Blacks Who Accomplished Great Things

Dont lie Tank. You know you hate it. Where do you work that employs all these black people that you think are inferior to you? I think you told on yourself without realizing it. :lol:
See your problem is you think I hate blacks, but I don't because I understand the way they behave is natural, they can't help it.

It would be like hating dogs because thy bark.

Tank your problem is that hate black people. No one spends their time starting racist threads if they are not racist. Everybody on earth knows that. Whats so funny is that you are too dumb to know you are transparent. Were you molested by a black guy as a kid or something?
Alot of white peoples lives are ruined by racist blacks, so I post to wake them up
See your problem is you think I hate blacks, but I don't because I understand the way they behave is natural, they can't help it.

It would be like hating dogs because thy bark.

Tank your problem is that hate black people. No one spends their time starting racist threads if they are not racist. Everybody on earth knows that. Whats so funny is that you are too dumb to know you are transparent. Were you molested by a black guy as a kid or something?
Alot of white peoples lives are ruined by racist blacks, so I post to wake them up

So thats what happened to you? What does that have to do with Blacks being inferior? Who do you think has done the most damage in this world to date? Racist whites or racist blacks?
Tank your problem is that hate black people. No one spends their time starting racist threads if they are not racist. Everybody on earth knows that. Whats so funny is that you are too dumb to know you are transparent. Were you molested by a black guy as a kid or something?
Alot of white peoples lives are ruined by racist blacks, so I post to wake them up

So thats what happened to you? What does that have to do with Blacks being inferior? Who do you think has done the most damage in this world to date? Racist whites or racist blacks?
I have never myself had a personal problem with a black person, but that does not stop me from seeing the big picture.
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This what we both agree on, blacks are hundreds of years behind the white man

Correct. As a group whites have had a 400 year head start.
So, when whites first sailed to Africa, blacks and whites were equal?

Warn me before you change subjects. I was talking about the US. To answer your question however, no not at all. Egyptians for instance were way more advanced economically, spiritually and academically.
Alot of white peoples lives are ruined by racist blacks, so I post to wake them up

So thats what happened to you? What does that have to do with Blacks being inferior? Who do you think has done the most damage in this world to date? Racist whites or racist blacks?
I have never myself had a personal problem with a black person, but that does not stop me from seeing the big picture.

That's not an answer to my question.
This what we both agree on, blacks are hundreds of years behind the white man

Correct. As a group whites have had a 400 year head start.
Way more then 400 years

No. Only 400 hundred give or take a few. You have to remember the Black Moors woke Europe up out of the Dark Ages where they still believed taking baths was evil. They also taught them math and reintroduced them to their lost heritage from the Greeks.
So you work "with" people that are, based on your belief system, innately inferior to you?

You must be living a miserable, tortured existence.

What does it feel like to have to get up everyday and do that?
It's fun, because I understand blacks so well working with them is entertaining, and being around them everyday confirms my believes.

The trick to working with blacks is to not expect much

Ok. Then I can only surmise that you must work in an environment where higher education, professional polish and skill level are not valued or required.

Assuming that this environment that you work is one that employs hourly laborers who are not required to possess any education beyond high school or a GED, do you base your knowledge of what blacks "are like" solely on what you have observed in your workplace?

That being said, I would hope that "the blacks" you work with do not judge all whites based on their observations of and assumptions about you.
You don't judge people on race? And yet you support affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white people!!

AA is used to scale back a centuries of government mandated slavery and Jim Crow when whites had the advantage to establish economic and academic legacies.

Hey illogical moron. The issue was judging people on race and since you support AA, you judge people on race. Whether that is justified is another issue. THINK - insect.

Read the current AA legislation. It pertains to gender, religion, sexual preference and national origin. Race is only one component, and blacks are not the only "minority race" in America.

That being said, gay white people, white people from different countries, and white people of unorthodox religious denominations are included as a protected or underrepresented group by the initiative.

Are you truly as stupid as you appear to be? Or is this just an attempt to be funny on your part?
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I'm not the government, you dick. And YES I do support some aspects of affirmative action based on the fact that it is a checkpoint which ensures that women, the disabled, and minorities are treated fairly as it relates to hiring practices..

Treated fairly??? HAHAHA. The govt orders companies to hire black and not white and you call that fair!!!!!!!!!!

The goverment is currently more focused on hiring military veterans, females, and immigrants from other countries. Read the news, and get out more Beav.

The real world does not revolve around your little peanut brained, "black vs, white" belief system.

So thats what happened to you? What does that have to do with Blacks being inferior? Who do you think has done the most damage in this world to date? Racist whites or racist blacks?

HAHAHA. Hey stupid. Whites gave us cell phones and computers and transcontinental jets and an 85 year life span while blacks gave us the dunk shot. What damage have whites done?. They gave us this amazing world we live in. THINK

So thats what happened to you? What does that have to do with Blacks being inferior? Who do you think has done the most damage in this world to date? Racist whites or racist blacks?

HAHAHA. Hey stupid. Whites gave us cell phones and computers and transcontinental jets and an 85 year life span while blacks gave us the dunk shot. What damage have whites done?. They gave us this amazing world we live in. THINK

Hey idiot. Europeans would have never been able to do that if not for the philosophy, math, and science taught to the Greeks by the Egyptians.

Europeans did however bring us syphilis, measles, scarlet fever, typhoid, typhus, influenza, pertussis (whooping cough), tuberculosis, cholera, diphtheria and chickenpox.

So thats what happened to you? What does that have to do with Blacks being inferior? Who do you think has done the most damage in this world to date? Racist whites or racist blacks?

HAHAHA. Hey stupid. Whites gave us cell phones and computers and transcontinental jets and an 85 year life span while blacks gave us the dunk shot. What damage have whites done?. They gave us this amazing world we live in. THINK

Hey idiot. Europeans would have never been able to do that if not for the philosophy, math, and science taught to the Greeks by the Egyptians.

HAHAHA. Hear that everybody. Now the idiot is telling us egyptians had cell phones? HAHA
HAHAHA. Hey stupid. Whites gave us cell phones and computers and transcontinental jets and an 85 year life span while blacks gave us the dunk shot. What damage have whites done?. They gave us this amazing world we live in. THINK

Hey idiot. Europeans would have never been able to do that if not for the philosophy, math, and science taught to the Greeks by the Egyptians.

HAHAHA. Hear that everybody. Now the idiot is telling us egyptians had cell phones? HAHA

I think you heard wrong. I said Europeans brought us syphilis not cell phones.
HAHAHA. Hear that everybody. Now the idiot is telling us egyptians had cell phones? HAHA

I think you heard wrong. I said Europeans brought us syphilis not cell phones.

Africans brought us AIDS, not math.

Sorry but a white American Robert Rayford was the first documented case of AIDs in the US. So technically Europeans brought us that too even though its outside of the time period we are talking about. Besides AIDS is a disease that originates in apes and mutated to attack humans. No one can really claim credit for that.

Robert Rayford - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Where does Aids come from? | Health24
Hey idiot. Europeans would have never been able to do that if not for the philosophy, math, and science taught to the Greeks by the Egyptians.
One day in the far future there will be a Negro like Asclepias telling everyone how De Dre was a real Doctor

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