Blatant British Racism against America.

just make sure you get there when it starts this time you codpiece.

Rock on, dude.
Yanks have a habit of being late for wars they don't start.
However, they always win them in Hollywood movies.

United States has won all the wars it has entered. Entire western front during World War II was pretty much carried on the US shoulders.

We won the vietnam war... the North Koreans surrendered to us the day before we were told by the WH that the war was over. It could not be won. Why did our govt lie to us? Why didn't they tell us the N. Vietnamese surrendered? Why did they hide this truth from us? Who were these people working for anyhow? Us or the Communists who infiltrated us. I think we know the answer to that one....

Top military know that we won the Vietnam war. Some of them need to start speaking up!
About the OP and British humor.

I love, love, love Pat Condell! He truly does a brilliant job at humor while delivering a whopping dose of truth. He's hysterical! If you have never listened to Pat Condell it's a must! He's utterly brilliant. Love this guy.

Appeasing Islam - YouTube

Pat Condell in this video mocks his own country and his words are hysterical. You've got to see it to appreciate Condell humor. BRILLIANT.

This one cannot be topped. Condel rules.
England -- Great language creators, piss poor colonialists.

Nice one.
Loads of old bollocks, but nice try.
Britain kept its colonies for a very long time, even creating America whilst we were at it.
Oh fuck, we created America; I see what you mean - we really fucked up there.
Rock on, dude.
Yanks have a habit of being late for wars they don't start.
However, they always win them in Hollywood movies.

United States has won all the wars it has entered. Entire western front during World War II was pretty much carried on the US shoulders.

We won the vietnam war... the North Koreans surrendered to us the day before we were told by the WH that the war was over. It could not be won. Why did our govt lie to us? Why didn't they tell us the N. Vietnamese surrendered? Why did they hide this truth from us? Who were these people working for anyhow? Us or the Communists who infiltrated us. I think we know the answer to that one....

Top military know that we won the Vietnam war. Some of them need to start speaking up!

North Vietnam surrendered, fuck me with a large rubber dildo, I thought they kicked your sorry arses out of their country.
Perhaps you could provide a reliable link to your bullshit.
Billy is funny.
I'm in what many consider to be a third world country but I get 33mbps on a good day, 5 on a crap day.
When will you lot catch up to the Muslim world?
Yeah, I've heard even the third world parts of Britain have fast internet.

I hear so, but I live in Indonesia.
Sorry, Muslim parts of GB might as well be Indonesia, or worse. Anyway, you certainly come off like a winging pom.
United States has won all the wars it has entered. Entire western front during World War II was pretty much carried on the US shoulders.

We won the vietnam war... the North Koreans surrendered to us the day before we were told by the WH that the war was over. It could not be won. Why did our govt lie to us? Why didn't they tell us the N. Vietnamese surrendered? Why did they hide this truth from us? Who were these people working for anyhow? Us or the Communists who infiltrated us. I think we know the answer to that one....

Top military know that we won the Vietnam war. Some of them need to start speaking up!

North Vietnam surrendered, fuck me with a large rubber dildo, I thought they kicked your sorry arses out of their country.
Perhaps you could provide a reliable link to your bullshit.

Yes. North Vietnam surrendered. The American people were never told. Some people know about it. You got lucky. Consider it a learning moment and drop it.
Yeah, I've heard even the third world parts of Britain have fast internet.

I hear so, but I live in Indonesia.
Sorry, Muslim parts of GB might as well be Indonesia, or worse. Anyway, you certainly come off like a winging pom.

I disagree.
The majority of Muslim in the UK are of Pakistani origin; Indonesian Muslims are totally different in attitude to pretty much everything.
In fact, the most commonly heard comment I hear in Indonesia about people from other countries is dislike of Pakistanis.
The general opinion is, Pakistanis are far too harsh in the way they treat religion.
This, like most stereotypes, has a basis in truth but is far from a general truth.
In fact, I've met rather a lot of Pakistanis, some were bloody terrible people, whilst others were very nice.
Sadly, the majority I met were in the former group; my opinion being based on how I found them as individuals, not their race, skin colour or religion.
The culture out there, seemingly mostly in the tribal areas, is one tainted by poor education and more extreme religious clerics.
The city people tend to be better educated and far more moderate in their religious views.
Again, a wild generalization, but one I've personally found to be commonly true.

However, you're making the classic mistake of lumping all Muslims together as one group - a highly inaccurate premise that will always lead to a mistake in your conclusions, as we see here.
Yeah, I've heard even the third world parts of Britain have fast internet.

I hear so, but I live in Indonesia.
Sorry, Muslim parts of GB might as well be Indonesia, or worse. Anyway, you certainly come off like a winging pom.
I love Prague its the go to place for British Stag nights, you can get two blond stunners a cream cake and an STI for the price of a good buffet in atlantic city.
We won the vietnam war... the North Koreans surrendered to us the day before we were told by the WH that the war was over. It could not be won. Why did our govt lie to us? Why didn't they tell us the N. Vietnamese surrendered? Why did they hide this truth from us? Who were these people working for anyhow? Us or the Communists who infiltrated us. I think we know the answer to that one....

Top military know that we won the Vietnam war. Some of them need to start speaking up!

North Vietnam surrendered, fuck me with a large rubber dildo, I thought they kicked your sorry arses out of their country.
Perhaps you could provide a reliable link to your bullshit.

Yes. North Vietnam surrendered. The American people were never told. Some people know about it. You got lucky. Consider it a learning moment and drop it.
Ground control to Major Tom
Ground Control to Major Tom
Take your happy pills
and for fuck sake put your helmet on.
I hear so, but I live in Indonesia.
Sorry, Muslim parts of GB might as well be Indonesia, or worse. Anyway, you certainly come off like a winging pom.

I disagree.
The majority of Muslim in the UK are of Pakistani origin; Indonesian Muslims are totally different in attitude to pretty much everything.
In fact, the most commonly heard comment I hear in Indonesia about people from other countries is dislike of Pakistanis.
The general opinion is, Pakistanis are far too harsh in the way they treat religion.
This, like most stereotypes, has a basis in truth but is far from a general truth.
In fact, I've met rather a lot of Pakistanis, some were bloody terrible people, whilst others were very nice.
Sadly, the majority I met were in the former group; my opinion being based on how I found them as individuals, not their race, skin colour or religion.
The culture out there, seemingly mostly in the tribal areas, is one tainted by poor education and more extreme religious clerics.
The city people tend to be better educated and far more moderate in their religious views.
Again, a wild generalization, but one I've personally found to be commonly true.

However, you're making the classic mistake of lumping all Muslims together as one group - a highly inaccurate premise that will always lead to a mistake in your conclusions, as we see here.
That's why I said "or worse". I realize not all third world shit holes are the same. Some are worse than others, just as some Muslims are worse than others. Almost none are good.

You still come off like a whinging pom though.
I hear so, but I live in Indonesia.
Sorry, Muslim parts of GB might as well be Indonesia, or worse. Anyway, you certainly come off like a winging pom.
I love Prague its the go to place for British Stag nights, you can get two blond stunners a cream cake and an STI for the price of a good buffet in atlantic city.
Nah, not any more. It's gotten too expensive for Brit stag nights. The chavs go to the Baltic states now.
Sorry, Muslim parts of GB might as well be Indonesia, or worse. Anyway, you certainly come off like a winging pom.
I love Prague its the go to place for British Stag nights, you can get two blond stunners a cream cake and an STI for the price of a good buffet in atlantic city.
Nah, not any more. It's gotten too expensive for Brit stag nights. The chavs go to the Baltic states now.
Thats the EU for you stopping the little people getting screwed.
England -- Great language creators, piss poor colonialists.

Don't be absurd, Ed. No-one, and I do mean no-one, has has beaten us when it comes to colonisation. Besides, Americans are just jealous because they haven't got an empire. That, and you're sounding like an Irishman.
You've not seen true comedy until you've watched Frankie Boyle.
piss off have you read Jeremiahs posts

Mate, you wouldn't know British comedy is came up and stabbed you in the balls. I'm sure there are plenty of clips of Monty Python, The Office and all the rest of last year's hat; but don't make me roll deep with Peep Show, Only Fools & Horses and the original Shameless.
This is humor. Classic British (European) humor and I can understand that Americans do not understand it and would call it racist. All you have to do is look at what passes for TV entertainment in this country. Dancing, singing competitions, police shows, hospital shows, reports on entertainment and so-called personalities, entertainment award shows, biased news reporting, vampire shows, etc. Not an intellectual or real humorous show among them. If you ever have the opportunity to watch the BBC or Euro 1 or 2 you may find it interesting as opposed to mind numbing.
The British consistently use such satire and irony against themselves and their own culture. Satire is a mainstay of British humor. If you don't get it, too bad.

We have American comedy on TV here - it's shit.
Humour seems to be something you lot need plastering on with a trowel, not the subtle humour and satire we have in Britain.

Benny Hill isn't what I would call subtle but you're right about American comedy. Its not funny. In fact, it is SO not-funny, they include a laugh track to tell you when to laugh.

I enjoyed British TV. It seemed naive in some ways and yet, the hotels always have some really raunchy porn.

A favorite "reality" show I saw involved a sheep farm during lambing. One episode showed the efforts to revive a stillborn lamb. What I thought was interesting is that all the people were very emotional over the death of this lamb but in the next scene, they were talking about slaughtering the lambs.

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