Bleeding-Heart Suckers!

Idiot OP followed by the best and brightest of the nutters here being held at bay by TM for a hundred posts. It must be said that these same shining stars have avoided Emily like the plague. Wonder why?

Worth the price of admission, wouldn't you say?

What an .....'interesting'....non-post.

Silly you....responding to a non-post.

Verbosity does not equal brilliance. You suck really bad. You think that there are mentally stable Americans who want to be on welfare and that they are holding you back. Fucking loser.

I can't begin to tell you how intimidated I am by your vulgarity.

Enough chit-chat....time to put you in your place.
Idiot OP?

Yet you were unable to discuss any errors in same....or explain any disagreements.... you must be a lower level than 'idiot.'

The Post article reveals the excesses of Liberal welfare programs.....

...and your response? An oh-so-insightful "idiot OP."

It appears the true idiot has been revealed.
Put it on your resume.
What an .....'interesting'....non-post.

Silly you....responding to a non-post.

Verbosity does not equal brilliance. You suck really bad. You think that there are mentally stable Americans who want to be on welfare and that they are holding you back. Fucking loser.

I can't begin to tell you how intimidated I am by your vulgarity.

Enough chit-chat....time to put you in your place.
Idiot OP?

Yet you were unable to discuss any errors in same....or explain any disagreements.... you must be a lower level than 'idiot.'

The Post article reveals the excesses of Liberal welfare programs.....

...and your response? An oh-so-insightful "idiot OP."

It appears the true idiot has been revealed.
Put it on your resume.

You never learn. That "article" is essentially a fictional account. It is sensationalist journalism at best. The asshole who wrote it clearly wants to get idiots like you all pumped up.

You will believe just about long as it "affirms" your fucked up world view. Try harder, dummy.
would Jesus have whipped the money changers if they were using the government of the time to feed hungry people?

This county habors the worst christains in the world.

I love the Ghandi quote of when he was asked what he thought about christainity in America.

His answer was "It would be a good idea".

Jesus would not condon your black hearted post
The Lord helps those who help themselves. Remember that, shit for brains.

The Lord would not condone fleecing others while you sit on your dead beat ass.

I challenge you to give me ANYWHERE in the Bible where it says that God helps those who help themselves, either in the OT or in anything that Jesus said.

Good luck finding it, it's not there.

The phrase "God helps those who help themselves" is a popular motto that emphasizes the importance of self-initiative.

The phrase originated in ancient Greece, occurring in approximately equivalent form as the moral to one of Aesop's Fables, Hercules and the Waggoner, and later in the great tragedy authors of ancient Greek drama. Although it has been commonly attributed to Benjamin Franklin, the modern English wording appears earlier in Algernon Sidney's work.

The phrase is often mistaken for a Bible quote, but it appears nowhere in the Bible. Some Christians have criticized the expression as being contrary to the Bible's message of God's grace.

God helps those who help themselves - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
how christainy of you to be a black heart con who spews hate on people wanting to help others

Dear dingbat...There is no WANT to help others in this instance. The funding is TAKEN from the producers by government so that lazy good for nothing gamers of the system can live in relative comfort while real working people are struggling to make ends meet.
Again (christainy) learn how to spell.
Stupid wench.
did Jesus say that?

was he for the guy too old or sick to be allowed to starve to death?

the orphan too?

Why waste money on those old people. Just give them a pill and let um die

[ame=]Obama to Jane Sturm: Hey, take a pill - YouTube[/ame]
Idiot OP followed by the best and brightest of the nutters here being held at bay by TM for a hundred posts. It must be said that these same shining stars have avoided Emily like the plague. Wonder why?

Worth the price of admission, wouldn't you say?

What an .....'interesting'....non-post.

Silly you....responding to a non-post.

Verbosity does not equal brilliance. You suck really bad. You think that there are mentally stable Americans who want to be on welfare and that they are holding you back. Fucking loser.
Don't you have some helicopter parenting to do?
To answer your question...YES...There are far too many people gaming the system and defrauding the taxpayers.
Get those people out of the system and then social spending will have credibility.
What an .....'interesting'....non-post.

Silly you....responding to a non-post.

Verbosity does not equal brilliance. You suck really bad. You think that there are mentally stable Americans who want to be on welfare and that they are holding you back. Fucking loser.
Don't you have some helicopter parenting to do?
To answer your question...YES...There are far too many people gaming the system and defrauding the taxpayers.
Get those people out of the system and then social spending will have credibility.

My question is in my signature. Answer it and your incessant whining about those gaming the system might have some credibility.

How many, asshole? How many people do we need to get out of the system? How much of he system's money are they gaming? Numbers, please.

Now....on to this helicopter parent thing. Would you like to discuss what you are trying to say? What prompts you to use that term? I just looked it up as I had never heard it before. Go ahead....get personal. It worked out so well for you last time.
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Silly you....responding to a non-post.

Verbosity does not equal brilliance. You suck really bad. You think that there are mentally stable Americans who want to be on welfare and that they are holding you back. Fucking loser.

I can't begin to tell you how intimidated I am by your vulgarity.

Enough chit-chat....time to put you in your place.
Idiot OP?

Yet you were unable to discuss any errors in same....or explain any disagreements.... you must be a lower level than 'idiot.'

The Post article reveals the excesses of Liberal welfare programs.....

...and your response? An oh-so-insightful "idiot OP."

It appears the true idiot has been revealed.
Put it on your resume.

You never learn. That "article" is essentially a fictional account. It is sensationalist journalism at best. The asshole who wrote it clearly wants to get idiots like you all pumped up.

You will believe just about long as it "affirms" your fucked up world view. Try harder, dummy.

"....essentially a fictional account."

It names names.

This proves you to be a lying dolt.

Since your best argument is "Is not, is not...." you must be one one the suckers identified in the title.

Hurt, eh?
go get a quote from Jesus where he says you need to NOT help people through government?

Dear TM:
1. The Lord loves a CHEERFUL giver. When we give out of God's love it is UNCONDITIONAL. So if people do not give freely out of CHARITY that is not giving, it becomes extortion in the case of threats of penalties by the IRS (which does not always follow due process and is not always constitutional in its practices) against the free will of the people.

2. The Bible instructs us to respect civil laws, authorities and human institutions.
So where the Civil Laws respect religious freedom to fund and support policies according to one's beliefs, and not be forced to endorse support or fund someone else's private religious beliefs, this applies to political beliefs where there are religious differences.

The same way pro-choice advocates don't want to pay for or fund anti-choice policies in conflict with personal beliefs, pro-life advocates don't want to either! Same with people on both sides of gun regulation, or immigration policies, or the death penalty, gay marriage, etc.

It is AGAINST constitutional laws of equal protection (14th amendment), religious freedom (1st amendment) and 10th amendment rights reserved to people and states, among others.

So if we are to follow the SPIRIT of civil or constitutional laws, we will respect the religious freedom and beliefs of our neighbors and NOT abuse govt and especially NOT taxation to impose conflicting policies against the beliefs of our neighbors who have a different approach to solving the same problems WITHOUT violating those beliefs.

You can call this equal free exercise "separation of church and state" equal protection of the laws or whatever. It means respecting the free will of others.

If God respects our free will and free choice, certainly we can do the same.
If the civil laws recognize our free will to "choose" in the case of abortion, without fear of penalty by law for making that choice, certainly we should respect people's choices in general about health care choices instead of penalizing people who don't buy insurance, for example.

Our country is in the political mess we are in right now, because we have forgotten our laws and started abusing politics and govt to force and bully policies against the will and consent of half the nation. Both parties are guilty of this. Two wrongs don't make a right.

There is a concept called "no taxation without representation" that our country was founded upon. So we need to practice what we preach, and not just where it is politically convenient.

If people have disagreements on policy, we should go through our respective political parties and use representation, funding and policies there to enact the programs that are consistent with our views and beliefs, and not impose these on other groups doing things differently.

Jesus said to render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and unto God that which is God's.

So this is another way of respecting civil laws and church laws, and not mixing them.

You can't mandate religious charity through govt.
That should be freely given through the church so people take responsibility
for which people they are attending to. there is not enough accountability through
govt to handle people case by case, so this needs to be done locally through nonprofits,
schools or churches who can service individuals and cater to their spiritual and personal
issues that are creating the dependency. Govt is not in that business. We need to separate
the roles and not misdirect resources or force mandates where it is not appropriate.

See the Code of Ethics for Govt Service ( about govt employees
employing the most economical or efficient means of getting tasks accomplished (paraphrased).
Since this laws was passed unanimously by Congress in 1980, it is part of the civil laws.
So we are supposed to respect those. it is best to find the charities or businesses/schools which provide the
most effective programs for weaning people off dependence on charities or govt, and let those be in charge instead.

That would remove the social burden from federal govt which needs to focus on
issues of national defense and security, which churches CANNOT do, and interstate commerce
to reduce debts spending and taxes, and push more responsibility to local states and people
to handle their own population issues democratically and not overburden federal govt trying to
represent all this under one policy when every state is so diverse and has different programs to address those needs.

3. under civil laws, we redress grievances by democratic due process.

This does not mean to keep shoving the offending policy down someone's throat while they are petitioning and protesting. This is not equal defense protection or representation, but puts more burden on one side to defend their beliefs from imposition, instead of treating the two sides of the conflict equally, and accommodating input from them both BEFORE making a policy decision.

We should stop the offense and resolve the conflict BEFORE enforcing the policy or threatening to. If both sides did this, we would make decisions by consensus and inclusion, not bullying and exclusion which otherwise abuses the First and 14th Amendment.
We would actually enforce constitutional laws consistently instead of violating them by imposing policies that dissenters don't agree with religiously.

The equivalent in the Bible is Matthew 18:15-20.

We are in fact engaging in that process here, because humans tend to follow this by natural laws, by conscience. When we have objections or perceived grievances or trespasses, we tend to protest and petition our neighbors to correct the problem. We do this naturally.

So for democratic due process, we should complete this process and reach a consensus BEFORE making a public policy that everyone is required to follow.

basically the civil laws are a social contract between people and govt based on consent of the governed. So to fulfill and enforce the constitutional/civil laws, which are based on natural laws of human nature and governance of social relations, we should respect informed consent and not resort to political bullying by coercion or exclusion to make laws.

that goes against human nature and causes disruption of the peace.
So if we respect the equal peace justice and freedom of others equally as ourselves,
the right to assembly peaceably in society, and the equal right to security, then we
would not threaten to impose on people's beliefs by abuse of either church or state authority.

4. lastly the golden rule of reciprocity
Jesus and the Bible say to love others as ourselves, and to love others as Jesus loves us.

So if you do not like people pushing their agenda abusing either church or state authority to impose things against your beliefs and free will, it is wise and natural NOT to do so to others.
Again that is just natural law. To treat others with equal love and respect we enjoy as well.

The law of reciprocity is found in every belief system.
We would be more consistent if we practiced constitutional laws the same way,
and respected and enforced the same rights/freedoms/laws for ourselves and others euqally.
this would fulfill the 1st and 14th amendment, as well as protect the other laws from violation.

You can petition people to change their minds, but abusing force of law or threat of govt penalty to impose a policy against their beliefs is both a violation of constitutional laws and ethics and is contrary to the laws about treating others as you want to be treated. It is hypocrisy because I don't know a single human being who enjoys being forced to do something against their beliefs by an outside party, but will naturally protest and petition until the conflict is resolved and they feel their free will is being included and respected.

that is just human nature, our laws are based on that, and we need to respect each other.
I believe we share the same values here, so I hope this makes sense to you.

I am also a secular Gentile under natural laws, which I believe Jesus fulfills equally as the scriptural laws.
I agree that we should help our neighbors, and just ask that you be consistent with your approach.
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this is not just a christain country.

YOur religion is NOT the government.

didnt Jesus tell you to render unto ceaser what is ceasers?

This country has taxes.

we use those taxes to do what the people vote for.

when your ideas dont win that doesnt mean you get to have your taxes back.

You dissagree with the majority about how the taxes will be spent then you can organize your like vboters and try to change peoples minds.

You still dont get your tax money back.

Your other option is go find a country you like more.
go get a quote from Jesus where he says you need to NOT help people through government?

We don't prove negatives here.

if Jesus said something about it then it can be produced.

he didnt

so its time for the right to quit pretending they are doing Jesus' bidding when they fight to keep Americans from helping other Americans through government.

Its a stupid right wing sham.

Jesus said you help people in any way you can.

how can christains be so easily fooled into doing the OPPOSITE of what Jesus wanted them to do?
would Jesus have whipped the money changers if they were using the government of the time to feed hungry people?

This county habors the worst christains in the world.

I love the Ghandi quote of when he was asked what he thought about christainity in America.

His answer was "It would be a good idea".

Jesus would not condon your black hearted post

2 Thessalonians 3:11-12
For we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not busy at work, but busybodies. Now such persons we command and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to earn their own living.

Proverbs 12:27
Whoever is slothful will not roast his game, but the diligent man will get precious wealth.

1 Thessalonians 4:10-12
For that indeed is what you are doing to all the brothers throughout Macedonia. But we urge you, brothers, to do this more and more, and to aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you, so that you may walk properly before outsiders and be dependent on no one.

1 Thessalonians 5:14
And we urge you, brothers, admonish the idle, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all.
Tm, Jesus wouldn't support a goverment that wants to keep people on welfare from cradle to grave, all for a vote. Jesus wouldn't want the goverment to take half of what people earn, and then distribute it as it pleases. Jesus wouldn't support a goverment that pays to kill his children. Jesus wouldn't support a goverment that supports gay marrige. Jesus wouldn't support a goverment that took prayer out of his schools. Jesus wouldn't support a goverment that claims seperation of church and state. Jesus wouldn't support a goverment that wants to take the provisions a man can use to protect his family. Jesus wouldn't support a goverment that indocturnates it's children with social issues, instead of a usefull education. Tm, jesus would condem your goverment, so just shut up about your ignorant views.
What an .....'interesting'....non-post.

Silly you....responding to a non-post.

Verbosity does not equal brilliance. You suck really bad. You think that there are mentally stable Americans who want to be on welfare and that they are holding you back. Fucking loser.

I can't begin to tell you how intimidated I am by your vulgarity.

Enough chit-chat....time to put you in your place.
Idiot OP?

Yet you were unable to discuss any errors in same....or explain any disagreements.... you must be a lower level than 'idiot.'

The Post article reveals the excesses of Liberal welfare programs.....

...and your response? An oh-so-insightful "idiot OP."

It appears the true idiot has been revealed.
Put it on your resume.

this is not just a christain country.

YOur religion is NOT the government.

didnt Jesus tell you to render unto ceaser what is ceasers?

This country has taxes.

we use those taxes to do what the people vote for.

when your ideas dont win that doesnt mean you get to have your taxes back.

You dissagree with the majority about how the taxes will be spent then you can organize your like vboters and try to change peoples minds.

You still dont get your tax money back.

Your other option is go find a country you like more.

What you don't grasp is that we don't vote for taxes or programs.
Congress votes for programs that will ensure them votes from people who benefit from those programs. In order to pay for these programs, they extort taxes from those who's votes they have pretty much written off.
It's a numbers game of how many votes can they get for the least votes lost.

Programs like Affirmative Action gained 12% of the population off the top, and cost only the votes of a few of angry white guys who feel they missed out on a college admission or a job due to quotas.
this is not just a christain country.

YOur religion is NOT the government.

didnt Jesus tell you to render unto ceaser what is ceasers?

This country has taxes.

we use those taxes to do what the people vote for.

when your ideas dont win that doesnt mean you get to have your taxes back.

You dissagree with the majority about how the taxes will be spent then you can organize your like vboters and try to change peoples minds.

You still dont get your tax money back.

Your other option is go find a country you like more.

Actually TM, if you set up your own business you can deduct business expenses off your taxes and invest wherever you choose. So if you set up a school as a business that trains people to provide services, then you can make sure your resources go toward what you believe.

There is no need to go through govt as a third party.

How frustrating and costly is it in comparison to
1. pay toward the campaign of the reps you believe support your approach to govt
2. pay for the lobbying campaigns to push for the legislation
3. and then still have to pay for the programs that do what you want to see done
4. while you also pay taxes that may or may not go into the things you believe in

Why not pay directly into the programs to begin with?
Doesn't have to be through a church, can be through a nonprofit or a business which I find is better since business expenses are 100% deductible but nonprofit donations are not.
go get a quote from Jesus where he says you need to NOT help people through government?

Dear TM:
1. The Lord loves a CHEERFUL giver. When we give out of God's love it is UNCONDITIONAL. So if people do not give freely out of CHARITY that is not giving, it becomes extortion in the case of threats of penalties by the IRS (which does not always follow due process and is not always constitutional in its practices) against the free will of the people.

2. The Bible instructs us to respect civil laws, authorities and human institutions.
So where the Civil Laws respect religious freedom to fund and support policies according to one's beliefs, and not be forced to endorse support or fund someone else's private religious beliefs, this applies to political beliefs where there are religious differences.

The same way pro-choice advocates don't want to pay for or fund anti-choice policies in conflict with personal beliefs, pro-life advocates don't want to either! Same with people on both sides of gun regulation, or immigration policies, or the death penalty, gay marriage, etc.

It is AGAINST constitutional laws of equal protection (14th amendment), religious freedom (1st amendment) and 10th amendment rights reserved to people and states, among others.

So if we are to follow the SPIRIT of civil or constitutional laws, we will respect the religious freedom and beliefs of our neighbors and NOT abuse govt and especially NOT taxation to impose conflicting policies against the beliefs of our neighbors who have a different approach to solving the same problems WITHOUT violating those beliefs.

You can call this equal free exercise "separation of church and state" equal protection of the laws or whatever. It means respecting the free will of others.

If God respects our free will and free choice, certainly we can do the same.
If the civil laws recognize our free will to "choose" in the case of abortion, without fear of penalty by law for making that choice, certainly we should respect people's choices in general about health care choices instead of penalizing people who don't buy insurance, for example.

Our country is in the political mess we are in right now, because we have forgotten our laws and started abusing politics and govt to force and bully policies against the will and consent of half the nation. Both parties are guilty of this. Two wrongs don't make a right.

There is a concept called "no taxation without representation" that our country was founded upon. So we need to practice what we preach, and not just where it is politically convenient.

If people have disagreements on policy, we should go through our respective political parties and use representation, funding and policies there to enact the programs that are consistent with our views and beliefs, and not impose these on other groups doing things differently.

Jesus said to render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and unto God that which is God's.

So this is another way of respecting civil laws and church laws, and not mixing them.

You can't mandate religious charity through govt.
That should be freely given through the church so people take responsibility
for which people they are attending to. there is not enough accountability through
govt to handle people case by case, so this needs to be done locally through nonprofits,
schools or churches who can service individuals and cater to their spiritual and personal
issues that are creating the dependency. Govt is not in that business. We need to separate
the roles and not misdirect resources or force mandates where it is not appropriate.

See the Code of Ethics for Govt Service ( about govt employees
employing the most economical or efficient means of getting tasks accomplished (paraphrased).
Since this laws was passed unanimously by Congress in 1980, it is part of the civil laws.
So we are supposed to respect those. it is best to find the charities or businesses/schools which provide the
most effective programs for weaning people off dependence on charities or govt, and let those be in charge instead.

That would remove the social burden from federal govt which needs to focus on
issues of national defense and security, which churches CANNOT do, and interstate commerce
to reduce debts spending and taxes, and push more responsibility to local states and people
to handle their own population issues democratically and not overburden federal govt trying to
represent all this under one policy when every state is so diverse and has different programs to address those needs.

3. under civil laws, we redress grievances by democratic due process.

This does not mean to keep shoving the offending policy down someone's throat while they are petitioning and protesting. This is not equal defense protection or representation, but puts more burden on one side to defend their beliefs from imposition, instead of treating the two sides of the conflict equally, and accommodating input from them both BEFORE making a policy decision.

We should stop the offense and resolve the conflict BEFORE enforcing the policy or threatening to. If both sides did this, we would make decisions by consensus and inclusion, not bullying and exclusion which otherwise abuses the First and 14th Amendment.
We would actually enforce constitutional laws consistently instead of violating them by imposing policies that dissenters don't agree with religiously.

The equivalent in the Bible is Matthew 18:15-20.

We are in fact engaging in that process here, because humans tend to follow this by natural laws, by conscience. When we have objections or perceived grievances or trespasses, we tend to protest and petition our neighbors to correct the problem. We do this naturally.

So for democratic due process, we should complete this process and reach a consensus BEFORE making a public policy that everyone is required to follow.

basically the civil laws are a social contract between people and govt based on consent of the governed. So to fulfill and enforce the constitutional/civil laws, which are based on natural laws of human nature and governance of social relations, we should respect informed consent and not resort to political bullying by coercion or exclusion to make laws.

that goes against human nature and causes disruption of the peace.
So if we respect the equal peace justice and freedom of others equally as ourselves,
the right to assembly peaceably in society, and the equal right to security, then we
would not threaten to impose on people's beliefs by abuse of either church or state authority.

4. lastly the golden rule of reciprocity
Jesus and the Bible say to love others as ourselves, and to love others as Jesus loves us.

So if you do not like people pushing their agenda abusing either church or state authority to impose things against your beliefs and free will, it is wise and natural NOT to do so to others.
Again that is just natural law. To treat others with equal love and respect we enjoy as well.

The law of reciprocity is found in every belief system.
We would be more consistent if we practiced constitutional laws the same way,
and respected and enforced the same rights/freedoms/laws for ourselves and others euqally.
this would fulfill the 1st and 14th amendment, as well as protect the other laws from violation.

You can petition people to change their minds, but abusing force of law or threat of govt penalty to impose a policy against their beliefs is both a violation of constitutional laws and ethics and is contrary to the laws about treating others as you want to be treated. It is hypocrisy because I don't know a single human being who enjoys being forced to do something against their beliefs by an outside party, but will naturally protest and petition until the conflict is resolved and they feel their free will is being included and respected.

that is just human nature, our laws are based on that, and we need to respect each other.
I believe we share the same values here, so I hope this makes sense to you.

I am also a secular Gentile under natural laws, which I believe Jesus fulfills equally as the scriptural laws.
I agree that we should help our neighbors, and just ask that you be consistent with your approach.


Simple yet very subtle approach to laziness and apathy brought on by the want and need, and the inability to provide that want and need except though the government:

Thessalonians 3:10

For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.

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