Blindness and Denial: the Hope of Today's Christian

Jesus wasnt the messiah. He was just a bastard child with a liar for a mother.
Prove it...
Come to TN and we will take my time machine for a spin.
OK... so you make a statement you can't prove, and then act like it's a joke... whatever.
It is a joke.
Jesus wasnt the messiah, obviously. Most of the prophecy didnt come true. Also, the jewish messiah is to be a man. That kinda kicks his story of being gods son in the nuts donit?
Of course that's all just your opinion. You can't prove any of it, and it goes against what's written in the Bible.

As far as what prophecies have come true, that depends greatly on who you ask. The vast majority would disagree with you.

Your opinions haven't kicked anything in the nuts.
and it goes against what's written in the Bible.

- what's written in the Bible ...

what other publication is there that verifies anything written in the christian bible, any original documents written and preserved from the 1st century ... there is nothing but what they madeup in the 4th century that is nothing more than a political document disguised as a religion.

and historically used by its followers for their own selfserving purposes.
Jesus wasnt the messiah. He was just a bastard child with a liar for a mother.
Prove it...
Come to TN and we will take my time machine for a spin.
OK... so you make a statement you can't prove, and then act like it's a joke... whatever.
It is a joke.
Jesus wasnt the messiah, obviously. Most of the prophecy didnt come true. Also, the jewish messiah is to be a man. That kinda kicks his story of being gods son in the nuts donit?
Of course that's all just your opinion. You can't prove any of it, and it goes against what's written in the Bible.

As far as what prophecies have come true, that depends greatly on who you ask. The vast majority would disagree with you.

Your opinions haven't kicked anything in the nuts.
To be sure, the majority of Christians believe that some prophesies are not fulfilled. Only a minority believe that all of them are fulfilled.

The majority contradict scripture to embrace their opinion. For example, they have to ignore - or even deny - Christ's words when he says that in his generation, while some in the audience he was addressing were still alive, all the prophesies would come to pass.

The minority read scripture bearing in mind such time statements and audience relevance.

And history, of course, attests to the fulfillment of these prophesies. The age indeed came to an end. When the temple burned, rendering impotent the law - all of it, ceremonial, civil, and dietary - the fledgling church, having sprouted its green shoots, was now ready to bloom. Summer time had come (Lk 21:29-33).
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Prove it...
Come to TN and we will take my time machine for a spin.
OK... so you make a statement you can't prove, and then act like it's a joke... whatever.
It is a joke.
Jesus wasnt the messiah, obviously. Most of the prophecy didnt come true. Also, the jewish messiah is to be a man. That kinda kicks his story of being gods son in the nuts donit?
Of course that's all just your opinion. You can't prove any of it, and it goes against what's written in the Bible.

As far as what prophecies have come true, that depends greatly on who you ask. The vast majority would disagree with you.

Your opinions haven't kicked anything in the nuts.
Him not fulfilling jewish prophecy isnt an opinion. The messianic age didnt happen and humans dont return to life after thousands of years.
Again, thats not opinion.
If that's not opinion, then at least one of your facts is wrong. The Messianic Age did happen.

In the New Testament, Josephus, and elsewhere we find mounds of evidence for a messianic fervor in the first century.
Come to TN and we will take my time machine for a spin.
OK... so you make a statement you can't prove, and then act like it's a joke... whatever.
It is a joke.
Jesus wasnt the messiah, obviously. Most of the prophecy didnt come true. Also, the jewish messiah is to be a man. That kinda kicks his story of being gods son in the nuts donit?
Of course that's all just your opinion. You can't prove any of it, and it goes against what's written in the Bible.

As far as what prophecies have come true, that depends greatly on who you ask. The vast majority would disagree with you.

Your opinions haven't kicked anything in the nuts.
Him not fulfilling jewish prophecy isnt an opinion. The messianic age didnt happen and humans dont return to life after thousands of years.
Again, thats not opinion.
If that's not opinion, then at least one of your facts is wrong. The Messianic Age did happen.

In the New Testament, Josephus, and elsewhere we find mounds of evidence for a messianic fervor in the first century.
World peace? Lol
World to come? Lol
The whole world will worship the one god of israel?
No, i dont think that has happened. Nor do the jews.
OK... so you make a statement you can't prove, and then act like it's a joke... whatever.
It is a joke.
Jesus wasnt the messiah, obviously. Most of the prophecy didnt come true. Also, the jewish messiah is to be a man. That kinda kicks his story of being gods son in the nuts donit?
Of course that's all just your opinion. You can't prove any of it, and it goes against what's written in the Bible.

As far as what prophecies have come true, that depends greatly on who you ask. The vast majority would disagree with you.

Your opinions haven't kicked anything in the nuts.
Him not fulfilling jewish prophecy isnt an opinion. The messianic age didnt happen and humans dont return to life after thousands of years.
Again, thats not opinion.
If that's not opinion, then at least one of your facts is wrong. The Messianic Age did happen.

In the New Testament, Josephus, and elsewhere we find mounds of evidence for a messianic fervor in the first century.
World peace? Lol
World to come? Lol
The whole world will worship the one god of israel?
No, i dont think that has happened. Nor do the jews.
And I don't think you've read the Bible.
It is a joke.
Jesus wasnt the messiah, obviously. Most of the prophecy didnt come true. Also, the jewish messiah is to be a man. That kinda kicks his story of being gods son in the nuts donit?
Of course that's all just your opinion. You can't prove any of it, and it goes against what's written in the Bible.

As far as what prophecies have come true, that depends greatly on who you ask. The vast majority would disagree with you.

Your opinions haven't kicked anything in the nuts.
Him not fulfilling jewish prophecy isnt an opinion. The messianic age didnt happen and humans dont return to life after thousands of years.
Again, thats not opinion.
If that's not opinion, then at least one of your facts is wrong. The Messianic Age did happen.

In the New Testament, Josephus, and elsewhere we find mounds of evidence for a messianic fervor in the first century.
World peace? Lol
World to come? Lol
The whole world will worship the one god of israel?
No, i dont think that has happened. Nor do the jews.
And I don't think you've read the Bible.
Apparently you havent either
Of course that's all just your opinion. You can't prove any of it, and it goes against what's written in the Bible.

As far as what prophecies have come true, that depends greatly on who you ask. The vast majority would disagree with you.

Your opinions haven't kicked anything in the nuts.
Him not fulfilling jewish prophecy isnt an opinion. The messianic age didnt happen and humans dont return to life after thousands of years.
Again, thats not opinion.
If that's not opinion, then at least one of your facts is wrong. The Messianic Age did happen.

In the New Testament, Josephus, and elsewhere we find mounds of evidence for a messianic fervor in the first century.
World peace? Lol
World to come? Lol
The whole world will worship the one god of israel?
No, i dont think that has happened. Nor do the jews.
And I don't think you've read the Bible.
Apparently you havent either
Well, we're done, then. You are not the one to enlighten me.
Him not fulfilling jewish prophecy isnt an opinion. The messianic age didnt happen and humans dont return to life after thousands of years.
Again, thats not opinion.
If that's not opinion, then at least one of your facts is wrong. The Messianic Age did happen.

In the New Testament, Josephus, and elsewhere we find mounds of evidence for a messianic fervor in the first century.
World peace? Lol
World to come? Lol
The whole world will worship the one god of israel?
No, i dont think that has happened. Nor do the jews.
And I don't think you've read the Bible.
Apparently you havent either
Well, we're done, then. You are not the one to enlighten me.
I shouldnt have to. All you have to do is read the bible. Its clear
Note what the apostles said to their contemporaries:

Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son; (Heb 1:1-2)

In speaking of a new covenant, he makes the first one obsolete. And what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away; (Heb 8:13)

You have laid up treasure in the last days; (Jas 5:3)

He was foreknown before the foundation of the world but was made manifest in the last times for the sake of you; (1 Pt 1:20)

For it is time for judgment to begin at the household of God; (1 Pt 4:17)

Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour. (1 Jn 2:18)​

These last days
; is becoming obsolete; have laid up; was made manifest; it is time; it is the last hour. These expressions are in the present and past tenses. The last days came and went.

Jesus said to his disciples that some of them would still be alive when he returned (Mt 16:28). Again, this is clearly a first-century reference.

Many of the eschatological passages of the New Testament are in the future tense, obviously written before the end of the age in 70 AD. Futurists fixate on these passages and apply them to their own generations. This is not hermeneutics; it's wishful thinking. As is the idea that Christ's return must be corporeal. It's not scripture; it's fantasy.

Modern Christians willfully deny the Scriptures. They're willfully blinded by its message. They believe that fulfilled prophecy somehow denies them a sense of hope. (As if the Bible's message to 21st-century Christians is hope instead of peace.)

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