horrible. And some still are.

Democrats & CINO's have found a way to enslave both blacks, whites, American indians. It's called the welfare system.
So once again you try to pass off easily disproved lies as facts.
Sometime after 1635, António and Mary concluded the terms of their indentured servitude. António changed his name to Anthony Johnson.[8] He first entered the legal record as an unindentured man when he purchased a calf in 1647.[9]

Johnson was granted a large plot of farmland by the colonial government after he paid off his indentured contract by his labor.[10] On July 24, 1651, he acquired 250 acres (100 ha) of land under the headright system by buying the contracts of five indentured servants, one of whom was his son, Richard Johnson. The headright system worked in such a way that if a man were to bring indentured servants over to the colonies (in this particular case, Johnson brought the five servants), he was owed 50 acres a "head", or servant.[11] The land was located on the Great Naswattock Creek, which flowed into the Pungoteague River in Northampton County, Virginia.
Speaking of welfare the first two recipients were a white man and a white woman. Ralston Thayer and Mabel McFiggen. The program overwhelmingly went to white people. Most government handouts go to white people including SSD
Despite those perceptions, other research has found that white people are the biggest beneficiaries of the government safety net. According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, white people made up the the largest share — at 52 percent — of people lifted from poverty by safety-net programs, while black people made up less than a quarter of that share. When it comes to receiving Medicaid, white people make up about 43 percent of recipients, Hispanics about 30 percent, African-Americans 18 percent, with 9 percent identified as other, according to Wetts.

With his own indentured servants, Johnson ran his own tobacco farm. In fact, one of those servants, John Casor, would later become one of the first African men to be declared indentured for life
Whites were never chattel slaves STOP being stupid.
If you are too stupid to recognize the difference between a slave and an indentured servant just please stop showcasing your stupidity.

Africans were very smart but once again like most ignorant racist progress is only judged from a white perspective. So once again the pseudo superiority seeks to dismiss the complexity and advancements of indigenous populations the world over. Every group of people touched by white people have suffered and been the subject of countless miseries. Speaking of ignorant, over 80% of Europe was illiterate well past the middle ages. Suffered the worst famines because of their agricultural ignorance and drank from the same water source they shit in. Stop the "white people were superior" it doesn't hold water.

The Great Famine started with bad weather in spring 1315. Crop failures lasted through 1316 until the summer harvest in 1317, and Europe did not fully recover until 1322. Crop failures were not the only problem; cattle disease caused sheep and cattle numbers to fall as much as 80 per cent. The period was marked by extreme levels of crime, disease, mass death, and even cannibalism an
d infanticide. The crisis had consequences for the Church, state, European society, and for future calamities to follow in the 14th century.

Just stop trying to punch beyond your capabilities.
What is the white man's burden theory?
a phrase that was used mainly in the 19th century to express the idea, now considered offensive, that European countries had a duty to control countries and organizations in parts of the world with less money, education or technology than Europe. The phrase was first used in a poem by Rudyard Kipling.

Andrew Jackson was a slaver, ethnic cleanser, and tyrant.

But Jackson didn't only want removal for personal enrichment. He also wanted it as a way to further white supremacy and slavery, and to shore up his Southern support. "The hunger for Indian land was most intense in the Southern slave-owning states, and Jackson as a politician generally reflected Southern economic interests,"

Native Americans had an unexpendable supply of buffalo, the had food, clothing and shelter from it until white men exterminated them in order to starve the Indigenous Indians

‘Kill Every Buffalo You Can! Every Buffalo Dead Is an Indian Gone’​

The American bison is the new U.S. national mammal, but its slaughter was once seen as a way to starve Native Americans into submission.

The history of the buffalo is entwined with the plight of the Native Americans in the American West. Indian tribes settled these same grasslands centuries later because of the plenteous bison. Native peoples came to rely on the bison for everything from food and clothing to shelter and religious worship. They used almost every part of the animal, including horns, meat and tail hairs.

o make matters worse for wild buffalo, some U.S. government officials actively destroyed bison to defeat their Native American enemies who resisted the takeover of their lands by white settlers. American military commanders ordered troops to kill buffalo to deny Native Americans an important source of food.

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Can black folks get a photo ID?
Or are they too stupid to get a photo ID?
A clear dodge on your part. Or are you saying you get your 'facts' from the Nation of Islam or David Duke?

You're clearly flippantly dismissing arguments on the basis of someone being "anti-semitic" rather than on the merits of the evidence presented. There are many sources that point to significant Jewish involvement in the African slave trade.

Lehman family​

The New York financiers who underwrote the cotton economy, including firms like Lehman Brothers, supported the plantation system, counting investment in slaves as collateral.

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Lehman_family

The Lehman family is a prominent family of Jewish German-Americans


“Money was earned by Jewish communities in South America, partly through slavery, and went to Holland, where Jewish bankers handled it,” he said. “Non-Jews were also complicit, but so were we. I feel partly complicit.”

Though he holds no official position in the Dutch Jewish community, van de Kamp, 65, is among the best-known Orthodox rabbis in the Netherlands, a status earned through his several books on Dutch Jewry and frequent media appearances."

......etc etc etc..Anyone who looks into who were the financiers, the financial muscle behind much of the slave trade, Jews are overrepresented.


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