Blinker testifying before Congress.

Probably because Donald and his trumpkins are clowns
You are looking at an administration right now that is the most inept in this country's history, and you have the gall to call Trump, and his supporters clowns?

F*** you!

You clowns through the Biden administration left thousands of American's, and green card holders stranded behind enemy lines....Clown's?

I hope you get Covid.
Haven't watched. It is a clown show.....BY BOTH PARTIES. Pubs will ask tough questions and then do NOTHING. Standard operating procedure inside the beltway. Its why I voted Trump. And its why I will vote for ANYONE who runs for POTUS that is not a career, insider, scum bag, corrupt, criminal politician.
What do you propose Republicans do? Blinken should be impeached but the DEMs have no testicular fortitude.
What do you propose Republicans do? Blinken should be impeached but the DEMs have no testicular fortitude.
Well, Republican's better find some by God! It no longer is time to go along to get along...That's what has allowed lying liberals to ruin this country for the past 70 years.
What a f****** liar! Good Gawd! How can he say what he said in the face of each one of those dead Marines, Army, and Navy personal that died? I hope he burns in hell.
i can't stand him either...can't we do better than this CONNIVING SNAKE?
Blinken should be fired on the spot.
Defense Secretary Austin should be given the chance to resign before he is fired.
Chairman of the Jt Chiefs of Staff Milley should not be given that option and should be fired immediately.
USCENTCOM Commander McKenzie should be relieved of command immediately and told to retire.
Biden should be given the opportunity to step down voluntarily of removed from office via the 25th Amendment.
The 25th Amendment does not remove him from office, but merely transfers power to the VP who is Acting President.
I didn't watch it.

Did the moron justiy what the US is giving our tax money to the fucking Taliban? Because that is really dumb. Like really really really dumb. Of course we have an idiot in the White House so we can expect idiotic things.
Seems like it. I watched one of the embedded clips above and it seems his excuse was that "Congress isn't in session" Not sure how that is an excuse of they are having an official congressional hearing
What do you propose Republicans do? Blinken should be impeached but the DEMs have no testicular fortitude.
Neither do the pubs. No doubt in my mind if they had the house and senate they still wouldn't do jack shit. Their history shows it. Don't get me wrong, they are a little better than the dems. Maybe a tad less corrupt, but still corrupt none the less.
Find somewhat? I was talking about the DEMs. They control Congress.

Sorry, just supremely pissed by what I watched...I was inartfully trying to say that Republican's better find some testicular fortitude. They will take control of Congress in about one year, and by God, they'd better step up.
Neither do the pubs. No doubt in my mind if they had the house and senate they still wouldn't do jack shit. Their history shows it. Don't get me wrong, they are a little better than the dems. Maybe a tad less corrupt, but still corrupt none the less.
You obviously are not familiar with the constitutional requirements to impeach and remove someone from the executive or judicial branches. Perhaps after next November, the new Congress will have the numbers needed for Republicans to clean house of the criminally stupid DEMs.

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