Blackwater Founder Say They Can Stop Is.

I bet they want money to do this?


What's the difference between paying millions for our troops to go out and do it or have seasoned vets working for a private contractor do it?

Wanna bet the CIA already has some one them on the ground?
Let the Mercs in there?

Oh, hell, it's worth a try.

Gives us Plausible Deniability and turns the war-dogs loose on those Radical Militant Muslim scum, without worrying overly much about the Geneva Convention, etc.
I bet they want money to do this?


What's the difference between paying millions for our troops to go out and do it or have seasoned vets working for a private contractor do it?

Wanna bet the CIA already has some one them on the ground?

Of course we do, which is why I wonder that you'd make conflicting retorts....They do not fight with ROE's but GI's must..It's called covering your ass...
Absolutely, he would do a better job than Obama. But then the bar's so low compared to Obama's stewardship, we could even throw CGI (Obamacare website) in that list too, LOL.
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And with everyone denying we need troops on the ground, WHEN WE CLEARLY DO to fight THIS battle, mercs might be the only option left.
And with everyone denying we need troops on the ground, WHEN WE CLEARLY DO to fight THIS battle, mercs might be the only option left.
Since Iraq has already declared that they want no US combat troops in Iraq, my guess would be mercenaries also...
We sure are starting to lean kinda heavily upon Mercs for some of our dirty work.

Rather like paying Visigoths and Allamanni and Varangarians to take over the Limes.

What's next?

An American Foreign Legion?

Well, what the hell, it works for France...
I think its a great idea! Then you would have an armed force that is COMPLETELY voluntary (even people in the military cant be fond of the idea of going to war, and most wouldn't go if it was only a volunteer basis). No one would care about having "boots on the ground" if they were private contractors. You could get all the nations who desire to fight ISIS to donate money to fund this operation. If we could pay them 5 billion to eradicate ISIS, wouldn't it be worth it?
What a coincidence! Last night on CBS' Madam Secretary, the main theme was an American embassy being attacked and, because the C-in-C refused to send in regular troops, a "private contractor" was hired to do it. It was "Another Benghazi".

A couple of interesting plots -
The Secretary of State was closely involved in it from the beginning, having personally talked to the ambassador.
The Secretary of State personally found a way to hire the group and personally talked to the CEO.
The entire operation was a success!

Hmmmmm. I thought this might've been a shill for Billary in 2016. But, from what I've seen so far, it could well be just the opposite.
I bet they want money to do this?


What's the difference between paying millions for our troops to go out and do it or have seasoned vets working for a private contractor do it?

Wanna bet the CIA already has some one them on the ground?
Blackwater Baghdad shootings - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
On September 16, 2007, Blackwater Security Consulting (since renamed Academi) military contractors shot at Iraqi civilians killing 17 and injuring 20 in Nisour Square, Baghdad.[1][2] The killings outraged Iraqis and strained relations between Iraq and Washington.
Wonder why they dont get one of the other nations pay them to do it then? My guess was he was at a press conference or something else to utilize as tough guy PR.
Wanna see the ragheads run? NAPALM......nothing more terrifying....just the smell of the chemicals and corpses burned alive are enough to break their morale. Call Dow Chemical....they can kill any kind of rodent ya got. :eusa_shifty:
Let a merc force go in and see to it the ISIS militants are informed that the bullets are dipped in pigs blood and heads will be removed and watch the fighting drop off.
Pull out all American and European forces, dust off the stored Hydrogen Bombs and level the Middle East and North Africa.
I bet they want money to do this?


What's the difference between paying millions for our troops to go out and do it or have seasoned vets working for a private contractor do it?

Wanna bet the CIA already has some one them on the ground?

This country has come a long way. We use paid contractors and foreign mercenaries rather than patriotic citizen volunteers and duty bound conscripts. Shades of the end of the Roman Republic.
Well, as long as they don't have Obama breathing down their necks, why not? It's made up of seasoned vets who know the ropes and won't have those stupid political rules to slow them down.

Read the story @ Blackwater Founder Wants to Fight Ebola ISIS and for the GOP to Get Off Their Ass - The Daily Beast

Just what we need the founder of blackwater is a fundamentalist christian lunatic wants to make this a holy war

Robert Weitzel, in an article titled, “U.S.’s Military Crusade for Christ,” writes that “Prince envisions an evangelical “end time” role for his warriors, “Everybody carries guns, just like Jeremiah rebuilding the temple in Israel—a sword in one hand and a trowel in the other.””

Erik Prince is the founder of private military corporation Blackwater USA.[1] In February 2009, shortly after Blackwater changed its name to "Xe," Prince announced he was stepping down as the company's CEO, but would remain its chair. "I'm a little worn out by the whole thing, the politics of it all," he said. [2]

Prince is a former Navy Seal and a "billionaire right-wing fundamentalist Christian from a powerful Michigan Republican family. A major Republican campaign contributor, he interned in the White House of President George H.W. Bush and campaigned for Pat Buchanan in 1992. He founded the mercenary firm Blackwater USA in 1997 with Gary Jackson, another former Navy SEAL."[3]

Prince's father, Edgar Prince, and Gary Bauer started the Family Research Council, where Prince interned. Prince's sister, Betsy DeVos, is a former chair of the Michigan Republican Party.
Erik Prince - SourceWatch

Blackwater Founder s Visions of Christian Supremacy in Iraq - Kevin Gosztola - Open Salon
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Let the mercs do it.

When the ISIS ISIL forces are eliminated, the Kurds and Iraqis will take over their airstrips, and they can then do the 'March of the 10000' to the sea. Shades of Xenophon (look it up, EC). You could not write this as fiction.

The post-Bush Middle East becomes even weirder.
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