Bleeding-Heart Suckers!

FRIDAY, May 18 (HealthDay News) -- One-third of homeless people in the United States are obese, about the same rate as the general population, a new study finds.
It might seem that hunger and lack of food would put homeless people at risk for weighing too little, according to the researchers at Harvard Medical School in Boston and the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom.
One-Third of U.S. Homeless Population Is Obese: Study

You spend most of your time on the internet so I doubt if you know anything of life or poverty. You're probably posting from a cubicle in a government office on the taxpayers dime anyway.
so every hungry person is overweight ?

If an overwieght person actually has no food to eat this week its a good thing?
FRIDAY, May 18 (HealthDay News) -- One-third of homeless people in the United States are obese, about the same rate as the general population, a new study finds.
It might seem that hunger and lack of food would put homeless people at risk for weighing too little, according to the researchers at Harvard Medical School in Boston and the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom.
One-Third of U.S. Homeless Population Is Obese: Study

You spend most of your time on the internet so I doubt if you know anything of life or poverty. You're probably posting from a cubicle in a government office on the taxpayers dime anyway.

"You're probably posting from a cubicle in a government office on the taxpayers dime anyway."

Don't be absurd!

Right now I'm dashing off a note to my attorney to pursue our request that has been declined by the city!

While they allowed us to complete the moat around the castle....they decided not to allow us to add sharks!

Can you imagine????
yeah no one needs help.

Lying is also a sin

Sick chic doesn't care, she's on a mission to condemn the poor. The typical republican "the poor have it made" b.s.

OK, brainless....

Please identify which of the individuals mentioned in the OP you plan to lionize.

And here is my definition of "poor:" no home, no heat, no food.

Do you know of any such?
pretending Jesus would advocate allowing suffering people to JUST SUFFER is crap.

He would not have whipped the money changers if they were helping the poor instead of exploiting them.

If they money changers had used their influence to help the poor through the government of the time Jesus would NOT have whipped them huh?

For an atheist you sure do summon up Jesus' name a lot.

Hypocrite much?

I have said many many times here that I consider Jesus one of the great philosophers.

You dont own his ideas do you

now act a little like who you claim is your savior

It's official. You are stupid!
Jesus never said dont help the poor through government

Did He say the governments job was to help the poor?

Truth is Jesus did not say it was the governments job to help the poor. He specifically said it was our duty not the governments.

I recall Jesus saying God will provide.

Matthew 6
25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

Is government God?
Thanks my friend.

There were many who spoke of peace and love who didnt agree that Jesus was the one adn only savior.

I love them too.

I will never stand for anyone who tries to convince others and themselves to be compassionless to others no matter what duplicity they use.

They are the enimies of mankind no maatter what clothes they dress up in.

Thier hearts are black

1. that is why unconditional forgiveness is so powerful, that it even includes the hypocrites and oppressors and transforms the most hardened hearts and minds.

The best way we can witness and share this compassion is to have it for others,
especially those we think least deserve it.

As one story stated it, if mercy were deserved it would be justice.
Where it is not deserved, that is what makes it mercy.

That is the meaning of Grace that Christianity teaches of through Christ,
completely unconditional and not depending on anyone to earn it.

We receive it by forgiveness, by asking for help to forgive, not by earning forgiveness.

2. as for Jesus being the only Savior,
there are many Messengers bringing the one Message.
So I agree there are many people who help the different audiences, tribes, nations and cultures to receive universal Truth.

What Jesus means as the unique and universal Messiah is
Equal Justice and Mercy for all humanity as one collective spirit including all of us.

So we can all be one, united in harmony in Christ Jesus or connected by conscience.
That one connection for all humanity is the unique role that Jesus is used to represent.
So defined that way, yes, there is one central focus where all humanity is joined as one.
The spirit of universal Truth and Justice which brings spiritual Peace for all Humanity.

this truth CAN be expressed in infinitely diverse ways, as unique as every person and every culture on the planet, and still be from one central Source which God represents.

For all humanity to receive Jesus means for all of us to receive "Divine Justice with Mercy" through Divine Forgiveness that brings Healing Grace that saves us from the vicious cycle of past suffering. We can either repeat this past through "retributive justice" (such as judging and dividing from others in rejection) or rebuild and restore relations through "restorative justice" which Jesus represents as fulfilling laws instead of abusing them for political gain.

For Jesus to be universal, and for Equal Justice Under Law to be universal, these must represent the same thing in order to include all humanity. Or else they are not universal!

When we forgive each other, that is where we can work together to correct the wrongs.
If we judge and divide from each other, in unforgiveness, our relations end in war or hell.
So we can choose the higher path of compassion and build heaven on earth by making peace, or we can blame each other for problems, go in circles, and make living hell on earth.

the choice of asking help with forgiveness, especially where we see there is injustice and it is not deserved, is the greatest act of love, charity and compassion we do as human beings.

That is the Christian message and I believe you have it.
See also in Timothy that those who do not provide for their own households
are worse than infidels.

The civil laws recognize the free and separate roles of churches and religions to serve in their respective capacities. And the Bible calls for believers to respect civil laws and authority as other human institutions. The Constitutional laws clearly define and limit the roles of govt, and even provide the Bill of Rights to check and balance and separate from the jurisdiction and power of the people and the states. We need to enforce the laws we have and quit abusing govt to do the work of teh churches. We can even use political parties to support the programs of their constituents' choices and beliefs, and quit pushing it as public policy.

Jesus never said dont help the poor through government

Did He say the governments job was to help the poor?

Truth is Jesus did not say it was the governments job to help the poor. He specifically said it was our duty not the governments.

I recall Jesus saying God will provide.

Matthew 6
25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

Is government God?

some people use political parties as a substitute for having church structure. And then the parties abuse govt to push their political agenda when they could organize all the work and resources through their party, to represent and fund the policies of their choice.
so every hungry person is overweight ?

If an overwieght person actually has no food to eat this week its a good thing?

Who do you personally know that has no food? I knew one person in my lifetime that didn't have a whole lot, but he ate at least once a day. I helped him out until I got him a dream job at the company I worked for. He worked one day and said he quit because he missed his girlfriend. Mind I tell you it was a daytime 8:00 to 5:00 m-f. I never helped him out again, he never worked a job for more than a couple of days, because he didn't want to. I'm totally against helping people like that. He was also able to work. Now if someone really needs help i'm all for it, but I have a feeling alot of people on welfare are just like him.
how christainy of you to be a black heart con who spews hate on people wanting to help others

Why don't you take in a few homeless people and let them live with you and feed them and let them watch tv all day and do their laundry for them and take them to the doctor and the dentist and buy their clothes until the day they die. If you care soooo much.

From what I've seen, all you do is sit on the computer all day spewing bullshit.
Idiot OP followed by the best and brightest of the nutters here being held at bay by TM for a hundred posts. It must be said that these same shining stars have avoided Emily like the plague. Wonder why?

Worth the price of admission, wouldn't you say?
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Idiot OP followed by the best and brightest of the nutters here being held at bay by TM for a hundred posts. It must be said that these same shining stars have avoided Emily like the plague. Wonder why?

Worth the price of admission, wouldn't you say?

What an .....'interesting'....non-post.
See also in Timothy that those who do not provide for their own households
are worse than infidels.

The civil laws recognize the free and separate roles of churches and religions to serve in their respective capacities. And the Bible calls for believers to respect civil laws and authority as other human institutions. The Constitutional laws clearly define and limit the roles of govt, and even provide the Bill of Rights to check and balance and separate from the jurisdiction and power of the people and the states. We need to enforce the laws we have and quit abusing govt to do the work of teh churches. We can even use political parties to support the programs of their constituents' choices and beliefs, and quit pushing it as public policy.

Jesus never said dont help the poor through government

Did He say the governments job was to help the poor?

Truth is Jesus did not say it was the governments job to help the poor. He specifically said it was our duty not the governments.

I recall Jesus saying God will provide.

Matthew 6
25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

Is government God?

some people use political parties as a substitute for having church structure. And then the parties abuse govt to push their political agenda when they could organize all the work and resources through their party, to represent and fund the policies of their choice.

" The Constitutional laws clearly define and limit the roles of govt,...."

Did you find the section that give the federal government a role in creating a welfare industry?
Idiot OP followed by the best and brightest of the nutters here being held at bay by TM for a hundred posts. It must be said that these same shining stars have avoided Emily like the plague. Wonder why?

Worth the price of admission, wouldn't you say?

What an .....'interesting'....non-post.

Silly you....responding to a non-post.

Verbosity does not equal brilliance. You suck really bad. You think that there are mentally stable Americans who want to be on welfare and that they are holding you back. Fucking loser.

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