Bleeding-Heart Suckers!

what good are christains to society that piss all over what Jesus fought and died for?

Jesus died for our sins, so that through him we can go to heaven. He didn't die so that a lazy person could live high on the hog, on other peoples dime.

Matthew 6:26

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

Once again we have someone who wants to tell us about Jesus, but doesn't sound very Christian!

What is forgotten about the cautionary tale of the birds of the air is that the birds really do have to work very hard. They have to look for food every day, they have to scratch it out of the ground, dig for it in tree bark. They must also build their own nests. A bird that sat on a fence post demanding that all the other birds bring him food wouldn't live very long.
pretending Jesus would advocate allowing suffering people to JUST SUFFER is crap.

He would not have whipped the money changers if they were helping the poor instead of exploiting them.

If they money changers had used their influence to help the poor through the government of the time Jesus would NOT have whipped them huh?
Why is it the right wants the most comprehensive way of helping the poor ( through government) to be banned from our society?

because they are either fools fooled by the black hearts or their are the black hearts.
Stop thwarting the VERY essance of your religion.

HELP PEOPLE by any available method.

Stop finding ways to get an OUT from helping your fellow man
Dear PC: the public housing, like the public schools, has been set up and run like a bureaucracy to guarantee jobs and funding contracts without accountability to the public footing the bill.

Historic Example: During the Depression, federal funds and authority were abused to seize 37 acres of private property in the historic district of Freedmen's Town (ironically land that was previously GRANTED to Freed Slaves emancipated in Texas, and now taken back by govt from private owners who fought all the way to the Supreme Court but lost their land) to build public housing which guaranteed paid work for contractors at a time resources were nonexistent. When the War forced all resources to go toward the military effort, the project was allowed to go forward claiming it would be to help military families; so the complex is designated as a national and statewide military historic site because of this, though it was never used to help Vets specifically, just a few tenants who also happen to be Vets.

It took the Civil Rights Act of 1964 before segregation ended and this public housing complex was even open to the poor Black community where this was built, but not until after a lawsuit had to be fought and won. So much for public housing helping the poor minorities! And it took the HOPE VI legislation in 1994-1996 to democratize the management and protect representation and due process for tenants whose rights were constantly violated by rogue public housing authorities who had no check on them to follow the laws, which they didn't. Tenants finally organized and proved several times in court that the public housing authority embezzled or "misappropriated" millions in funding while violating laws and rights of the tenants.

The tenants are still fighting to enforce the laws passed to protect their rights, since they were evicted to prevent them from checking the govt management with a long history of abusing funds and residents to bypass laws for the benefit of their jobs and contracts at public expense (and in this case, destroying irreplaceable national history registered at two sites, both the Allen Parkway public housing which is a landmark to Civil Rights, the Great Depression era, and military history, and the Freedmen's Town District which is also a landmark to the stages of equal Civil Rights for Blacks and for America, starting with Emancipation when the settlement was founded as a cluster of Freed Slave churches, the Civil Rights Era, and now the battle to reclaim the land and rights taken over by govt).

This may be an extreme example, but if you check with other public housing complexes, they have all been used to herd poor minorities around for bureaucrats to keep their govt funded jobs and contracts; and the efforts and legislation passed to free residents up from the cycle of poverty and dependence on govt was CENSORED by govt to keep the system going as is. The efforts the tenants made to lift themselves out of poverty, and become financially and socially independent to get off welfare, included plans to convert public housing into a sustainable CAMPUS with jobs for student interns to provide public and health services for the purpose of GETTING PEOPLE OFF WELFARE. So of course this got censored.
Instead, the housing authority abused federal courts, public resources and authority to evict these residents so the plans and laws could not be enforced, demolish the buildings to redistribute contract money instead of saving an est. $25 million of taxpayers money by renovating the existing units which would have served twice as many families on the waiting list, and block the campus plans (and instead installing their own version which kept the tenants dependent on the govt bureaucrats instead of integrating with surrounding schools to create a system of educating and training residents to become INDEPENDENT of govt).

PC you are right that it is the bureucrats fighting to keep the poor dependent on govt.

What is outrageous here is that the poor residents actually came up with their own plans to become SELF-GOVERNING and independent from welfare; and yet the govt was abused to censor the plans, seize more land to destroy national history instead of preserving the district and the community plans to restore it as a sustainable campus with business development that would support itself, and oppress and violate the people's right to due process, equal representation and protection of interests -- at the expense of both taxpayers' money and national history destroyed by corporate political abuse of govt.

The "poor Black residents" passed federal legislation to fix the problems with public housing
by creating a campus and sustainable development plan for saving national history, and this is how we allow them to be treated - even worse than the former Slaves who originally built the district, who exercised more freedom to develop churches and businesses ON THEIR OWN than the political slaves we are today, waiting for govt and party leaders to save us.

Here is the censored plan:
It is linked to a website for restoring Freedmen's Town as a campus for sustainable jobs in Vet Housing, Health Care and taxpayer restitution as a national model for govt reform:
Freedmen's Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing

This same campus model for integrating military facilities with medical and other health services can be used for Immigration Reform by developing secure business communities along the border using restitution for past violations of criminal, labor, and immigration laws: Earned Amnesty

We cannot change the civil wrongs and abuse of govt in America's colorful political history, but we can use the lessons and solutions to rebuild our economy and save our future.

How many times must our, soft-hearted Liberals be told that the welfare statistics, e.g., "47 million in poverty,"...are totally bogus.

It is a major ploy designed to accrue votes for the corrupt Democrat machine.

Check this out:

1. "Out-of-towners live large at free shelters

2. The Plaza — and the city’s homeless shelters. “People pay $3,000 for an apartment here, and I get to live here for free!” said Michal Jablonowski, 25, who moved back to the city from his native Poland three years ago and is now staying in a Bowery shelter.

3. “I have food. I have health care. It’s great,’’ Jablonowski said. “Here, the city supports you. ....’’ “We get breakfast, lunch and dinner. We have a microwave and TV. They do the laundry for free,” Jablonowski said he even gets a prepaid cellphone — allowing 1,000 texts and 300 minutes a month — through Medicaid and boasted,
“I’m going to get my teeth fixed.”

4. “The shelters are really nice. You have clean sheets. You get to watch TV and stay in the warm. Homeless people have it so good, they don’t want to look for a job.’’

5. “You can arrive in your private jet at Kennedy Airport, take a private limousine and go straight to the shelter system, walk in the door and we’ve got to give you shelter,” the mayor fumed.

6. Taxpayers shell out $3,000 a month to feed, house and provide other services to each homeless person. The average stay in a city shelter is as long as nine months — although there’s no limit.

7. “Some people in here have it better than people working 9 to 5, because they’re not paying rent. I’ve stayed in hostels worse. I call this four stars,” said William Sullivan, who came to the city from LA for a job that fell through. “Everyone in this place has a silver spoon in their mouth. You get fed three to four meals a day, and the food here is great.”

8. “New York is New York! That’s why people come here,” said Amy Kaufman, 41, who is staying in a city-funded Chelsea shelter. “I go to the library, and I go sightseeing a lot in Times Square and Chelsea. I like it here. “I’m staying here for a while because the housing options are better. Michigan is in a recession right now.”

9.. “Survival in Florida was a lot harder than here. There are a lot more resources here for homeless, especially in terms of housing and finding transitional housing,” said Steve Rios, 49, who came up from the Sunshine State. “I left Florida because the environment of the shelters and rules weren’t as good. In Florida, they throw you out quick...."

10. Rios, who is staying at the BRC homeless shelter on West 25th Street, says they give him everything he needs.“We get a cafeteria, a bed and clothing. My case worker is helping me prepare a package for housing,” he said." For free ?four-star? accommodations, come to New York City -

This is "FDR-Heaven".....
....the actualization of his 'Second Bill of Rights.'

And, of can go on forever, as long as those greedy rich pay their fair share.

Worse are the handouts paid by taxpayers to run these bureaucracies, often mixing in private profit and political gain.
1. $15 million in advances taxes paid by the Federal Reserve was supposed to go into preserving historic landmarks and features in the surrounding national historic district where the facilities were built (over a site of a historic hospital demolished and unmarked burials removed for this purpose) Instead the City spent this money on improvements to open up the land for outside developers to move in, so money could be made for corporate interests who influence elections and campaign financing, at the expense of national history which the local nonprofits and historic churches sought to preserve but were told the City "had no funds for preservation."

2. $3.4 million in city grants given to a bogus nonprofit headed by a developer friend of the Mayor at the time (before a conflict of interest was exposed which caused the head of the group to be replaced by someone else so the contract could be maintained)
where the money was used to seize and destroy historic houses and shuffle the money and property to bureaucrats opposed to the residents' plans for preserving the national district through sustainable campus and business development that would end welfare.

3. Est. $8 to $10 million in private profit made at taxpayer expense by selling the historic county hospital AT A LOSS to a developer friend of the same Mayor, who was legally able to demolish the building without following the same laws required of federal govt,
before flipping the land AT A PROFIT to the Federal Reserve. So money was made on both ends of the deal, while laundering property through a private individual to bypass federal preservation laws, thus destroying history and denying the equal protection of local and national interests in preserving the historic community.

And all this time, of course, the govt claims there are "no funds" for historic preservation, or sustainable campus development, while millions in taxpayers' money is made in profits by developers and friends of the Mayor, where all the appointed positions are kept filled by people hostile to the residents' preservation plans.

Can you guess which Party all these Mayors came from whose administrations oversaw the destruction of national Black History in Freedmen's Town at taxpayers' expense? Hmmmm.
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go get a quote from Jesus where he says you need to NOT help people through government?
pretending Jesus would advocate allowing suffering people to JUST SUFFER is crap.

He would not have whipped the money changers if they were helping the poor instead of exploiting them.

If they money changers had used their influence to help the poor through the government of the time Jesus would NOT have whipped them huh?

For an atheist you sure do summon up Jesus' name a lot.

Hypocrite much?
what good are christains to society that piss all over what Jesus fought and died for?

Jesus died for our sins, so that through him we can go to heaven. He didn't die so that a lazy person could live high on the hog, on other peoples dime.

Matthew 6:26

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

Once again we have someone who wants to tell us about Jesus, but doesn't sound very Christian!

Context is everything.

If you think Jesus was telling the people they didn't have to work for anything then you are a fool.
pretending Jesus would advocate allowing suffering people to JUST SUFFER is crap.

He would not have whipped the money changers if they were helping the poor instead of exploiting them.

If they money changers had used their influence to help the poor through the government of the time Jesus would NOT have whipped them huh?

For an atheist you sure do summon up Jesus' name a lot.

Hypocrite much?

I have said many many times here that I consider Jesus one of the great philosophers.

You dont own his ideas do you

now act a little like who you claim is your savior
what good are christains to society that piss all over what Jesus fought and died for?

Are you one of our good Christians....

...or did you vote twice for Bill 'the rapist' Clinton....

...and Barack 'I favor infanticide' Obama?

Just a question.

You don't have to answer if the answer would be embarrassing.....

I am an atheist.

There is NO proof of gods exsistance except in the brains of man.

Jesus was one of our greatest human philosophers.

He preached LOVE not hate.

he whipped the money changers for NOT treating the poor as human beings.

Your party spits all over the poor all day long

you dont own his ideas
what kind of a christain would trash someone for thinking Jesus was smart?

A black heearted christian
PS to be fair, here are two examples of worse corporate handouts and bailouts that cost more (in terms of longterm damage to social and environment structures that will take billions to repair) than all the social entitlements combined (which are easy to pay back in comparison by changing welfare to a microlending or work-study program where recipients have to earn or work off their credits):

A. the corrupt no-bid contracts and destruction of schools, hospital systems and civilian life in Iraq at taxpayers' expense.

P.C. if the Republican Party who pushed for this, without equal check and balance by the citizens opposed to tax-funded war crimes, agreed to pay back taxpayers for the disputed spending that was not agreed on by consent of all the population the govt is supposed to represent the Consent of, then that money could be reinvested in jobs and law enforcement on the border for Vets and training citizens in security and sustainable business development, including medical education and facilities for providing health care through internships and course credits as an tax investment instead of govt-mandated insurance.

B. the hostile takeover and destruction of the Headwaters Redwood Forest, river ecosystem and endangered wildlife in California by the abuse of junk bonds bailed out by taxpayers at an estimated cost of $1.6 billion. If this money was reclaimed as restitution to the public, notes issued against this debt could microfinance jobs and educational training in the restoration work it would take to address the damages to this environmental landmark and ecosystem of endangered species, where the cost of the remediation project could be set as the value of the land, and the notes issued could be used as "state currency" to rebuild the economy of California based on sustainable jobs in restoring precious natural resources.

To educate the public on this issue, I wrote a series of spoofs on popular rock songs with environmental lyrics teaching the political history of the battle to save Headwaters Forest from corporate destruction at taxpayers' expense, and want to use this project to create jobs for artists, musicians and producers to work with recording artists in California to rebuild the economy on a sustainable basis. See
So the money generated by having a series of national contests to produce the best dance videos could help back loans against the debts owed to taxpayers to fund restoration work.
Over time, the work invested in restoring the environment and preventing future abuses and damages, and system of educational jobs and internships would pay back the costs.

How many times must our, soft-hearted Liberals be told that the welfare statistics, e.g., "47 million in poverty,"...are totally bogus.

It is a major ploy designed to accrue votes for the corrupt Democrat machine.

Check this out:

1. "Out-of-towners live large at free shelters

2. The Plaza — and the city’s homeless shelters. “People pay $3,000 for an apartment here, and I get to live here for free!” said Michal Jablonowski, 25, who moved back to the city from his native Poland three years ago and is now staying in a Bowery shelter.

3. “I have food. I have health care. It’s great,’’ Jablonowski said. “Here, the city supports you. ....’’ “We get breakfast, lunch and dinner. We have a microwave and TV. They do the laundry for free,” Jablonowski said he even gets a prepaid cellphone — allowing 1,000 texts and 300 minutes a month — through Medicaid and boasted,
“I’m going to get my teeth fixed.”

4. “The shelters are really nice. You have clean sheets. You get to watch TV and stay in the warm. Homeless people have it so good, they don’t want to look for a job.’’

5. “You can arrive in your private jet at Kennedy Airport, take a private limousine and go straight to the shelter system, walk in the door and we’ve got to give you shelter,” the mayor fumed.

6. Taxpayers shell out $3,000 a month to feed, house and provide other services to each homeless person. The average stay in a city shelter is as long as nine months — although there’s no limit.

7. “Some people in here have it better than people working 9 to 5, because they’re not paying rent. I’ve stayed in hostels worse. I call this four stars,” said William Sullivan, who came to the city from LA for a job that fell through. “Everyone in this place has a silver spoon in their mouth. You get fed three to four meals a day, and the food here is great.”

8. “New York is New York! That’s why people come here,” said Amy Kaufman, 41, who is staying in a city-funded Chelsea shelter. “I go to the library, and I go sightseeing a lot in Times Square and Chelsea. I like it here. “I’m staying here for a while because the housing options are better. Michigan is in a recession right now.”

9.. “Survival in Florida was a lot harder than here. There are a lot more resources here for homeless, especially in terms of housing and finding transitional housing,” said Steve Rios, 49, who came up from the Sunshine State. “I left Florida because the environment of the shelters and rules weren’t as good. In Florida, they throw you out quick...."

10. Rios, who is staying at the BRC homeless shelter on West 25th Street, says they give him everything he needs.“We get a cafeteria, a bed and clothing. My case worker is helping me prepare a package for housing,” he said." For free ?four-star? accommodations, come to New York City -

This is "FDR-Heaven".....
....the actualization of his 'Second Bill of Rights.'

And, of can go on forever, as long as those greedy rich pay their fair share.

I'd say damage done to economy and environment by corporate welfare and irresponsibility is worse
and will cost more to fix. the good news is the solutions will create sustainable jobs to end both
corporate and social welfare, so both problems can be fixed by collaborating on a system of accountability and restitution.
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Are you one of our good Christians....

...or did you vote twice for Bill 'the rapist' Clinton....

...and Barack 'I favor infanticide' Obama?

Just a question.

You don't have to answer if the answer would be embarrassing.....

I am an atheist.

There is NO proof of gods exsistance except in the brains of man.

Jesus was one of our greatest human philosophers.

He preached LOVE not hate.

he whipped the money changers for NOT treating the poor as human beings.

Your party spits all over the poor all day long

you dont own his ideas

Dear PC: If Jesus were here today he'd be hanging out with the most corrupt tax collectors and prostitutes. Guess which Party he'd be working with to save them from themselves?
Did he come for the well or for the sick?

Dear Truthmatters: Jesus also fulfills the natural laws, as Jefferson was a follower who didn't need all the divine/miraculous part of Jesus ministry message or manifestation.

So it is possible to be a Secular Gentile, nontheist/atheist and still be a follower of Christ through the natural laws that govern all humanity. The key is forgiveness.
As long as we seek Justice with Mercy, or Restorative Justice, that is the name or spirit of Christ in secular terms. His connection with universal truth and love fulfills the secular laws of the state equally as the sacred laws of the church.

By Christ or by Conscience, teh people and the govt are ONE joined by embracing the laws.
Same as how the people and church/Bride of Christ are "ONE in Christ" by the law which is the Lord governing the people.

Where we embrace and embody the laws by conscience, and follow them by heart, that is the spirit of Christ in us that makes us neighbors under the laws of Equal Justice for All.
The Jews and the Gentiles, whether under scriptural or civil laws, are made ONE in Christ.
The spirit of the Law or the Lord governs both folds of the one flock, we are two branches of the same tree, and the rest of the tree branches out in many diverse denominations as well.

Take care and thanks for your message.

I hear you and know you are a neighbor in Christ, but under the
branch or fold of the secular gentiles under natural law
even if you do not follow the scriptural laws of the church fold.

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