Bleeding-Heart Suckers!

but the babies in nest are fed by other birds huh?

Also the mother protects their young, and wouldn't kill it in the womb.

so you suggest women be treated just like animals?

Funny that you should mention that....'s exactly direction that secular universities endorse.

They imply that humans are no different from animals, and should behave as such.

"On Feb. 21, the 600 Northwestern University students enrolled in the popular Human Sexuality course taught by professor John Michael Bailey were told that if they wished to stay after class -- it was clearly made optional -- they would see a live demonstration of female ejaculation, the subject of that day's class. A naked young woman (not a student) would demonstrate a "f---saw" and come to orgasm in front of the students. About 120 students stayed.When word came out about this contribution to young people's understanding of life, the university defended it. Its official spokesman, Al Cubbage, released this statement: "Northwestern University faculty members engage in teaching and research on a wide variety of topics, some of them controversial and at the leading edge of their respective disciplines. The university supports the efforts of its faculty to further the advancement of knowledge." …In Bailey's class and Mr. Cubbage's statement, we have reached the logical culmination of the '60s and '70s. Instead of studying Dead White European Males, students get to study a young white living female ejaculating with a f---saw…. For four years, the American college student is taught that human beings are animals…. the exhibition is no different than watching a female baboon having sex."$50,000_orgasm/page/2

Glad you brought that up.
show me where in the bilbe Jesus says you cant use government to help the poor?

Jesus wouldn't support a goverment that allowed the
murder of over a million of his baby's. A goverment that supports gay marrige, or a group of liberals keeping people on goverment assistance for a vote. Sorry tm, he would run you out of the temple. Also i've never read where jesus said in the bible, that it's goverments job to take care of everyone.
I am an atheist.

There is NO proof of gods exsistance except in the brains of man.

Jesus was one of our greatest human philosophers.

He preached LOVE not hate.

he whipped the money changers for NOT treating the poor as human beings.

Your party spits all over the poor all day long

you dont own his ideas

Dear PC: If Jesus were here today he'd be hanging out with the most corrupt tax collectors and prostitutes. Guess which Party he'd be working with to save them from themselves?
Did he come for the well or for the sick?

Dear Truthmatters: Jesus also fulfills the natural laws, as Jefferson was a follower who didn't need all the divine/miraculous part of Jesus ministry message or manifestation.

So it is possible to be a Secular Gentile, nontheist/atheist and still be a follower of Christ through the natural laws that govern all humanity. The key is forgiveness.
As long as we seek Justice with Mercy, or Restorative Justice, that is the name or spirit of Christ in secular terms. His connection with universal truth and love fulfills the secular laws of the state equally as the sacred laws of the church.

By Christ or by Conscience, teh people and the govt are ONE joined by embracing the laws.
Same as how the people and church/Bride of Christ are "ONE in Christ" by the law which is the Lord governing the people.

Where we embrace and embody the laws by conscience, and follow them by heart, that is the spirit of Christ in us that makes us neighbors under the laws of Equal Justice for All.
The Jews and the Gentiles, whether under scriptural or civil laws, are made ONE in Christ.
The spirit of the Law or the Lord governs both folds of the one flock, we are two branches of the same tree, and the rest of the tree branches out in many diverse denominations as well.

Take care and thanks for your message.

I hear you and know you are a neighbor in Christ, but under the
branch or fold of the secular gentiles under natural law
even if you do not follow the scriptural laws of the church fold.

I believe you might want to direct this to my pal Ms. Truthie....

I didn't bring Jesus into the discussion, she did.
what good are christains to society that piss all over what Jesus fought and died for?

Are you one of our good Christians....

...or did you vote twice for Bill 'the rapist' Clinton....

...and Barack 'I favor infanticide' Obama?

Just a question.

You don't have to answer if the answer would be embarrassing.....

I am an atheist.

There is NO proof of gods exsistance except in the brains of man.

Jesus was one of our greatest human philosophers.

He preached LOVE not hate.

he whipped the money changers for NOT treating the poor as human beings.

Your party spits all over the poor all day long

The real crime of the money changers was monetary manipulation.

As the temple could not accept Roman coinage, in order to purchase animals suitable etc for religious sacrifice, one had to first get ripped off by the money changers of the Temple in order to buy these specially sanctified animals.

The fact that the same kind of creeps now control our entire society is not without some some delicious irony.
show me where in the bilbe Jesus says you cant use government to help the poor?

Help me with this one....

Why are you bringing up Jesus when the essence of the OP is that lazy, shiftless individuals are taking advantage of working folks so that they can sight-see, and lounge around.

Are you suggestinlg that you aren't incensed at such outright thievery?

C'mon now......'fess up.
Stop thwarting the VERY essance of your religion.

HELP PEOPLE by any available method.

Stop finding ways to get an OUT from helping your fellow man

See....I knew we'd agree!

Let's get government out of welfare!


Because government welfare programs create poverty.

1. Prior to the War on Poverty, black families remained intact, and the vast majority of black babies were born into two-parent families, with a 28% illegitimacy rate in 1965. Then 49% in ’75; 65% in ’90; 75% in ’95. See also The Weekend Interview with Walter Williams: The State Against Blacks -

2. . The government conducted a study, 1971-1978 known as the Seattle-Denver Income Maintenance Experiment, or SIME-DIME, in which low income families were give a guaranteed income, a welfare package with everything liberal policy makers could hope for.

Result: for every dollar of extra welfare given, low income recipients reduced their labor by 80 cents.

a. Further results: dissolution of families: “This conclusion was unambiguously unfavorable to advocates of a negative income tax that would cover married couples, for two important reasons.

First, increased
marital breakups among the poor would increase the numbers on
welfare and the amount of transfer payments, principally because the
separated wife and children would receive higher transfer payments.

Second, marital dissolutions and the usual accompanying absence of
fathers from households with children are generally considered unfavorable outcomes regardless of whether or not the welfare rolls increase.”

b. “When families received guaranteed income at 90% of the poverty level, there was a 43% increase in black family dissolution and a 63% increase in white family dissolution. At 125% of the poverty levels, dissolutions were 75% and 40%.”
Robert B. Carleson, “Government Is The Problem,” p. 57.

How'd I do? Home run, right?
(I'm listening to the Yankee opener as we speak.)
Also the mother protects their young, and wouldn't kill it in the womb.

so you suggest women be treated just like animals?

Funny that you should mention that....'s exactly direction that secular universities endorse.

They imply that humans are no different from animals, and should behave as such.

"On Feb. 21, the 600 Northwestern University students enrolled in the popular Human Sexuality course taught by professor John Michael Bailey were told that if they wished to stay after class -- it was clearly made optional -- they would see a live demonstration of female ejaculation, the subject of that day's class. A naked young woman (not a student) would demonstrate a "f---saw" and come to orgasm in front of the students. About 120 students stayed.When word came out about this contribution to young people's understanding of life, the university defended it. Its official spokesman, Al Cubbage, released this statement: "Northwestern University faculty members engage in teaching and research on a wide variety of topics, some of them controversial and at the leading edge of their respective disciplines. The university supports the efforts of its faculty to further the advancement of knowledge." …In Bailey's class and Mr. Cubbage's statement, we have reached the logical culmination of the '60s and '70s. Instead of studying Dead White European Males, students get to study a young white living female ejaculating with a f---saw…. For four years, the American college student is taught that human beings are animals…. the exhibition is no different than watching a female baboon having sex."$50,000_orgasm/page/2

Glad you brought that up.
Women have no more control over their reproductive system than animals. Women are dogs in a constant state of heat. They get with litter and have no idea how it happens. They are simply driven to constantly and uncontrollably fuck. Dogs aren't that bad. Mangy cur bitches will snap at a male dog. Women have lost that ability.

You're not very well informed.

As a group, America's poor are far from being chronically undernourished. The average consumption of protein, vitamins, and minerals is virtually the same for poor and middle-class children and, in most cases, is well above recommended norms. Poor children actually consume more meat than do higher-income children and have average protein intakes 100 percent above recommended levels. Most poor children today are, in fact, supernourished and grow up to be, on average, one inch taller and 10 pounds heavier than the GIs who stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II.
How Poor Are America's Poor? Examining the "Plague" of Poverty in America
FRIDAY, May 18 (HealthDay News) -- One-third of homeless people in the United States are obese, about the same rate as the general population, a new study finds.
It might seem that hunger and lack of food would put homeless people at risk for weighing too little, according to the researchers at Harvard Medical School in Boston and the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom.
One-Third of U.S. Homeless Population Is Obese: Study
would Jesus have whipped the money changers if they were using the government of the time to feed hungry people?

This county habors the worst christains in the world.

I love the Ghandi quote of when he was asked what he thought about christainity in America.

His answer was "It would be a good idea".

Jesus would not condon your black hearted post
The Lord helps those who help themselves. Remember that, shit for brains.

The Lord would not condone fleecing others while you sit on your dead beat ass.

Jesus would not condone you being judgemental and quoting him either as you call people shit for brains.

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