Bleeding-Heart Suckers!

go get a quote from Jesus where he says you need to NOT help people through government?

We don't prove negatives here.

how can christains be so easily fooled into doing the OPPOSITE of what Jesus wanted them to do?

Because the Bible tells us to rely on God for our needs, not the Government. You're just a thick headed blowhard who loves to distort the meaning of God's word to fit a liberal pro government agenda.
this is not just a christain country.

YOur religion is NOT the government.

didnt Jesus tell you to render unto ceaser what is ceasers?

This country has taxes.

we use those taxes to do what the people vote for.

when your ideas dont win that doesnt mean you get to have your taxes back.

You dissagree with the majority about how the taxes will be spent then you can organize your like vboters and try to change peoples minds.

You still dont get your tax money back.

Your other option is go find a country you like more.

And what is God's to God. See, you need to read the Bible from front to cover. You know squat about Christianity.
go get a quote from Jesus where he says you need to NOT help people through government?

We don't prove negatives here.

if Jesus said something about it then it can be produced.

he didnt

so its time for the right to quit pretending they are doing Jesus' bidding when they fight to keep Americans from helping other Americans through government.

Its a stupid right wing sham.

Jesus said you help people in any way you can.

how can christains be so easily fooled into doing the OPPOSITE of what Jesus wanted them to do?


Where in the Bible does it talk about giving OTHER people's money to charity?
Why can't you give your OWN money to charity, nothing is stopping you.
There is no law saying you have to go through govt taxes in order to do that.

In fact, the Constitutional clearly delineates the role of federal govt
and the three branches of govt. it does not interfere or regulate the activities of the people.
interstate commerce but not rights reserved to the people or to the states.

The Bible says to respect civil laws.
the spirit of Constitutional laws is based on consent of the governed.
So if people don't consent, you need to work out a solution democratically
that does represent the people.

Why are you so dependent on using Govt this way?
is it because you are not affiliated with any church or nonprofit that does the work
you want to see done? they can usually do it more effectively than govt, and without
all this hassle and bureaucracy!

Don't you want more resources going directly into the programs and services?

TM I think I need to show you examples of the kind of work that nonprofits and churches do that are much more effective than govt, and can't be done through govt, so maybe you'll get this, why we need to go through the private sector to handle issues not dump onto govt.

Here is one example:
spiritual healing and therapy, offered freely by nonprofit and nondenominational charities
it cures addiction, cancer, diabetes, trauma from drug and sexual abuse, etc.

you can't require or regulate this through govt because the healing is based on the personal choice of forgiveness which can't be forced or it isn't real and does not work. the reason AA and other methods work is by free will.

So TM as long as you keep pushing all the funding to go through Govt, then people who do more effective spiritual healing and volunteer outreach are losing support because their donors keep having to pay more to govt through higher and higher taxes

So all the mess with prisons, etc which govt pays for which does NOT solve the problems
eats up billions of dollars that could be going into preventative counseling that does.
but if this work is all done personally and spiritually through private programs, then
those are not getting the funds needed to work with people one-on-one.

the annenberg foundation also found that many grassroots groups and smaller schools weren't getting grants that were all going to bigger institutions that could afford professional grant writers to get the govt grants. So the big groups that don't need the money take it from the small groups doing the work for free. my neighborhood nonprofit friends who do all the work to save their communities suffer from this constantly, where the money goes to politicians, to bigger groups, to the public schools and programs and drive out the local
programs that are actually doing all the work and getting no support or credit.

TM that is political reality is this what you want?
big bureaucratic govt that shuffles all the money to programs for political convenience
while the nonprofit groups that do the work can't access funds?

Why not reward taxpayers for investing directly in local programs/solutions
and quit burdening govt with the responsibility for managing all that?

it amazes me you have so much faith in the govt systems that have FAILED
and have proven corrupted and abusive of public funds over and over,
and you don't trust people to invest directly in local programs to do the work DIRECTLY.

I guess you haven't seen the neighborhood programs I've seen threatened to be shut down by competing govt bureaucrats who took the funds for themselves.

One community leader was part of a team and presented his plans to reform the school, and after the group got the grant they kicked him out and used the money for themselves.
now the whole school district is threatened with shut down for THEIR corruption, which
punishes the students and volunteers who were doing all the work to keep their own programs going that were producing top performance academically. So the govt punishes them by denying the working programs resources, due to the failed school programs
that were taking and wasting all the funding instead of letting the working programs be in charge! That's what happens when you feed public money through an unchecked govt bureaucracy.

TM you need to study the public school and public housing fiasco to see how badly this works. I know you mean well but going through govt is asking for disaster. Private groups have more direct accountability to their donors and supporting members, while govt just takes too long to go through the democratic process especially after things go wrong.
it needs to be reserved for global things like interstate highways and commerce and national security etc. but the services and programs which require direct human interaction and
local policies need to be managed locally.

Maybe you mean going through States not federal govt.
States may have better ability to manage local counties and city programs
but even that takes careful management and it still needs to be localized.

TM I have just seen too much stuff go wrong and take too many years to correct
to put things in the hands of govt. there needs to be direct check and balance,
direct due process and representation; the legal and legislative system do not
move or respond fast enough to handle when things go wrong with human health
and services and other things managed better by local groups that know the community
they are serving. Gee whiz.
We don't prove negatives here.

if Jesus said something about it then it can be produced.

he didnt

so its time for the right to quit pretending they are doing Jesus' bidding when they fight to keep Americans from helping other Americans through government.

Its a stupid right wing sham.

Jesus said you help people in any way you can.

how can christains be so easily fooled into doing the OPPOSITE of what Jesus wanted them to do?


Where in the Bible does it talk about giving OTHER people's money to charity?
Why can't you give your OWN money to charity, nothing is stopping you.
There is no law saying you have to go through govt taxes in order to do that.

In fact, the Constitutional clearly delineates the role of federal govt
and the three branches of govt. it does not interfere or regulate the activities of the people.
interstate commerce but not rights reserved to the people or to the states.

The Bible says to respect civil laws.
the spirit of Constitutional laws is based on consent of the governed.
So if people don't consent, you need to work out a solution democratically
that does represent the people.

Why are you so dependent on using Govt this way?
is it because you are not affiliated with any church or nonprofit that does the work
you want to see done? they can usually do it more effectively than govt, and without
all this hassle and bureaucracy!

Don't you want more resources going directly into the programs and services?

TM I think I need to show you examples of the kind of work that nonprofits and churches do that are much more effective than govt, and can't be done through govt, so maybe you'll get this, why we need to go through the private sector to handle issues not dump onto govt.

Here is one example:
spiritual healing and therapy, offered freely by nonprofit and nondenominational charities
it cures addiction, cancer, diabetes, trauma from drug and sexual abuse, etc.

you can't require or regulate this through govt because the healing is based on the personal choice of forgiveness which can't be forced or it isn't real and does not work. the reason AA and other methods work is by free will.

So TM as long as you keep pushing all the funding to go through Govt, then people who do more effective spiritual healing and volunteer outreach are losing support because their donors keep having to pay more to govt through higher and higher taxes

So all the mess with prisons, etc which govt pays for which does NOT solve the problems
eats up billions of dollars that could be going into preventative counseling that does.
but if this work is all done personally and spiritually through private programs, then
those are not getting the funds needed to work with people one-on-one.

the annenberg foundation also found that many grassroots groups and smaller schools weren't getting grants that were all going to bigger institutions that could afford professional grant writers to get the govt grants. So the big groups that don't need the money take it from the small groups doing the work for free. my neighborhood nonprofit friends who do all the work to save their communities suffer from this constantly, where the money goes to politicians, to bigger groups, to the public schools and programs and drive out the local
programs that are actually doing all the work and getting no support or credit.

TM that is political reality is this what you want?
big bureaucratic govt that shuffles all the money to programs for political convenience
while the nonprofit groups that do the work can't access funds?

Why not reward taxpayers for investing directly in local programs/solutions
and quit burdening govt with the responsibility for managing all that?

it amazes me you have so much faith in the govt systems that have FAILED
and have proven corrupted and abusive of public funds over and over,
and you don't trust people to invest directly in local programs to do the work DIRECTLY.

I guess you haven't seen the neighborhood programs I've seen threatened to be shut down by competing govt bureaucrats who took the funds for themselves.

One community leader was part of a team and presented his plans to reform the school, and after the group got the grant they kicked him out and used the money for themselves.
now the whole school district is threatened with shut down for THEIR corruption, which
punishes the students and volunteers who were doing all the work to keep their own programs going that were producing top performance academically. So the govt punishes them by denying the working programs resources, due to the failed school programs
that were taking and wasting all the funding instead of letting the working programs be in charge! That's what happens when you feed public money through an unchecked govt bureaucracy.

TM you need to study the public school and public housing fiasco to see how badly this works. I know you mean well but going through govt is asking for disaster. Private groups have more direct accountability to their donors and supporting members, while govt just takes too long to go through the democratic process especially after things go wrong.
it needs to be reserved for global things like interstate highways and commerce and national security etc. but the services and programs which require direct human interaction and
local policies need to be managed locally.

Maybe you mean going through States not federal govt.
States may have better ability to manage local counties and city programs
but even that takes careful management and it still needs to be localized.

TM I have just seen too much stuff go wrong and take too many years to correct
to put things in the hands of govt. there needs to be direct check and balance,
direct due process and representation; the legal and legislative system do not
move or respond fast enough to handle when things go wrong with human health
and services and other things managed better by local groups that know the community
they are serving. Gee whiz.

"We usually hear about charity in the media when there is a terrible disaster. For example, after Hurricane Katrina, we heard about the incredible outpouring of private generosity that amounted to $6 billion. What gets less attention is that Americans routinely give that much to charity every week. Last year Americans gave $300 billion to charity. To put this into perspective, that is almost twice what we spent on consumer electronics equipment—equipment including cell phones, iPods and DVD players. Americans gave three times as much to charity last year as we spent on gambling and ten times as much as we spent on professional sports. America is by far the most charitable country in the world. There is no other country that comes close."
Silly you....responding to a non-post.

Verbosity does not equal brilliance. You suck really bad. You think that there are mentally stable Americans who want to be on welfare and that they are holding you back. Fucking loser.
Don't you have some helicopter parenting to do?
To answer your question...YES...There are far too many people gaming the system and defrauding the taxpayers.
Get those people out of the system and then social spending will have credibility.

My question is in my signature. Answer it and your incessant whining about those gaming the system might have some credibility.

How many, asshole? How many people do we need to get out of the system? How much of he system's money are they gaming? Numbers, please.

Now....on to this helicopter parent thing. Would you like to discuss what you are trying to say? What prompts you to use that term? I just looked it up as I had never heard it before. Go ahead....get personal. It worked out so well for you last time.
Look, don't think you can outwit me.
You're in the big water.
As for the gamers of the system..Please. I gave examples.
Here are three.
When I drive by the County Social Services office and I see cars in the parking lot that I can't afford, I see people gaming the system.
When I see people in the grocery store with carts full of all kinds of food, whip out Food Stamps and then drive off in a cadillac SUV, I see people gaming the system.
When I see people with a house full of kids and the adult(s) in the household don't work but are spending over $100 per month for satellite tv, I see people gaming the system.
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We don't prove negatives here.

if Jesus said something about it then it can be produced.

he didnt

so its time for the right to quit pretending they are doing Jesus' bidding when they fight to keep Americans from helping other Americans through government.

Its a stupid right wing sham.

Jesus said you help people in any way you can.

how can christains be so easily fooled into doing the OPPOSITE of what Jesus wanted them to do?


Where in the Bible does it talk about giving OTHER people's money to charity?
Why can't you give your OWN money to charity, nothing is stopping you.
There is no law saying you have to go through govt taxes in order to do that.

In fact, the Constitutional clearly delineates the role of federal govt
and the three branches of govt. it does not interfere or regulate the activities of the people.
interstate commerce but not rights reserved to the people or to the states.

The Bible says to respect civil laws.
the spirit of Constitutional laws is based on consent of the governed.
So if people don't consent, you need to work out a solution democratically
that does represent the people.

Why are you so dependent on using Govt this way?
is it because you are not affiliated with any church or nonprofit that does the work
you want to see done? they can usually do it more effectively than govt, and without
all this hassle and bureaucracy!

Don't you want more resources going directly into the programs and services?

TM I think I need to show you examples of the kind of work that nonprofits and churches do that are much more effective than govt, and can't be done through govt, so maybe you'll get this, why we need to go through the private sector to handle issues not dump onto govt.

Here is one example:
spiritual healing and therapy, offered freely by nonprofit and nondenominational charities
it cures addiction, cancer, diabetes, trauma from drug and sexual abuse, etc.

you can't require or regulate this through govt because the healing is based on the personal choice of forgiveness which can't be forced or it isn't real and does not work. the reason AA and other methods work is by free will.

So TM as long as you keep pushing all the funding to go through Govt, then people who do more effective spiritual healing and volunteer outreach are losing support because their donors keep having to pay more to govt through higher and higher taxes

So all the mess with prisons, etc which govt pays for which does NOT solve the problems
eats up billions of dollars that could be going into preventative counseling that does.
but if this work is all done personally and spiritually through private programs, then
those are not getting the funds needed to work with people one-on-one.

the annenberg foundation also found that many grassroots groups and smaller schools weren't getting grants that were all going to bigger institutions that could afford professional grant writers to get the govt grants. So the big groups that don't need the money take it from the small groups doing the work for free. my neighborhood nonprofit friends who do all the work to save their communities suffer from this constantly, where the money goes to politicians, to bigger groups, to the public schools and programs and drive out the local
programs that are actually doing all the work and getting no support or credit.

TM that is political reality is this what you want?
big bureaucratic govt that shuffles all the money to programs for political convenience
while the nonprofit groups that do the work can't access funds?

Why not reward taxpayers for investing directly in local programs/solutions
and quit burdening govt with the responsibility for managing all that?

it amazes me you have so much faith in the govt systems that have FAILED
and have proven corrupted and abusive of public funds over and over,
and you don't trust people to invest directly in local programs to do the work DIRECTLY.

I guess you haven't seen the neighborhood programs I've seen threatened to be shut down by competing govt bureaucrats who took the funds for themselves.

One community leader was part of a team and presented his plans to reform the school, and after the group got the grant they kicked him out and used the money for themselves.
now the whole school district is threatened with shut down for THEIR corruption, which
punishes the students and volunteers who were doing all the work to keep their own programs going that were producing top performance academically. So the govt punishes them by denying the working programs resources, due to the failed school programs
that were taking and wasting all the funding instead of letting the working programs be in charge! That's what happens when you feed public money through an unchecked govt bureaucracy.

TM you need to study the public school and public housing fiasco to see how badly this works. I know you mean well but going through govt is asking for disaster. Private groups have more direct accountability to their donors and supporting members, while govt just takes too long to go through the democratic process especially after things go wrong.
it needs to be reserved for global things like interstate highways and commerce and national security etc. but the services and programs which require direct human interaction and
local policies need to be managed locally.

Maybe you mean going through States not federal govt.
States may have better ability to manage local counties and city programs
but even that takes careful management and it still needs to be localized.

TM I have just seen too much stuff go wrong and take too many years to correct
to put things in the hands of govt. there needs to be direct check and balance,
direct due process and representation; the legal and legislative system do not
move or respond fast enough to handle when things go wrong with human health
and services and other things managed better by local groups that know the community
they are serving. Gee whiz.
TM will never concede your point. She and other lib moonbats believe taxation has other purposes. Including but not limited to, punishment, behavior adjustment, control of business and commerce and of course redistribution of wealth.
How many times must our, soft-hearted Liberals be told that the welfare statistics, e.g., "47 million in poverty,"...are totally bogus.

It is a major ploy designed to accrue votes for the corrupt Democrat machine.

Check this out:

1. "Out-of-towners live large at free shelters

2. The Plaza — and the city’s homeless shelters. “People pay $3,000 for an apartment here, and I get to live here for free!” said Michal Jablonowski, 25, who moved back to the city from his native Poland three years ago and is now staying in a Bowery shelter.

3. “I have food. I have health care. It’s great,’’ Jablonowski said. “Here, the city supports you. ....’’ “We get breakfast, lunch and dinner. We have a microwave and TV. They do the laundry for free,” Jablonowski said he even gets a prepaid cellphone — allowing 1,000 texts and 300 minutes a month — through Medicaid and boasted,
“I’m going to get my teeth fixed.”

4. “The shelters are really nice. You have clean sheets. You get to watch TV and stay in the warm. Homeless people have it so good, they don’t want to look for a job.’’

5. “You can arrive in your private jet at Kennedy Airport, take a private limousine and go straight to the shelter system, walk in the door and we’ve got to give you shelter,” the mayor fumed.

6. Taxpayers shell out $3,000 a month to feed, house and provide other services to each homeless person. The average stay in a city shelter is as long as nine months — although there’s no limit.

7. “Some people in here have it better than people working 9 to 5, because they’re not paying rent. I’ve stayed in hostels worse. I call this four stars,” said William Sullivan, who came to the city from LA for a job that fell through. “Everyone in this place has a silver spoon in their mouth. You get fed three to four meals a day, and the food here is great.”

8. “New York is New York! That’s why people come here,” said Amy Kaufman, 41, who is staying in a city-funded Chelsea shelter. “I go to the library, and I go sightseeing a lot in Times Square and Chelsea. I like it here. “I’m staying here for a while because the housing options are better. Michigan is in a recession right now.”

9.. “Survival in Florida was a lot harder than here. There are a lot more resources here for homeless, especially in terms of housing and finding transitional housing,” said Steve Rios, 49, who came up from the Sunshine State. “I left Florida because the environment of the shelters and rules weren’t as good. In Florida, they throw you out quick...."

10. Rios, who is staying at the BRC homeless shelter on West 25th Street, says they give him everything he needs.“We get a cafeteria, a bed and clothing. My case worker is helping me prepare a package for housing,” he said." For free ?four-star? accommodations, come to New York City -

This is "FDR-Heaven".....
....the actualization of his 'Second Bill of Rights.'

And, of can go on forever, as long as those greedy rich pay their fair share.

Anyone who has been on food stamps and welfare never found it fun. Look at this white winger. Didn't even call it "help".

So many on the right. So many tards. With so many tards, you know they have the market on food stamps and welfare "cornered".
Last edited by a moderator:
How many times must our, soft-hearted Liberals be told that the welfare statistics, e.g., "47 million in poverty,"...are totally bogus.

It is a major ploy designed to accrue votes for the corrupt Democrat machine.

Check this out:

1. "Out-of-towners live large at free shelters

2. The Plaza — and the city’s homeless shelters. “People pay $3,000 for an apartment here, and I get to live here for free!” said Michal Jablonowski, 25, who moved back to the city from his native Poland three years ago and is now staying in a Bowery shelter.

3. “I have food. I have health care. It’s great,’’ Jablonowski said. “Here, the city supports you. ....’’ “We get breakfast, lunch and dinner. We have a microwave and TV. They do the laundry for free,” Jablonowski said he even gets a prepaid cellphone — allowing 1,000 texts and 300 minutes a month — through Medicaid and boasted,
“I’m going to get my teeth fixed.”

4. “The shelters are really nice. You have clean sheets. You get to watch TV and stay in the warm. Homeless people have it so good, they don’t want to look for a job.’’

5. “You can arrive in your private jet at Kennedy Airport, take a private limousine and go straight to the shelter system, walk in the door and we’ve got to give you shelter,” the mayor fumed.

6. Taxpayers shell out $3,000 a month to feed, house and provide other services to each homeless person. The average stay in a city shelter is as long as nine months — although there’s no limit.

7. “Some people in here have it better than people working 9 to 5, because they’re not paying rent. I’ve stayed in hostels worse. I call this four stars,” said William Sullivan, who came to the city from LA for a job that fell through. “Everyone in this place has a silver spoon in their mouth. You get fed three to four meals a day, and the food here is great.”

8. “New York is New York! That’s why people come here,” said Amy Kaufman, 41, who is staying in a city-funded Chelsea shelter. “I go to the library, and I go sightseeing a lot in Times Square and Chelsea. I like it here. “I’m staying here for a while because the housing options are better. Michigan is in a recession right now.”

9.. “Survival in Florida was a lot harder than here. There are a lot more resources here for homeless, especially in terms of housing and finding transitional housing,” said Steve Rios, 49, who came up from the Sunshine State. “I left Florida because the environment of the shelters and rules weren’t as good. In Florida, they throw you out quick...."

10. Rios, who is staying at the BRC homeless shelter on West 25th Street, says they give him everything he needs.“We get a cafeteria, a bed and clothing. My case worker is helping me prepare a package for housing,” he said." For free ?four-star? accommodations, come to New York City -

This is "FDR-Heaven".....
....the actualization of his 'Second Bill of Rights.'

And, of can go on forever, as long as those greedy rich pay their fair share.

Anyone who has been on food stamps and welfare never found it fun. Look at this white winger. Didn't even call it "help".

So many on the right. So many tards. With so many tards, you know they have the market on food stamps and welfare "cornered".

" In fact, since
President Obama took office, federal welfare
spending has increased by 41 percent, more
than $193 billion per year. Despite this government largess, more than 46 million Americans continue to live in poverty. Despite nearly $15
trillion in total welfare spending since Lyndon
Johnson declared war on poverty in 1964, the
poverty rate is perilously close to where we began more than 40 years ago.

Throwing money at the problem has neither
reduced poverty nor made the poor self-sufficient.

….the dramatically larger increase also suggests that part
of the program’s growth is due to conscious
policy choices by this administration to ease
eligibility rules and expand caseloads…."
Last edited by a moderator:
How many times must our, soft-hearted Liberals be told that the welfare statistics, e.g., "47 million in poverty,"...are totally bogus.

It is a major ploy designed to accrue votes for the corrupt Democrat machine.

Check this out:

1. "Out-of-towners live large at free shelters

2. The Plaza — and the city’s homeless shelters. “People pay $3,000 for an apartment here, and I get to live here for free!” said Michal Jablonowski, 25, who moved back to the city from his native Poland three years ago and is now staying in a Bowery shelter.

3. “I have food. I have health care. It’s great,’’ Jablonowski said. “Here, the city supports you. ....’’ “We get breakfast, lunch and dinner. We have a microwave and TV. They do the laundry for free,” Jablonowski said he even gets a prepaid cellphone — allowing 1,000 texts and 300 minutes a month — through Medicaid and boasted,
“I’m going to get my teeth fixed.”

4. “The shelters are really nice. You have clean sheets. You get to watch TV and stay in the warm. Homeless people have it so good, they don’t want to look for a job.’’

5. “You can arrive in your private jet at Kennedy Airport, take a private limousine and go straight to the shelter system, walk in the door and we’ve got to give you shelter,” the mayor fumed.

6. Taxpayers shell out $3,000 a month to feed, house and provide other services to each homeless person. The average stay in a city shelter is as long as nine months — although there’s no limit.

7. “Some people in here have it better than people working 9 to 5, because they’re not paying rent. I’ve stayed in hostels worse. I call this four stars,” said William Sullivan, who came to the city from LA for a job that fell through. “Everyone in this place has a silver spoon in their mouth. You get fed three to four meals a day, and the food here is great.”

8. “New York is New York! That’s why people come here,” said Amy Kaufman, 41, who is staying in a city-funded Chelsea shelter. “I go to the library, and I go sightseeing a lot in Times Square and Chelsea. I like it here. “I’m staying here for a while because the housing options are better. Michigan is in a recession right now.”

9.. “Survival in Florida was a lot harder than here. There are a lot more resources here for homeless, especially in terms of housing and finding transitional housing,” said Steve Rios, 49, who came up from the Sunshine State. “I left Florida because the environment of the shelters and rules weren’t as good. In Florida, they throw you out quick...."

10. Rios, who is staying at the BRC homeless shelter on West 25th Street, says they give him everything he needs.“We get a cafeteria, a bed and clothing. My case worker is helping me prepare a package for housing,” he said." For free ?four-star? accommodations, come to New York City -

This is "FDR-Heaven".....
....the actualization of his 'Second Bill of Rights.'

And, of can go on forever, as long as those greedy rich pay their fair share.

Anyone who has been on food stamps and welfare never found it fun. Look at this white winger. Didn't even call it "help".

So many on the right. So many tards. With so many tards, you know they have the market on food stamps and welfare "cornered".

" In fact, since
President Obama took office, federal welfare
spending has increased by 41 percent, more
than $193 billion per year. Despite this government largess, more than 46 million Americans continue to live in poverty. Despite nearly $15
trillion in total welfare spending since Lyndon
Johnson declared war on poverty in 1964, the
poverty rate is perilously close to where we began more than 40 years ago.

Throwing money at the problem has neither
reduced poverty nor made the poor self-sufficient.

….the dramatically larger increase also suggests that part
of the program’s growth is due to conscious
policy choices by this administration to ease
eligibility rules and expand caseloads…."

By throwing money at poverty, government has made poverty comfortable.
Last edited by a moderator:
These Teabags wouldn't know Christ if he showed up at their mega church with angels flying by His side.

We know what you Obamunists think Jesus looks like....

TM will never concede your point. She and other lib moonbats believe taxation has other purposes. Including but not limited to, punishment, behavior adjustment, control of business and commerce and of course redistribution of wealth.

Hi TINS, I think TM and I could relate to each other and compare notes so we can figure this out, what is the best way to solve problems, including with govt. I believe in equal distribution of KNOWLEDGE for sustainable wealth and income, education and services, not trying to micromanage the wealth or services themselves. Since supply, demand and needs are relative, this is best managed by local communities to represent themselves and directly check and balance decisions made, so problems don't escalate.

My experience is obviously very different from TM. I am working 3 jobs to finance the work of unpaid volunteers fixing the messes made in two districts due to govt corruption and abuses. I still can't cover all the costs, and this is bordering on involuntary servitude. I happen to be very committed to inalienable constitutional principles, and willing to invest my own labor and credit to fix and enforce these things, where other people would not go there but wait on govt, and I am maxing out at my limit of what I can physically cover with the time I have to work in a day and in my life.

So all it would take is for TM to SEE the messes made by govt, and how much work it takes to fix it. Either own up and take on the costs of this wonderful system you so support, or admit it is flawed and is burdening the people suffering to the point of ENSLAVEMENT not just politically but now physically where income from 3 jobs is not enough to cover it (and that is just to pay monthly INTEREST if we get a loan that would still require donations investments or grants to purchase the last 1 to 3 blocks of remaining land, which I propose to use for education training and jobs in residential and commercial development to generate restitutional funds for saving the REMAINING history in the district, since the majority that was already destroyed by govt corruption and abuse can never be repaired or replaced.)

I am a liberal progressive member of the Democrat party working within the community to try to correct the damages and abuses from among the peers and supporters I believe are most responsible for changing this, myself included. I can only do my part though, at some point more fellow Democrats and liberals/progressives are needed to come take up some of this slack; also fellow Constitutionalists who believe as I do in limited government and direct financial responsibility. It would not take much to see what is going on, it just takes connecting with people who are actually in the field suffering the consequences while trying to correct them.

Instead of pointing the finger at other people for why the car is stuck in the ditch, and sinking further in the mud from all the weight, it will take everyone pushing from the same side, not against each other, to get back on the road and on the right track.

I agree with TM on the compassionate concern that people be consistent and commit to helping others especially those in worse conditions, with all means we have available; but TM and I just have different experiences and backgrounds that explain why our perceptions of govt are coming from different directions. I do believe it takes people like TM who have faith in govt to get govt leaders to do the right thing.

NOTE: I would also point out to TM, that if you are having this much trouble convincing people to be more charitable as individuals, how much harder when individuals get stuck in some bureaucracy like govt where they can't make decisions for themselves, or change things at a drop of hat by free will as soon as new information or better solutions come along. How much harder is it to make govt reform itself if you are having this much trouble with individuals who have FREEDOM to decide for themselves and change their minds at will?

Again I live in a neighborhood, a national historic district destroyed because govt got co-opted by hostile developer interests abusing both the govt and legal system to hijack resources denied to the nonprofits and historic preservation groups that would have helped save the history for public interest, the community and our right. Instead public money and authority was abused to totally destroy the district, gut historic graves and evict elderly and poor residents without equal legal defense as the govt bureaucrats using public resources to do their bidding, demolish historic houses and even a church, even giving away corporate handout grants to developers with conflicts of interest who formed a bogus nonprofit group to get millions in taxes to seize land and destroy history, and then wonder why the City claims to have no money for valid nonprofits to purchase and preserve historic property. So if TM wants to come down and talk to neighbors about how long this has been going on, like since the days when slaves were first freed, where there has been ZERO protection by either the legal system or govt system which were both co-opted, I will even pay for airfare and ask a videographer to film the whole tour for this to open TM's eyes and minds to the reality of unchecked govt and corporate abuses at taxpayer expense. This may be like introducing a holocaust denier to see the people who were actually affected by the holocaust and its aftermath. And yes, TM would be gladly invited to join me in trying to set up a program for fixing all this mess.

If you believe in giving your money and control to govt, just take responsibility for fixing when that goes terribly wrong, at the expense of taxpayers and in this case national history that can never be replaced, and I'm fine with that and would surely appreciate more help!!!

We need more people like TM who believe in govt to take responsibility, otherwise nobody would ask but would give up, blame others, and just keep letting the messes continue. I don't believe TM and I are against each other, but just don't have the same information going into why we think and believe as we do; we may actually agree on solutions and just talking past each other!
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These Teabags wouldn't know Christ if he showed up at their mega church with angels flying by His side.

We know what you Obamunists think Jesus looks like....


And now for a trip down memory lane:

a. Susan Sarandon: ”He is a community organizer like Jesus was, and now we’re a community and he can organize us.” The Hill, January 21, 2009

b. David Cordero, 24, made the sculpture for his senior show after noticing all the attention Obama has received: "All of this is a response to what I've been witnessing and hearing, this idea that Barack is sort of a potential savior that might come and absolve the country of all its sins," Cordero said. Sculpture of Obama as Jesus causes stir - politics - Decision '08 - Barack Obama News -

c. "We have an amazing story to tell," she said. "This president has brought us out of the dark and into the light."
Source: Michelle Obama, Campaign rally. April 17, 2012.

d. In its November 22, 2010 issue, Obama has been shown by Newsweek on its cover page with multiple arms balancing several policy issues while raising his left leg mimicking the cosmic dance of the Hindu deity; considered a manifestation of Lord Shiva.
... Newsweek has named Obama "god of all things" on its cover.
SOURCE: Times of India (November 20, 2010).

e. The White House released a photo of Obama with a halo around his head:
Photostream: Business and Pleasure in August | The White House

f. "Obama is standing above the country, above the world. He's sort of GOD."

"In a way Obama is standing above the country, above the world. He's sort of GOD. He's going to bring all different sides together."

- Newsweek editor Evan Thomas

g. EAST POINT, Ga.—The day after Barack Obama was elected president, Larry Younginer knelt in front of the congregants at his suburban Atlanta church and offered a prayer of thanks.
"Lord, we have again come to you in prayer, and you have heard our cries from heaven, and you have sent us again from the state called Illinois, a man called Barack to heal our land," said Younginer, a 62-year-old retired information systems worker at Coca Cola in Atlanta. "We pray that you will build a hedge around him that will protect him from those who would do him harm."
"No one saw him coming, and Christians believe God comes at us from strange angles and places we don't expect, like Jesus being born in a manger."

Some see God's will in Obama win, by Dahleen Glanton. Chicago Tribune November 29, 2008.
Is Barack Obama the Messiah?

h. Spike Lee said President Barack Obama is "not perfect," but that expectations for his first term"were way too high."
“He was a savior, black Jesus,” the actor-director told CNN's Don Lemon in an interview airing inits entirety Saturday. “Look, I don't care who it was. Expectations were way too high.”
Spike Lee: Barack Obama is 'not perfect' -

How to refer to people as stupid, as easily led at these???

Oh...right: 'reliable Democrat voters.'
These Teabags wouldn't know Christ if he showed up at their mega church with angels flying by His side.

We know what you Obamunists think Jesus looks like....


And now for a trip down memory lane:

a. Susan Sarandon: ”He is a community organizer like Jesus was, and now we’re a community and he can organize us.” The Hill, January 21, 2009

b. David Cordero, 24, made the sculpture for his senior show after noticing all the attention Obama has received: "All of this is a response to what I've been witnessing and hearing, this idea that Barack is sort of a potential savior that might come and absolve the country of all its sins," Cordero said. Sculpture of Obama as Jesus causes stir - politics - Decision '08 - Barack Obama News -

c. "We have an amazing story to tell," she said. "This president has brought us out of the dark and into the light."
Source: Michelle Obama, Campaign rally. April 17, 2012.

d. In its November 22, 2010 issue, Obama has been shown by Newsweek on its cover page with multiple arms balancing several policy issues while raising his left leg mimicking the cosmic dance of the Hindu deity; considered a manifestation of Lord Shiva.
... Newsweek has named Obama "god of all things" on its cover.
SOURCE: Times of India (November 20, 2010).

e. The White House released a photo of Obama with a halo around his head:
Photostream: Business and Pleasure in August | The White House

f. "Obama is standing above the country, above the world. He's sort of GOD."

"In a way Obama is standing above the country, above the world. He's sort of GOD. He's going to bring all different sides together."

- Newsweek editor Evan Thomas

g. EAST POINT, Ga.—The day after Barack Obama was elected president, Larry Younginer knelt in front of the congregants at his suburban Atlanta church and offered a prayer of thanks.
"Lord, we have again come to you in prayer, and you have heard our cries from heaven, and you have sent us again from the state called Illinois, a man called Barack to heal our land," said Younginer, a 62-year-old retired information systems worker at Coca Cola in Atlanta. "We pray that you will build a hedge around him that will protect him from those who would do him harm."
"No one saw him coming, and Christians believe God comes at us from strange angles and places we don't expect, like Jesus being born in a manger."

Some see God's will in Obama win, by Dahleen Glanton. Chicago Tribune November 29, 2008.
Is Barack Obama the Messiah?

h. Spike Lee said President Barack Obama is "not perfect," but that expectations for his first term"were way too high."
“He was a savior, black Jesus,” the actor-director told CNN's Don Lemon in an interview airing inits entirety Saturday. “Look, I don't care who it was. Expectations were way too high.”
Spike Lee: Barack Obama is 'not perfect' -

How to refer to people as stupid, as easily led at these???

Oh...right: 'reliable Democrat voters.'

[ame=]SHOCK DISCOVERY! - Gamaliel Foundation Community Organizers pray to President-Elect Barack Obama - YouTube[/ame]

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