blm and antifa are democratic milita

Want to know why that is not true? No one in the democratic party is afraid of them. A Trumpbot's worst nightmare is to get on the wrong side of the deplorables. As openly hostile as they are to democrats, liberals and minorities they save their most caustic bile for turncoats. This tracks with the Aryan nation killing each other far more than their designated scapegoats.
Want to know why that is not true? No one in the democratic party is afraid of them. A Trumpbot's worst nightmare is to get on the wrong side of the deplorables. As openly hostile as they are to democrats, liberals and minorities they save their most caustic bile for turncoats. This tracks with the Aryan nation killing each other far more than their designated scapegoats.

It is very true and easily proven they are the democrat militia.

Democrats have no problems publicly, brutally and harshly try to destroy anyone they don't like. But they have never once in 18 months even tried to discourage antifa BLM destruction. Even the president seeing them destroy towns and ruin communities, block streets, attack citizens and police, etc has never even tried to say a negative thing about them or stop them

The fact they do absolutely nothing about them shows they approve of what they are doing.
It is very true and easily proven they are the democrat militia.

Democrats have no problems publicly, brutally and harshly try to destroy anyone they don't like. But they have never once in 18 months even tried to discourage antifa BLM destruction. Even the president seeing them destroy towns and ruin communities, block streets, attack citizens and police, etc has never even tried to say a negative thing about them or stop them

The fact they do absolutely nothing about them shows they approve of what they are doing.
as always Langley shill Occupied gets his ass handed to him on a platter.LOL
It is very true and easily proven they are the democrat militia.

Democrats have no problems publicly, brutally and harshly try to destroy anyone they don't like. But they have never once in 18 months even tried to discourage antifa BLM destruction. Even the president seeing them destroy towns and ruin communities, block streets, attack citizens and police, etc has never even tried to say a negative thing about them or stop them

The fact they do absolutely nothing about them shows they approve of what they are doing.
I guess you feel the need to lie because your case is so poor or maybe you only hear what you want to hear or maybe you only listen to people who tell you lies. In any case it is on you.

Though Biden voiced support for protesters’ right to demonstrate, he has consistently condemned violence, including acts linked to activists from Black Lives Matter and antifa, a political movement of far-left militants who oppose neo-Nazis and white supremacists at demonstrations and other events.

Here are five of his statements to that effect last summer.
Yes, I agree, Antifa and BLM are demonRats militia

As the FBI and CIA are the Rats Stasi or Secret Police, enforcing their criminal laws.

Hello Germany 1930s!!!!!!
It is very true and easily proven they are the democrat militia.

Democrats have no problems publicly, brutally and harshly try to destroy anyone they don't like. But they have never once in 18 months even tried to discourage antifa BLM destruction. Even the president seeing them destroy towns and ruin communities, block streets, attack citizens and police, etc has never even tried to say a negative thing about them or stop them

The fact they do absolutely nothing about them shows they approve of what they are doing.
There is not a mainstream liberal/democrat that would ever say that those who engage in violence/looting /vandalism have any place in the party. The right cannot say that.
BLM and antifa are proof that the human brain can't handle the stronger pot that circulates these days. This is the most fucked up generation ever.
Studies have shown that smoking pot is a big culprit in lowering testosterone levels in men. Adding to the girly man bun phenomenon.

True story.
Studies have shown that smoking pot is a big culprit in lowering testosterone levels in men. Adding to the girly man bun phenomenon.

True story.
I had four kids as far as the ones I was told about and I have smoked weed for 43 years and still going strong.
Just more equivocation from the Neo-GOP propagandist.

If you listen to them, riots over racial tension never happened before the reign of El'Presidente. Them Dems' never rioted under Obama, ever! It just to make Trump look bad.

They really think the flock is stupid.
Studies have shown that smoking pot is a big culprit in lowering testosterone levels in men. Adding to the girly man bun phenomenon.

True story.
Don't blame the men. They are just doing the thing that gets attractive young women to spend time with them. You think I wanted to dress like Saturday Night Fever and have an afro?
Don't blame the men. They are just doing the thing that gets attractive young women to spend time with them. You think I wanted to dress like Saturday Night Fever and have an afro?
At least you dressed hip and smelled good. The man bun crew of today look like they need a shower and smell like skunk.
At least you dressed hip and smelled good. The man bun crew of today look like they need a shower and smell like skunk.
The worst waste of energy in the world is getting personally insulted by social trends.
The worst waste of energy in the world is getting personally insulted by social trends.
Who is insulted? They choose to smoke weed that smells like skunk. It’s a choice and an observation. Nothing more.

But it adds to lower testosterone levels. Which is a growing issue of this generation.

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